The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 762 066. These 2 slaps are returned to you!

Chapter 762 066. These two slaps are returned to you!
"Crack." With a sound, the door opened.


"The vigilance is not bad. She really deserves to be the daughter of General Feng." The visitor was dressed in black, with a black cloth covering his face, obviously not wanting to be recognized by others.But as soon as he entered the room, he lit the lamp.

"It was you who captured this girl." Feng Qingluan snorted coldly, without any trace of fear, "Since you know that this girl's father is a general and dare to arrest this girl, it seems that you are also impatient .”

"Hehe." The man laughed.

"What are you laughing at? Isn't what this girl is saying right? Aren't you just getting impatient?"

"I laughed, you don't want to know why I arrested you?" The man asked with a smile, his sinister eyes were filled with a fierce glint.If it wasn't for this woman's usefulness, he should torture her severely now, and then kill her.

Feng Qingluan stared at him, and suddenly smiled, "I'm not curious at all. After all, I have offended too many villains in Chujing these years. You are still covering your face at such a late hour, is it because you are afraid?" Have you been recognized by this girl?"

If you don't light the lamp, Feng Qingluan really wants to guess who is arresting her?However, at the moment when the lamp was lit, she looked carefully, and she already roughly knew who the man standing in front of her was.

"You are very smart! Unfortunately, being too smart is not a good thing."

"My lady knows that she is very smart, so I don't need you to remind me." Feng Qingluan smiled, "However, let me say something, Your Excellency is really stupid. Don't be a good son, but insist on becoming a bandit .Aren't you afraid that you won't even be able to be a noble son in the end? Also, it's getting late, if you are fine, don't disturb my girl's rest. Go slowly, don't send me off!"

There was a faint and fierce light in the man's eyes.

"Don't look at this girl with such eyes. This girl is not scared. This girl has been frightening others since she was a child. Since you know who this girl is, you should know. If this girl moves Come on, Your Excellency, you may not be able to ask for it."

"Feng Qingluan, it's really annoying that you are so eloquent." Being humiliated by a woman face to face, he was so angry that he wanted to strangle this woman to death.

"Your Excellency didn't like this girl either. Your Excellency, if you don't want to be kicked out, leave quickly." After speaking, Feng Qingluan lost her tone.Anyone who is caught will not speak well to the kidnappers.

However, the man standing in the room looked at Feng Qingluan gloomyly as if he had been kicked to a painful spot.The whole face has changed.It's not the warm voice just now, but like a ghost.

In the next moment, Feng Qingluan's hand was restrained, and the person was pressed under him, and he laughed sinisterly, "Feng Qingluan, tell me, what would Wang Ziqing think if he knew that you were my woman? Will you still have a foothold in Chujing in the future?"

At that moment, it was impossible to say not to be afraid.However, Feng Qingluan also laughed suddenly, "Your Excellency, you are not afraid that this girl will kick you? Let your Excellency never lift up and become an eunuch from now on."

"You... bitch!" A fierce slap slapped Feng Qingluan angrily on the face.

"Fifth prince, this is your real purpose of arresting this girl. You want to avenge the palace in the northern suburbs." She remembered the slap.

Having been exposed, Chu Che stopped covering up and took off the black cloth on his face.Showing a face that Feng Qingluan loathes.

"Too smart is not a good thing." Cold warning.

Feng Qingluan sneered, and sarcastically said: "It's not that this girl is too smart, but Fifth Prince, you are too stupid."

To be honest, Feng Qingluan really thought Chu Che was stupid.Who will wear clothes embroidered with dragon patterns when they are kidnappers.Although it is only exposed a little, the only people who can wear the pattern embroidered with dragons are the princes.And she, Chu Che is the only one who offended the prince recently.

"Slap." Another slap slapped Feng Qingluan hard on the face.

This was the first time she was slapped twice severely by someone, and she remembered this hatred.

"Chu Che, remember the two slaps you slapped this girl today. In the future, this girl will definitely kill you." Feng Qingluan thinks that she has never been a good person, living in a place like Chujing A place, and living in the general's mansion.Which of the women raised will be a good generation.

"Really? Feng Qingluan, think about it first, will this prince let you torture you to death? You say..." Chu Che hooked Feng Qingluan's face, and smiled sinisterly : "Look at your delicate skin and tender flesh, Wang Ziqing is very ecstasy on you, right? If my prince rewards you to the brothers outside and let them take turns to serve our Mrs. Wang Ershao in Chujing, the scene must be Wonderful. When you can't survive or die under the prince and these brothers, you will know what torture is. You said, at that time, Wang Ziqing will still want you, who has worn countless green hats for him A mean woman?"

"Chu Che, how dare you!" He warned coldly.But it made Chu Che smile even more sinisterly, "I have nothing to dare. Haha, I really want to see another big event in Chujing tomorrow. The second young lady of the Wang family has a red apricot, and Wang Ziqing has the green hair on his head." Even if the hat is taken off, it won't be clean."

"Come on, this woman is here for you. Just don't let her die."

"Yes. Thank you, Your Highness." Two men at the door walked in.

They have slept with many women, but this is the first time for such a beautiful woman.Besides, this woman has a lot of background, and she is still a lady from the official family.

Feng Qingluan stared at the two disgusting men walking towards her.At that moment, despair, deep despair.

If she wants to be humiliated by these two people, she would rather die.

At that moment, there was only one name in my heart: Wang Ziqing, come and save me!Come and save me!
"Just don't let her die." Chu Che said with a sinister smile.

This damned woman, he must torture her severely.But no amount of torture can compare to his determination to kill her.If she wasn't still useful now, she could be used to lure that person here, and he would have killed her long ago.But it doesn't matter, it's the same to send her a few men first.Ha ha!
"Get out! If you don't want to die, get out!" Feng Qingluan still had the kung fu to strike first, and grabbed the sword in the big man's hand.Pointing at them fiercely.

"Hmph, you're wild enough! You think you can escape like this." With a cold snort, Chu Che didn't take Feng Qingluan seriously at all.This is his territory, and no one will come to rescue her even if she screams out loud at this time. "Come here, take her down. This prince will give her to whoever takes her down first." After saying that, several men appeared in the room immediately.And all of them have good skills.

Feng Qingluan had a sword in her hand, and for a while, these big guys couldn't rely on her body.Chu Che looked at it coldly.Not in a hurry.

In just a while, several people were killed by Feng Qingluan's sword.It's just that Feng Qingluan is alone after all, and there are many of them.She doesn't have an advantage at all.After half a stick of incense, Feng Qingluan was still captured.

"Sure enough, she is worthy of the daughter of General Feng. She has courage and courage. It's just a pity..." Chu Che pointedly glanced at the person who captured Feng Qingluan, "She will reward you, and you must treat us well. Miss Feng."

"Chu Che, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go." Several people imprisoned her, and she couldn't move at all.

In the next second, there was only the sound of clothes being torn apart, and a disgusting man leaned towards her.

"Don't touch me! Get out!"

"Scream! Shout hard!" The evil man sat aside and watched, smiling sinisterly. "The more you shout, it will only make them more excited. Haha. Feng Qingluan, this prince will let you know what will happen if you offend this prince."

There was another sound of a piece of clothing being torn apart, and Feng Qingluan closed her eyes in despair.

Wang Ziqing, why haven't you come yet!

"Wang Ziqing, why don't you come..." she cried.

"Touch!" A loud noise sounded in the night.

"You dare to hurt her, who gave you the courage, you dare to hurt her!" The cold voice seemed to come from hell.

Chu Che was hit on the ground by Wang Ziqing's palm.Everyone else in the room died instantly.Feng Qingluan hugged her messy clothes tightly.Seeing the person who appeared, at that moment, if he didn't appear, she would really choose to bite her tongue and commit suicide, and she would never let these people humiliate herself.


"Wang Ziqing, you're finally here. You're finally here. If you're not here, I'm going to kill myself. Huh..." At that moment, the nerves that had been tense for a long time, and despair, when I saw this person appear , completely collapsed.

"I'm sorry, I'm late. I didn't protect you well. I'm sorry." Holding the woman tightly, at that moment, hearing her voice, he was already killing people like crazy.

When he came, he saw the scene in the room.Those damned people, damned people!

Feng Qingluan's clothes have been torn, and the only thing left on her body is a thin shirt.If it's not winter now, and I'm wearing more clothes, I really can't predict what will happen to Feng Qingluan at this moment.

He took off his clothes and put them on her.The prince looked at the person lying on the ground with cold eyes, this person deserved to die even more.

Step by step, she walked very slowly and stopped in front of Chu Che.

"My Wang Ziqing's people, you should also be hurt. Are you ready to die?"

"Hehe, Wang Ziqing, what can you do to Prince Ben?"

"I will...let you know what it means to truly live and die." His voice was very soft, very light, but it seemed to come from hell. "Take the fifth prince away, lock him in the dungeon, and treat him well."

Immediately, a hidden guard appeared and took Chu Che away.

Wang Ziqing walked to the bed again and hugged Feng Qingluan, "Let's go home."

After missing for one night, Wang Ziqing and Feng Qingluan returned to the palace on the second day.

When she came back, Feng Qingluan was carried back.At that time, Feng Qingluan was already asleep.But Feng Qingluan's clothes were stained with blood, which was left when she killed someone last night.

However, no one dared to ask at this time what happened.

"Nurse Wang, go get some hot water." Wang Ziqing ordered.Looking at Wang Qingshan who was anxious at the side, "Grandpa, you have been worrying all night, go and rest. Qingluan is handed over to me."

"Okay. The old slave will go now." Wang Momo had tears in her eyes.Wang Momo not only saw the blood on Feng Qingluan's face, but also saw the two slap marks on Feng Qingluan's face.At that time Chu Che was very ruthless, and the two slap marks have not disappeared yet.

Back in the room, he gently put the woman on the bed, but Feng Qingluan tightly held onto his arm and wouldn't let go.He still murmured, "Wang Ziqing, come and save me, come and save me!"

"I'm here. We're home. I'm not going to hurt you again."

However, Feng Qingluan still tightly grasped Wang Ziqing's arm and did not let go.

Soon, Nanny Wang brought hot water.

"Second Young Master."

"Bring me a clean set of clothes, and the medicine to reduce swelling."

Mother Wang brought clothes and medicine to reduce swelling.

"Go down, I'll come here."

"Yes." He backed out and closed the door of the room by the way.

"Qingluan, be good!"

Maybe because his voice was too gentle, Feng Qingluan didn't hold his arm so tightly anymore.

Wang Ziqing wet the veil, and gently wiped away the marks on her face, there were blood and tears.He took the medicine and smeared it gently on her face.

Fortunately, there were no other scars on her body, otherwise, even if that person died a thousand times, ten thousand times would not be enough.

Just about to help her change the bloody clothes, Feng Qingluan suddenly woke up and shouted: "Don't, don't touch me!"

In the dream, she dreamed of those people tearing her clothes.Then, she has nothing.That dream was horrible.

"Qingluan, don't be afraid! It's me!"

"Woo... Wang Ziqing, Wang Ziqing, Wang Ziqing..."

"It's me! It's me! It's me! Don't be afraid."

"Wang Ziqing, it's a good thing you're here, it's a good thing you're here. If you don't come, what should I do? What should I do?"

If he doesn't come, her innocence is gone.She would really be like what Chu Che said, being tortured would be worse than death.Instead, she would choose to die.

"It's over. Everything is over. That kind of thing won't happen again. It will never happen again. Qingluan, I'm sorry, I didn't protect you well."

Feng Qingluan raised her head to look at him, but suddenly threw herself into his arms, and burst into tears.

At that moment, there was nothing to say, only to hug her tightly.

After crying for a long time, I almost lost my voice.Only then did Feng Qingluan stop.But he said harshly, "Where's Chu Che?"

She said that she wanted to return the two slaps he gave her.And the fact that he dared to be raped, she would never let him go.Even if he didn't succeed in the last matter.However, she will never let him go.

"In the dungeon."

"Take me to see him. I'm going to kill him with my own hands." Those eyes were stained with ice-cold ruthlessness.

"Okay. I'll take you to see him."

Royal dungeon.

Generally, the rich and powerful families will have secret dungeons.And Wang Ziqing is not a kind person, it is not surprising that there are dungeons in the palace.The dungeon was dank and cold.Chu Che was still dressed in black, but at this moment he was tied up in the dungeon dying.At this moment, someone was still beating him fiercely with a whip.The whip was stained with salt, and it would not kill him if he was whipped, but it would make him suffer a lot.

Wang Ziqing's methods of torturing people have always been ruthless.

Seeing Chu Che right in front of her eyes, Feng Qingluan walked forward with cold cruelty in her eyes.

"Master, madam." The person who was executing the execution saluted respectfully.This person is Wang Ziqing's secret guard.

"Clap clap."

Two crisp but vicious slaps sounded.

Chu Che opened his eyes, and glared angrily at Feng Qingluan, this damned woman.

"This girl said, don't look at me with such eyes. This girl has never been a kind person. This girl said, if you dare to hit this girl, this girl will pay you back! And it will be even worse. you!"

Then, several crisp voices sounded.Feng Qingluan seemed still unconvinced, picked up the whip that was put aside, and lashed at Chu Che's body fiercely.

"Feng Qingluan, you bitch. This prince will not let you go. And you, Wang Ziqing, this prince will not let you go." You You's eyes stared fiercely at the two people in front of him.When did his majestic and noble prince suffer such humiliation and torture?

"Your Highness Fifth Prince, you still think about whether I will let you go." The voice was faint, but it was like a devil. "Your Highness Fifth Prince, you are here to enjoy yourself, I will not let you die so soon."

"Wang Ziqing, aren't you afraid that the Wang family will be wiped out? How can your Wang family bear the crime of imprisoning the prince?"

"Oh! Is that so?" The voice was still very weak, and Chu Che's heart suddenly sank as Wang Ziqing looked at him.The prince smiled lightly, "If I tell you, from now on, there will be no fifth prince in the world. The fifth prince doesn't know yet. A corpse was found in the river moat this morning. It is the fifth prince." Your Royal Highness. As for the reason, do you still need me to tell you?"

"That's not my prince. Do you think you can fool the world with a fake corpse? Did you fool your father?"

Wang Ziqing sneered and said: "It seems that the fifth prince still doesn't know one thing. Nothing is impossible for my son to do. Also, do you know why the fifth prince died?" Paused Suddenly, Wang Ziqing looked at him, "It was suicide. The fifth prince couldn't think about jumping into the moat because he didn't raise his hand. There were witnesses from the entourage of the fifth prince's mansion, as well as in the brothel that the fifth prince had visited. You are dead. This In this world, there is no such thing as you, Chu Che."

"Devil! You devil. This prince is the noble prince of Da Chu. How dare you! How dare you!" Only at this moment did Chu Che know what a real devil is.Only at this moment did he understand why his father had been afraid of this young man all these years.

If news of his death came out from Chu Jing, there would never be him in this world.Everything he had was gone.The throne also has no place for him.

No, he is not reconciled!

He can't just die like this!Never!

"Devil! Fifth prince, you should enjoy the special hospitality that this devil, my son, gave you." Wang Ziqing turned around and said lightly, "Don't let him die."

"Yes. The subordinate understands."

"Qingluan. Let's go. Someone will treat him well."

He didn't want her to stay for a moment longer in this place.

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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