The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 764 068. Princess, He's Crazy!

Chapter 764 068. Princess, He's Crazy!

"Mu Yunqing, tell me, tell me. What did I do to make you hate me so much. Do you want to take revenge on me like this?"

Chu Feiyang didn't understand how he had offended this woman.Obviously he has nothing to do with her.However, after seeing her once in the Mufu, no matter how many times he dreamed at midnight, her face would always appear in his dreams.

She was always smiling to herself, always smiling.Every time he tries to grab her, she disappears.

Yun Qing gave a cold laugh, watching Chu Feiyang's frantic questioning.She would never tell him why.The more curious he was, the happier she was.This kind of torture will make her even more happy.

"I want to know, go to hell and ask Hades. Also, I forgot to tell you, my name is not Mu Yunqing, but Nangong Yunqing." The goal that should be achieved has been achieved, and Yunqing didn't talk to him much Said, before leaving, a faint voice sounded lightly, "Of course, as long as you can meet Hades after you die."

"Nangong Yunqing... Nangong Yunqing..."

From now until he dies, this name will be his ultimate nightmare.

Chu Che was transferred to the dungeon of Li Wangfu.And Chu Limo's method of torture is more ruthless than Wang Ziqing's.

After leaving the dungeon, I looked at the snow in the courtyard.Her heart was as cold as the snow.

"Li Mo." Gently took his hand, the only person who could warm her icy heart was him.


After returning from the dungeon, Feng Qingluan woke up not long after staying in the palace.

Yunqing and the girls went to see her.Knowing that nothing happened to her is the real peace of mind.

But when Yun Qing knew that Chu Che dared someone to ruin Feng Qingluan's innocence, a fierce light flashed in his eyes.A sinister thought came to her mind, and she had already thought of how to torture Chu Che.

"Be careful when you go out in the future. Don't trust anyone's words. Fortunately, you came back safely. If something happens to you, what should we do, what should we do if you ask the second cousin?"

"Sister Qing." Feng Qingluan took Yun Qing's hand, then Su Wanyan's and Bai Yue's, "I made you worry."

"The most important thing is that you are fine." When she learned about her accident from Zixuan, she was very anxious.Fortunately, she was fine and came back safely.

After having dinner in the Wang's mansion, it's time to go back to my own mansion.

When such a thing happened, Wang Qingshan comforted him, and asked Wang Ziqing to accompany Feng Qingluan back to the room to rest.

After the incident, Feng Qingluan also had a different view of Wang Ziqing.In the past, she always thought that Wang Ziqing was just a businessman with a smell of money.But that night, when he came to save her, she realized that Wang Ziqing was not what she had seen on the surface.This man usually has a gentle and jade-like appearance, and he also laughs and laughs when facing her, but last night she found that he was scary when he smiled. This man is very mysterious, and he has unfathomable skills.

Has she never discovered what kind of person he is?

But after this incident happened, she realized one thing. After all these years, Wang Ziqing's poison had already been planted in her heart.Otherwise, how could it be that at that moment, Wang Ziqing's face flashed in her head, and his name was shouted out of her mouth.At that moment, she also hoped that Wang Ziqing would show up to save her.

"What are you thinking?" Wang Ziqing sat aside, while Feng Qingluan sat on the bed.

"I was wondering if you poisoned me." Otherwise, at such a critical moment, she was thinking of him.

The prince smiled lightly.

"Wang Ziqing, let's get to know each other again." Feng Qingluan looked at him seriously, "I want to get to know you again. Get to know you." Until one day, maybe she can still fall in love with him.

Seeing how serious she said, Wang Ziqing also said seriously: "I am Wang Ziqing, your Wang Ziqing. I will always be your strong support."

"I'm Feng Qingluan." After finishing speaking, the corner of Feng Qingluan's mouth twitched slightly, it was a strange sentence.

After a while, Feng Qingluan looked at him again, "Wang Ziqing, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah." Nodding lightly.

"If, I mean if. If I lose my innocence, will you divorce me?" She held back this sentence for a long time.This kind of thing, any man would mind.So, she really wanted to know what he thought.Could it be because of this incident that she would feel unclean from now on and divorce her?

Wang Ziqing looked into her eyes and told her seriously, "I won't let such a thing happen again."

"Wang Ziqing, I'm asking if you will divorce me?"

"No. But I will kill the person who ruined your innocence, cut him into pieces, and smashed his bones to ashes."

"Wang Ziqing, are you serious?"

If so, she also wants to take it seriously.Perhaps, trying to like him is also a very good thing.Even if they are already married, don't they all say that the relationship is slowly cultivated after marriage?

"I'm serious." Wang Ziqing stood up, sat up, and stroked her black hair, "It's late, go to sleep."

"Wait a minute, Wang Ziqing, I'm asking you one last question."

Wang Ziqing looked at her.

Feng Qingluan hesitated for a while, and after a while, she said lightly, "Wang Ziqing, besides me, would you still take concubines?"

In her family, her father married her mother alone, and the two have been in love as husband and wife all these years.Father's affection for mother is even more single-minded.Although it is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines in a powerful family in Dachu, she also hopes that her husband will be the only one.If Wang Ziqing wanted to take a concubine, she would not stop her.However, for Wang Ziqing, she will not try to like, let alone try to fall in love.

Looking at her tangled face, the prince smiled lightly, "We've only been married for a few days. Are you thinking of taking a concubine for your husband?"

"No." How could she take a concubine for him, and she wasn't crazy.

"Our Wang family has the ancestral precept that a man in the Wang family will only marry one wife in his life. And I, no matter whether this ancestral precept exists or not, I have never thought of taking a concubine. You, Feng Qingluan, will only be the only one for me, Wang Ziqing. wife. A hundred years later, the person who will sleep with me in the same coffin will only be you.”

Many years later, when Feng Qingluan was recalling this sentence.She was lucky that she married him back then, and she was also lucky that after going through so many ups and downs, she fell in love with him and became his only wife.

Nangong Mansion.

After transferring Chu Che from the dungeon of the Wang Family, he was locked in the dungeon of Nangong Mansion.

"Treat this distinguished guest well, and don't let him die easily."

"Yes, master." Wu Qing was also surprised when he saw this 'honored guest'.

"Wait a minute." The faint voice sounded, but it was particularly horrifying, "Go and find ten gentlemen, and send them to this 'guest' to enjoy. Remember, what this concubine wants is the kind that is the best in bed." Qing Guan. After bringing Qing Guan back, remember to give him some love potion." This he refers to Chu Che.

When Chu Limo heard the phrase "Qingduan who is the best in bed", his face darkened inexplicably.

"Pfft..." Nangong Jin laughed directly.

The corners of Su Baiyi's mouth twitched unnaturally.

Even Bai Yue, who was pregnant, felt like a cool wind was blowing over her head when she heard Yun Qing's words.

"Sister, you are..." Do you want Chu Che to die on the bed of these young men?
"Brother, don't you think it's the most enjoyable way to torture people like this?"

Chu Che has always been aloof and considers himself extraordinary.How can I bear the fact that a group of men raped me.But this is what she wanted.

Watching him being tortured, watching him despair, watching him suffer.

What else can Nangong Jin say?His younger sister is several times more ruthless than him in her thoughts and methods.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, I'll trouble you to watch him, don't let him die." Before he tortured Chu Che enough, Yun Qing would never allow him to die like this.That would be too cheap for him.After finishing speaking, Yun Qing looked at Su Baiyi again, "Second brother, Su Wudao went to the northern border and took Huo Linghu away, did he find the old lair of Guiyoumen?"

At that time, Su Wudao and Su Baiyi came from Fengcheng to attend her wedding.However, when people from Guiyoumen made trouble, Su Wudao went to warn the queen mother.It's just that the queen mother will never listen to Su Wudao's warning.However, the ghost ghost suddenly disappeared.At that time, both Chu Limo and Yun Qing had a premonition that this ghost ghost would not let it go, he would definitely wait in the dark and give them a fatal blow one day.

Therefore, Su Wudao didn't even attend their wedding, and in a hurry, Su Wudao took Huo Linghu to the northern border.

The Northern Territory is the old nest of the Ghost Pylori Gate, which is also the territory of the Feng Clan.Su Wudao also said that this group of ghosts and ghosts might be the ambitious members of the Feng clan.So to find the old nest of the ghost pylorus, you need the help of Huo Linghu.After all, this fox has a very clever nose.

"If there is news, the master will send the news back." Su Baiyi pursed his lips, "It's just that I am a little worried. I have been in the northern region for many years, but I never knew that the Ghost Pride Gate was the Feng family. From this, it can be seen that the Ghost Pride Gate How deep is hidden."

If it hadn't been for the queen mother who sent people from the Ghost Pylori Sect to assassinate, it was just right, they knew that the queen mother was from the Feng family, so they followed the news to find out.Otherwise, who would have thought that Ghost Pylori had such a deep background.

"What does the second brother mean?"

"It's over here. You just need to be careful of Emperor Chu. I plan to set off for the northern border tomorrow."

"But...the Chinese New Year will be over a month away."

"After solving the matter of the ghost pylorus, we will still have a lot of time to celebrate the New Year together in the future."

Although Su Baiyi has a cold temper, Su Wudao is his master after all, and has raised him for so many years.He had a bad feeling that if he didn't go this time, he might never see the old man again.For the sake of this old man, and in order to completely solve the ghost gate, he must go to the north.

"Did you tell grandpa?"

If Grandpa knew that Su Baiyi had left Chu Jing at this time, he would be somewhat disappointed.After all, this is the first year since they met each other.

"Grandpa, please help explain."

"Then second brother, take care all the way." Yun Qing was also reluctant.This kind of blood connection is the most precious thing in her life.

"Okay." Smiling and nodding, Su Baiyi looked at Nangong Jin and raised his eyebrows, "Brother, don't you have anything to say to me?"

Nangong Jin looked at Su Baiyi proudly, raised his eyebrows, "There's nothing to say. It would be even better if you could come back during the Chinese New Year. Of course, if you can't come back, forget it, anyway, I won't miss you .”

Su Baiyi just smiled at Nangong Jin's duplicity, nodded, "I see."

"I know, I know what a fart. You remember it for the master. When you go to the northern border, don't let people bully you. Don't embarrass the master. Don't lose face for the Nangong family." Speaking of Nangong, Nangong Jin looked at Su Bai Yi, "When did you change the name Su Baiyi? After all, you are also from the Nangong family. However, your name Nangong Baiyi doesn't sound good. How did this old man Su Wudao choose his name? It's so ugly." After speaking, Nangong Jin directly discusses how ugly the name is.

Su Baiyi just smiled slightly.

"Qingqing, it's getting late, we're going back." Chu Limo, who had been silent all this time, said.

"Second brother, take care then."

"Don't lose your life. Remember, not only you can't lose face to Nangong's family, but also you can't lose face to my Li Wangfu. Anyway, they are also my family from Li Wangfu." Chu Limo's way of caring is very special.But Su Baiyi is quite useful.

"Oh, don't be nasty. You take your wife back quickly, and you go back quickly, the son of the grandfather is going to sleep."

Then, the corners of everyone's mouths twitched slightly.

It turned out that Nangong Jin was the one who showed affection from time to time.

The next day, Su Baiyi left Chujing early in the morning and set off for the northern border.This time, I don't know when I can come back.

After seeing off Su Baiyi, Yun Qing remembered that today is Chu Limo's birthday. 21 birthday, after today, he will be 22 years old.He was about to break the criticism of the Lingyin old god stick.

What happened to Feng Qingluan just happened, and today is the anniversary of the death of Concubine Li and the day when Chu Limo was unfeeling and poisonous.On this day, Yun Qing also didn't want to celebrate wantonly.

Yun Qing just cooked a few side dishes by himself, and sat quietly with Chu Limo to have a home-cooked meal.

The day went by like this.

Until, at a fast time, the ruthless rush came to report.

"My lord, my concubine, Chu Che is crazy."

"Crazy?" Yun Qing slightly raised his eyebrows, Yun Qing didn't quite believe that Chu Che would be crazy.


"How crazy, are you sure he's really crazy?" the cold voice asked lightly.

"Return to the prince. Last night, I sent ten according to the princess's instructions, and gave Chu Che a love potion. It lasted until the morning. When Chu Che woke up, he went crazy."

Wuqing had been guarding outside the dungeon last night, and he could clearly hear the voices inside the dungeon last night.I also know how intense it is inside.

However, how could the princess come up with such a method to torture people.That can literally torture people to death.

"Regardless of whether he is really crazy or fake, continue to entertain this 'guest' until he dies." A light and fluttering sentence resounded faintly in Zishi, as if seeing a ghost would make people tremble.

That is the ghost from hell, the real ghost who came to kill people.

Looking at the princess mercilessly, how exactly did Chu Che offend the princess.The princess would not let him go even if he was crazy.

"Yes." Withdrew respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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