The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 758 062. Newlyweds

Chapter 758 062. Newlyweds
In the morning, Yun Qing woke up from Chu Limo's arms.

It seemed that the pear blossoms in the pear orchard had bloomed again last night, and now, the faint fragrance of pear blossoms wafted into the house.

"Wake up. Did Qingqing sleep well last night?" A gentle voice came from above her head.

"I didn't sleep well." The voice was a bit lazy, "Because you are so attractive, I couldn't sleep all night. Your attractive face is always in my mind." After finishing speaking , Yun Qing laughed.

"Get up and have breakfast first."

"You did it?" Did this man get up early to make breakfast for her?
"Yes. Made Qingqing's favorite food."

Hearing about the food, Yun Qing hurriedly got up from the bed.Get dressed quickly.On the table in the room, a hot breakfast has already been set.

While having a delicious breakfast, he looked at the handsome man beside him.Looking at it, Yun Qing laughed again.

They are married!very nice!

"What are we going to do today?"

"If Qingqing likes it, I can stay with Qingqing in the mansion for a day. Or I can go out with Qingqing for a walk."

"Then can I invite my friends to come?"

"Yes. This is also Qingqing's home. Qingqing is the mistress of this mansion."

To be honest, the huge Li Wang Mansion is really empty.Apart from her as the hostess, there is only Xiaoxiao who came with her, and the original cook in Li Wang's mansion.There are only three women in the entire mansion.In recent years, Chu Limo has really not been close to women.The only one who waits by his side is Ruqing Wuxin.Now Wuxin went to her elder brother's house. In this house, there were only Wuqing and a forty-year-old manager.As for the other hidden guards, they were hidden in the corner of Li Wangfu.Without an order, he will not show up easily.So, from the palace is really quiet.

Fortunately, Yun Qing is also a quiet person, and it's really good for the two of them to live like this now.

"Have you thought about what to do today?"

At this time, Yun Qing raised his head and looked at the pear blossoms in full bloom in the pear orchard, and smiled softly, "The pear blossoms are all in bloom, shall we pick the pear blossoms to make wine today? Bury the brewed pear blossoms under the pear blossom tree and treasure them. In the future, When we are old, we will take it out and taste it slowly. It must taste delicious."

"Okay. Have breakfast first."

After finishing their breakfast, the two of them really went under the tree in the pear orchard.

Yun Qing was about to open a wine shop, and prepared dozens of wine jars, large and small.

"Qingqing, are you going to open a wine shop?" Chu Limo was a little dumbfounded.

"..." She gave an order, and then Wuqing and Xiaoxiao prepared so much.

"Qingqing, if you want to make the best pear blossom wine, you have to choose the best pear blossoms, and they are the ones on the top of the pear blossom tree. Qingqing, if you fill all these jars, you will need thousands of pear blossoms There are only a few dozen pear blossoms in the garden that can be used."

Yun Qing looked at him, "How do you know?"

"Ten years ago, I had nothing to do. I brewed a few jars, and now they are still buried under the pear tree. And clearly, besides being your husband, I am also a businessman. The business involves a lot. Chu Jing has The wine shop opened by your husband is not only in Chujing, but also in other places."

Yun Qing curled her lips, "Got it. You are rich. Don't tell me specifically, you look rich." Yun Qing really wanted to say that you are not afraid of being robbed if you flaunt your wealth like this.

Sticking to Yun Qing's cheek hehe smiled, with a very ambiguous tone, "Doesn't Qingqing like my dick?"

rogue!Who messed with him.His face turned red, "Picking pear blossoms to make wine."

"Okay." He wasn't teasing her either.Chu Limo smiled and walked away to pick the pear flowers on the top of the tree.

Having light work is really an excellent thing.Ever since the seal on Yun Qing's body was untied, such things as lightness kung fu were simply a piece of cake for her.

The two quickly picked the pear blossoms to be used. It snowed all night last night.The pear blossoms were still stained with snow.The pear blossom wine at this time is the best.Put the picked pear flower petals directly into a clean wine jar.At breakfast, when Yun Qing said that he wanted to make wine, Chu Limo had already ordered people to prepare all the things needed for wine making.

Pear Blossom Stuffed is not very complicated.Put the pear flower petals directly into the wine jar, and put the special water made of pear blossoms in it.And you're done.

Bury the wine jar containing the pear blossom wine under the pear blossom tree.This time the two only brewed ten altars.

"You said that you brewed a few jars ten years ago, so now, that is to say, there are pear flower brewed in the pear orchard that has been treasured for ten years. Why don't you dig out a jar to celebrate our first day of wedding and to celebrate our own brewing. Made ten altars of pear blossom brewing."

"Okay." Chu Limo would never refuse Yun Qing's request, and gently touched her small face.Chu Limo walked under a tree and dug out a jar of pear blossom wine that had been treasured for ten years.

Yun Qing just watched his movements, ten years of pear blossom stuffing!

The jar has not been opened yet, but Yun Qing has already smelled its pure wine fragrance.It is simply refreshing, like the snow lotus on Tianshan Mountain.A fragrance came out.

"Qingqing, pear blossom brew has great stamina. Just drink one glass."

He didn't want to get drunk on the first day of their wedding.

"Okay." Nodded.Now that she has been seduced by this pear blossom brew, she naturally blocked Chu Limo's words that had great stamina, and she could only have a cup of wine.

Take the altar of pear blossom brew that has been preserved for ten years.Yun Qing happily returned to the room like a child.

In her previous life, when she had no missions, she would often drink wine or something alone in her room.And she is very picky about wine, ordinary wine can't catch her eyes at all.

Opening the lid, Yun Qing smelled it, it was really fragrant.

Ten years of pear blossom stuffing is really extraordinary.Buried under the tree for ten years is so fragrant, she wants to bury today's wine for 20 years or even longer.

"Princess, cup." After getting married, Xiaoxiao also changed her address from Miss.Knowing that the princess wanted to drink, she quickly brought the wine glass over.Then he didn't bother, and quietly withdrew.

He poured two glasses, one for himself and one for Chu Limo.

Seeing her smiling so sweetly because of a glass of wine, Chu Limo also smiled faintly.

"Limo, happy wedding."

"Qingqing, happy wedding." He hoped that he would give her happiness both physically and mentally.

"Wait." Just as Chu Limo was about to drink from his glass, Yun Qing stopped him, "It's so boring to drink such fine wine like this. Today is the first day of our wedding, why don't we change it to something special?" Way to celebrate."

"What special way does Qingqing want to celebrate?" He expressed curiosity.

Yun Qing gave a roguish laugh, thinking of teasing her elder brother, "Today is also the first day of the wedding between elder brother and Bai Yue. Let's bring pear flower brew to elder brother's house. Show off. Eldest brother is for Bai Yue Yue, you must not dare to drink."

Nangong Jin used to hang around Fengyue places.No wine, no joy.He is also very fond of fine wine.But since Bai Yue became pregnant, Bai Yue vomited badly for a while, and she didn't like the smell of alcohol.Later, Nangong Jin stopped drinking because of Bai Yue.

However, if she holds ten years of pear blossom stuffing, can her elder brother bear it?

"Qingqing, are you sure?" Someone's mouth twitched slightly.Just now, he thought that Qingqing would celebrate in some special way, but he was a little excited in his heart.Who knew, Qingqing poured a basin of cold water on him.

"Um. Let's go."

Now Yun Qing just thinks of her elder brother's picture of having good wine but not being able to drink it, she thinks it will be funny.

"Qingqing, there is actually a better way to celebrate."

"What way?" With big watery eyes open, a certain woman looked at the man who smiled evilly.

Someone was extremely fast, before Yun Qing could react, someone grabbed a certain woman's waist, "I'm the one who feeds Qingqing." Yun Qing opened his eyes wide and looked at Chu Limo, who had already lifted his hand. The wine glass poured the wine into his mouth.

Then, the lips covered and stuck to hers.The fragrant wine slid along his lips to her lips, and then into her mouth until it slid into her stomach.

The aroma of pear blossom brewed wine and his taste still remain in the mouth.

"Is it good?" he asked.

She nodded, "It's delicious."

"Is it okay to be clear?" I suddenly felt that this way of drinking was very good.He is very satisfied.

Yun Qing nodded and shook his head.She wants to drink, but not for him to feed herself like this.In this way, she will be seduced and unable to extricate herself.

"Does Qingqing want it or not?" Youyou said, "I should make the decision for Qingqing."

Before Yun Qing could speak, someone posted it once.The wine trickled down his throat.

But this time, he didn't let her go so quickly.Instead, he kissed her gently.Suck and allow her beauty.He didn't let her go until her lips turned red from someone's kiss.

After being released, I took a breath of new air.

She was almost suffocated by this man's kiss.

Yun Qing blushed, and glared at the man who kissed her until she couldn't breathe, "Chu Limo, you stinky rascal."

Hehe smiled, and spread an ambiguous breath on her cheeks, "Qingqing, don't you know best whether I am a hooligan? Also, didn't Qingqing enjoy it just now?"

Enjoy your sister's enjoyment!
Obviously she couldn't breathe after being kissed.Where did she enjoy it?
"I won't tell you anymore. I want to drink pear blossom brew."

"Qingqing, you've already had a drink. You can't drink any more."

"Why? Chu Limo, you won't be so stingy, right? I just married you on the first day, and you won't give it away." She curled her lips unhappily, because she hasn't tasted enough of the pear blossom stuffing yet.

"Qingqing, when will I stop giving it to you? I give it to you every night!" Someone deliberately distorted the meaning of Yun Qing's words, and smiled ambiguously.

"Stinky rascal. Who is talking to you about that. I want pear blossom stuffed." This man really didn't know how to be ashamed at all.I think about that every day.Yun Qing pouted, and said unhappily: "If you don't make pear blossoms, I will run away from home."

The corner of Chu Limo's mouth twitched again and again, it was clear that he was about to throw a temper tantrum?
"Good boy! Would you like to drink tomorrow?" He coaxed softly.

Doesn't this fool know that Lihua Niang is said to be drunk with just one cup?Now that she is still not drunk after drinking a glass, it is because she has deep spiritual power, and he helped her drink a lot.If she is drinking.Estimated to lie in bed for a few days.

"No." A certain woman began to play childish temper, "Yesterday, when we got married, he said that he would treat me well in the future and never let me be wronged. I will forget what I said yesterday. I was wronged so quickly."

Chu Limo held his forehead, with black lines all over his face.

A certain woman started acting coquettishly again, hugging someone's waist and said coquettishly: "Limo, Momo, Xiaomomo, husband, husband, dear, husband, just have a drink, okay? I promise, just have a drink. "

That soft and coquettish voice, not to mention a woman, would be unbearable to any man.What's more, this woman is still deeply in love with him.

"Then I'm having a drink." It's a big deal, if Qingqing is drunk.He used his internal force to force the wine out for Qingqing.Who made him love her.

"I knew you were the best for me. Thank you, dear husband." Yun Qing hugged someone, and to reward him, kissed someone on the lips a few more times.

"Qingqing, after kissing, I can't help but want... to eat you."

This sound was really effective, and Yun Qing was so frightened that he quickly let go of someone.

After sitting down, Yun Qing poured himself a glass, looked at Chu Limo again, and asked, "Do you want it?"

Shaking his head, his body does not allow him to drink too much alcohol.Even yesterday's big wedding, only had one drink.He had already had a drink just now, and he was really worried that he would not be able to bear it after drinking it.

"Then I'll drink it myself." Yun Qing also knew his body, so he didn't force him to drink it.

After a cup of pear blossom stuffing, it is really fragrant.It makes people have an unstoppable desire.

Once you drink one cup, you want to drink a second cup, or even a third cup.

However, Chu Limo did not give Yun Qing such a chance. After drinking a cup, Chu Limo took away the remaining jar of pear blossom wine.As for Yun Qing, he could only watch eagerly.

"Do you feel any discomfort?" After a while, he stared at Yun Qing and asked.


After a while, he asked again, "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Yun Qing still shook his head.


Finally, half an hour later, Yun Qing lay down on the table with a drunken face, but before he got drunk, he said something like, "Chu Limo, I seem to be drunk."

He got up, gently picked up the person lying on the table and walked towards the bed.Put the person down again gently.

Nodding the nose of the drunken woman, she smiled softly and dotingly, "What a little fool."

Pear blossom brew is so delicious.Fortunately, she is not ordinary.Otherwise, I would really have to get drunk for days and nights.

Using his internal force, he forced the wine out of her body.Chu Limo was sitting by the bed, quietly watching her sleeping peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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