The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 752 056. Gathering in Chujing

Chapter 752 056. Gathering in Chujing
"Don't even think about it! Wang Ziqing, this girl will definitely break off the engagement with you." A certain woman gritted her teeth angrily.If she married this man, she would be bullied to death by him.So, she didn't want to marry.

"Then wait until you break off the engagement. Now, you bear the name of my fiancee on your head. You have to listen to me now." The prince said calmly, "Let's go to the Plum Garden."

"Don't go!"

"Disobedient. If you are so disobedient, next month's money will be..."

"Wang Ziqing, you bastard. Be cruel!"

Forehead!Why did she feel that Feng Qingluan was bullying a poor puppy in the eyes of her second cousin.

But what about silver?

Yun Qing glanced at Su Wanyan, Su Wanyan should know something about this.

Su Wanyan moved closer to Yun Qing and explained in a low voice: "Uncle Feng used to give Qingluan pocket money every month. But once I don't know what happened, Qingluan's monthly money was given by Wang Ziqing And since then, Uncle Feng has never spent any money on Qingluan."

There is still this stubble.I have to say!The second cousin is really tall!

"When did this happen?"

"It was when you left Chujing last year. Didn't Qingluan make a fuss about going to Xiyue with you, but was robbed by Wang Ziqing and came back, and this happened later."

Yun Qing nodded, indicating that he understood.

For the money, for the vain money, Feng Qingluan had no choice but to compromise temporarily.She swore that she must find a man with high martial arts skills, and find a man richer than that bastard Wang Ziqing to marry herself.Wang Ziqing let her wait and see.

Just left Yingfeng Tower.

Yun Qing thought she was dazzled.

How could those two people appear here together?They appear together, is there any adultery?
The two people who had just got off the carriage also looked at the few people standing at the gate of Yingfeng Building, and finally their eyes stayed on Yun Qing.

"Why are you together?" Yun Qing expressed his heart trembling!

Chu Limo's face sank when he saw the person in front of him.What the hell is he doing here?
Not to mention that Chu Limo saw that some people's faces were heavy, even Nangong Jin looked at someone with hostility on his face.

"Su Baiyi, why are you here?" The tone was unwelcoming.As she spoke, she would hold Bai Yue's hand tightly and declare her sovereignty.

Nangong Jin is completely treating Su Baiyi as an imaginary enemy.It is estimated that Nangong Jin was very angry with those words when he was in Xueyue City.Those words estimated that Nangong Jin would have to guard against Su Baiyi for the rest of his life.

Seeing that hostile face, a trace of inexplicable flashed across Su Baiyi's monstrous face, and his face darkened again and again. He shouldn't have offended this convulsive - big brother, right?

"Sister Qing." A gentle voice called out, and there was a slight smile on the man's face. "Sister Qing is getting married, how could Brother Rong not come? However, Brother Rong and this person did not come together." It was just a coincidence that they happened to meet each other on the road, and they just happened to enter the city together and appeared together. At the gate of Yingfeng Tower.

After hearing Qi Rong's explanation, Yun Qing smiled. "Brother Rong can come, I'm very happy. But, didn't Brother Rong go back to Xiyue?"

Qi Rong stepped forward, intending to touch Yun Qing's head, but realized that he was not her real brother after all, it was a bit inappropriate to do so, so he withdrew his outstretched hand in embarrassment.He said lightly: "Sister Qing's big wedding, even if it's in the remotest corners of the world, Brother Rong will come over."

One word at a time, brother Rong, someone's face was already frozen, he stretched out his hand to hold the woman beside him in his arms, gentle and a little domineering, then looked at Qi Rong, and said coldly: "Your blessing Our husband and wife received it. You can go back to Xiyue."

Qi Rong smiled gently, with a trace of teasing on his gentle face, "Brother is in such a hurry to drive brother back to Xiyue, isn't it because he is afraid that brother will snatch the marriage? Hehe."

"Qi Rong! How dare you!"

"On the way here, I was still thinking about whether to rob. Looking at my younger brother now, it seems that robbing is also a very fun thing. Sister Qing, if I really come to rob, will you go with me?" Jokingly smiled With a sound, Qi Rong's tone was somewhat true and somewhat false.

yes!If he steals the marriage, is she willing to go with her?
But didn't you already know the answer?

She has already chosen the man in front of her, hasn't she?

But if she is willing to go with him, then even if he wants to be an enemy of the world, he is willing to gamble on it.

"Qi Rong, you dare to make a clear idea and try. Do you think this young master will give you such a chance?" There was cold anger in the voice, "Qi Rong, get out of here before this young master makes a move." You go west."

"Hehe." Qi Rong smiled gently, "Junior Brother, I was just joking."

"Just a joke. That son killed you, and told you it was just a joke."

The few people standing at the gate of Yingfeng Tower listened to the strange conversation between Chu Limo and Qi Rong, especially the last sentence of Chu Limo.The corner of his mouth twitched slightly.This joke is not funny at all!I always feel that if one of those words is not good, there will be a big battle here.

Yun Qing looked at Qi Rong, the meaning in his words was both true and false, even she didn't know if he really came to Chu Jing to bless her.However, Qi Rong suddenly appeared here when she was getting married, she really didn't know if Qi Rong would have a convulsion and do something crazy.

"You are like my big brother. Then my younger sister gets married. How can my big brother snatch a kiss?"

Her rejection was still so straightforward, just like in Shuiling Town.He refused without hesitation.

"Yeah. My younger sister is getting married. Of course the eldest brother is here to bless you." Qi Rongwen smiled and looked at Chu Limo, "Brother, brother, who came all the way from thousands of miles is also a guest. Brother will not be stingy with a glass of wedding wine. Don't you want to drink?"

"Master Qi wants to drink, go back to your Xiyue to drink." Chu Limo had already made up his mind, and felt that Qi Rong could not be allowed to get closer.

He wants to kill all those who covet Qingqing.He doesn't mind making these people who covet Qingqing a dead person.

"Sister Qing, brother Rong came all the way from Fengcheng in order to attend your wedding. Now I haven't even had a sip of tea or a hot meal."

The word Fengcheng.Let Yun Qing's eyes move slightly.

Besides Yuhen in Fengcheng, there is also Chu Liyou who left them and chose Yuhen.

Besides, since Qi Rong has already arrived in Chujing, even if Chu Limo asked him to go back to Xiyue now, Qi Rong would not go back.

"Since you're here, let's finish the wedding wine and leave. As a younger sister, I really hope to get Brother Rong's sincere blessing when we get married." Yun Qing smiled lightly, but sincerely.

"Okay." Qi Rong smiled and nodded, looking at the other people around Yunqing, "I have heard that the dishes in Yingfenglou in Chujing are delicious. It is the first floor in Chujing. If you don't mind, let's have a meal together." Let's have dinner. It just so happens that Qi Rong also wants to meet everyone. Sister Qing, you won't refuse, will you?"

Yun Qing really wanted to refuse to come.But, after thinking about it, if he refused, Qi Rong would not be able to take it easy if he had a convulsion, and he really came to snatch the kiss on the day of his wedding.It is also a very troublesome thing.Moreover, Qi Rong saw Yuhen after going to Fengcheng, and now he changed his way to Chujing.At this juncture, Yun Qing had to think about other aspects.Qi Rong is a businessman, did he reach a deal with Yuhen?That's why she appeared in Chujing two days before her big wedding.


"..." Chu Limo gave Qi Rong a hard look.If eyes can kill, there are already countless holes in Qi Rong's body.

In this way, several people who had already eaten sat in the private room on the second floor of Yingfeng Building at once.Even Wang Ziqing and Feng Qingluan, who were going to the plum garden to enjoy the snow and plum blossoms, did not go.

Seeing such beautiful men as Su Baiyi and Qi Rong, a certain girl has already become nympho.Sitting in a room now.The excitement in my heart couldn't be restrained.

"You are the Su Baiyi that Sister Qing mentioned. You really are the best in the world. Except for Uncle Nine Emperors, you are the most beautiful man I have ever seen." A certain woman stared at Su Baiyi with a happy face, and sincerely praised with.She completely forgot that there was a man standing beside her who was staring at her and smiling, but his smile was a little scary.

The corners of the mouths of the others twitched slightly.

However, using the word most beautiful to describe a man, isn't it a bit...

But I have to admit one thing, besides Chu Limo's monster, I don't know what words to use to describe his appearance.Among the remaining men, each one has his own characteristics.However, the appearance of Su Baiyi is really another scene.Su Baiyi and Yun Qing are twins, but their looks are different.However, as a man, Su Baiyi's face is even more beautiful than a woman's.If Su Baiyi wears women's clothes, she must be breathtakingly beautiful.

Sure enough, when Feng Qingluan's words fell, Chu Limo's face darkened.It was still Yun Qing who pulled him and gave him a hint in his eyes, telling him not to get excited.When this guy sees a beautiful man, he will become a nympho and commit a crime.

Su Baiyi is a bit of a clean freak and doesn't like people getting close to him.Although her face was a little cold, she also knew that Feng Qingluan had no malicious intentions.There was no disgust on his face, but he clearly kept a distance from Feng Qingluan.Feng Qingluan didn't care too much, she just thought that sitting there without saying a word was so beautiful that it made people drool.

Seeing that Feng Qingluan was being a nympho at this time, her second cousin's complexion was already very bad, Yun Qing hurriedly introduced: "Big cousin, second cousin, this is Su Baiyi. Su Baiyi, who is the same as my twin " After finishing speaking, he introduced to Su Baiyi: "This is the eldest cousin Wang Zixuan, the second cousin Wang Ziqing, this is Su Wanyan, and this is Feng Qingluan."

Several people nodded.Although Wang Ziqing was a little unhappy that Feng Qingluan was infatuated with this cousin who suddenly appeared, he didn't show it on his face.After all, this cousin knew right away that he didn't like this type of girl.It's just that this girl should really 'teach' her a lesson.She should know the consequences of committing a nympho towards other men.

"Sister Qing... You said he was you..." Qi Rong didn't know Su Baiyi's identity, and he didn't communicate much with them when he met them on the road.Qi Rong didn't even know Su Baiyi's name.It was only when she heard Nangong Jin yell that she knew it.

"Yes. Mother was pregnant with twins back then."

"So that's how it is." Qi Rong looked at Su Baiyi with a warmer look.

Yun Qing also didn't intend to hide the relationship between Su Baiyi and her.After all, if Qi Rong wants to investigate, sooner or later he will.She didn't think it was necessary.

"Qi Rong respects everyone." Qi Rong got up, poured a glass of wine to respect everyone, and slightly drank the wine in the glass.That action is called gentle and polite.

Everyone present had heard of Qi Rong's reputation.Especially Wang Ziqing, in business, although the two have never dealt with each other, they still understand and pay attention to each other's affairs.

Qi Rong made a toast in person, so I still have to give him some face.After drinking a glass of wine, it can be regarded as making this friend.

"That's enough. I've drunk the wine too. Mr. Qi is probably tired from the travel and dust all the way. We husband and wife will not bother you."

Chu Limohui didn't speak, and didn't chase Qi Rong away.It doesn't mean that he has the leisure to eat and chat with him here.

"Senior Brother is really impatient. Senior Brother came from afar. Shouldn't Junior Brother treat you well?"

Chu Limo gritted his teeth, and said in a cold tone, "Entertainment! How can I entertain you if Senior Brother wants you?"

"I heard that Junior Brother's mansion is comparable to a royal palace."

"You're dreaming!" Before Qi Rong finished speaking, Chu Limo interrupted him coldly, "I don't mind sending you to live in Lingyin Temple for a while. Brother must have not seen your uncle for a long time. You should have a lot to say to him."

Qi Rong laughed uncontrollably, "Brother has received my brother's heart."

If he went to Lingyin Temple, he might be...

(End of this chapter)

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