The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 744 047. You Should Call My Princess 1 Aunt Huang

Chapter 744 047. You Should Call My Princess Aunt Nine Emperors
Chu Jing.

One day has passed since the Yuehu assassination incident, and Chu Limo's people failed to find the whereabouts of Guiyoumen in Chujing this time.It was as if they had never appeared in Chu Jing before.

This situation made Chu Limo pull a cold smile from the corner of his mouth.There is also a very challenging 'interest' in this ghost pylorus.

Su Wanyan is sick.She is a friend and family member that Yun Qing met here.Yun Qing thought about the matter of Guiyoumen and there was no whereabouts, so she and Feng Qingluan went to the Su residence to see Su Wanyan.

When she came to Su Mansion, Su Wanyan had just finished drinking the medicine and was lying on the bed.

"Sister Su, don't worry. I will definitely find the murderer to avenge you." Feng Qingluan gritted her teeth bitterly.

"Ahem... Actually, I'm fine. It's just that I'm a little worried about you. These killers are ruthless at first sight. I'm afraid they will trouble you again." Su Wanyan coughed a few times and said worriedly.

"Sister Su, you can recuperate with peace of mind. Li Mo and cousin will take care of this matter. Those killers will be found sooner or later. But you, not only I feel distressed when you look like this, but also cousin is also not at ease." Yun Qing spoke lightly.

Although Su Wanyan and Wang Zixuan are unmarried couples, even if Wang Zixuan came to see Su Wanyan, he couldn't stay for too long.

Seeing that Su Wanyan was sick, Wang Zixuan could only feel distressed and blame himself.He didn't take good care of his beloved woman.

Su Wanyan smiled slightly, and jokingly said, "Tell me, we fell into the water together, so why am I the only one who got sick?"

"It's all those damned killers. If I see them again, I will make them look good. Avenge Sister Su." Speaking of this, Feng Qingluan was furious.She wished that those killers would appear in front of her now, and she would cut them into pieces.

Su Wanyan said: "I'm a little depressed right now, and there are two days until Autumn Hunting, but at this time I'm sick. I just hope that I can get better before Autumn Hunting."

Feng Qingluan took the words: "It will be fine. If Sister Su's illness is not cured, then I will stay with you. We will not participate in that shitty autumn hunting. Anyway, without the two of us, no one will pay attention You say yes, sister Qing."

Yun Qing laughed, "Sister Su's illness will be cured. But it's impossible not to participate in this autumn hunt. After all, the emperor's life is hard to do."

Yun Qing didn't say much later.The emperor deliberately chose this time to go to the autumn hunt, and asked all the ladies in the capital to participate in the autumn hunt.Yun Qing always had a strong intuition that what the emperor wanted was not the ideas of the other ladies in the capital, but the ideas of these two women in front of him.After all, these two people were already related to the Wang family and Li Wang's mansion.

"Sister Qing is right. The emperor's life is difficult." Su Wanyan said lightly.

Su Wanyan is extremely intelligent, although she is not as thorough as Yun Qing can see, she doesn't understand what Qiu Lie means at this time.However, in a place like Chujing, one thing often has other conspiracies behind it.

Besides, Chujing seems to be calm now, but who can say that this is not the prelude to the storm.

Yun Qing looked at Feng Qingluan, what Sister Su said just now was not wrong.The people from Guiyoumen are now hiding in the dark. Feng Qingluan's martial arts are good, but he still has to guard against enemies in the dark.

"Sister Feng, what Sister Su said is correct. Be careful in Chujing during this time." After all, General Feng is not in Chujing at this time but is busy with the safety of Autumn Hunting.If something happened to Feng Qingluan at this time, she would not only be unable to explain to General Feng, but also unable to explain to her second cousin.

In her previous life, she knew that her second cousin really loved Sister Feng.

"Sister Qing is right. Uncle Feng is not in Chujing, and there are only you and aunt in the house. I...cough cough, I am really worried about you."

"Don't worry. My mother is not an ordinary woman. She was a generation of chivalrous women back then. Although she hasn't gone out to fight for justice these years, my mother's martial arts have not fallen behind. As a generation of chivalrous women, I Who would dare to find trouble with me, the daughter of the great general?" Feng Qingluan patted her chest and laughed.

What Feng Qingluan said was not wrong at all.Back then, Mrs. Feng was a well-known chivalrous woman, extremely famous in the world.At that time, there were quite a few elites pursuing him, but Mrs. Feng fell in love with General Feng at the beginning. It is said that Mrs. Feng still pursued General Feng, and accompanied General Feng many times through life and death.Later, Mrs. Feng married General Feng.And General Feng only married Mrs. Feng, and the two of them have been husband and wife for so many years.Envious of many people.And this incident became a good story in Chu Jing back then.

"That's right. Who would dare to trouble you." Yun Qing smiled.

Although Feng Qingluan's maternal ancestral home is gone, the prestige of Mrs. Feng and General Feng is still there.And there is also the second cousin, who would not seek death to trouble Feng Qingluan.

It's just that what Yun Qing said was just to reassure Feng Qingluan.This girl has always disliked restraint.She walked freely in Chujing all day long, so she definitely wouldn't listen to these words.But for her safety, Yun Qing had no choice but to secretly send someone to protect her after going back.

But Yun Qing didn't know that Wang Ziqing had always sent people to secretly protect Feng Qingluan's safety.Therefore, the news of Yuehu's assassination quickly reached Wang Ziqing's ears.It was precisely because of this matter that Wang Ziqing quickly dealt with the matter in hand and hurried back from Jicheng.

This topic was quickly revealed, and several people chatted about other things together.


The living room of the Su Mansion.

Su Shaoyue looked at the uninvited "uninvited guest" in front of him, although he had thought about it for a long time, and he didn't know why he appeared in the Su residence at this time, but he still maintained a neither humble nor overbearing appearance, respectfully said: "I don't know what is the purpose of His Royal Highness Fifth Prince's visit to the Su Mansion?"

Chu Che smiled gently and said, "Father heard that when Miss Su was playing in Moon Lake, she met an assassin and fell into Moon Lake and caught the wind and cold. So I ordered my prince to come and have a look. The incident of Miss Su being assassinated is very embarrassing to Father." Pay attention, I have ordered a thorough investigation of this matter, I believe that the assassin will be caught in a short time and give an explanation to Master Su and Miss Su." Yun Qing and the others did not hide the fact that Yuehu was assassinated, this matter has already caused trouble in Chujing There was a lot of buzz.After a pause, Chu Che said again: "It's just that the prince has heard that Princess Qingning and Miss Feng are also swimming in the lake with Miss Su. Why is it that Miss Su caught the cold alone?"

A light sentence, although there is nothing wrong with it.But who can hear these words, this is sowing discord.

Although Mr. Su will not be provoked by such a sentence, it is difficult to guarantee that this sentence will not become an introduction in the future.It has to be said that Chu Che has become smarter now.

Su Shaoyue bent down, with panic on his face, "Thank you for the great love of the emperor. My daughter has been weak since she was a child, and she can't get a little cold water. The water in Moon Lake is icy cold. Fortunately, Princess Qingning and Miss Feng are stronger than my daughter. If They are all infected with the wind and cold, and Yuehu's crime will be serious this time."

With just a few words, Su Shaoyue blamed Yuehu for all his faults.

Chu Che's face suddenly sank.What a Su Shaoyue, what a Minister of Rites.

"That's right. If the ladies are all caught with the cold, Yuehu's crime will be serious." Chu Che slightly raised his eyebrows, but there was a bit of anger hidden in Chu Che's words.I wanted to use this matter to provoke the relationship between the Su Mansion, the Wang Mansion and Li Wang Mansion, but this Su Shaoyue would pretend to be confused.

When Chu Che came to the Su Mansion, the news spread to the backyard very quickly, and it happened to reach the ears of Yun Qing and the others.Chu Che's coming to the Su Mansion at this time will not bring any good things, so Yun Qing and Feng Qingluan came to the hall after telling Su Wanyan not to worry.It's just that the two of them didn't go in immediately, but stood aside and listened to what was said inside.

Listening to the words inside, a cold smile flickered on the corner of Yun Qing's mouth, this Chu Che was actually here to convey the emperor's favor, and was actually here to sow discord.However, there was one thing he ignored. Mr. Su is not someone who is easily provoked.Leaving aside the relationship between Master Su and the Wang family, let’s talk about the relationship between Master Su and General Feng first. In Chu Jing, perhaps the two people have no intersection, the only intersection is that the young ladies of the two families are close.However, there is a piece of news that outsiders don't know, Master Su and General Feng have a deadly friendship.Mrs. Su and Mrs. Feng are even more close friends.It's just that this matter has not been said in a big way.

As for whether Mr. Su will have any estrangement with Li Wangfu, it can be understood from the relationship between Su Wanyan and Yun Qing.Mr. Su has been an official for decades at least, but he will not be provoked just because of a word.As for Mr. Su, in fact, he still admires Li Wang very much.

At this time, Yun Qing and Feng Qingluan walked in.Yun Qing even took the last sentence from Chu Che, and sneered, "Isn't it? The crime of Moon Lake is really serious. It's just that compared to Moon Lake, the crimes of those assassins are even greater. But This group of assassins is also quite self-aware, knowing that the crime they have committed is too great, so they hid like turtles. However, Chujing is so big, the chief of the county is here to see how long they can hide .”

Although Yun Qing's words were not aimed at Chu Che, every sentence was full of warning and allusion.Yun Qing's words were intended for Chu Che to hear.

It happened that Yun Qing also wanted to know how much Chu Che knew about Guiyoumen, and whether the Queen Mother would really use the power of Guiyoumen to help Chu Che become the crown prince and the throne in the future.

Chu Che did not expect to meet Yun Qing and Feng Qingluan here.It was even more unexpected that Yun Qing would speak, and the words in his words were full of warnings.This made Chu Che even more curious about Yun Qing.

Yun Qing nodded towards Su Shaoyue, and smiled, "Uncle Su, Yun Qing will take my leave first."

Feng Qingluan also said, "Uncle Su, Qingluan also bid farewell."

Su Shaoyue also liked these two juniors very much.What's more, in the near future, they can be regarded as relatives.

"Yunqing, Qingluan, you will often come to the house as a guest when you have free time."

Chu Che's expression on the side was very bad.

The two nodded, and replied in unison: "Now that I know Uncle Su, we will often visit you in the future."

After finishing speaking, the two left the Su residence.

Chu Che's face was deep, looking at the woman who left.He also got up and said with a gentle smile: "Lord Su, the prince has already brought the words of the father, so I will take my leave first."

Su Shaoyue didn't stop him, but cupped his hands, "Please."

When Chu Che chased him out, Yun Qing and Feng Qingluan were still at the gate of the Su residence, preparing to mount their horses and leave.

"The two ladies are in a hurry to leave so quickly." Chu Che shouted.

If he hadn't already known who Chu Che was, he would have said nothing, but his voice was very charming and full of magnetism.Compared with Chu Limo's peerless face in white clothes, Chu Feiyang is handsome at most, but he is not the kind of evildoer who can make people fall in love at first sight.His appearance, at most, is just that kind of mediocre handsome man. At the first meeting, he will feel a little amazing, but after a long time, you will find that he looks nothing more than that.But back then, she might have been confused by his voice.

Mu Yunyi loves him so desperately, probably there is a big reason for this part.

Seeing Chu Che chasing him out, it seemed like he was looking for trouble.Feng Qingluan had already put one foot on the horse, now that she heard Chu Che's words, she wanted to do something.Seeing Feng Qingluan's temperament, it was Yun Qing's eyes that signaled her not to act rashly before looking at what she was saying.

Originally, Feng Qingluan had a good image of the fifth prince.But she could hear clearly what was said in the Su residence just now.In an instant, the image of him dropped to freezing point.This fifth prince is not a good bird either.He ran to Su's mansion to sow discord.

Yun Qing turned around, raised his eyebrows, and said indifferently, "We are not leaving in a hurry, but we were about to leave."

Chu Che intentionally ignored the indifference on Yun Qing's face, and smiled gently, "Is Princess Qingning afraid of my prince?"

afraid?Ha ha, Yun Qing couldn't help but sneer.Where did he get the confidence to think that she would be afraid of him? "Is the fifth prince's eye afraid of you when he sees the princess? Or is it that the fifth prince's eyes are not working well? Let the imperial doctor take a look. After all, you are the future prince of Dachu! If the future prince With eye disease, I am afraid that the crown prince will not last long. After all, the emperor does not suffer from eye disease."

"Puchi!" Feng Qingluan was upset when she heard that Chu Che went to the Su residence to sow dissension.But after hearing Yun Qing's words, he still couldn't help laughing.

Chu Che's face also sank in an instant.

"Your Highness the Fifth Prince, there is nothing wrong, so the princess will leave first. As for you, the fifth prince, you should hurry up and see the Imperial Doctor." Yun Qing originally disdained the position of the princess, but now, the county The position of master seems to be fine.Compared with the fifth prince, she seems to be the princess of the first rank conferred by the emperor, while Chu Che just has the title of prince.

When they got into the carriage, they didn't care about Chu Che's dark face.But before leaving, Yun Qing opened the curtain of the car and said, "There is one more thing to tell His Royal Highness the fifth prince, the name of the princess is not something you can call the fifth prince, in terms of seniority, the fifth prince has to call Ben The princess called Aunt Nine Emperors!"

(End of this chapter)

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