The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 760 064. Is this what you call big news?

Chapter 760 064. Is this what you call big news?

Chujing, Tianxiang Inn.

Qi Rong, who was dressed in blue, stood on the second floor and looked at the woman getting off the carriage. She was wearing purple today.Slowly walking towards him, like an elf.Smart, yet noble and elegant.

However, it was another man who walked with her.

Seeing her holding that man's hand affectionately, she couldn't hide the happy smile on her face.

Qi Rong smiled slightly self-deprecating: Seeing her like this now, you should let go too!
She is very happy now, happily staying by that person's side.

"Sister Qing, Junior Brother, here we come." The gentle and handsome man called softly.My heart still feels a little sore.

"Well. I heard that you are going back to Xiyue tomorrow. Take care." There are no extra words, just take care.After finishing speaking, Yun Qing turned around and left.

And when he saw her, didn't he already know what she would say?

"Sister Qing...wait!" In the end, he still called out to stop her.Yun Qing turned around and looked at him.Qi Rong said again: "Sister Qing, I'm going back to Xiyue tomorrow. I may not be here in the future. Let Yingfenglou do it for me tonight. Is it okay?"

He is begging her.Or rather, he was begging her.

He clearly knew it shouldn't be, but he still hoped.

"Okay." She replied.

Yun Qing looked at Qi Rong with a smile, because of what his mother said, he remembered her for more than ten years, and it was only because of a promise made back then.

Maybe Qi Rong didn't know that he wasn't actually in love with her.Rather, because of the promise of the year.He always remembers his promise back then.Aunt Yan who promised him to take care of her.So he slowly thought it was love.However, that was just a promise.

But no matter because of the promise, or because of something, but she couldn't give him what he wanted.

She has given all her feelings to the man beside her.There is no room for anyone now.

Yingfeng Building.

The elegant room on the second floor.They were not the only ones in the room, her elder brothers Nangong Jin and Bai Yue also came.It was finally an acquaintance.They may not see each other again in the future, this practice may be the last time they sit together with Qi Rong.From then on, each far away.well!
"Qi Rong is here to offer a toast to everyone. I wish my junior brother and sister Qing, Mr. Nangong and Miss Baiyue a happy wedding and grow old together."

"..." Chu Limo didn't say a word, and kept a cold face all the time.Qi Rong didn't mind either.

"Thank you! I will offer you a glass of tea instead of wine. Take care all the way."

Nangong Jin still remembered his wife's pregnancy, and used tea instead.Qi Rong also knew the reason and readily accepted it.

After Qi Rong drank Nangong Jinjing's cup, he looked at Yun Qing.Yun Qing stood up with a smile and said, "Take care all the way." Unexpectedly, the wine in the glass was snatched by Chu Limo, Chu Limo looked at Qi Rong, his tone was not so cold, and his attitude improved a little , "Qingsing is not good at drinking. I drank this glass of wine for Qingqing. Brother, I am also here to wish you find your other half as soon as possible. When you find your other half, on the day of your wedding, I will definitely give you a congratulatory gift." Congratulations, senior brother."

"Okay. Then I will borrow the auspicious words from my junior brother."

Picking up the wine glass, the two men drank it together.

Finally, Qi Rong smiled.

It's not that he doesn't fight for some things, but that that person simply didn't give him a chance to fight for them.Sometimes, some things don't have to be owned, but letting go and watching her happy is enough!

In the end, there is only one sentence in all the thousands of words: I wish you happiness, and your well-being is my peace of mind.

Qi Rong left Chu Jing early the next morning.But I don't want to see you next time, but in that way...


Qi Rong left, his leaving, his not disturbing, made Yun Qing feel a lot easier.

Maybe she is really selfish, but isn't there selfishness in the relationship?
The days passed slowly like this, peaceful and comfortable.It's just that under these peaceful days, after all, there is still a storm hidden, and it is about to come.

Fifth Prince's Mansion.

After lying in the mansion for a period of time, the injuries on his body were finally healed.

It's just those news, he was lying in the mansion to raise them, and those news also reached his ears continuously.

Do not lift!This is a great shame for a man.

The injury on the body just recovered.Chu Che couldn't wait to prove that he didn't give up.

"Your Highness, I've taken the medicine." The maid came in with the medicine.

Chu Che's gloomy face stared at the maid in front of her. Before the maid could cry out in surprise, Chu Che had already pinned her whole body on the bed.The medicine was also scattered all over the place.

"Your Highness." The maid shouted in horror.

"Shut up." The big hand pulled hard, and the maid's clothes were torn to pieces.

"No, Your Highness...don't." The maid cried in despair.

The maid below was struggling frantically.Chu Che's dark eyes turned cold, "It's your honor to be the woman of the prince."

I don't know if this sentence has any effect, the maid under her is no longer struggling, letting the man on her move.

Recently, the news that His Royal Highness the fifth prince will not be released has spread in the manor. If it was the past, they would be more than happy to climb into the bed of the fifth prince.But now, facing a man who doesn't lift.But thinking about what the fifth prince said, it was true, it was her honor to be the fifth prince's woman.From then on, she was no longer an inferior maid.

Thinking of this, the maid also thought to herself, the news that the fifth prince will not be raised has not been confirmed.Who said that the fifth prince will not be promoted.If the fifth prince really stopped lifting, the fifth prince would not put himself under him now.

The maid who was extremely unwilling just now quickly took the initiative to hug this noble man.

The two were entangled fiercely on the bed.


At the last step, Chu Che stopped all his movements.The thing about him not lifting rang in his mind again.And the scene in the northern suburbs palace, that damned woman.It was that damned woman who kicked herself.

"Your Highness." Holding back tears, the maid called out charmingly.

But Chu Che didn't have any interest anymore. He got up without even looking at the woman on the bed.

The maid looked at herself under the quilt, except that His Highness did not make it to the last step.Now, she is also His Highness's person.

"Your Highness, it's because the slave girl didn't do well. Did you make His Highness angry?" This maid's mind is now full of flying on a branch and turning into a phoenix.How can I still remember that the man in front of me can kill people.

Chu Che turned his face back, looked at the charming woman on the bed, murderous intent flashed in his sinister eyes, "If you want to blame, blame your own bad luck." Before he finished speaking, he had already cut off the maid's neck.The maid probably didn't understand until she died, what was going on.

Looking at the lifeless maid, Chu Che's stern eyes flashed cold.

Feng Qingluan!Feng Qingluan!It's this damn woman!
It's all because of this woman that he has become like this now.If you don't kill her, it's hard to vent your hatred.

He even didn't believe that he was doing as the rumors said, so he stopped lifting!


Nangong Mansion.

After several days of snow, now the snow has stopped and the sun is out.The warm sun shines on the body, which is extremely comfortable and warm.

After the last time, Chu Limo still took Yun Qing's words to heart.Although he doesn't come every day, every few days he and Yun Qing will come to Nangong Mansion for a meal.For this, Bai Yue is the happiest.

Because during these days, Su Baiyi lived in the mansion, and Su Baiyi and Nangong Jin almost took the roof off.Watching this pair of brothers bicker at every turn, rising to the point of fighting.Bai Yue's life was thrilling.

"Important news! Do you want to hear it?" Nangong Jin came back from outside the mansion, and said with a mysterious smile.

Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "What important news, it's worthy of your secrecy, big brother."

"..." Chu Limo looked like you said something quickly and farted as soon as you had something to say.Even Su Baiyi at the side looked at Nangong Jin with disdain, what important news does Chu Jing have now?Except that Emperor Chu died, or the Queen Mother died.Otherwise, several other countries entered together.

"The news just came out that Chu Che went to the brothel. He came out within a quarter of an hour after entering, and then the news spread that Chu Che didn't move. Moreover, this time it's not just a rumor, but a real one. It’s true, Chu Che won’t do it anymore!” Nangong Jin looked at the calm expressions of the others, “Could it be that you already knew? It shouldn’t be! Chu Che didn’t go to Baihualou, and the news came out just now. Yes. You are staying at the mansion, how do you know?"

Nangong Jin didn't believe that Chu Limo had a good ear and knew what happened so quickly.The fact that Chu Che went to the brothel just now is only rumored in Chu Jing, and even the palace doesn't know the news yet.

"This is your so-called big news?" The faint voice was full of sneers.

"Isn't this news important enough?" Nangong Jin asked back.

At the beginning, Chu Jing said that Chu Che's refusal to act was just a rumor, but now Chu Che himself confirmed the authenticity of the rumor.Isn't the news big enough?

Of course, it's no wonder Nangong Jin was too excited.After all, he was a little gloating when he heard the news.

However, Chu Limo would not tell him that Feng Qingluan kicked Chu Che when he was in the palace in the northern suburbs, but that kick would not cause Chu Che to stop.What really prevented Chu Che from lifting was his kick behind him.When Chu Che was tortured to pass out in the Northern Suburb Palace back then, he also did it impromptuly, and when he saw the marks under his trousers, he helped him.It was this kick that completely ruined Chu Che's manly dignity.

Otherwise, I really thought he wouldn't have killed him in the Northern Suburb Palace.

For a man like Chu Che, Chu Limo would never let him live for another quarter of an hour.But then he changed his mind.Instead of killing him, it is better to torture him severely.

As a man, do not lift!

Chu Che will never forget this kind of torture.

(End of this chapter)

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