The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 746 050. Master, do you also think we are not suitable?

Chapter 746 050. Master, do you also think we are not suitable?

Northern Suburb Palace.

When Feng Qingluan pulled Yun Qing over, Chu Limo was no longer here.After asking, I found out that Chu Limo went to the woods alone.And no one is allowed to follow.

"Hey! It seems that I can't see what the dragon meat looks like." Feng Qingluan was a little disappointed, and sighed because she couldn't see the dragon meat.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched.She really wanted to see what was going on in Feng Qingluan's mind?

The emperor knew that his ninth younger brother was looking for dragon meat in the palace, although he was very annoyed.But I don't know what he is doing.So Emperor Chu sent the Imperial Forest Army to take a look.When the emperor sent someone over, it was empty.Chu Limo was no longer there.Emperor Chu could only be angry in his heart.

As for whether Chu Limo could find the dragon meat in the woods, Yun Qing expressed his curiosity.She really wanted to see what kind of dragon meat this fellow would find.

However, because of the sudden appearance, the time to start hunting in the afternoon was postponed.Because Uncle Nine Emperors went into the woods.Before going in, I specifically explained that no one is allowed to go in and disturb me.If anyone goes in and disturbs him looking for something, don't blame him for setting the royal hunting ground on fire.Nobody hunts anymore.

But Chu Limo's original intention was: If someone spoils his good deeds, it's not as simple as setting fire to the royal hunting ground.

Thinking about why the majestic Emperor Chu was afraid of the threat of a prince, but unfortunately, the Emperor Chu really ordered to start hunting after the Nine Emperor Uncles came back.

So wait, wait, wait...



The residual poison from Chu Liyou's body was released, and Wu Chen used the same method to release the residual poison from Yuhen's body.

However, Yuhen has internal protection on his body.It's not a big deal.On the other hand, Chu Liyou, who passed out of a coma, fell asleep for two days before waking up.

And Yuhen said that he would leave for Chujing on October 23, and now it is October 26.Still staying in Fengcheng.

As for whether the reason why Yuhen stopped and did not leave Chu Jing was because of Chu Liyou, or because of Wu Chen's words, it is not known.After all, only Yuhen himself knows this question.

Fortunately, Chu Liyou is fine.After two days of coma, he finally woke up.

In the past two days, although Nongyue knew that the remaining poison on Chu Liyou's body had been cured, she saw Chu Liyou lying on the bed.But that cold-hearted man never took a look at him, and Nongyue felt sorry for the woman lying on the bed.

If the young lady found out, even though she didn't say anything, she would definitely be very sad in her heart.

"Miss, I've taken the medicine." Nongyue came in with the boiled medicine.

Chu Liyou looked at the black medicine in Nongyue's hand, curled his lips, "Take the medicine again. Can you stop drinking it?"

"No. Miss must drink medicine."

"Then... alright." Taking the medicine in Nongyue's hand, she pursed her lips slightly, and poured the medicine into her mouth in one gulp.A bitter taste spread in the whole mouth at once.This time, Nongyue had already prepared candied fruit, and quickly passed one over, "Miss."

Putting the candied fruit in his mouth, Chu Liyou smiled slightly, "I think I really have a fate with medicine recently."

"Miss, if it weren't could Miss need to take medicine." Nongyue hesitated to speak.I can't bear to say anything later.But that person was so nice, he didn't even look at the lady, he was really cold and ruthless.

"Is Yuhen okay?" Chu Liyou was very thankful at the moment, thankful that he did that at that time.If he didn't do that, Yuhen would really be dead.Now this is really good.

"He can't die."

Before Nongyue could answer, Wuchen appeared and answered Chu Liyou's words.

This was the first time Chu Liyou saw Wuchen. That night in Xueyue City, Chu Liyou did not see Wuchen himself. pass.After Wuchen finished his rescue, he wandered around Fengcheng for the past two days.

"you are?"

"Girl, let me introduce myself. This old man is the master of the person you just missed. Fortunately, the old man arrived in time that day, otherwise, you and the old man's apprentice will go to the underworld to be a ghost couple."

Chu Liyou looked at Wuchen in a daze.He is Yuhen's master, it's him!

"You are Yuhen's are the uncle Wuchen that the master often mentions?"

Chu Liyou grew up in Lingyin Temple, and the old master of Lingyin often mentioned Wuchen as his junior.Unfortunately, Chu Liyou also knew that Wuchen had taken Yuhen and Qi Rong as two apprentices.When Qi Rong sent her to Fengcheng, he also mentioned to Chu Liyou that they were sisters from the same school on the way.Therefore, Chu Liyou was a little excited to see Wuchen now.

"What did you call me just now? Master Uncle? You are the apprentice of the old god stick. What's your name?" After several question marks came out, Wuchen's tone was a little anxious.

"My name is Chu Liyou!"

"Chu Liyou! Chu Liyou! Your elder brother is Chu Limo, the King of Great Chu. Your mother is the Concubine Li, the First Emperor of Great Chu. Are you Chu Liyou, the eldest princess of Great Chu?"

Chu Liyou nodded, "Yes."

"It's you! It's you! You are her child. No wonder you look so similar. You look alike. You and your mother look alike." Wuchen murmured as if remembering something.

Chu Liyou looked at Wuchen, why did he seem more excited than himself?Also, from his tone, he seemed to know her mother.It's just a pity that she never saw what her mother looked like.The master never told her what mother looks like.

"Uncle, do you know my mother?"

know!More than knowing.Several of them are brothers and sisters of the same school.We grew up together.But unfortunately, the junior sister rescued someone who shouldn't be saved, and entered the palace gate.From then on, once entering the palace gate, it was as deep as the sea.

See Wuchen and say nothing.Chu Liyou also looked at him silently.Since he is the master's younger brother, and the master knows mother, then the uncle should also know mother.

She was so excited because of what he said just now: You really look like your mother.She had never seen her mother since she was born.This was also the first time I heard someone mention my mother, so I was inevitably a little excited.However, what she said just now seemed to remind the uncle of some sad things.

This time Wu Chen appeared in Da Chu not because he was afraid of his apprentice, but because he knew about Chu Limo when he was in Xueyue City.He appeared in Da Chu because he wanted to ask one thing clearly, is Chu Limo the child of that person?
If he hadn't seen Chu Limo's true face and identity in Xueyue City, he would really have thought that the apprentice his senior brother took was just Ye Chen.

But after seeing Chu Limo in Xueyue City that day, he really wanted to know the answer, so he went to Da Chu to ask his senior brother.What happened back then?Why did that woman suddenly die?
But the answer given to him by his brother was: If you still remember that woman, don't hurt the child left by that woman.Leaving Dachu, never step into Dachu.

After 20 years of separation, the woman left the world, leaving behind two children.

Wuchen turned back his thoughts and looked at Chu Liyou's face.He felt very familiar when he gave her the needle that day, but he never thought that she would be that woman's child.

Seeing Chu Liyou's appearance, that former face also flashed in Wuchen's mind.

If she knew she would die.Will die in that place of the palace.Back then, no matter what happened, he should have taken her away.Even if she hated him back then, he should have taken her away instead of letting her die there.

"Uncle Master." His hand waved in front of Wuchen's eyes.

This scene is so familiar, there was also a woman who would smile and shake her hand in front of him when he was in a trance, and shouted, "Senior brother Wuchen, why are you so preoccupied?"

But back then, he didn't have time to tell that woman that he was thinking about her appearance, that's why he was so engrossed.

"Master...Master..." After shouting a few more times, Wu Chen pulled back his thoughts.

"Unexpectedly, I will meet the apprentice of my senior brother here." I will meet that woman's child here.

"I didn't expect to meet Master Uncle here either." Chu Liyou also remembered Wu Chen's words just now, and smiled slightly, "Thank you Master Uncle for saving my life."

"It's a trivial matter. But you tell the uncle, does your master often speak ill of me behind my back?"

The mouth corners of Chu Liyou and Nongyue in the room twitched at the same time.

What does this tell her?

She seemed to have heard that the master had scolded the master several times in anger.But I can't really just tell my uncle.What if the master uncle finds trouble with the master, what should we do?

"No. The master didn't speak ill of the uncle behind his back."

"You ghost. You know how to protect your master. How could my senior brother not scold me behind his back because of his temperament?"

Chu Liyou chuckled.That means, uncle, since you already know, why do you still ask me?
"But for the sake of calling me Shishu, Shishu won't bother with you. Next time, if you hear your master scolding me, you must tell Shishu."

Chu Liyou nodded, expressing that he will definitely tell Master Uncle about your old man next time.However, she didn't know when she would have the opportunity to meet the master and her old man.

"By the way, Uncle Shi has something to tell you. We will leave Fengcheng tomorrow. Are you going to go back to Xiyue together?"

Back to West Vietnam?Isn't Yuhen going to Dachu?
"Uncle, isn't Yuhen going to Dachu?"

"I won't go. His body will go to Dachu and he will not be slaughtered by your brother." Wu Chen said without any scruples, and naturally he didn't find anyone standing outside the door.

"Isn't the poison on his body clean? How is he?"

"Girl, tell Uncle Shi, do you like that guy?"

Being asked so directly, Chu Liyou was still a little shy, but the expression on her face betrayed her feelings.Chu Liyou nodded.It's not that she likes Yuhen, but she loves it to the bone.

"Girl, it's not that my uncle wants to hit you. My apprentice is cold and ruthless. You are not suitable for him. Even if you like him for a lifetime, he won't be tempted. You listen to my uncle's advice, if you want to follow Go to Xiyue, and my uncle can find you a good man in Xiyue or even in several other countries. Even another apprentice of my uncle in Xiyue is a hundred times better than that guy Yuhen. When you go to Xiyue You will know when another apprentice of Master Yuehe gets along with him."

"Uncle, Brother Qi is nice, but..." But she doesn't like it!

"Girl, so to speak, you have already met Qi Rong, another apprentice of my uncle. This apprentice of my uncle, Qi Rong, is as gentle as jade, gentle and affectionate. He is just right for you. How about my uncle make the decision and help you... "

Chu Liyou interrupted Wuchen, "Master, I don't feel anything about Brother Qi. Master, don't mess around."

"Okay, since you don't like Qi Rong. After the uncle arrives in Xiyue, he can find a few good sons for you again. There will always be someone you like. However, the girl you call Qi Rong is not like calling Qi Rong. Rong doesn't seem to feel anything at all. Maybe it's because she's shy, so she said that on purpose."

"Uncle, you are talking about this, I am angry."

"Okay, okay, okay, Uncle Shi won't say anything. But you listen to Uncle Shi. After you arrive in Xiyue, Uncle Shi will find you a few young masters who are suitable for you. You can't refuse, otherwise Uncle Shi will be angry. That's fine. , Uncle Master will not bother you, you have a good rest, you will leave here tomorrow." Wu Chen's tone was very firm.

"Uncle Master." Chu Liyou suddenly called out to Wu Chen who was about to leave the room, and muttered: "Uncle Master also thinks that Yuhen and I are not suitable?"

He paused, Wuchen didn't turn his head, but said: "He is my apprentice, my uncle understands him, he is cold and ruthless and will not fall in love with anyone easily. Even if you fall in love with someone, you want him to forget But it takes a lifetime. Girl, you should understand who Yuhen loves in his heart. Therefore, even if you spend your whole life, it is impossible to erase the person in his heart from his heart. Why do you bother A person who will never look at you in his life is wasting his life in vain."

Wuchen said this, just hoping that Chu Liyou would not be hurt.She is that woman's child.Back then, he didn't protect that woman and let her enter the palace gate.Now, when it comes to her child, he will never let such a thing happen again.Even if the current person is his apprentice.Because he is his apprentice, he understands.How cold is his blood, how cold and ruthless he is.

"I see...Uncle Master."

Girl, uncle will not harm you!
Xiaoli, she is your daughter, I believe you know that I will not harm her.I believe that if you are alive, you don't want your daughter to marry into the royal family, do you?
I didn't protect you back then, so this kind of thing won't happen again.

He would never let such a thing happen to Chu Liyou again and again.

As everyone knows, the words in the room can be heard clearly and plainly by the people standing outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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