The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 754 058. Grandpa, He Hit Me Last Night!

Chapter 754 058. Grandpa, He Hit Me Last Night!
"Handsome Qi Rong, let's elope!" Feng Qingluan blinked at Qi Rong with big watery eyes.Qi Rong was taken aback by Feng Qingluan's sudden sentence.

The few people who heard the voice looked at the person who had just confessed to Qi Rong in a daze.

"Sister Feng. Are you a nympho again?" Yun Qing lowered her voice and asked.

Feng Qingluan shook her head, and said very seriously: "Handsome Qi Rong, although we have only known each other for less than half an hour, I am already deeply fascinated by you. I believe that feelings can be cultivated. Let's elope Right now, right now, right now."

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, indicating that he could no longer understand Feng Qingluan's thinking.

It was the first time to be confessed by a girl like this, Qi Rong still had some embarrassment on his face.

"Ahem... that girl Feng, I have no intention of elope with anyone."

"It's okay. You don't have to elope. You can marry me. Or I can marry you. We can get married now."

The people next to me were choked again.Even Chu Limo, who has always been so indifferent, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he heard Feng Qingluan's bold words.

"I can't wait to marry another man, Feng Qingluan, you are really good...very good." A cold voice came from outside.

This cold voice frightened Feng Qingluan to shrink back behind Qi Rong. Feng Qingluan, who has always been fearless, saw Wang Ziqing as if she had seen a ghost. When I heard Feng Qingluan's voice, I could only hear Feng Qingluan's soft voice begging for help, "Handsome Qi Rong, this is the bastard. I am such a lively and lovely girl, you must help me."

Yun Qing, who was standing aside, shook her head, this time, she couldn't help her either.Chu Limo and Su Baiyi on the side leaned against the door in a leisurely manner, watching the sudden good show.

Wang Ziqing stepped towards Feng Qingluan.The sound of his walking was very soft.But Feng Qingluan's heart was still trembling when she heard it.

Stopping in front of Qi Rong, Wang Ziqing looked at the woman hiding behind Qi Rong, and said softly, "Come out." Just such a gentle sentence made Feng Qingluan tremble violently .

"Come out." How could his woman hide behind other men.Do you really think he is dead?
"Miss Feng, if there is any misunderstanding, just explain it clearly." Qi Rong smiled helplessly, he was confessed inexplicably, and he was also hated by the girl's fiancé.

"There is no misunderstanding. I don't want to come out. Handsome Qi Rong, since we are all about to elope, you can't do nothing." Scared by Wang Ziqing, Feng Qingluan yelled.She has to muster up the courage to break off the engagement with this bastard.

elopement!When did he promise to elope with her?
"Elope! Feng Qingluan, you are very nice. It seems that I really indulged you too much. As my fiancee, I want to elope with a man who hasn't even met for half an hour. And in front of me, my fiance, In front of you. Feng Qingluan, do you really think I'm dead?"

It was the first time that Wang Ziqing was angry with Feng Qingluan, he was really angry, and looked at her furiously.This woman really wanted to piss him off.

"Come out. Don't make me say it a fourth time."

Feng Qingluan, who was hiding behind Qi Rong, was really afraid of such a Wang Ziqing, she was the first to see Wang Ziqing so fierce.In the past, Wang Ziqing would scare people to death, but not like this time.With this roar, Feng Qingluan really came out from behind Qi Rong.

"Wang... Wang Ziqing, I'm serious, I want... to break off the engagement with you." Suddenly, he didn't dare to look him in the eyes, and his tone stammered.

"..." Yun Qing really mourned for this bastard girl for a second.At this time, she still dared to mention the matter of breaking up the engagement, it really is courageous!Didn't you see her second cousin's expression of wanting to eat people?
"Are you saying it again? What are you doing?"

Feng Qingluan plucked up her courage and said loudly: "I want to break off the engagement with you."

"Is it because of this man?" His cold eyes flashed a cold light as he glanced at Qi Rong.Is it because of this man?A man you've only known for less than half an hour?
Qi Rong probably wanted to cry in his heart.This matter has something to do with him!Is he a victim too?Inexplicably, she said that she wanted to elope with him, and out of nowhere, her fiancé came to her door. That feeling was really like - catching an adulterer!
"I ask you, is it because of this man?" Wang Ziqing asked.

How much she wanted to say that it was not because of him.It's because she doesn't want to be bullied by him, let alone be bullied and controlled by him after marrying him.That's why she wanted to break off the engagement with him.But, since he decided that it was because of Qi Rong, it was because of him. "Yes! It's because of Qi Rong. I only knew him for half an hour, but I was already deeply infatuated by his temperament. So, I decided. I must marry him. The first One thing to do is to break off the engagement with you. So, since we have known each other for so long, let’s hurry up and break off this engagement.” The more the woman spoke, the more energetic she was, she had already forgotten that there was still someone next to her Someone black and steamy.

Except for Qi Rong and Yun Qing who mourned for Feng Qingluan in his heart, Chu Limo and Su Baiyi were leaning against the door, if it wasn't for the wrong occasion.The two are expected to give some warm applause.Especially Chu Limo, seeing Qi Rong inexplicably provoked a peach blossom debt and now being repaid with Wang Ziqing's hatred, he was very happy in his heart!
"You're dreaming!" Roared viciously, Wang Ziqing probably vented all the anger that hadn't been vented in these years.After yelling, he glanced at Qi Rong coldly, his eyes and tone were full of warnings, "Your Excellency is very welcome to visit Chujing. But please don't go around bluffing around with that face on your face. Your Excellency should also Understand that one thing is not yours, it is best not to covet it, let alone have any thoughts." The pun refers not only to Qi Rong not to deceive little girls with a face, but also not to covet other people's women.That person was not only referring to Feng Qingluan, but also Yun Qing.After finishing speaking, Wang Ziqing directly carried the man on his shoulders, and strode away towards the outside of the inn.

How could the people present not understand what Wang Ziqing said.The corners of Qi Rong's mouth moved slightly helplessly.covet?Maybe yes, isn't he just coveting a woman who can't be him?
"Wang Ziqing, you bastard, where are you taking me? Let me down."

"Second watch..."

Yun Qing originally wanted to persuade her to calm down.Impulse is the devil!The man next to her pulled her.

"Qingqing, we don't need to worry about this matter." He glanced at Qi Rong with a half-smile, "Senior brother is really good at it! It's only been a long time since I've been here, and I'm fascinated by this girl. Senior brother should know It's not yours, and it will never be yours. Brother is a smart person, you should know, it's not yours, don't covet it. The price is something you can't afford. "

"Really? Senior brother, I really want to see what the price is, which I, Qi Rong, can't afford." Looking at someone who was about to kill someone, Qi Rong chuckled, "But, Qi Rong It’s still a pity. I know what to do and what not to do.”

Within a day, he was warned one after another.This is the first time in Qi Rong's life!

"It's better." Otherwise, no matter who he is, Qi Rong, he will definitely kill him.There was a warning.Chu Limo pulled Yun Qing and left the inn.

Looking at the backs of the two who left, Qi Rong smiled.She didn't even give him a look, so why did he do some meaningless things, and finally provoked them so that they couldn't even be friends?Rather than turning against her, becoming an enemy.He would rather be her brother Rong forever.At least, like this, in her heart, she still has her own existence.Even if it exists as a friend, that's enough!
"I know you wouldn't do that, right?" He said lightly.

Qi Rong turned to look at Su Baiyi, "Master Su knows me very well."

yes!He will not ruin her happiness.Unfortunately, they don't believe it.

"I really hope that Mr. Qi can really do what you think in your heart and won't do that." Su Baiyi said lightly: "You should know that once you do some things, there is no turning back."

Just like him, once some things are done, he can't turn back.

Now, he can only do his best to protect her happiness and well-being for the rest of her life.

"Master Su seems to be very touched." From Su Baiyi's words, Qi Rong faintly felt something.

"Has anyone told you that being too smart is not a good thing. Mr. Qi, why don't you be a little more confused." There was a cold warning in his tone.After that, without a word, he turned and went back to the room, closing the door.

A faint smile also flashed across Qi Rong's gentle face: Su Baiyi, what have you done to make you unable to turn back?


royal palace.Shouning Palace.

"It's you!" Seeing the person coming, the Empress Dowager had a hint of surprise on her face, and quickly calmed down.

"It's me." Looking up at her crippled legs, there seemed to be some memory flashing in her eyes. The cruel and merciless woman back then has now become like this. "Are you sorry?"

"Regret! Hehe. The Ai family never regrets. Compared to the Feng clan regaining the glory of the past, losing these two legs is nothing."

"You are still so obsessed with no regrets. What the Feng clan wants is not some glory, what the Feng clan wants is a stable life."

"What do you know? A stable life. Heh, there is no supreme power and endless glory. What do you give the Feng family a stable life? Your so-called stable life is in that cold place, year after year. Is the year wasted?"

"You won't understand. Because you don't understand what the people of the Feng clan want. The people of the Feng clan have never wanted glory and wealth. The Feng clan has experienced thousands of years, and the supreme Power and glory brought only destruction to the members of the Feng clan. What they want now is to live a stable life. But you, what you want is glory and wealth. Feng Xiaolan, after so many years, You still haven't repented. For your vanity, do you want to pay for the lives of other innocent members of the Feng clan?"

"That's their duty. They are proud." Feng Mou looked at the person in front of him deeply, "Is that why you came here to talk to the Ai family?"

"Feng Xiaolan, you must have met the spiritual girl of the Feng clan. Then you should know that she is not a soft-hearted person. I advise you, don't infect innocent people because of your vanity and desire for power. blood."

"Are you afraid that I will die in her hands? Are you concerned about me? Brother Wudao."

"I'm just warning you, don't try to hurt her. Otherwise, don't blame me for killing you with my own hands." After saying that, Su Wudao turned around and left.

"You still hate me! Hate what I did back then. Hehe, after so many years, can you still not forget her? But she is already dead. "

"She will always be in my heart." Live in his heart.

"No way, it's been so many years. Why do you never look back at me? You think I'm in the palace, from concubine to queen mother, I've been alone for so many years. I've never loved that man. You know Yes. I never loved him."

"That's your own choice." Without saying a word, she left Shouning Palace.

"Su Wudao. Su Wudao. Because of that old and dead woman, you never looked at me more. Never. Don't you know? She always treats you as a younger brother. Only me, only me to you It's the truth." Shouning Palace came, and there was a cry of grief.


Nangong Mansion.

Yun Qing was stunned for a long time after listening to the boy's report.

Her second cousin was so quick that he wanted to marry Sister Feng back home before they got married.Their wedding is tomorrow.Such a speed.

"Yunqing, what happened. Why did you get married in such a hurry." This incident happened without any warning.

Yun Qingjiang talked to Bai Yue when it happened at the inn, and especially said that Feng Qingluan wanted to elope with Qi Rong as if he wanted to die.

"So, Second Young Master Wang got married in order to prevent Qingluan from having the idea of ​​elopement."

Yun Qing nodded, "It should be."

However, her second cousin's speed was really too fast.Actually rushed to hold the wedding two days before their big really is...

The next day, the sixth day of November.

One day and one night, Wang Ziqing prepared everything quickly.Although it was in a hurry, this wedding was a flourishing wedding.

In General Feng's mansion.

Feng Qingluan was forced to put on her wedding dress and sit in the room.Seeing that her daughter was finally married, Mrs. Feng was very happy.

It was still early, and there was still time before the wedding procession.

Only Feng Qingluan, Su Wanyan, Yun Qing, Bai Yue, and a few little maids were in the room.

"I really didn't expect that you would marry your sister Yue first."

"Sister Su, I'm already like this and you still deliberately laugh at me. I don't want to marry at all." Feng Qingluan didn't look like a bride at the moment.

Several women just smiled.

"Sister Su, Sister Qing, Sister Yue, if I am bullied in the future, you must help me."

"Sister Feng, don't worry. However, I believe that my second cousin will not bully you." Yun Qing was very happy to see Feng Qingluan marrying her second cousin, although she was a little hasty.

"He will not bully me. Humph, sister Qing, you don't know, if he hadn't threatened me yesterday, how could I be wearing a wedding dress now."

"Threatening you. What did the second cousin threaten you with?"

"I..." Thinking of his threat to her, Feng Qingluan stopped again. "Anyway, I don't care. If I am bullied in the future, you can't ignore me." Since this bastard wants to marry her, she will make trouble for him every day, and she will annoy him to death.

"Well. We won't leave you alone."

The auspicious time has come, Feng Qingluan bid farewell to her parents and got into the sedan chair.

Yun Qing looked at the pair of Bi people. In this life, she finally watched them get married.Everything in the previous life, she promised, will never happen again.

This wedding is incomparably prosperous.

After the three bows, from now on, they are real husband and wife.

Wang Ziqing looked at the woman in the wedding gown in front of her, and smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth.

Inside the new house.Feng Qingluan lifted the hijab and threw the hijab on the bed.It hurts her to have such a big one on top of her head.It has been a day since I woke up in the morning.She is so hungry!
She was alone in the room, and she glanced left and right.Feng Qingluan looked at the snacks and fruits on the table.

While there is no one now, just fill your stomach.

When he was full, he quickly covered his hijab again.Sitting quietly on the edge of the bed.At this time, the door of the room was also pushed open.

Inexplicably, Feng Qingluan became a little nervous.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer to her.The sound of breathing also began to rush up.Only then did Feng Qingluan really realize one thing, she was really married, and even married to this bastard.

Now that I think about it, why did he agree to marry me when I was threatened by him at that time, and my brain twitched?

Wang Ziqing sat down beside Feng Qingluan.He looked at the person in front of him with a smile.Gently lifted the hijab.

The two looked at each other, Feng Qingluan swallowed her saliva, and stepped back nervously.

"That... that... I have promised to marry you. As you said, as long as I promise to marry you, you will not bully me from now on. Do you keep your word? "

"Yeah." He raised his eyebrows and looked at her with a smile, "From now on, you are mine. You must listen to what your husband says. Now..."

"Wait. Well, I'm not ready yet. Could it be tonight..."

"What do you think? Tonight is our bridal chamber wedding night. Do you think it's possible?" As if on purpose, Wang Ziqing approached her, scaring her into retreating into the bed.

"Wang Ziqing, you bastard. You said that as long as I promise to marry you, you won't bully me. Now that you've just got married, you don't mean anything."

"I didn't bully you! Have you forgotten? Tonight is our bridal chamber." Reaching out his hand to the woman hiding in the bed, Wang Ziqing was a little amused.Is he that scary?

"I do not want."

"I'm going to be disobedient so soon." There was a slight threat in his tone.

"Anyway, I don't want it. Wang Ziqing, if you... Even if I marry you now, I will divorce you."

"You're just newly married and you want to divorce. You really are disobedient. You should be taught a lesson."

Feng Qingluan touched her painful buttocks, this bastard just hit her buttocks.

"Wang Ziqing, you bullied me..." The voice was drawn out in a long voice.

"I just want you to remember that you'd better forget about the idea of ​​wanting to have a husband. Otherwise, it's not as simple as spanking your ass." Smiling lightly, he reached out and hugged her, " It's been a tiring day today. Rest."

"I don't want to sleep with you."

"Today is a newlywed. You just want to sleep in a separate room."

Feng Qingluan looked at the room, there was only one bed.Today's big wedding, if they sleep in separate rooms and pass it on, let alone what other people think of them, even her father will be pissed off.

"Then don't touch me. Also, you sleep inside, I want to sleep outside. You are not allowed to sleep over."

Feng Qingluan picked up a quilt and placed it in the middle, dividing it into the Chu River and the Han boundary.After a day of tossing, she is indeed tired.

Watching her actions, Wang Ziqing only felt a little funny.But after thinking about it, she threatened her once and asked her to marry him, so she must be scolding herself in her heart now.Now is indeed not the time.Anyway, she is already married to him, and they still have plenty of time in the future.

"Go to sleep."

This night, some people slept peacefully, while some people almost couldn't sleep all night.It's all my fault for pretending to be a gentleman, now it's all right, I'm the one who feels uncomfortable.

Day two.

The first thing Feng Qingluan did when she woke up was that she was married.She is really married.

People around me have already woken up.Feng Qingluan glanced at herself, it was still the same dress she wore last night.

Wang Ziqing had also changed out of the red dress she wore last night, and changed into the blue dress she usually wears.

"Get up quickly. Go see grandpa later."

"Oh." Feng Qingluan respected this elder very much.He got up hastily, just in time to change clothes, and remembered that someone was still in the room, "Wang Ziqing, I need to change clothes. You go out first."

"I've seen everything I should have seen last night. There's nothing to be shy about."

"What? Wang Ziqing, you pervert. You actually took advantage of me falling" Oh my god!Her innocence!
"Second Young Master, Second Young Madam. Master invites you to come over." Outside, there was a voice of Wang Momo knocking on the door, and there was a hint of a smile in the voice.

"..." Feng Qingluan wanted to cry, Mother Wang must have heard what she said just now.

Feng Qingluan hurriedly got up and changed her clothes. At this moment, Wang Ziqing came over, bit her finger, and dripped blood on the white veil.

"Wang Ziqing you..."

Wang Ziqing quickly covered Feng Qingluan's mouth, and whispered: "What do you think Grandma Wang is here for? Grandpa is anxious to hug his great-grandson. If Grandma Wang didn't see this, you just wait for Tiantian Be urged by grandpa to give birth to a great-grandson."

Although the Wang family is not a pedantic family, there are many people in the house.The news that she didn't become famous on the wedding night got out, which was bad for her reputation.

Feng Qingluan stopped talking.Just looking at Wang Ziqing, I felt my heart beating a little bit.He is protecting himself.

Sure enough, after Wang Momo came in, she tidied up the mess in the room and grinned even more when she saw the blush.It seems that the family will soon add a young master.

The main hall of the palace.

Wang Qingshan was very happy.I thought this grandson was not enlightened.Who would have thought, just do what you say, and marry your granddaughter-in-law back.



The two shouted in unison.Feng Qingluan served the tea up.This cup of tea was originally intended for father-in-law and mother-in-law.But General Wang is far away in Jicheng.

After drinking tea, Wang Qingshan smiled and gave Feng Qingluan a big red envelope.He smiled and looked at Wang Ziqing with great satisfaction, "Okay. Ziqing. You are an adult when you get married. You must treat your daughter-in-law well in the future. You can't bully Qingluan."

"Grandpa, I see."

"Qingluan, if Ziqing dares to bully you in the future, you can tell grandpa, grandpa will make the decision for you."

Yes indeed!Will grandpa dare to bully her after watching Wang Ziqing? "Grandpa, he hit me last night!"

"Cough cough..." Wang Qingshan, who had just taken a sip of tea, coughed violently.Looking at his grandson, "You bullied your daughter-in-law on the first day of your wedding. You forgot what the Wang family's family rules say."

"Grandpa, you heard me wrong. How could I beat Qingluan? Last night was our wedding night."

After thinking about it, my grandson shouldn't be such a jerk to beat his wife on their wedding night.

"Wang Ziqing, how dare you say you didn't hit me. My butt still hurts now." A certain girl was angry.This bastard didn't even admit to hitting someone.

Wang Momo, who was serving at the side in the main hall, grinned, the meaning was self-evident.Wang Ziqing coughed lightly, quickly covered Feng Qingluan's mouth, and lowered his voice, "Ours is called boudoir joy. You said it so loudly because you wanted everyone in the house to know what happened to us last night. Is it?"

What happened last night?Spanking her is called boudoir pleasure.The bastard!
Wang Qingshan coughed lightly on his old face, "Ahem, you young people pay attention..."

"Yes. Grandpa. We will retreat first."

Wang Qingshan waved his hand, "Go."

Wang Ziqing pulled Feng Qingluan away, and Wang Qingshan smiled behind him.Nanny Wang, who was waiting on the sidelines, also laughed, "It seems that a young master will be added to the family soon."

(End of this chapter)

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