The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 759. Chapter 063.

Chapter 759 063. Return to the Door
"Master." Wuqing appeared in Liyuan.

"Say." Cherish words like gold indifference.

"Yuhen left Lingyin Temple—jumping off a cliff! Whereabouts are unknown!" Wuqing reported the information he had just obtained verbatim.

"Jump off a cliff! Hmph." His eyes shone coldly, "Do you think Yuhen is the kind of person who can jump off a cliff? Find him and kill him at any cost!"

"Yes." Withdrew ruthlessly.It was as if no one had just appeared in the room.

Jump off a cliff!Hehe, Yuhen, did you jump off a cliff?
Lingyin Temple, before Yuhen jumped off the cliff.

"Old monk, have you made up your mind?" Wuchen kept asking Lingyin.If he hadn't been able to beat him now, his injury hadn't healed, and his skills hadn't recovered, he would be afraid of the few hidden guards outside Lingyin Temple.

"Monk, I told you. Go jump off the cliff."

"Old monk, thanks to you, you are still a monk. You told us to jump off a cliff. What about your compassion. You were eaten by dogs."

"Compassion, what is that?" A certain monk raised his eyebrows.Does he have such a thing?

"" Wuchen pointed at Lingyin, trembling with anger.

"Don't you, you, you, it's dawn. Leave quickly. Otherwise, don't blame the monk for not reminding you."

"Old monk, if I become a ghost, I will come to you every day."

"That's when you're a ghost. Stop talking nonsense, and get out if you want to die." After finishing speaking.Lingyin drives Wuchen and Yuhen out of the house.That's right, it was driven out.And still knocked the two of them off the cliff.It wasn't that Yuhen jumped off the cliff, but was knocked off the cliff by Monk Lingyin.

What those hidden guards saw was that Lingyin knocked him off the cliff.

However, when the dark guards searched under the cliff, they did not find Yuhen and Wuchen.When they were at Lingyin Temple, Yuhen and Wuchen were not here either.And these two people seem to have disappeared.Disappeared without a trace.


From the palace.

Yun Qing patted himself on the head.What a fucking pain!
She only drank two cups, how could she be so drunk.

"Wake up, does your head hurt?" If I knew she would be drunk, I shouldn't let her drink later.

Shaking his head, "Lihua Niang is really powerful, how long have I been sleeping?"

"I slept all afternoon. Are you hungry?"

"Yeah." Can you not be hungry after sleeping all afternoon?She has been asleep since the morning and hasn't eaten lunch.But this pear blossom brew is really powerful, no wonder he won't let himself drink it.Get up from bed and wash your face.Yun Qing asked, "What's for dinner?"

"Qingqing likes dragon meat."

"Ahem..." Yun Qing was almost coughed to death, what did he just say?Dragon meat, he wouldn't kill the phoenix bird in the northern suburbs palace again, would he?

But when it comes to dragon meat, Yun Qing has something to ask, "Hasn't Gui Youmen found any clues yet? And Chu Che, how do you plan to deal with him?"

After Su Wudao entered the palace to warn the Queen Mother, the Ghost Pylori Gate is completely silent now.As for Chu Che, he was tortured by Chu Limo in the northern suburbs palace, and then Wang Ziqing hung him up all night.Still lying in bed and not recovering.And there was news from Chu Jingli that Chu Che was injured this time, and I'm afraid it will cause trouble in the future.As soon as the news came out, Chu Che's illness would not get better in a while.

"Ghost Youmen has been quiet recently. As for Chu Che...Let him fend for himself. Killing him would be too cheap. Let him watch carefully. What he wants, he suffers from not getting what he wants."

Chu Limo didn't intend to take Chu Che's life right now, after he had tortured him enough.His time of death has come.As for now, let Chu Che live a few more days.

"Where's Emperor Chu? What's happening now?" They got married yesterday, but Emperor Chu didn't come to the wedding.It wasn't that Emperor Chu didn't want to come, but that Chu Limo didn't invite him at all.

The reason for Chu Limo is very simple. He doesn't want to see someone he hates on such an important day as his wedding, which will ruin his good mood.

"I'm in a bad mood." Chu Limo said with a trace of disdain.

Can you not feel bad?Originally thought that Chu Che would be able to deal with Chu Limo once he came back.But in the Northern Suburb Palace and his party, the people who should be removed have not been removed.Chu Che was also compensated.The most important thing is the news that Chu Jing passed on.If the news was true, Chu Che would really give up, and the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs would not allow such a prince to be appointed as the crown prince.

"You were the one who released the news of Chu Che's refusal." Yun Qing is sure that Chu Che was kicked by Feng Qingluan when Chu Limo tossed Chu Che.So spread the matter.

"Wang Ziqing has the most credit for this matter." He only slightly intervened in this matter, and the person who really controls this matter behind the scenes is Wang Ziqing.

So say it!In Chu Jing, Chu Limo and Wang Ziqing were the two people who could not be offended the most, not the Emperor Chu.

at the dinner table.There are only two people eating.

For a while, it became two people eating, Yun Qing was still not used to it.

Before she got married, she ate with her elder brother and Bai Yue every day, and Chu Limo would come over to eat every day.At that time, we would laugh and laugh every day at the dinner table when we ate together.Chu Limo and her elder brother would also bicker and so on.

Now only the two of them are eating in the huge Li Wang Mansion.If no one speaks, it's really quiet!
"Li Mo, can we discuss it?" Yun Qing sat a little closer and said with a smile.Chu Limo looked up at her.Yun Qing continued: "Look at this huge palace, it's just the two of us having dinner together and it's not lively at all. Why don't we call elder brother and the others to eat together at the palace from tomorrow, and then we'll go to elder brother's place for dinner the day after tomorrow Okay? Then we can have lively meals together every day."

"Doesn't Qingqing like the two of us having dinner together? Does Qingqing also feel that the mansion is deserted?" For so many years, this Liwang Mansion has indeed been cold without a trace of temperature.It wasn't until it was clear that there was a little temperature.

"I...I just..." They are actually lonely people, because they understand the loneliness between each other.That's why they came together with a tacit understanding.

"Qingqing likes to be lively. Just follow Qingqing's way." He said lightly.

"I'm sorry, are you unhappy? I'm just used to eating together during this time. That's why... I'm a little unaccustomed." She knew that he was always alone, and she was the only one he had.So did what I just said hurt him?

Does he feel that he doesn't like this kind of life anymore?But it's not, she's just used to the excitement of being together.

"I know Qingqing's thoughts. It's because I didn't think carefully, the mansion is indeed a bit deserted." Gently touched her face, "But Qingqing, Nangong Jin may not welcome us to disturb his two people .”

"Then let's not bother big brother." Yun Qing smiled and took Chu Limo's hand, "It's us now, and in the future, there will be our children, as long as you are there, there will be no Cool."

Just now, because she saw only the two of them eating, she suddenly remembered how happy everyone was when they ate together.Now they are all married and have their own homes.The person who will accompany her for the rest of her life is the man in front of her.No matter what he did, he was the only one who would be by her side in the future.Therefore, she now wants to integrate into the couple's life of the two of them.

"It seems that I have to work harder at night. In this way, our children will come earlier."

Forehead!Yun Qing hurriedly lowered her head, and tried her best to eat on her stomach.I thought to myself, why did this matter come up again.However, it seems that she was the first to mention this matter.

Chu Limo just looked at Yun Qing charmingly and smiled.The smile made Yun Qing a little frightened...

the next day.

Someone gave a certain man a hard look, this bastard, don't you know how to restrain yourself?

Her bone will be broken in his hands sooner or later.

Now she just feels like her waist is about to break.But someone said last night: "Qingqing, for the sake of our children, we still need to work hard!"

effort!Work hard!

Obviously he can temporarily prevent pregnancy by eating Linglongzi and Youhua.Even if you work hard, it is impossible to suddenly pop out a child!
But it was she who suffered.

She cried and said no, someone is still continuing his animal behavior.

If she hadn't cried in the end and said she was going back home today, she would have been dizzy, and then she would have thrown her face to the South China Sea.

She didn't understand why he had such good physical strength.If it weren't for her spiritual power to protect her body, she wouldn't have endured his torment.But with the spiritual body protection, she would eventually collapse under him without any strength at all.Then he acted like a normal person.

Thinking about it, it's not fair at all.

Yun Qing's father, Nan Gong, was never here, but the matter of returning home became returning to Wang's house.And Bai Yue's father, Bai Hu, also returned to Bai Hu Village after they got married.So today, they went back to Wang's house together.

The head of the Li Palace had already prepared the ceremony for returning home.

"Qingqing, get up and have breakfast. We have to go see grandpa after eating."

"Chu Limo, I don't want to talk to you." Looking at the bruises on her body, Yun Qing wanted to cry.

"Qingqing, get up quickly. It will be bad if you miss the hour." After a certain person had eaten and drank enough, he felt refreshed.

"You go! You go! Chu Limo, I don't believe you anymore." Yun Qing felt like crying.It's embarrassing for Nima.

"Hey, I'll be lighter next time."

"Next time, you still want to have a next time. Chu Limo, I am seriously warning you now, you are not allowed to sleep in my bed for a month."

"Okay." Someone nodded.

If I don't go to your bed, let you go to my bed.

Yun Qing looked at him and agreed so readily.Isn't this his style? "Chu Limo, you won't have any crooked ideas behind your back again, will you?"

"Qingqing is so clever. I don't dare to come up with any ideas." She smiled, "Get up quickly, breakfast is ready. It will be cold if I don't get up."

Yun Qing looked over to the table, and there was a steaming breakfast on the table, with a tangy aroma.

Fortunately, he knows how to cherish others, so he went to make breakfast for her early in the morning.

"For the sake of making breakfast today, I forgive you. However, you are not allowed to go to bed for a month. Otherwise, I will ignore you."

After breakfast, it's just the right time to go out.

But after getting married, today is a happy day to go back home, Yun Qing changed out of that white dress.She was dressed in purple, which made her noble and elegant.

It seems that there is only one wall between Wangfu and Nangongfu, but the gates are opened on two different main streets.

When Yun Qing and the others went out, her eldest brother Nangong Jin also took Bai Yue out.Just when she stopped at the gate of the Wangfu, her elder brother and Bai Yue also arrived, even if they had counted the time.Not only her elder brother came, but Su Baiyi also came.

And her elder brother is still dressed in blue, and Bai Yue is brightly dressed in red.Su Baiyi appeared in white clothes.

I already knew what day it was.The butler of the palace waited at the door to greet him.Seeing the people who came, they smiled from ear to ear.

Bai Yue has been pregnant for nearly three months.The three-month pregnancy has also begun to show.Fortunately, it's winter now, and I'm wearing a little more clothes, and it's so tightly packed that I can't tell that Bai Yue looks pregnant.In addition, this child is a tosser, not only is Bai Yue not fat, but she has also lost a lot of weight.

Because of this, Nangong Jin felt distressed for a while.Almost every night, he would cling to Bai Yue's stomach, scolding that little bastard in her stomach.

"Brother, sister-in-law." Yun Qing called out kindly, then looked at the man who got off from another carriage, and smiled slightly, "Second brother."

Nangong Jin and Su Baiyi just smiled at Yun Qing.It was a response.But judging by the appearance of her two eldest brothers, it is estimated that they are very happy to get along in the mansion!
"Yun Qing."

Yun Qing walked over and looked at Bai Yue, "Sister-in-law, I haven't seen you for two days, why have you lost weight again?"

"This kid is torturing me. I had a good appetite a few days ago, but since yesterday I've been throwing up what I ate. I really don't know if this kid is here to torment me on purpose." Even so, Bai Yue's face was Filled with a motherly smile.

"Look at your baby, you are pregnant with a little devil." She smiled, "It's cold outside, let's go in quickly."

The juniors are all back, the happiest one is Wang Qingshan, the elder.

Now, the only ones who are not married are Wang Zixuan and Su Baiyi.If the two of them brought back their daughter-in-law, Wang Qingshan would probably laugh even more from ear to ear.

During the banquet, everyone sat together and chatted about homework, and ate warmly.

Compared with the dire straits of other powerful families in Chujing, the Wang family is very harmonious.

"Sister Yue, why haven't I seen you for two days? You've lost weight again." Feng Qingluan got used to addressing her for a while.If not, Feng Qingluan would now call Bai Yue a cousin.Who made Nangong Jin one year older than Wang Ziqing?

"This kid is tossing around." Bai Yue smiled, leaned closer to Feng Qingluan who was sitting by the side, and lowered her voice, "This bad temper is like his father."

"Yue girl, how can you be so thin, you should make up for it." Wang Qingshan hurriedly shouted: "Mother Wang, bring the stewed bird's nest."

Mother Wang took the order and went down to fetch the bird's nest.Wang Qingshan looked at Yunqing and Feng Qingluan again, "There are you two, we need to make up. Look at your two girls, one of you is thin. You are almost as thin as a bamboo pole."

Yun Qing sat on the side, hearing her grandfather's old man's analogy, the corners of her mouth twitched inexplicably.Where did she and Sister Feng become so thin?
Especially Sister Feng, who is obviously more sensual than her and Bai Yue.

Soon, Mother Wang brought up the stewed bird's nest.Look at this stewed bird's nest.Yun Qing secretly thought in her heart that grandpa definitely didn't just prepare it for a few girls, but everyone present.

Sure enough, this idea popped up in my heart.Mother Wang served a bowl of bird's nest for everyone.

Her grandfather really wanted to make them all fat and white.

After eating, I was not in a hurry to leave.

Several men sat and chatted together.A few of them are sitting together chatting.Such days are plain but full of warmth.

It wasn't until the sun was about to set that he got up and went back home.

The carriage stopped when it passed the Tianxiang Inn.

Qi Rong hadn't returned to Xiyue immediately, and when he went out in the morning, Qi Rong also left a message, wanting to say goodbye to her face to face.

After Qi Rong came to Chujing, he really just came to congratulate her on her wedding.Yun Qing felt that it was necessary to meet him.After all, she regarded this person as a good friend and a big brother.There is another very important reason.After Qi Rong returned to Xiyue, Xiyue can be said to be Qi Rong's place. Chu Liyou was alone in Xiyue, and she also hoped that Qi Rong could take care of Li You for her sake, and don't let her be in Xiyue. Xiyue was wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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