The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 755 059. The Eve of the Wedding

Chapter 755 059. The Eve of the Wedding
Chu Jing.

Looking at the person in front of you, what is the situation?
"Sister Feng, no, it's time to call my second cousin. Why are you here at this time?"

"I'll accompany you and Sister Yue! Aren't you getting married tomorrow?"

But the question is, didn't you also get married yesterday?This is the first day of marriage, are you running away?

"Also, sister Qing, don't call me your second cousin. Listening to me, I feel that I'm the same generation as you when I'm old."

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched. Is there a generation gap between the two titles of sister and sister-in-law?

"Then Sister Feng, where are you carrying this burden?"

Yun Qing looked at her baggage in the room, did she come to stay with her for a night?Obviously that appearance is the appearance of leaving.

Feng Qingluan looked at Yun Qing with watery eyes, "Sister Qing, didn't you promise me yesterday. If that bastard Wang Ziqing bullies me, you will help me. Now, I want to live here , if you don’t take me in, I’m really going to run away from home.”

so serious?His second cousin bullied her on the first day of their wedding?

"Sister Feng, Second Young Master Wang looks pretty nice. Could it be that he beat you last night?" Bai Yue also didn't believe it.After all, they just got married.

"Sister Yue, you are right. That bastard Wang Ziqing hit me."

"Second cousin really hit you?" Yun Qing still couldn't believe it.

"Really." A certain woman swears on her face.

Someone who just came in turned dark when he heard the words inside.

"Then tell me, where did I hit you?" A faint voice sounded from above his head.

"You hit me..." After saying a few words just now, Feng Qingluan finally realized.Whoever said this sentence stopped quickly. "What are you doing here? You go! You go!"

"Forgot my words. Hmm."

"Forget." He glanced at his face angrily, but he didn't look at Wang Ziqing.

"Second Cousin. You are here to pick up Sister Feng home." Yun Qing said with a smile, "Sister Feng, Second Cousin came to pick you up in person, so don't be angry with him. Second Cousin, please be nice to me. Sister Feng explained and explained. We won't bother you first."

Yun Qing and Bai Yue got up and left the living room to them.

"Still angry?" Wang Ziqing spoke first.Seeing that she turned her face away and said nothing, she smiled and said, "Then I won't spank your butt from now on."

"Wang Ziqing you..." What a bastard.The words that followed ended up stuck in his throat.

He gently walked in front of Feng Qingluan, stretched out his hand, slightly lifted her chin, and unexpectedly left a light kiss on her lips.Feng Qingluan's heart beat very fast suddenly.Leaving her lips, he said slowly, "Can I let you spank my ass in the future?"

Looking up at him, "Wang Ziqing, you said you wouldn't bully me."

"Well. I promise you, I won't bully you." She nodded slightly.

His voice is very nice.It was obviously snowing outside, and the weather outside was very cold, Feng Qingluan found a burst of heat on her face.

"Then you just..."

"We are already husband and wife. Kissing is not bullying you. If you think I bullied you, then I will let you bully me too. I promise not to fight back." As he spoke, he really lowered his head slightly.An expression of, come and kiss me.

Grinding his teeth, "Wang Ziqing, you really are a bastard. You want to take advantage of me."

"This is not called taking advantage." He clasped her waist, and whispered in her ear, "We are husband and wife. This is called love."

"Sex for your sister's interest. She's obviously taking advantage of this girl." Unable to bear it, she uttered a foul language.

"The temper is still so wild."

A certain woman raised her chin proudly, with a proud expression on her face, "This girl is just like this, and I didn't want you to like me." Seeing the face approaching again, the certain woman's heart beat violently, "Hey, Wang Ziqing, do you have any questions?" Speak well, don't get so close."

"Then my wife, please listen carefully. I just like your temperament. No matter what you are, I will love you. Now, come home with me obediently."

For a moment, Feng Qingluan really wanted to say: Wang Ziqing, it turns out that you are quite handsome when you are gentle.

"Come here, take away Madam's things." It's actually just a bundle, with winter clothes inside.Although Feng Qingluan has a wild temper, she doesn't understand anything.Run away from home on the first day of marriage.She only brought a change of clothes for the day, and she just planned to stay here tonight with them.She also did this after talking to Wang Qingshan.

"Wait a minute. I promised Sister Qing and Sister Yue to stay with them tonight. And I have already told Grandpa, and Grandpa has already promised me."

"That's because grandpa agreed to you. I haven't agreed to your husband yet. Also, they are going back to the palace for dinner today. Are you sure you want to stay here alone?"

"What? Why didn't I know they were going back for dinner today."

"..." The prince smiled lightly and said nothing.


This is Su Baiyi's first time here, Wang Ziqing got married yesterday.Su Baiyi did not enter the mansion, but just sent blessings.

Su Baiyi also thought about Yun Qing's words.These people, as she said, were his family.It was the family he longed for.

"Grand... Grandpa."

"Okay. Just go home. It's over."

The person in front of him is his grandfather.To Su Baiyi, it was so strange but also so kind.In their presence, he felt at ease like never before.Come to think of it, this is the blood relationship.

During the meal, Wang Qingshan was smiling all the time.

Looking at these juniors sitting together, in this life, he should have no regrets!

"Baiyi, I heard the girl said that you have been living in Xueyue City, how long will you stay in Chujing this time?" Wang Qingshan naturally wanted Su Baiyi to live in Chujing all the time, so that he could see him every day.But he also understands that young people today have their own ideas.

"In the near future, he will stay in Chujing." He came to Chujing to attend Yun Qing's wedding, and secondly, some people in the Feng clan who should be cleaned up should also be cleaned up.Moreover, he was tired of staying in Xueyue City.Chu Jing, this place is not bad.He has no intention of leaving just yet.

"Should I live in an inn now or in your eldest brother's house?"

Su Baiyi raised his eyebrows and glanced at Nangong Jin, then smiled slightly, "Brother, he didn't invite me to live in the mansion."

"Ahem..." Nangong Jin, who had just taken a sip of tea, choked.This bastard, is this a complaint?Obviously he was the one who wanted to stay in the hotel, so why did he not invite him.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched slightly.The days to come will be fun.

"Jin, you are the eldest brother, how can you let your second brother stay in the hotel." Wang Qingshan said with a serious face.For the first time, Nangong Jin felt that it was difficult to speak.He could only stare at Su Baiyi bitterly.Su Baiyi received Nangong Jin's gaze, and gently pulled his lips into a smile.It seems that such a life is quite good.There is a grandfather who protects his shortcomings, a big brother who can be bullied, and a younger sister who cares.Wang Qingshan said casually: "Bai Yi, you move to Grandpa's Mansion, this is your home too. You can live as long as you want."

"Grandpa, Bai Yi wants to live with my eldest brother. These years, Bai Yi has been living alone. Ever since he knew that he still has family members, Bai Yi has been thinking about how to get along with his family. Bai Yi and his eldest brother are both male. Take care of mine."

"That's good. Anyway, you are in Chujing." Wang Qingshan also understood that Su Baiyi had lived alone for many years, and his temperament was a bit withdrawn and cold.If he lived with an old man like him, he might not be used to it.Living with Nangong Jin, the two brothers, who fight and fight, Bai Yi's temperament will be more cheerful.

"Ahem... Su Baiyi, you are such an adult, do you still need me to take care of you?"

"Jin, what Bai Yi said is right. To be a big brother is to take care of a younger brother."

For the first time, Nangong Jin felt that this big brother did such a trick!
"Okay, then move here. As the eldest brother, I will definitely take good care of you." He gritted his teeth hard.Nangong Jin probably wants to kill Su Baiyi now.

"Okay." Su Baiyi smiled lightly.With that smile, the whole room seemed to be in full bloom.

Yun Qing felt a little dazzled, why did she feel that Su Baiyi's smile and swaying his feet just now looked beautiful like a woman?

Shaking her head, she must have thought too much, how could Su Baiyi be a woman?
"Time flies so fast, you are getting married tomorrow. It's great!" Wang Qingshan smiled, then looked at his grandson Wang Zixuan and cursed with a smile, "Ziqing, Jin, and girls Qing are all married. It's you, when will you marry Wanyan back?"


"You brat, hurry up and marry Wanyan back." He laughed and cursed, but Wang Qingshan was still in a very good mood.As the saying goes, people are happy when they have happy events.The past few days have been one happy event after another.

Looking at the sky, it has been almost a day since I came to the mansion.Tomorrow is the big wedding, although everything has been prepared, but the big wedding is busy, but it will take a tiring day.

"Grandpa, Li Mo will take Qingqing back first."

"Grandpa, let's go back first." Nangong Jin also got up.

"Yeah. We're getting married tomorrow, and there are a lot of things to do. You guys go back." Wang Qingshan didn't stop him either.He just ordered: "The road is slippery, be careful on the road. Jin, take good care of Yue girl."

Su Baiyi also got up together, ready to go back to Nangong Mansion with them.

"Grandpa, Bai Yi will also go back with elder brother." There was still a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

When everyone got up and stood together, Yun Qing once felt dazzled.Why did she feel that Su Baiyi really looked like a woman when she just smiled?Is it because of his face that is more beautiful than a woman?
Moreover, Yun Qing also found out why Su Baiyi looked a little petite when standing together with Chu Limo, Nangong Jin, Wang Zixuan, and Wang Ziqing.And it looks smaller and smaller.Is it because she preconceived that Su Baiyi looks like a woman?So she was delusional?
But if one really wants to say that Su Baiyi is a woman based on her height, then there is no basis for that.In terms of age, Su Baiyi and Yun Qing are twins.But when Su Baiyi and Yun Qing stood together, it was obvious that Su Baiyi was taller than Yun Qing.It's just that Su Baiyi looks a little petite standing next to those men.

It must be because Su Baiyi is so beautiful, even more beautiful than a woman, so she had an illusion.Or to put it another way: her wedding is coming soon, and she is nervous, which is why her thoughts are a little messed up.

"Qingqing, what's wrong?"

"It's okay. Let's go back." He gave a shallow smile.

It is undeniable that she is indeed a little nervous and uneasy.

This kind of uneasiness only came after Qi Rong and Su Baiyi came to Chujing.Qi Rong's arrival made her flustered and scared.

Back to the house.

Nangong's mansion is not very big, Nangong Jin and Yun Qing live in a yard, and there are only two yards left in the mansion.After Su Baiyi moved in, Nangong Jin could live in any yard he wanted, as long as he didn't bother him.

Su Baiyi would live in, just because he found it interesting.So I specially chose a courtyard very close to Nangong Jin.

What Su Baiyi meant was: when you are bored, you can bully and bully your elder brother.

As night fell, Yun Qing sat by the window.

There has been no moonlight these past few nights, and the starry sky is pitch black.But tonight, she didn't feel sleepy.

Tonight, Chu Limo did not climb over the wall to come to Yulan Garden.

"Miss, it's very late. I'm going to be a bride tomorrow, so go to bed earlier." Seeing that the room was still lit so late, Xiaoxiao walked over from the side room.

"Xiaoxiao, how many years have you been by my side?"

"It's been 17 years. Since the young lady was born, the servants have been by the young lady's side." At that time, she was picked up by the madam, and the madam treated her like her own daughter.It's been 17 years now.

"I think, the person who has been with me the longest is you." Yun Qing smiled lightly.If it really counts, Xiaoxiao is the person who has been with her the longest.Past life plus present life, decades of time.

"The servant girl will always be by Miss's side. From tomorrow onwards, the person who will accompany Miss is the prince. Miss will live happily with the prince for the rest of their lives."

"You are jealous. I was robbed of your lady because of jealousy." Yun Qing joked with a smile.

"Miss, there is no such thing as a servant. The servant hopes that the lady will be very happy. After tomorrow, the lady will be happy every day."

"Well. I will be happy. Not only will I be happy, but we will all be happy. And you, if you have someone you like, you must tell it. I think you like ruthless. Or miss, I will make the decision and make it happen. you."

"Miss, I don't like him at all. He is just an ice cube. Cold wood."

"I also said that I don't like Wuqing, so I know him so well."

"Miss..." Xiaoxiao was a little anxious.

"Okay, I'm not going to laugh at you anymore. If you really like him, don't say it in your heart. After talking to you, I want to sleep. You should go to sleep too. "

"Miss, go to bed early. If you have something to do, call your servant." Xiaoxiao went out and closed the door.

Soon, all the lights in Yulan Garden were turned off.Yun Qing also took off her clothes and lay down on the bed, sleeping without him tonight.She doesn't seem used to it.No matter how I slept, I couldn't sleep.

well!What kind of rules are there, saying that they should not meet each other on the eve of the big wedding.This big Chu's rules are really annoying.

Yun Qing lay on the bed tossing and turning, but couldn't fall asleep.

Is she going to lose sleep tonight?

Do you want to be a bride with dark circles under your eyes tomorrow?
It took another half a stick of incense on the bed.Yun Qing stood up and got dressed.Familiar with Qingshu, he climbed over the wall and arrived at Liwang's Mansion.

At this moment, Li Wang's mansion is brightly lit.

Yun Qing came to the pear garden and pushed open the door directly.

Yun Qing thought that Chu Limo was the only one in Liyuan, but she didn't think that Qi Rong was so late.Will be here too.


"Sister Qing."

"Why are you here?" Yun Qing looked at Qi Rong and asked.

It's so late, how could Qi Rong appear in Liyuan, playing chess with Chu Limo.These two are really interested.

"After you get married tomorrow, I'm going back to Xiyue. Tonight, I came here to play chess with my junior."

"Oh. Then you go ahead. I'm leaving." Yun Qing turned around and was about to leave the pear garden.But there seemed to be a hint of sourness in that tone.

"Qingqing." Standing up, holding Yun Qing, Chu Limo looked at Qi Rong, "That's it. Senior brother, please go back."

"Forget it." Qi Rong got up.The gentle handsome look looked at Yun Qing, and finally, he smiled with some relief, and said sincerely: "Tomorrow I can't come to the house in person to congratulate you on your wedding. Brother Rong is here to wish sister Qing that you and your junior brother grow old together and love you forever."

"Thank you. I also wish you happiness." This sound, Yun Qing said very sincerely.

When Qi Rong left the pear garden, Chu Limo hugged the woman beside him into his arms, and whispered, "Miss me?"

"Yeah. I miss you. I can't sleep. Li Mo, can I sleep here tonight?"

"it is good."

When I dreamed back at midnight, a voice came from the pear orchard.

"...Yuhen...don't do that."

"Don't make me hate you, Yuhen..."

The woman on the bed murmured another man's name.Chu Limo opened his eyes, his cold pupils turned cold.Kissed the woman in your arms, "Qingqing. Is he... important in your heart? So important that he will appear in your dreams."

"I'm going to hate you...ah!"

Not knowing what was in the dream, Yun Qing woke up from the dream.At first glance, seeing the man lying beside him, I was suddenly a little scared, and hugged Chu Limo tightly, "Limo, I had a nightmare. I dreamed that he came. He won't come tomorrow, right No? Our wedding will be fine, right?"

"Qingqing, don't be afraid, I'm here!"

One sentence, don't be afraid, made Yun Qing feel at ease a lot.The whole person leaned in his arms.

"Li Mo, I'm sorry."

On the eve of her wedding, she dreamed of another man.However, Yuhen really scared her a little.

She knows Yuhen's strength best. Once he is convinced of something, even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, he will jump down without hesitation, and will pull them together.If it is said now, in this world, who can stand in the way of her and Chu Limo, then Yuhen is the best candidate.

"I'm here. No one can ruin our wedding. No one can."

 Will Yuhen really appear tomorrow?
(End of this chapter)

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