The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 745 049.9 Uncle Emperor is looking for dragon meat, don't bother!

Chapter 745 049. Uncle Nine Emperors is looking for dragon meat, don't bother!
Chu Jing.October 26.

This day is the day of autumn hunting.Early in the morning, thousands of people from the Royal Palace Guards guarded the emperor's Luanjia and headed for the royal hunting ground.That scene is so spectacular.

After two days of raising her, Su Wanyan recovered from her illness.This autumn hunting also had to participate.

And Yun Qing left Chu Limo and Su Wanyan Feng Qingluan in a carriage.

As for the reason, Yun Qing said that he didn't want to talk to this man.

After what happened that day, she was made to pass out once.

Then, a certain man looked satisfied, but she stayed in the room for a whole day without going out in embarrassment.

"Sister Qing, I didn't see you talking all the way. It's only been a while since we separated, and I'm thinking about leaving His Royal Highness."

"I didn't miss him." Yun Qing pouted, that stinky hooligan.Who wants him.

"Did you really not think about it? Then why does sister Qing look absent-minded? Look, Xiaobai is acting like a baby on you and you don't care about it. You don't want to leave His Royal Highness anymore." Su Wanyan continued to joke.

Who would believe that Yun Qing was not thinking about someone.She didn't see Yun Qing's pet fox rubbing against Yun Qing's body vigorously, Yun Qing was also absent-minded and ignored him.

The fire spirit fox also let out a chirping sound.This woman puts too much emphasis on sex and despise friends.It had only left Chu Jing for a few days, and this woman had forgotten herself.

Speaking of Huolinghu Xiaobai, Yun Qing glanced at it.

This guy knows he's back.After coming to Chujing, the first few days were fine, and I walked around Chujing every day.Later, it disappeared directly.If it wasn't for the special connection between Yun Qing and this fire spirit fox, she would have really wondered if this fox had returned to Xueyue City or disappeared.

It's just that she didn't expect this fox to jump on her just after she left the house this morning, and then followed her to the Royal Hunting Ground.

However, was she absent-minded just now?She was just thinking about things.

Yun Qing chuckled, "What about Sister Su? Are you also thinking about my cousin? I heard that my cousin, Sister Su, has been going to Su's house every day during this period of illness." Saying that, Yun Qing also opened the curtain of the car and pointed out, "Sister Su, come over and have a look, cousin is looking over here."

During Su Wanyan's illness, Wang Zixuan didn't care about etiquette.Anyway, this woman will be his wife in the future.So more than half of the time went to Su Mansion.Even if someone in Chu Jing knew about it, they didn't dare to say anything more.

Originally it was said that Su Wanyan was teasing Yun Qing, but no, it was said by Yun Qing.Instead, she blushed like something.

"The two of you don't care about my feelings as a lonely person. Show your affection in front of me all the time! I don't want to live..."

"Zhizhi..." Huo Linghu followed Feng Qingluan's voice and raised his head to the sky and yelled loudly.


Then Yun Qing and Su Wanyan looked at Feng Qingluan and Huo Linghu and their mouths twitched at the same time!
The royal hunting ground is in the northern suburbs.

I heard that I will stay here for two days and two nights.

The emperor of Da Chu liked hunting very much.Therefore, a palace was built in the royal hunting ground.This saves a lot of trouble, and there is no need to set up camp.

Chu Limo also has his exclusive palace in this Northern Suburb Palace.No one is allowed to enter this palace except himself, even if it is the current emperor, if he does not speak, the guards outside the palace will not let the emperor enter.This palace belongs to his special favor of Prince Li.

It was precisely for this reason that Emperor Chu had been afraid of the ninth younger brother for many years, but he still dared not take action easily.

The palace is very large, and the emperor lives in his exclusive palace.The fifth prince, Chu Che, lives in another palace.The ministers who accompanied them were arranged in another palace, and the ladies who accompanied them lived separately in another palace.

The Pear Garden of the Palace in the northern suburbs.

This is Chu Limo's place.The guards outside were also from Chu Limo.

It is said that this place is called Liyuan because of Chu Limo's mother, that is, Concubine Li.Concubine Li's surname is Li.My favorite pear blossom in my life.After the first emperor knew about it, he changed the name of the palace to Liyuan.It was given to Concubine Li. Later, Concubine Li passed away, and this place became Chu Limo's place.

And Li Wang's mansion also planted a lot of pear blossoms.The reason for this may also be because of Concubine Li.

After Yun Qing got off the carriage, he was directly pulled to the Liyuan.She didn't even have a chance to say no.Moreover, Chu Limo pulled Yun Qing over, and directly threw the Huo Linghu that was stuck on Yun Qing's body to Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan.When he left, he warned Huo Linghu not to come over.

"Why?" The tone was very bad, even a little harsh.

"Qingqing, are you hiding from me? Or are you blaming me?"

"You are uncle, how dare I blame you!" She curled her lips.Said she was really angry.

"He still said no. Look at Qingqing's little mouth that is raised high. The mouth is almost up to the sky."

Was she that obvious?

It wasn't until Yun Qing came to his senses that he realized that he had been tricked by this bastard again.

"You lied to me!"

"How dare I lie to Qingqing." He hugged the woman into his arms, "Qingqing, are you still angry? I promise, be gentle next time."

"You still want to have a next time. Chu Limo, I don't believe you anymore." If she was being seduced by him, she would be really stupid.

"Qingqing, I really didn't do it on purpose. Who made you neglect me for so many days. It's not that I didn't control it for a while..."

He admitted that this time it was indeed a bit too much.

But isn't that because Qingqing neglected him for several days?
In the beginning, it was the first time for him to take care of Qingqing, afraid that she would not be able to bear it.So let her go every time.But Chu Limo didn't know that he let her go every time.Obviously it gets worse every time.She hadn't said anything before.

But the day before yesterday, I clearly told him to take it easy.He tossed the words out of his mind again.

He didn't stop until he made her faint.Yun Qing felt ashamed of her.Every time she was as tired as a dog, but he was refreshed.

Yun Qing expressed dissatisfaction!
Therefore, this is the reason why Yun Qing is really angry.

"Qingqing, don't be angry, okay? I apologize. I'll hunt a deer to apologize to Qingqing, okay? Let's roast the venison in the evening."

"A deer wants me to forgive you. No way!" After a pause, "I am tired of eating venison meat. If you get me dragon meat, I might forgive you."

The guard who was guarding in the dark almost fell down when he heard what a certain girl said.

Isn't this embarrassing the master?Where is the master going to find dragon meat for her?

"Okay, Qingqing is waiting. I'm going to find dragon meat for Qingqing." She smiled, and hugged the person in her arms even tighter, "Qingqing, can you forgive me?"

In fact, Yun Qing was not very angry, she was just a little unconvinced.

What's more, this man has already apologized. For the sake of his sincere apology, forgiving him can be seriously considered.

"You brought dragon meat to this girl and said." A certain woman said viciously.

She wanted to see where he was going to get her the dragon meat.

"now go?"

"Well. Go now. Don't you want me to forgive you? Then hurry up. Maybe I'll change my mind later."

"Okay. I'll go now."

"Remember, you can only find it yourself. You can't ask anyone to help you. Otherwise, you will never think that I will forgive you." Yun Qing's laughter came from behind.

The news that Uncle Jiuhuang was looking for something in the palace quickly spread.It's just that everyone doesn't know what Uncle Nine Emperors is looking for.

Since the Ninth Emperor's Uncle got well, there have been countless ladies who want to marry into Prince Li's Mansion.

As soon as the news that Uncle Jiuhuang was looking for something came out, the ladies from all families ran over one after another, if they could help Uncle Jiuhuang find something.Could it make Uncle Nine Emperors look at him differently?

A certain lady said: "Uncle Nine Emperors, what are you looking for, I can help you find it."

A certain lady said: "Uncle Nine Emperors..." Seeing that enchanting face of Uncle Nine Emperors, Miss certain couldn't remember what to say.They all fell into nympho.

A certain lady said: "Uncle Nine Emperors... I actually... have actually liked you for a long time."

A certain lady said: "Uncle Nine Emperors, I like you. Even if I am a concubine, I am willing to follow you."


Then, the entire royal hunting ground became a place where the ladies of the family confessed their love to the Nine Emperor Uncles.


So the whole palace began to cry sadly.

All the young ladies who wanted to be courteous and confess their love were met with a stern look from Jiuhuangshu, and a cold sentence: "Get out!"

The injury was utterly shattered.However, there are still so many people who want to go up to seek abuse.

The Pear Garden of the Palace in the northern suburbs.

"Sister Qing..."

It was Feng Qingluan who pulled Su Wanyan towards Liyuan.

No one else is allowed to enter here, but Chu Limo has ordered that if Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan come to look for Yun Qing, they can let them in.Therefore, no one stopped the two of them, and they entered the pear garden.

"Sister Qing, hurry up and take a look." Su Wanyan ran out of breath.

"What happened?" Yun Qing was a little puzzled. Could it be that Chu Limo went to look for Dragon Meat, but nothing happened?

Feng Qingluan said: "Sister Qing, hurry up and take a look. Those women are pestering Uncle Nine Emperors now. If you go down here, Uncle Nine Emperors won't know that he was seduced by that vixen."

Hu Meizi?entanglement?seduce?
If Chu Limo was really seduced by a fox, she would kick him without hesitation.She didn't bother to have such a man who could be easily seduced away.

"If Chu Limo was really seduced away, then he is not Chu Limo. What happened. The two sisters said slowly."

Yun Qing poured a glass of water for the two of them.There is no rush.

Seeing Yun Qing didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, but the two of them were overly worried.But what Yun Qing said just now is not wrong, if Uncle Nine Emperors was really seduced away, then he would not be Uncle Nine Emperors.

It's just that the two of them were so worried just now, after all, it was Chu Jing's ladies who all came to the royal hunting ground.In Chujing, there is no shortage of ladies with both talents and looks.It is inevitable that one of them will fall into the eyes of Uncle Nine Emperors.

After calming down, the two slowly talked about what happened just now.

After finishing speaking, Feng Qingluan and Su Wanyan said again, "Xiaobai is looking at Uncle Nine Emperors. Sister Qing, you should go and have a look."

Xiaobai is looking at him!
The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, Xiao Bai was also afraid that Chu Limo would be seduced by a seductive woman.This is how distrustful Chu Limo is!

"Uncle Nine Emperors is looking for dragon meat, we'd better not bother him."

After hearing Yun Qing's words, the corners of their mouths twitched.


Uncle Jiuhuang is looking for dragon meat?
Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan expressed a little uneasy.

Is there any dragon meat in this Northern Suburb Palace?

After being shocked for a long time, Feng Qingluan expressed curiosity about what the dragon meat looked like.

"Sister Qing, what does dragon meat look like?"


Then Chang Yunqing and Su Wanyan felt a little sad.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched again and again, "I have to ask Uncle Nine Emperors about this."

"Come on, let's go and have a look."

Feng Qingluan was very excited and wanted to see what the legendary dragon meat looked like.Pulling Yun Qing and Su Wanyan, they walked out of the troupe.

Along the way, Feng Qingluan was probably very excited.Accidentally told about Uncle Jiuhuang looking for dragon meat.

After that, Uncle Nine Emperor's search for dragon meat also shocked the entire Northern Suburb Palace.

This incident quickly reached Emperor Chu's ears.

Just right, Emperor Chu was discussing matters with the ministers.Then the eunuch hurried back to report what he had heard.Because the news was so shocking, the eunuch seemed to have forgotten that there were still many ministers in the hall, so he just said the words.

"Your Majesty, the servant has something to report. Uncle Nine Emperors is looking for dragon meat in the palace."

Then, the temperature in the main hall suddenly dropped to freezing point.The whole hall seemed to be frozen in ice.

There was only that sentence ringing in the main hall: Uncle Nine Emperors is looking for dragon meat in the palace.

When the eunuch came back to his senses, he realized that he had barged in, and hurriedly kowtowed for mercy.

The emperor did not blame the eunuch this time.Instead, his whole mind was put on his ninth younger brother.

He was looking for dragon meat in the palace.What the hell is he doing?

 Huolinghu is often absent, but there is a secret!Guess, why did the Fire Fox go...

(End of this chapter)

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