The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 766 070. A drunken woman!

Chapter 766 070. A drunken woman!

Jinling City, Prince's Mansion.

When she woke up, she was no longer in the desolate and dilapidated west courtyard, but in the east garden.

She can still smell the fragrance of plum blossoms, so this place is very close to the plum garden.

It's just that I have a splitting headache.

This is the price of drunkenness!
"Miss, I'm awake. Are you still feeling uncomfortable?" When I opened my eyes, what I saw was not the jade marks but the moon, and I felt a little bit lost in my heart.

"How long have I been sleeping?" Rubbing her head with a splitting headache, she couldn't remember anything else except drinking with Yuhen.

"Sleeping from yesterday to now. Miss, you have slept all day."

"I've slept for so long. I won't be able to drink so much in the future." She rubbed her head, "By the way, Nongyue, did I do anything bad when I was drunk yesterday?"

Nong Yue's expression was a little weird. "Miss, don't drink so much in the future." To be honest, the appearance of the young lady drunk is really scary.It almost didn't scare the entire Prince's Mansion to death.

Seeing Nongyue's weird expression, Chu Liyou had a very bad premonition, she wouldn't have done something unforgivable by being drunk, right?

"Nongyue, did I get into trouble?"

"Miss, do you really not remember what happened yesterday?" Such a big thing happened, the lady should have some reflection.

what happens?Chu Liyou vigorously began to recall what happened yesterday.


Then the scenes of yesterday began to hit my head.

"Yuhen, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to disturb your life. I just... I just couldn't control myself." She cried very sadly.

Being drunk, she rushed towards him.He began to cry again: "Yuhen, don't ignore me, okay? Don't leave me alone in that desolate place in Xiyuan. I'm really sad, really sad."

Looking at the woman who fell on him, Yuhen's face darkened.

Damn woman!
But Chu Liyou was persistent and continued to pester him.

"Don't leave me in that place. Yuhen, I'm actually very scared. I've never said it before. I'm afraid of the dark. I'm afraid of being alone. I'm really afraid. I'm very sad, very sad."

Maybe it was the effect of alcohol, Chu Liyou didn't know what he was doing.But that was what she wanted to do to him in her heart.

Fingers lightly touched his lips, gliding across his lips.

With a bit of a chuckle, a bit of charming, a bit of enchanting, she threw herself on him.He began to fumble restlessly with his hands up and down.Lips are even more proactive.

After the kiss, he smiled silly, "It's so cold! Why is there no warmth on your lips?" Fingers slid across lightly, and there was unstoppable disappointment in the light tone, "I know why your lips are so cold. No temperature. Because you have no heart, you have no heart for me. So, all you leave me is coldness. But, Yuhen, doesn’t it mean that people with thin lips are fickle? Why don’t you? I’d rather You are fickle and don't love anyone. I would rather you be cold. But you, you gave your infatuation to another woman. To another woman. Yuhen, my heart really hurts! Do you know what heartache is? You feel it, you feel it, my heart is already cracked. Torn apart. Hehe."

Grab his hand and put it on your heart.

There, it really hurts.

Leaning against his heart, feeling the breath from his body, but can't feel the warmth from his body alone.

She cried, although drunk.But this is her truest feeling.

"Yuhen, you want me. Why don't you give me a little seat. Am I that unbearable? Am I not as good as her? If so, why do you want me? You obviously didn't have traditional Chinese medicine that night, why You still want me. What am I to you? Is it a vent when you are lonely, or do you think of me as her substitute. I said, I will not be anyone’s substitute." Sobbing and crying with.Talking about the sadness in her heart and the heartache he gave himself.

Yuhen's face darkened, and he looked at the crazy woman coldly.

Her question made him sink.

yes!What was it for that night?
Obviously there is no traditional Chinese medicine, but why can't I suppress myself.

That night, did he use her as a substitute, or as a way to vent his loneliness.or...

"Yuhen, tell me. What am I in your heart? What am I? I don't believe that you don't have a place for me in your heart, even if it's just a little bit. What kind of person are you? I understand. If you don’t have a place for me in your heart, how can you allow yourself to lose control, how can you allow yourself to want me. Yuhen, tell me. If you really don’t have me in your heart, you will never leave a place for me .I'm going! I can go! I won't bother you when I'm here."

She was really stupid, so stupid that she violated her self-esteem, and she also wanted to ask him.

Silence, endless silence.

He didn't answer her.She was heartbroken.

She suddenly smiled coolly.Laugh miserably, laugh sadly.

"I shouldn't have prayed. I shouldn't have prayed that you would be so sincere to me. It was my wishful thinking. It was my wishful thinking." She looked at him and smiled desperately, "Yuhen, I think I should Listen to my uncle, find someone to marry, and choose to forget you. Do you know that being your woman is really miserable, I think, being anyone's woman is happier than being your woman. You can't give me , I thought, I could get it in another man."

At that moment, she smiled coolly and let him go.

Really, she was really tired and hurt.

His wordless indifference and cold eyes were painful to her bones.

Yuhen looked cold and wanted to kill.This damn woman.

She let go of him, but he held her arm tightly.It hurt her to catch her.

There was a bloodthirsty light in his cold eyes, and he said: "Chu Liyou, don't imagine that Bengong will have a little pity for you, let alone that Bengong will fall in love with you. Being a woman of Bengong, Don't even think about marrying someone else. Because, Ben Gong doesn't like to give others the things you touched. Don't dirty yourself. The consequences are not something you can afford. Chu Liyou, your brother robbed Ben Gong of the most The one I love, I will pay you back on your body, and I will trample your pride hard on the soles of your feet." He leaned against her ear and smiled faintly, "Chu Liyou, are you going to marry me?" Is it okay to accept the torture of this palace? This palace will make you miserable."

lips, entangled her lips fiercely.The next moment, he bit her hard.Her blood was on her lips.

Let go and push her away fiercely.Unexpectedly, she was pushed and fell to the ground.

This fall, it seems that the wine has woken up a lot.

Touched the painful buttocks from the fall, "It hurts, it hurts!"

He bent down and looked at her, "This little pain is nothing. Next, I will let you taste what pain is."

She looked at him with teary eyes, this ruthless man.

"Come here, take her back to Xiyuan."

Then, she was sent back to Xiyuan.

However, not long after, something happened to Xi Yuan.

She went berserk in Xiyuan and smashed everything in Xiyuan.All of this seemed to be unrelieved, and I didn't know if it was the urge to drink alcohol.While Nongyue was going to make sober soup for her, she actually lit a fire and burned down the dilapidated Xiyuan.

She stood in the firelight, laughing desperately.No matter how Nongyue called her, she just didn't hear it.There is no thought of going out.

The fire was too strong, and Nongyue wanted to save her, but couldn't go forward.

At that moment, she might really want to die in despair.So I want a fire to burn all this clean.

But I didn't want to, that ruthless man came.

With everyone watching, he rushed in.Looking at her coldly, "Chu Liyou, you are really nice."

Although she was drunk, she could feel that Yuhen was very angry.At that moment, Yuhen was really angry and wanted to strangle her to death.

Regardless of his anger, she looked at him with a smile, "Yuhen, I already feel the pain. I feel the pain you brought me. It really hurts!"

He pinched her arm and said fiercely: "You want to die just because of this pain. Dreaming!"

Xiyuan was set on fire by her, and she was taken back to Dongyuan.Dongyuan is very close to the plum garden.

On the way from Xiyuan to Dongyuan, her drunkenness had not yet dissipated, and she was still insane.He even vomited jade marks all over his body.She could even see the strange eyes of those people in the house.It's just that she didn't know anything at that time.I just know that I'm suffering, very uncomfortable.

Later, Yuhen threw her on the bed, touched her acupuncture points and left.After that, she didn't remember anything.Until now wake up.

But one thing can be estimated, Yuhen should regret making her drink so much wine.

After remembering everything from yesterday, Chu Liyou had the urge to hit the wall.

God!She really got into a big disaster.He also said so many things that shouldn't be said to Yuhen.

But what Yuhen said also made her feel a little ache in her heart.

He said that he would trample on her pride severely, that he would torture himself so hard that he would die of pain.

He has done it.In fact, he didn't need to do anything, just a word, and she was already in pain.

"Miss." Seeing that Chu Liyou was in a daze, Nongyue swayed in front of her.

"Yeah." Came back to his senses, looked at Nongyue, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay. Miss, don't drink so much in the future."

Yesterday, Nongyue was really terrified.Thinking about it now, she still feels terrified.If Yuhen didn't come at that time and rushed in recklessly, the lady would never be able to get out.

At that moment, she blamed herself for not rushing in to save her in time.

"I know."

"But miss, don't you really remember what happened yesterday?" Nongyue asked.

Chu Liyou wanted to answer, but she had already remembered.But before she could say it, she saw the figure in black at the door. She said so many things that shouldn't have been said yesterday.If she said she remembered at this moment, it would be awkward to get along with him in the future.Perhaps, because of this, he tortured himself even harder.Why don't you forget everything about yesterday.Just let her continue to stay by his side as if she didn't know anything and nothing happened.

"I do not remember."

"Forget it. Don't think about it if you don't remember it. It's not a big deal anyway."

yes!It's not a big deal at all.To others, it was really not a big deal, but to her, it was a heart-wrenching wound.

 Alcohol is risky and requires caution.

(End of this chapter)

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