The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 756 060. The Prosperous Marriage

Chapter 756 060. The Prosperous Marriage
Before dawn, Yun Qing returned to Yulan Garden from Liyuan.

When they returned to Yulan Garden, the mansion was already busy.

This big wedding attracted the attention of the world.

As the daughter of Baihuzhai, Bai Yue is pregnant again.In order to avoid going back and forth, Bai Yue and Yun Qing got married from Yulan Garden together.

Before dawn, Su Wanyan, Feng Qingluan, Mrs. Feng, Mrs. Su, and Wang's mansion also sent Mother Wang over.

Yun Qing and Bai Yue let them help, bathe and change clothes.

It's just that their father Nangong must not be present in person for this big wedding. The letter said that Nangong had spent a little longer looking for Huangquanbiyu in the East China Sea.But after Wang Luoyan used the Yellow Spring Jasper Flower, she appeared to be awake.It's just that she has been sleeping for more than ten years after all.The body is very weak, and sometimes wakes up, and sometimes falls into a coma.Nangong Jue loves his wife eagerly.He didn't intend to take Wang Luoyan on a long journey to Chujing.He was going to wait until Wang Luoyan fully woke up before coming.

And Bai Yue's father, Bai Hu.As early as yesterday, he had already arrived in Chujing.Now staying at Tianxiang Inn.

After bathing and changing clothes, I have to put on makeup.After such a toss, it was already dawn.But the room was still busy.

"Sister Qing, Sister Yue, they are so pretty." Su Wanyan laughed.

Yun Qing has always dressed in simple and elegant clothes, and it was the first time she wore red clothes, which made her alluring face even more glamorous and attractive.As for Bai Yue, she has always been gorgeous and prosperous in red clothes.But this wedding dress was tailor-made for her, and it fully brought out her temperament.

"The day when Sister Su puts on the wedding dress for the eldest cousin will also be the most beautiful day. Well, according to what the eldest cousin means, you will get married soon."

Su Wanyan shyly said, "Sister Qing...why did you get involved in me." Wang Zixuan did tell her that after the New Year, he would marry her.

"Don't sister Su want to marry big cousin?" Yun Qing was not shy at all, and continued to joke.

"No way... I just... oops... I'll go see if things are ready." Originally, she was praising the two of them, but was teased by Yun Qingyi, making Su Wanyan feel shy.

"Hehe. Sister Su is really shy." Bai Yue also smiled happily at the side.

"Sister Qing, Sister Yue, are you nervous?" She forgot what it was like when she married Wang Ziqing.Now think about what it was like when they got married that day.It was all because Yixin was still angry at the time, and she was not in the mood to be a bride at all.

"not nervous."

She really wasn't nervous anymore.After falling asleep in Chu Limo's arms last night, she felt at ease.All together was thrown into the background.Now she only needs to remember that she is Chu Limo's wife.Today is their big day.

"Yunqing, but I'm very nervous." Bai Yue chuckled lightly.She was really nervous, she really married Nangong Jin without thinking about it.She followed him all the way back then, and he hated her.Even ignore her existence.Until he said he fell in love with himself.However, at this moment, she still couldn't believe it, she couldn't believe that she was going to marry that man.

Stretching out her hand to hold Bai Yue's nervous hand, she lowered her eyes and smiled softly, "You have to trust elder brother. Today is your big brother's wedding. From today onwards, you will be Mrs. Nangong. You will be a beautiful bride to marry To elder brother. What do you think? Sister-in-law."


While the few people were still talking, Xiaoxiao came in with the prepared food.

It is said that when Da Chu got married, women were not allowed to eat for a day, and Feng Qingluan didn't eat anything when they got married that day.But Chu Limo and Nangong Jin didn't care about these rules.What's more, Bai Yue is pregnant now.Being a parent is hard work.If you don't eat, how can you get to the bridal chamber while pregnant.

Simply used some breakfast.The time to welcome the bride has not yet come.Several girls sat together and chatted.

As soon as we chatted, time passed quickly.

The welcoming team also came, and Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan helped the two brides out of the room.When they arrived at the hall, Bai Yue was supported by Bai Hu and handed over to Nangong Jin.As for Yun Qing, her father didn't come, and today she and her elder brother got married together. Yun Qing was handed over to Chu Limo with the help of Wang Qingshan himself.

"I'll leave Qing girl to you."

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will always protect Qingqing, and I will never let her suffer any harm or suffer any grievances."

The auspicious time has come, and the bride is on the sedan chair.

This wedding has attracted the attention of the world, and the most eye-catching one is today's groom.Everyone knows that His Royal Highness Li Wang has been lingering on the sick bed, and his body has been sick for 20 years. There is even a comment from the Lingyin Temple that he will not live to be 21 years old.But now, His Royal Highness Li Wang, who will not live to be 21 years old, suddenly recovered and was about to get married.And the other groom is also a legend.Unexpectedly, these two legends actually got married together.

The people watching the excitement stood a long street from the gate of Nangong Mansion.For this wedding, they went directly from Nangong Mansion and had to swim around Chu Jing.And where they were going to go, red carpets were all spread out, and even the frozen trees were covered with red silk.The whole of Chujing is booming, which can be described as a real red makeup.

This day was extremely lively, not to mention the people she sent off, including the Prime Minister of Da Chu, Second Young Master Wang, and Su Baiyi, the welcoming team was comparable to the big wedding of an emperor and empress.This big wedding, I'm afraid no one will forget it for a long time.

Perhaps it was because of the lively atmosphere today, the weather in Dachu was fine and there was no snow on this day.

The sedan chair started from Nangong Mansion and walked through the most bustling streets in Chujing.

Tianxiang Inn.

The man in Tsing Yi stood by the window and looked down.In that long queue, she was sitting in it right now.Waiting to be his bride.

The man finally laughed, and said softly, "Sister Qing, from now on, I wish you happiness!"

"My lord." Xia Jinli respectfully reported from the side, "He's here!"

He finally came!
For her, he still came!
"Young master, don't you want to stop it?"

"He can't take her away." Because that man won't give him that chance, and that woman won't go with him either.

After swimming around, I have already walked all over the streets of Chujing.But the wedding ceremony was not held in Liwang Mansion, nor in Nangong Mansion.After all, they got married at the same time, and their officiant was Wang Qingshan.In order not to delay the auspicious time of the two couples.The place where the ceremony was held was in a garden outside Liwangfu and Nangongfu.Back then, the two mansions had an advantage. Not only were they separated by a wall, but there was also a huge garden next to them, which could accommodate hundreds of people.This garden does not belong to Prince Li's Mansion, nor does it belong to Nangong Mansion. This garden and the two mansions are regarded as one.

Those who came to the wedding were arranged in this garden.The decoration in the garden is also prosperous, so it looks very festive.

The auspicious time has come, and the guests watching the ceremony have also calmed down, quietly watching this prosperous wedding.

A large platform was set up in the middle of the garden, and the two sides of the platform were covered with flowers, including Yunqing's favorite violets and pear blossoms.The arrangement is patchwork, on the table, besides the flowers, there are also many colored ribbons tied, and the colored ribbons are flying with the wind.

Surrounded by the crowd, two couples walked slowly over and stopped in front of them.The two elders sat on top with smiles on their faces.

The master of ceremonies shouted loudly.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

The two couples bowed towards each other.

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

Wang Qingshan and Baihu sitting above were all smiling.Looking at the newcomer bowing down to him, he nodded quickly and said yes.

There is only one last prayer left.With the last obeisance, they are real husband and wife.



The husband and wife hadn't finished saying a few words of salutation when a clear voice interrupted those who wanted to salute.

Hearing this voice, Yun Qing was startled, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on her body, she felt cold, and Chu Limo's eyes froze.He still came.

All the guests followed the voice and looked at the man in black at the entrance in surprise.Even Wang Qingshan and Baihu who were sitting above stood up when they heard this voice.

At the entrance of the garden, he walked slowly from there.

Until he stopped in front of the woman, his gentle voice was so cold, "Yun Qing."

Yun Qing lifted the hijab and looked at him with indifferent eyes, "Are you here to bless me? If so, please watch quietly, if not, please leave."

"Yunqing, come with me."

A few short words represent his determination.

"What if I don't? Why do you think I'll go with you."

The hand under the red robe was already tightly clenched.Chu Limo's face was extremely cold.

"Prince Xiyue. If you are here to attend the wedding, I welcome you. But if not, this is Dachu, not you, Xiyue." Wang Qingshan's tone was full of warning.

"I have admired the name of the old general Wang for a long time. It is Yuhen's luck to see him today."

"Yuhen, go back to your Xiyue."

"His Royal Highness Li, take away the people I should take away, and I will naturally leave." Yuhen looked at Yun Qing, "Yun Qing, follow me."

"Enough! Yuhen, why do you think I will go with you." Sneered, "Yuhen, I said, if you want to destroy what I want, I will kill you. Regardless of the cost, I Will kill you too."

"Yun Qing, if it wasn't you who came with me. I don't believe you will attack me."

"You should know what kind of person I am. I have never been a soft-hearted person."

Yuhen's arrival was too sudden, no one would have thought that on the day of this big wedding, someone would come to snatch the marriage.And the person who came to snatch the marriage was still Prince Xiyue.

"Yuhen, you appeared in Chu Jing alone, do you think you can go out?" Chu Limo's voice was already murderous.He didn't want to be ruthless and murderous on such a day, but the person in front of him, damn it!
"For her. Ben Gong is willing to break through. Prince Li thinks, can you stop Ben Gong?" The man was not afraid of threats at all.

"Then you... just die."

"His Royal Highness, you might as well listen to what's next. See if she chooses you or me."

"No matter what you do, Qingqing will always choose me as the person she chooses. But since you are so determined, then you should watch carefully how Qingqing rejects you." Killing intent flashed in her cold eyes.

"Yun Qing, is that what you mean too?" He asked.

"Yes. If you hinder my happiness, I will let you die." She answered simply and ruthlessly.

"Hehe. Our 15-year relationship, you really want me to die because of him. Yun Qing, I always knew you were ruthless, but since you are ruthless, why are you only ruthless to me? You said that I hindered your happiness, Do you understand this man? If you marry him, will you really be happy? Yun Qing, I am the person who understands you best in this world. I can give you everything you want. "

"Unfortunately, I don't value everything you give."

I am not rare.

What a cruel sentence, what a heartless sentence.

But he, no matter how unfeeling she is, he still wants to get her.

If she can't love him, then hate him.At least, he still has a little bit of existence in her heart.

"Yunqing, do you still remember the three conditions you promised me when you were in Xiyue? You did one, and there are two left. Now, I want you to do another thing. Get out of here with me. Yun Qing , you are the most trustworthy person, you will keep your promises, right?"

At this moment, Yun Qing walked up gently.Everyone was surprised, is the bride really going to abandon the king and go with the prince of Xiyue?
"Sister, you can't promise him this matter. The snow lotus was given to me, and I will return that snow lotus to him." Nangong Jin shouted.Back then, Yunqing agreed to Yuhen's three conditions because of Xuelian.

"Yunqing. Don't do stupid things." Bai Yue also spoke from the side.

Yun Qing walked up to Yuhen and looked at him with cold eyes, "Yuhen, why did you come? Why do you have to get me? Why do you want me to hate you? You know, in those 15 years, I treat you like my own brother. But today, you wiped away all the feelings you had for 15 years. Yuhen, you are right, I am very ruthless, but you are wrong about one thing, you are actually Don't know me at all. You don't know what I want. I don't think you ever will."

"You, Yunqing... It seems that you really hated me. Hehe." The man smiled lightly.

Yun Qing returned to Chu Limo's side again.At this time, all the guests saw that there was a puddle of blood on the ground where the Prince Xiyue was standing.And there was a bloody hole on the waist of the man in black clothes.

When Yunqing approached Yuhen, Yuhen was betting that Yunqing would not make a move.However, he was wrong this time, Yun Qing took out the dagger he carried with him without hesitation and stabbed him in the waist.

"Your Highness." Akabane rushed over and supported the injured Yuhen.

When Yuhen came to Chujing this time, the old wounds on his body were not healed, but he insisted on coming here.But he didn't want to, that woman gave him a fatal knife.

All the guests in the hall also looked at the woman in shock.

"Yuhen, since you have come to my wedding, then you should watch carefully. Watch me get married."

The cruelest thing in the world is seeing someone you like marry another man.into the arms of another man.

Delaying the last prayer at an auspicious time, Yun Qing didn't want the wedding to be ruined just like that.

Wang Qingshan also gave the master of ceremonies a glance.The master of ceremonies cleared his throat and said loudly, "Husband and wife pay respects!"

The two couples completed the last worship.

This worship is late.Of course, from today on, she is Chu Limo's wife.A legitimate wife.

(End of this chapter)

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