The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 751 055. Obediently wait for me to marry you!

Chapter 751 055. Obediently wait for me to marry you!

Chu Jing.

Wang Ziqing came back from Jicheng.Counting now, after separating from Donghai, I haven't seen my second cousin for several months.

The reason why Wang Ziqing stayed in Jicheng for so long was because people from Qimen intentionally caused trouble in Jicheng.When he was in the Snow Mountain back then, Yun Qing had also received this news, and it was precisely because of this that the second cousin went to Jicheng.

And Wang Ziqing stayed in Jicheng for so long because he was investigating one thing.Recently, this matter has been investigated.

When Wang Ziqing came back, he also brought a piece of news to Yun Qing.

As Yun Qing guessed, Qi Mingyang did not die, and the appearance of Qimen people in Jicheng deliberately causing trouble was also caused by Qi Mingyang.

He was taking revenge on Yun Qing, it could even be said that Qi Mingyang was taking revenge on Wang Luoyan.While taking revenge, he also wanted to find out Wang Luoyan's whereabouts.Qi Mingyang has fallen into a kind of madness towards Wang Luoyan.

"Second cousin, is this news true? Where is Qi Mingyang now?" Yun Qing vowed to kill this man.Only then can we vent our hatred.

"He is indeed not dead. The news we got is that he was seriously injured and hid. According to the Qimen people, their sect master is no longer in Xiyue. As for where, they don't know." Wang Ziqing said: " Cousin, don't worry, since we have checked, cousin will definitely check to the end. Auntie's revenge is still with us."

"Sister. I won't let him go." Nangong Jin looked calm, and sometimes even had convulsions.However, those who are familiar with him will know that Nangong Jin is more ruthless.That is also cruel.I didn't know about the relationship with Yun Qing before, but I know everything since I know it.Although he is away, he has been paying attention to those enemies.

Yun Qing nodded, Qi Mingyang, of course she would not let him go.She just didn't think of one thing, that Qi Mingyang would actually fake his death.The use of feigned death also deceived the eyes of Chu Limo, Nangong Jin, and Qi Rong.

He was lucky if he didn't kill him last time.It's best for Qi Mingyang to hide, but it doesn't matter if he hides to the ends of the earth.She won't let him go either.

"This is Lihun San." Wang Ziqing handed an exquisite box to Chu Limo who was beside him.Chu Limo took it and didn't speak.

This exquisite box was exactly the one that Wang Luoyan held in the coffin.

"Second cousin, how did you find it?"

"I went to Jinling City in Xiyue. From now on, there will be no more sects like Qimen in this world." One short sentence has already explained one thing clearly.Wang Ziqing went to Jinling City and wiped out Qimen's lair.

"Second Cousin, you wiped out Qimen by yourself?" Yun Qing was still a little shocked when he heard the news.

Wang Ziqing glanced at Chu Limo and smiled.

Although Wang Ziqing didn't say anything, but looking at him, Yun Qing also understood.Chu Limo also intervened in this.

In other words, this man was doing all this secretly without telling her.He wanted to tell her after everything was done.

It is certainly a happy thing to get Lihunsan, but it is still short of Yuelinghua.The whereabouts of Moon Spirit Flower is unknown.The second cousin stayed in Jicheng for so long, but he didn't find any clues.

Without finding the Moon Spirit Flower, Chu Limo's life is still not safe.Without detoxification, he doesn't care what Linglongzi or life-extending pills he ate.Yun Qing will not really feel at ease.

"Second cousin, is there still no news about Moon Spirit Flower?"

"This time, I really found a little bit of information." Wang Ziqing said: "It is said that decades ago, the only moon spirit flower in the world was in the hands of a worldly expert. Later, this worldly man The master gave this flower to Concubine Die. After the death of Concubine Die, this flower was not buried with her. Since then, the whereabouts of this Moon Spirit Flower has been unknown."

"Imperial Concubine Butterfly? Which country is she from?"

"It just so happens that there was a Concubine Die in the harem of the four countries that year. Therefore, I don't know which country the Concubine Die is from. Or, this news is simply false." The corners of Chu Limo's lips twitched slightly. Said very calmly.It seems that the news has been known for a long time.

"It turns out that Prince Li already knew the news." Wang Ziqing smiled.Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from this man.

"So there is still no whereabouts of the Moon Spirit Flower." Yun Qing was a little disappointed.

This moon spirit flower is really mysterious.

"Qingqing, don't worry." Chu Limo held Yun Qing's hand tightly.

After having lunch at Wang's house that day, several people went back.

But that night, another thing happened to Chu Jing.That was a fire broke out in the mansion of the Fifth Prince Chu Che who lived outside the palace.Fortunately, the fire was put out in time at that time, and the mansion was not burned down.But it is said that the Fifth Prince Chu Che, who was still ill, was stripped naked and hanged from a big tree in the mansion overnight.When the people in the mansion found out, Chu Che only had half his life left.

heard the news.Yun Qing's first reaction was.

It was the second cousin who did it.

The second cousin must have known what Chu Che did to Feng Qingluan in the northern suburbs palace.Although Chu Che didn't succeed, the second cousin was ruthless.Indulge in a woman who won't make people bully him.

And on the second day, the news that the fifth prince Chu Che was hanged on the tree of his mansion overnight did not go away, and there was an uproar in Chujing.Some rumors were even more outrageous. I don't know who said that the fifth prince might not be elected in the future.When the news came out, it was even more shocking.This matter about Chu Che has now become a topic of conversation for everyone in Chujing.

When the news about Chu Che spread to the palace, even if Emperor Chu wanted to stop it, he couldn't stop it.

As for the appointment of Chu Che as the crown prince.Above the imperial court, voices of opposition also began.

As the prime minister, Wang Zixuan kept silent about the appointment of the crown prince.Apart from going to court every day, I go back to my home.

Time passed like this, in the blink of an eye.There are only two days left before the big wedding.

In the past two days, Bai Yue's appetite has been very good, especially in the morning, when Bai Yue mentioned that she wanted to eat Yingfenglou's dishes.Yun Qing was also thinking that she hadn't seen Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan for several days.It happened to be an appointment to go to Yingfenglou for dinner.

But this idea was immediately rejected by two domineering men.

Her elder brother said: "It's snowing outside, Bai Yue is pregnant now, so it's not suitable to go out."

Since last night, Chu Jing had the first snowfall.It's still snowing outside now.Once it snowed, the weather was cold.

Chu Limo said: "It's cold outside. It's easy for the girls to get cold when they go out. If you want to eat Yingfenglou's dishes, just call the cook from Yingfenglou to the house."

Then Yun Qing and Bai Yue were left speechless.

In the end, it was Yun Qing who said, "If you call the cook from Yingfenglou to the house, how much money will Yingfenglou lose in one day!"

However, Chu Limo didn't feel sorry for Yinzi at all.It is to prevent Yun Qing from going out in the wind and snow.

He also said very richly, "Yingfenglou belongs to the master, even if he doesn't do business for a day, it's just a loss of tens of thousands of taels of gold, it doesn't matter."

Then, Yun Qing decided to use a beauty trap.

Yun Qing hooked her watery clear eyes, and said briskly, "Like us two beauties who are ashamed of the moon and the moon. What if the cook looks at the two of us and becomes lustful towards the two of us?" What should I do? Brother, Bai Yue is pregnant now, and she wants to eat the dishes from Yingfenglou. But brother also knows how tempting the food cooked by the chef in Yingfenglou is. What if the cook takes Delicious food tempts Bai Yue, so what should I do?"

Bai Yue, who had just taken a sip of water, just spit it out.

Then, Chu Limo and Nangong Jin's faces darkened.Chu Limo probably wants to replace all the cooks in Yingfenglou with women.

However, Yun Qing didn't look at the bad faces of the two of them, and even pulled Bai Yue and continued, "So, in order to prevent that cook from being interested in the two of us, the best way is for us to go to Yingfeng Tower, where he The kitchen can't see us."

Bai Yue also received Yun Qing's hinting eyes, and said along the way, "I actually don't want to go. But this little guy has been making troubles, and I've lost weight because of his troubles these two days. Now I want to eat because of the troubles." The dishes of Yingfenglou."

When Nangong Jin heard this, his heart softened immediately.

"Really want to eat?"

"Yes." Bai Yue nodded.

"Then I will go with you."

Now that Nangong Jin agreed, it was up to Chu Limo to speak.

Yun Qing also took the opportunity to sit a little closer, and said coquettishly, "Can you go with me too?"

Dotingly nodded Yunqing's nose, smiled softly, "Okay."

Notified Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan.When it was almost lunch time, they went out.

Before going out, Bai Yue was pregnant.Wear a thick cotton coat.A cloak was also draped over the outside.As the spiritual daughter of the Feng clan, Yun Qing is not afraid of the cold.But Chu Limo was still very careful and put on a big cloak for Yun Qing.Only then did I go out satisfied.

The carriage is already ready.Chu Limo and Yun Qing boarded a carriage, while Nangong Jin and Bai Yue boarded another carriage.Due to Bai Yue's pregnancy and the snow falling on the slippery road, the carriage drove very slowly.

After getting into the carriage, Yun Qing realized that Huo Linghu, whom he hadn't seen for a few days, appeared in the carriage.That day in the northern suburbs palace, after Huo Linghu and Chu Limo went to the woods, it didn't come back after that.Yun Qing was not worried about it.After all, the two have a special connection.Yun Qing is not afraid that something will happen to it.

"Xiaobai, where have you been to play these days? I thought you weren't coming back."


Huo Linghu yelled happily when he saw Yun Qing.

But Yun Qing understood Huo Linghu's meaning.

Yun Qing looked at it in surprise, "So you mean, every time you go out, you are looking for someone? Did you find it?"

"Squeak, creak." After yelling, Huo Linghu lowered his head a little dejectedly, and lay down on Yun Qing's body docilely.

"What's wrong with this perverted fox? Could it be that it misses spring too? Looking for its female fox?" Chu Limo disliked Huo Linghu lying on Yun Qing's body very much.

"It said that it has been waiting for a very important person, and it has been waiting for many years, but it has not been able to wait. This time, we left the snow mountain with us. It has been looking for that person, but it has not found it for a long time." Yun Qing explained with.

Yun Qing stroked Huo Linghu's snow-white fur.But I was thinking in my heart, who is this fox who has been waiting for so many years?
For a moment, Yun Qing was a little curious, after all, it was the fox that captivated this proud thousand-year-old fire spirit fox.Thinking all the way like this, the carriage has parked steadily at the gate of Yingfeng Tower.

It was Chu Limo who yelled, and Yun Qing pulled back his thoughts.

"Qingqing, we're here."

"Xiaobai, my sister treats you to chicken legs today."

Hearing about eating chicken legs, Huo Linghu jumped up excitedly, and kissed Yun Qing on the face.

"Damn perverted fox, believe it or not I killed you." Chu Limo gritted his teeth fiercely with a dark face.

"Squeak, creak." Huo Linghu barked, with a provocative expression on his face.That means, come here if you have the ability!Kill Ben Fox, and your life is gone.

"Limo, Xiaobai's favorite thing is chicken legs, so don't scare him."

How naive, this man even wants to eat the vinegar of a fox.

After getting off the carriage, Su Wanyan said that Feng Qingluan had arrived at Yingfeng Tower early.Not only the two of them arrived, but also her two cousins.However, seeing the expressions of her second cousin and Feng Qingluan, Yun Qing still seemed so strange.Feng Qingluan still seemed to hate her second cousin Wang Ziqing.I really don't know when the couple will be able to get together.

"Big Cousin, Second Cousin, Sister Su, Sister Feng." With a slight smile, Yun Qing walked over with Huo Linghu in his arms.

"Sister Qing."

"Sister Yue."


After entering the Yingfeng Building, they went up to the private room on the second floor without the shopkeeper leading the way.

"Hey, sister Qing, when did Xiaobai come back? That day I thought it was lost again." Just after sitting down, Feng Qingluan deliberately stayed away from Prince Qing, and walked up to Yun Qing.

"Sister Qing, I think Xiaobai seems to have lost weight. Could it be that he was hungry outside for a few days and then came back?" Su Wanyan also looked at the Huo Linghu in Yun Qing's arms.

Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan are now immune to the fact that Xiaobai often doesn't see each other.Anyway, it will disappear for a while at every turn, and then come back by itself.

"It! It's looking for its little lover." Yun Qing grinned.Huo Linghu agreed with Yun Qing's words followed by a squeak.


The people in the back sprayed a lot of tea.

Huo Linghu looked at a few tea sprayers with disdainful eyes, and squeaked a few times.Then he jumped down from Yunqing's arms and ran to the kitchen of Yingfenglou.

The chef and shopkeeper of this fox Yingfenglou is also very familiar with it, knowing that it is the pet of the future wife.So every time it comes, it will prepare a lot of chicken legs.

"This flamboyant fox has a lover? Is it a human or a fox?" Nangong Jin expressed his curiosity!It seems that he is very excited to know a big secret of Huo Linghu, and he is excited to see what this flamboyant fox's little lover looks like.

"Judging from Xiaobai's tone, it seems that he is alone, and he is also a beautiful woman."

"It's not because of this stunning beauty that this coquettish bag often disappears, is it? Which stunning beauty snatched away the soul of this coquettish bag?" Nangong Jin looked curious.

"Why, I'm so curious about which stunning beauty it is. Our young master Nangong is in a tizzy? Can't you wait to meet this stunning beauty!" Bai Yue bit her heart even more in the latter sentence. .

The room seemed to be filled with the smell of gunpowder, and everyone looked like Nangong Jin, you are asking for blessings.

Nangong Jin was also shocked by what he had just said.It really is too smug.Hastily put on a flattering tone, "I'm not at all curious that this flirty fox has a young lover, nor am I curious about some stunning beauty. I'm just curious when this flirty fox will give birth to a little fox for us Children play as pets."

The corner of Bai Yue's mouth twitched, and she pouted.


Now, Chang Yunqing couldn't hold back his laughter for a moment.

Fortunately, her elder brother also figured it out.Looking for the 'son' of a poisonous fox like Huo Linghu to be his child's pet.How poisonous is Nangong Jin trying to raise his child?
But I didn't want to, the child was really raised in a poisonous and playful way later on.Inherited that point of Nangong Jin to the fullest, and it looks like the blue is better than the blue.So much later, this child really didn't know how many girls he had harmed and how many girls' hearts he had broken.However, this is another story.

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched unnaturally.The poor Nangong Jin also figured it out.

Fortunately, Bai Yue accepted Nangong Jin's explanation.

It's just that the purpose of coming to Yingfenglou for dinner is to get together and chat with the girls.It's all right now.Several of their big men followed.The few of them wanted to have a private conversation, and they had to hold back even if they wanted to gossip.

After all, there is still Feng Qingluan who is a nympho, and once Feng Qingluan becomes a nympho, Su Wanyan and Bai Yue will be taken into the ditch.It's inevitable to gossip, and if you see a handsome man, you can't help but be infatuated.

The four of them gossip, gossip, and gossip together, anyway, only the four of them know.However, there are four other great Buddhas sitting here now.Yun Qing said that the pressure is so great!

However, the more this is the case, the more things will happen.

No, the food is here.It was calm when we were eating.


"I don't want to eat...there is your saliva on it." Feng Qingluan disgustedly took out the dish that Wang Ziqing gave her just now.And the reason is that she dislikes the saliva on the dishes he picked up.Miss Feng still said it calmly.

"Ahem..." Su Wanyan happened to be sitting next to Feng Qingluan, and almost choked to death on her own saliva when she heard Feng Qingluan's words.This second-hand goods.

"Eat slowly." Wang Zixuan quickly patted Su Wanyan on the back.Then he glanced at his younger brother.

Wang Ziqing smiled brightly, as if what happened just now had never happened.

Yun Qing moved closer to Chu Limo's side, and lowered his voice, "You and my second cousin have fought a lot in the mall. Do you know what his smile means?"

"Usually when he shows this smile, it means one thing. Someone is about to suffer."

"Have you ever fought against your second cousin? How is his lethality?"

Yun Qing knew that Wang Ziqing knew martial arts, and his martial arts were not bad.It's just that I don't know how Wang Ziqing's martial arts are, after all, I haven't seen it with my own eyes.

"Unfathomable." Chu Limo uttered a sentence.

Wang Ziqing's reputation in Chu Jing is not just for fun, there is a saying in Chu Jing: It is better to offend the first young master of the Wang family than the second young master of the Wang family.Because he offended the second young master of the Wang family, he didn't even know how he died.

Wang Ziqing doesn't know how to hit a woman with his hands, but his smiling face shows panic.Yun Qing expressed that she was so tired!But Feng Qingluan, a bastard, didn't notice it at all.

"Well. I suddenly feel that today's meal is really inappropriate. There is a smell of gunpowder everywhere." So, hurry up and leave after eating.

Chu Limo smiled without saying a word.

After a while, Feng Qingluan also noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the room.What do they seem to be whispering?
"Sister Su, Sister Qing, Sister Yue, let's go to admire the plum blossoms after dinner. I heard that the plum blossoms in the plum garden are blooming against the snow."

"Appreciate plum blossoms..." Yun Qing dragged out a long nasal voice, "In this weather, we can only appreciate plum blossoms."

"Qingluan, don't you like these the least?" Su Wanyan looked at her.This girl, why are you interested in enjoying the plum blossoms today?
Feng Qingluan chuckled, "Suddenly I became interested. Let's go and have a look together." Could she say that it was because she found that the atmosphere in the room was not right, so she wanted to find a topic to talk about?Sure enough, as soon as this guy appeared, she felt uncomfortable.

"You guys go, I won't go." She had only been out for a long time, and she began to feel sleepy.

"Sister Yue, aren't you going?"

"You and Sister Su Yunqing go. I won't go. I've been feeling sleepy recently." It's not that Bai Yue doesn't want to go, she actually wants to enjoy the snow and plum blossoms.But this kid has been really tossing around lately.

"Qingluan, I just had a few days of wind and cold, so I won't accompany you." Su Wanyan also found an excuse.

Bai Yue has a hard pregnancy, and it is not suitable to go out to enjoy the snow and plum blossoms in this weather, Feng Qingluan understands.Su Wanyan was seriously ill, and Feng Qingluan expressed her understanding.

"Sister Qing, let's go together." Feng Qingluan looked at Yun Qing eagerly.I hope Yun Qing can give her a hand and help her escape from the clutches of the clutches.

At this time, Wang Ziqing glanced at Yunqing with a faint look.Yun Qing gave a dry laugh, compared to the happiness of her second cousin and Feng Qingluan, she must reluctantly refuse once!

"I want to see Mei, go with Wang Ziqing. Qingqing is not free." Just as Yunqing was thinking about finding an excuse to refuse Feng Qingluan, the man beside him directly refused for her.

"Sister Qing..."

Sister Feng, it's not that I won't help you.Rather, she couldn't afford to offend these two people!
Ok!In fact, she just didn't intend to help.

Compared with the like-mindedness between big cousin and Su Wanyan.These two are completely enemies.You have to wait until Feng Qingluan opens up to fall in love with Wang Ziqing, and Wang Ziqing doesn't like to wait until when.So, she had to give the two of them a chance to get along alone!
"Sister Feng, you can go and see it with my second cousin. I'm not free today. Sister Feng also knows that I'm going to get married in two days, and I'm very busy these two days." This excuse is perfect.

In fact, she didn't worry about the wedding at all. Chu Limo had already arranged these matters.She just needs to quietly wait for him to marry her.

"Then forget it.Anyway, I don't really want to see it.

Feng Qingluan only said one word, and was interrupted before finishing the rest.The prince said lightly, with a tone that could not be refused, "It's decided like this."

"Why did you decide like this. I haven't agreed yet."

"You...are destined to be my wife, Wang Ziqing. Just accept your fate obediently."

A certain woman patted the table angrily, gritted her teeth and said, "Wang Ziqing, this girl wants to break off the engagement with you."

"What you said is invalid. Don't forget, you have accepted my dowry. You must marry. In this life, you will obediently wait for me to marry you."

(End of this chapter)

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