The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 763 067. You will never pay back what you owe me!

Chapter 763 067. You will never pay back what you owe me!

Chu Jing, from the palace.

"Found it." Ruthlessly replied the news.

Since Feng Qingluan's accident, Wang Ziqing's people and Chu Limo's people have been looking for in Chujing.

"How is Sister Feng?" Yun Qing was very worried about whether she was injured.

The ruthless expression was a little weird, and he didn't know how to answer the question from the princess.After all, when they found Miss Feng, although they were not in the room, they still knew a little about the situation inside.

"Say? Is Sister Feng injured?" Seeing Wuqing's strange expression, Yun Qing was even more worried.

"Qingqing." The person on the side called out softly, signaling to retreat ruthlessly.After following him ruthlessly for many years, he already knew what happened with just one expression on his face.

"Go to the palace."

Seeing Wuqing's strange expression, how could Yun Qing not understand.It is self-evident what will happen to a woman who is kidnapped.


Feng Qingluan's kidnapping was not widely publicized.Even General Feng's mansion was to reassure the two elders.Wang Ziqing didn't tell either.

But early this morning, a great thing happened to Chu Jing.

That is, a body was found in the moat.When the body was picked up, it had been bitten by fish beyond recognition.But according to the clothes on his body and a token, it is enough to identify one thing.The man who died in the river guard was the current Fifth Prince, His Royal Highness Chu Che.

Then, someone immediately came out to testify that the fifth prince has been in a depressed mood since he stopped raising, and often got drunk.

Even more coincidentally, the entourage of the Fifth Prince also came out to testify that the Fifth Prince went out to drink the night before his death.And he didn't return all night.When it is discovered, it is now.

For a while, the people believed it one after another.The fifth prince, Chu Che, committed suicide after getting drunk because of his inaction.

Royal Palace.

When the news came back to the palace, Emperor Chu's face turned black with anger, "Trash!"

A good chess piece is ruined like this!

Emperor Chu should now wonder whether it was a wrong decision to spare his life and let him come back from Wanfo Temple.

Before making him useful, he found a dead end.

Of course Emperor Chu knew that the person who died in the river moat was not Chu Che.But I also know that the real Chu Che is probably dead now.

Emperor Chu also received the news when it happened last night.

This trash didn't use Feng Qingluan to lure Mu Yunqing out to give Chu Limo a hard blow.Instead, he was taken away by Wang Ziqing's men.Being taken away by Wang Ziqing's men, there is no way for him to survive.

Now, the news has spread.There is no such person as Chu Che in this world.

destroyed!Everything is ruined!

When they arrived at the palace, Wang Ziqing and Feng Qingluan had just come out of the dungeon and returned to their room.

She didn't come home last night, and she almost lost her innocence.In order to keep her innocence, she killed for the first time, and killed many people.Now there is still thick blood on his body, and he still smells like someone else.She didn't like it very much and found it disgusting.Even if those people just tore up her clothes, it didn't do much, but the smell made her feel very sick.

"You are here...don't go away? I...scared!" Even though she was very strong, she was still very scared when something like this happened.

"Okay." He nodded slightly.

There is a bathtub on the screen of the room, and hot water has been placed in it.Soak in hot water to wipe off the bloody smell on your body.Wang Ziqing sat by the bed and watched quietly.

For a long time, she was not seen coming out of the tub.

"Qingluan. Are you alright?" He asked when he reached the screen, but he didn't go to the other side of the screen.

This girl, don't you know that it's winter now, after soaking for a long time, the water is cold and easy to get sick?

"Qingluan. Are you alright?" asked again.There was still no sound coming from inside.

And the people inside had already fallen asleep.She had been tense all night, but at this moment, she completely let go.Then fell asleep.

"Qingluan. If you don't speak, I'm coming."

Although they are married, they have not consummated their marriage.Every time she took a bath and changed clothes, she didn't allow herself to peek.He also tried his best to give her time to adapt, and never forced her.But now, she has been soaking in it for almost half an hour.He yelled a few times and she didn't make a sound.He was really afraid that something would happen to her.Regardless of whether she would be angry, she was already his wife.Wang Ziqing walked over to the screen.

When I walked over to take a look, I found that she was leaning against the bathtub and fell asleep peacefully.

The hot water has become warm water, and it should become ice water after soaking.

Her skin is flawless and flawless.Soaked in hot water, it is even more stained with a faint light.Just one glance made him feel a surge of heat in his lower abdomen.

damn it!What is he thinking at this moment?
Suppress this feeling.He lifted the woman out of the tub.

Wipe off the water drops on her body and get dressed.She was still in a deep sleep and showed no sign of waking up.

Using her internal force to dry her wet hair, she put her on the bed and covered her with a quilt.He just stood by.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

Opening the door, Yun Qing, Chu Limo, Bai Yue, Nangong Jin, Wang Zixuan, and Su Wanyan stood outside the courtyard.

"I'll come and see Sister Feng, she..."

"Qingluan fell asleep." At this moment, Wang Ziqing didn't want her to be woken up.

"Then let's come over after Sister Feng wakes up." Yun Qing looked at Wang Ziqing with a cold tone, "Second Cousin, I want to see Chu Che. Besides, Second Cousin can hand over Chu Che to me Is it?"

Yun Qing will never forget the tragic death of that child in her previous life.And the fate of her tragic life in her previous life.

"Sister Qing, you..."

"He owed my life, and I will let him pay for it." He said this sentence softly, but only Chu Limo knew how much Yun Qing's heart hurt at this moment.Those big warm hands held her tightly, giving her strength, telling her that Qingqing still has me!
"Okay. I'll take you to see him." Wang Ziqing didn't ask any further questions. With Qing's younger sister's method, Chu Che would only torture him to death.And what he wanted was to torture Chu Che to death.

If it wasn't for Yun Qing, Chu Che would have personally tortured him to death.But because of Yun Qing, he didn't mind handing Chu Che over to her.

Wang Ziqing didn't understand the reason, nor did he understand why Yun Qing wanted to deal with Chu Che.

Even though Yun Qing had confessed to everyone that she was reborn from another world, only Chu Limo knew about Chu Feiyang and that child in her previous life.And when she confessed that she was reborn from another world, Wang Ziqing and the others were not there.


This kind of dark and humid place, if Yun Qing had something to say to Chu Che, she would not want to come here at all.

The only ones who came with Yun Qing were Chu Limo and Wang Ziqing.

"Second Cousin, go back and take care of Sister Feng. It would be nice if I have Li Mo here to accompany me."

"Okay." He replied lightly.

Wang Ziqing ordered the hidden guards in the dungeon to wait for Yun Qing to finish what he had to say, and then asked Yun Qing's people to take Chu Che back to deal with him, and Wang Ziqing went back.

"You go down first, too." Yun Qing glanced at the hidden guard.In fact, she didn't want her grief to be shown in front of other people.Even if she has hidden well now, she doesn't want to be seen by anyone.

"Yes. The subordinate will leave."

Yun Qing walked over gently, at this moment, Chu Limo took Yun Qing's hand, "Qing Qing."

"Li Mo, trust me! Some things should be stopped." The nightmare that haunted her all her life should also be over.

"I believe in you, I have always believed in you."

Walking in front of Chu Che, he stopped, his voice was very light, and he rang out lightly, "Should I call you Yue Wang Chu Feiyang? Or should I call you Fifth Prince Chu Che?"

Because of that sound: Should I call you Yue Wang Chu Feiyang?Or the Fifth Prince Chu Che?He slowly opened his eyes.What catches the eye is an extremely cold face.This face had appeared in his dreams many times.Show up many times.Even if he and she only met a few times, but this face of hers, he will never forget it.

"Princess Qingning." He chuckled, "Should I call you Princess Qingning, or should I call you Miss Mu? Or..."

"I don't mind if you call me Aunt Nine Emperors. Although, it's extremely disgusting to hear you shout." Yun Qing interrupted him, and looked at him with a sneer, "Chu Feiyang, do you regret it?"

"Chu Feiyang is dead. I am the Fifth Prince Chu Che. I have never regretted it!"

"Never regret a good sentence!" Sneering eyes looked at him faintly, "Do you still remember Mu Yunyi, the second miss of the Mu Mansion, and your unborn child. Do you know how they died?"

Chu Che looked at Yun Qing.

"I killed it. I poisoned the child in her womb with my own hands. The child has already taken shape. When Mu Yunyi died, I asked her to give birth to the child. Unfortunately, she couldn't give birth by herself, so I had no choice but to give birth to the child." I helped her. At that time, her blood, your child's blood flowed all over the place." Yun Qing said calmly, as if recalling. "Chu Feiyang, don't you want to know why you became a commoner from the aloof King Yue? Don't you want to know why you failed?"

"It's you! You did it all! Why? Why did you do this?" Chu Che, no, there is something Chu Feiyang doesn't understand now.It's all because of the woman in front of him that he is today.

"Because you owe me. You will never pay back what you owe me. I had no choice but to kill your woman, kill your child, and let you fall from the throne of imperial power. Oh! There is another You don’t know one thing. Everyone says that you killed Mu Ze, and that’s why you and Mu Yuanfeng turned against each other. There’s one more thing you don’t know. Why did your eldest brother die tragically in your mother’s palace? Middle. If it wasn’t for the tragic death of your elder brother, you wouldn’t be able to change from Yuewang to a commoner all of a sudden. It’s a pity that your father, in fact, didn’t really want to demote you to a commoner. He is saving you, but you don't understand his good intentions, so you can't help but rebel. Do you know that if you don't rebel, it won't take half a year for your father to take on another identity? After receiving you into the palace, you are still a high-ranking prince, and you still have the possibility of ascending to the throne. But you are impatient, and the more you want to get it, I can only help you and destroy it!"

"Mu Yunqing, it's all your fault that this palace has been reduced to what it is now. It's all your fault. Why? Why?" He asked frantically, but he would never know why.Because Yun Qing would not tell him the truth.

"Because I like to torture you, torturing you is my greatest pleasure." With a cold smile, "Of course, I will continue to torture you until you die."

"Devil, you devil, even if I am a ghost, I will never let you go."

"Be a ghost! Do you know that I am the ghost that climbed up from hell. The ghost that killed you."

be a ghost!Hehe, she was a ghost, a ghost who came to take her life, a ghost that crawled out of hell.She has already died, so she is not afraid of any ghosts. If there were ghosts, she would encounter ghosts and kill ghosts.

"Mu Yunqing, I will not let you go."

"Let's save your energy. I won't give you a chance to be a ghost. Because..." The woman chuckled, but the laughter made people tremble, "Because I know the King of Hades very well, he told me. Even if you die, even There is no chance of being a ghost. When you die, you will only be dissipated, and you will never be reborn. But I also said, I will not let you die so quickly. I will torture you well. Let you die of pain .At that time, if you still have the opportunity to complain in front of the King of Hell, you should remember to ask the King of Hell, what did you do wrong? Why did you encounter me, a ghost that crawled out of hell, in your whole life. "

If Chu Feiyang could move now, he would definitely ruthlessly strangle this devilish woman in front of him to death.Will definitely strangle her.

(End of this chapter)

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