The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 750 054. I Miss You Too!

Chapter 750 054. I Miss You Too!

Chu Jing.early november.

Several days had passed since the autumn hunt.The incident of encountering an assassin on Autumn Hunt was also in Chu Jingchuan's uproar.But the assassin seemed to have disappeared.

And now, the day of their wedding is approaching.

Nangong Jin and Bai Yue didn't have the intention to go sightseeing.

As for Chu Che, he was beaten up and soaked in cold water for half the night.He was also kicked by Feng Qingluan.I heard that the disease is quite serious.In recent days, Chu Che has no intention of going out to make waves.

Now the biggest happy event in Chujing should be the wedding between King Li and the genius doctor Nangong Jin.

However, after returning from the Northern Suburb Palace, Chu Limo and Nangong Jin left Chujing for a few days.Where did she go, Yun Qing didn't ask.But without thinking about it, he knew why he had left Chu Jing for a few days.

Nangong Mansion.

Now the weather is getting colder, and it is estimated that it will snow in a few days.

Now Bai Yue knows Nangong Jin's sincerity towards her.Now they have children too.No, Bai Yue also began to learn how to be a good wife and mother.Thinking that the baby will be born in a few months.You should always do something for your child.So during the two days after returning from the northern suburbs palace, Bai Yue began to learn to do some needlework.

This is the first time she has had a needle in so many years.

But she remembered that Yun Qing learned from Mrs. Wang when she was in Jicheng, so Bai Yue called Yun Qing over these two days and taught herself how to do it.After studying for two days, I can barely do it.

"Have you been throwing up a lot lately?" At that time in the northern suburbs palace, Bai Yue followed Nangong Jin around with her belly upright, she almost didn't fight in person.And Yun Qing didn't ask her where she and Nangong Jin went to play a few days ago.

"In the past few days, he has been quite obedient and hasn't vomited anything. However, he has been lethargic in the past two days."

It's strange to say that since she and Nangong Jin went out to play in the mountains and rivers, she didn't have much morning sickness.However, these two days have been very lethargic.

"This kid doesn't know how to feel sorry for you, mother. He's really naughty. Seeing that he started to tormenting you in just over two months, he may have inherited my elder brother's temperament of tormenting people."

"Sister, speak ill of me behind my back again."

Sure enough, it is not allowed to speak ill of people behind their backs.Only then did Yun Qing say a word.Nangong Jin came over as if he had grown ears.

She curled her lips, "I didn't speak ill of you. I was just discussing with Bai Yue who the child would be like after he was born. "

"Of course my son looks like me."

"Who said that. The child, Bai Yue, also has a share. Why is the child like you. Do you think it is Bai Yue? "

"That's right, the child is in my stomach. Of course it's a little bit more like me. If it's like your temper, you might not know how to torment me."

"This little bastard is torturing you again. Let's see how he will teach him after he is born."


Then the corners of Yun Qing and Bai Yue's mouths twitched.Is there such a father?
"Okay. Don't sit here, that bastard might climb over the wall to find someone later. Go back to that bastard's house immediately."

Does this mean that when a brother has a wife, he doesn't want a sister?It's a pity that she hasn't married yet. If she does, will her elder brother forget her as a younger sister?

"Okay. Then I won't bother you as a younger sister." Yun Qing smiled ambiguously and left Bai Yue's room.

Her eldest brother is back, so he must be back too.He's not here these days, she really misses him very much.It seemed that she really couldn't leave him.

"I'll leave these things to the servants." He snatched the things from Bai Yue's hand and put them aside.

"You dislike me for not doing a good job." Bai Yue curled her lips, "You still say you love me."

"Fool, I feel sorry for you. You are pregnant now. It is night, and it is not good for pregnant women to stay up late. And what if you accidentally hurt yourself with these things? I will feel distressed."

"How can it be so exaggerated."

"Anyway, these things are not allowed to touch. Obedient, be good!"

"But this dress is made for you." Originally, she wanted to make it for the child.But thinking that the child is still several months away, I thought about making one for him first.

Nangong Jin glanced at it, and felt happy thinking that it was the clothes she made for herself.However, the thought that she was still pregnant.

"This dress is almost ready. If I don't finish this one, I won't make it." Bai Yue said.

After thinking about it, Nangong Jin nodded, "Then I'll look at you."

"It's just a little bit left to finish. You can try to see if it fits when it's done."

The two were in the room, one was quietly doing needlework with a faint smile on her face, and the other was sitting quietly watching her movements.This scene is like a most beautiful poem and painting.

In no time, the rest will be done.

"You go and try."

"it is good."

Needlework is not the best, even a little rough.However, this thought is the most precious.

Soon, Nangong Jin took off his clothes and put on the new clothes Bai Yue made for him.Just the right size and fit.

"It's finally not in vain. I've been working hard for a few days to make it." Bai Yue was still thinking, after all, it's the first time doing it, so it might not fit well.

Nangong Jin hugged her in his arms, "It's been hard work. Don't work so hard in the future. This is the first piece of clothing I received from Yue'er. I like it very much. I will wear it every day in the future."



Bai Yue grinned, "Then you won't be afraid of smell if you don't change it every day."

"..." Nangong Jin's mouth twitched.Did Yue'er stay with his younger sister for a long time, and she also learned how to become black-bellied.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I think what Yun Qing said is not wrong at all. This child has really inherited your trouble-loving temperament. I'm a little sleepy."

"Then I'll carry you over. I'll sleep with you." Before Bai Yue could refuse, she carried Bai Yue to the bed.

"You sleep with me. Are you done with your work?" Bai Yue knew that Nangong Jin had been busy these days. She knew that he was busy with the assassin and other things.Otherwise, he and Master Jiu would not have left Chujing for several days.

"I'm busy, and it's not as important as you. I mean, the assassin is aimed at Wang Zixuan, so let Wang Zixuan take care of it."

He hasn't had a good rest for several days, let alone hug her to sleep.

Bai Yue stopped talking.

"Thank you for your hard work. When this little bastard comes out, I will teach him a lesson. However, I will only torment you in my life." Nangong Jin's words in Bai Yue's ear sounded numb.

In a word, Bai Yue's face turned red.Bai Yue understood what he meant, this stinky rascal.

"You know that you bullied me."

"Yeah. I only bullied you." He hugged the person in his arms tighter, and whispered: "Yue'er, I'm sorry."

"why apologize?"

"It's because I didn't protect you well. Let you suffer from pregnancy now. After giving birth to this, we won't have any more in the future."

"Then what if I get pregnant again next time? Is it possible not to have him?"

Bai Yue doesn't even know at this moment that there is still a thing called contraceptives in this world.And for a genius doctor like Nangong Jin, making things like contraceptives is a piece of cake.

"No. Go to sleep. I will sleep next to you." Nangong Jin's voice was very soft.Bai Yue was really sleepy too, and soon fell asleep.

It was an accident that she got pregnant this time.He didn't think of this level at all.He didn't remember until he saw how hard she was pregnant.Don't have children and another medicine.

Besides, for their future happiness, things like children.One is enough.Too much is not good.How long will he have to abstain from sexual intercourse when he is pregnant with a child!

That kind of feeling that you can only watch but not eat, once is enough.He didn't want to experience it for the second time, or even the third time.


Yun Qing didn't go to Li Wangfu, but returned to Yulan Garden after leaving Bai Yue's room.

Because she knew that that man should be in her room in Yulan Garden right now.

There was no light in the room, and it was a bit dark in the room.But Yun Qing is very familiar with everything in the house, and he won't trip without turning on the lamp.

"Miss. It's dark in the room. The servants are going to light the lamp first, and the lady is coming in." Xiaoxiao followed Yun Qing from Bai Yue.And Nonghua has been assigned to Bai Yue's side.There were only two masters and servants in Yulan Garden, and the whole courtyard was pitch-black.Not to mention Yulan Court, the entire Nangong Mansion, except for the yard where her elder brother lived, Wuxin, Nonghua, and the room where the cook lived and the kitchen had light, the rest was pitch black.

Fortunately, this mansion is not particularly big, if it is too big, there are few people.The whole mansion is pitch-black, which is really scary.

"It's been a hard day, go back to your room and rest. I can see it." Yulan Court is now completely dark, and you don't need to think to know who is here.

"Okay. Miss, go to bed early, too."

Pushing open the door of the room and walking in, Yun Qing fell into a familiar embrace.The man's lips also came up.And entangled her fiercely.

"You're back. I miss you so much."

One sentence you are back, I miss you so much.It warmed his heart.

"How much do you want?" A sexy and magnetic voice sounded above Yun Qing's head.

"Hmm..." There was a long voice.

"Qingqing." The voice was somewhat resentful.

"I really want it. My heart hurts when I think about it." She curled her lips, "From now on, you can't leave me for so long. If this continues, I will fall in lovesickness."

"I want to clear up too."

The room was very dark, but their faces were already deeply reflected in each other's hearts.

"Have you found any news about the master of the ghost gate?" Yun Qing asked.

When he was in the palace in the northern suburbs, Nangong Jinyou had fought against the master of the ghost gate.It's just that he didn't know the strength of the master of the ghost gate at that time, so he escaped.

This time Chu Limo and Nangong Jin left Chu Jing for a few days at the same time for this matter.

Nangong Jin personally went back to Rueqing Villa to check the files of Guiyoumen, and Chu Limo went to Wanfo Temple.

"He is very mysterious. There is no news about him in the files of the Unfeeling Villa. Neither is there in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple."

The more mysterious it is, the more curious Chu Limo becomes.

But I also know that it is very dangerous for such a mysterious person to be in Chujing now.

"Since we already know that he belongs to the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager's purpose is to bring the Feng family back into the world, he will appear sooner or later. Let's just wait and see." Yun Qing said, "However, the Unfeeling Villa and the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple are both I can't find any news about the owner of the Ghost Pylori Gate. But there is one person who definitely knows."

The queen mother has been in Wanfo Temple for ten years, and it is impossible that she has not met the master of the ghost and ghost gate in these ten years.And Chu Che must have discovered something after staying in Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple for a year.However, Yun Qing felt that apart from what Chu Che should know, Emperor Chu must also know something.

Otherwise, how could the Emperor Chu allow the people from the Ghost Pylori Gate to pretend to be the Imperial Forest Army and go to the Northern Suburb Palace?

"Ghost pylorus is a hole card in the queen mother's hand. It is impossible for people to know his true identity easily. The only one who knows is the closest person around him. But Qingqing is right, as long as the queen mother The ambition is there, and he'll show up. And he'll show up soon."

"You are also tired these few days and take a good rest." It was so late, Yun Qing didn't want to ask this question anymore, the ghost pylorus will appear sooner or later.As long as the ghost ghost door appears, Yun Qing believes in Chu Limo's strength.On the contrary, he has worked hard these days.It took two days from Chujing to Wanfo Temple, and he came back in such a short time, he must have never rested.

"Qingqing, I miss you." She hugged the woman in her arms even tighter.

In order to see Qingqing sooner, he traveled all night.Just to see her sooner.

Saw her now.Only then did he realize how much he missed her after being away for a few days.It's almost crazy to think about it.But once you see her, all the hard work will be worth it.

"I miss you as well."

After the words fell, his kiss fell in one kiss.With fiery wildness, with a little can't wait.With full affection.He wanted to melt her into his body.




"what happened?"

"Qingqing, I miss you!"

"I know. Me too."

"Qingqing is such a seductive little fairy. Look, it fascinates me so much that it takes my heart away."

"Really? Let me, a little fairy, see how I got you down."

With an evil smile, Yun Qing gently hooked his chin, and slowly moved his face closer, those clear eyes in the darkness, like elves that seduce the soul.

Every movement of her is a temptation to him.Endless temptation.

"Qingqing." The sexy thin lips moved.

"Shh..." She smiled slyly.

Then, with the hand hooking his chin, he pushed him lightly.He had already collapsed on the bed.

Chu Limo just let her move.

Yun Qing straddled him, and gently stroked his face with her hands.

"Qingqing, what are you doing?"

Doesn't this girl know that this is lighting a fire?
"Didn't you say that I'm a little goblin who seduces people? I'm so fascinated by you. I'm doing what a goblin should do... Seduce you!"


Chu Limo felt hot because of this sentence.

Somewhere it was unbearable.

But this girl is still deliberately seducing him.

This feeling is really terrible!
"Qingqing, it's better for me to seduce you."

After the words fell, the postures of the two had changed.

Yun Qing smiled coquettishly, "Okay!"

This smile is even more fatal.

How could Chu Limo bear the pain of lovesickness these days.He wants to get it back from her fiercely.

Yun Qing swore that she really missed him so much that her heart ached.

However, what she wants is not the feeling of being squeezed hard on the bed.

But this man is not human after being squeezed.

Sure enough, it was a knife on Sezi's head.She was also bewitched once.But she was the one who suffered!

(End of this chapter)

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