The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 767 071. Whoever gives the most money will be mine tonight!

Chapter 767 071. Whoever gives the most money will be mine tonight!

Chu Liyou watched the figure in the black robe walk in.Heart, suddenly very nervous, even jumping very fast.

It would be great if she didn't remember everything that happened yesterday.But by chance, she remembered.

Seeing him now, she was suddenly very guilty, very guilty.Always feel like I did something wrong.Although she didn't feel that she had done anything heinous.

"I..." I opened my mouth, but I didn't know what to say.

"Come with me." Leaving a light sentence, the figure in black clothes turned around and went out.

Chu Liyou hastily followed.

The man in front walked in front, didn't look back, and didn't say a word.

The farther and farther away he went, Chu Liyou probably already guessed where he was going to take him.

Watch him walk ahead and lead the way.She thought to herself: Could it be that this man already guessed that she was lying.Knowing that she actually remembered everything about yesterday.So bring her here and kill her.

"Yu...Yuhen. Where are you taking me?" Chu Liyou decided to play dumb.She must not let him know that she still remembers everything yesterday, that way, if Yuhen doesn't torture her, she will collapse first.Then find a wall and hit it yourself.

The people in front didn't seem to hear it, and continued walking ahead.

"Yuhen." He shouted again, seeing that the person walking in front still did not respond, Chu Liyou stopped directly and did not leave.

She still has a headache now.I feel my body is still a little light.If she continues like this, she probably won't have to wait for Yuhen to silence her, she will fall to her own death.

"Shut up!" A cold voice sounded from above his head.

After being yelled at like this, Chu Liyou really didn't dare to talk nonsense.

He stopped in Xiyuan, where there was not even a slag left.Chu Liyou always felt that there was a knife on her neck, ready to kill her anytime.

However, she still had to put on a look of surprise and shock, " did this place become like this?" Look at those innocent little eyes, she really knows how to pretend!
"Yeah! How did this place become like this." He looked at her, "Should you give me an explanation?"

She looked at him with innocent, watery eyes, and said softly, "What explanation? I don't know."

Pack!You can really pretend!

"Really? You don't know. Then tell me why this place has become like this overnight. Here, but you live here."

"I don't know. I was drunk yesterday."

Lo and behold, drunk.What a good excuse.

"So you mean, it's none of your business that this place has become what it is now?"

"Yuhen, I..." So what if she burned it? Wasn't she drunk yesterday?And he was the one who gave her a drink.So, this matter can't be completely blamed on her!
"What's the matter, I can't tell."

"No. Yuhen, why did you bring me here?"

This question stunned Yuhen for a moment.yes!Why did he bring her here?Do you just want her to see what she did yesterday?Or is there another reason?But what is the reason?

"You burned this place down, shouldn't you be responsible for rebuilding it?" Yuhen found a good reason.

"What? You want me to rebuild it."

"I'll give you one day. If you can't finish it by this time tomorrow, you can leave here for me."

One day is completely embarrassing people.Not to mention that Chu Liyou didn't understand these things.Not to mention, she has no money on her.How did she rebuild the yard that was burned down by a fire.

However, Yuhen's words were serious.If she can't finish it, Yuhen will definitely let her leave the Prince's Mansion.

"There are so few hours in a day that I simply can't get it done."

"Is there anything in this world that you can't accomplish? Even someone as cold as Ben Gong can be seduced, what else can you not do. Didn't you do it when you seduced Ben Gong yesterday?"

"I didn't... seduce you." When did she seduce him.

"No, why are you so sure you don't? Didn't you say that you don't remember anything from yesterday?"

Sure enough, he knew she was lying, so he deliberately deceived her.

"So, is this what you said that you want to torture me severely?" She closed her eyes a little coolly, and tears rolled down her cheeks.It was supposed to come, and it really came.

"Torment. Bengong just wants to see you suffer. When you are in pain, Bengong will temporarily forget what your brother did to Bengong." He hooked her face and said indifferently, "And the relationship between Bengong and your brother It is destined to be immortal. You are just the first big gift that this palace will give your brother."

"Yuhen, since you hate my brother so much, why didn't you just kill me?" Looking at him, she asked calmly.

"Killing you is just to free you. Bengong likes to play games, especially games that torture you." Sticking to her cheek, he said lightly.The voice was icy cold.

Chu Liyou finally understood what it means to be cold and ruthless.

It was a wrong thing she did to save Yuhen in Lingyin Temple, and falling in love with Yuhen was the worst thing she did in her life.

She smiled coolly and looked at him, "Yuhen, I think it's not that you and your brother are destined to live forever. It's the same between us. Although you are indeed ruthless, I... have decided one thing, no matter How cold and ruthless you are, how much you need to torture me, I will always be entangled with you. Even, I will add trouble to you. I will not love you until I am here. When that day comes, if you don’t kill me, I will personally Kill you."

"The women of the Chu family are really extraordinary." She let go of her in disgust.Yuhen turned and left.

Chu Liyou fell to the ground and smiled coolly.Looking at Yuhen's leaving figure, "Yuhen, since we have decided to keep entangled with each other, let's torture each other. I will let you understand what kind of woman from the Chu family you have provoked."

On the same day, Chu Liyou left the Prince's Mansion with Nong Yue.If she stayed any longer, she thought she would go crazy.

The person she loves is at odds with her brother.But she is persistent.

Since he doesn't love her coldly, it's better to torture each other.

Drunk and dreaming.Now it has been renamed Hongjiao Pavilion.This was given to Yun Qing by my brother at the beginning, except for the people who were recruited from another brothel, the rest of my brother's people have already left.Now this brothel belongs to Qi Rong.The elder brother sold it to Qi Rong.The people inside are also Qi Rong's people.

"Girl, are you sure you want to come to Hongjiao Pavilion?" A woman in her twenties is currently in charge of this brothel.It's called Ziying.

Zi Ying looked at Chu Liyou, such a beautiful woman is rare.Just her face is enough to surpass the number one girl in Hongjiao Pavilion.

"Miss, do you think I'm joking?" Chu Liyou only felt that his heart had been trampled to pieces.Now that you have decided to torture each other with Yuhen, then so be it.Maybe when she finished trampling herself, she would no longer love Yuhen.

"Miss, you are crazy. Miss, you have a noble status, how can you come to this kind of place."

"Nongyue, I'm not crazy. I'm just desperate."

"Miss, you come with me. You can't treat yourself like this."

"Nongyue, if you want to go, you can go by yourself. I won't go. Don't try to take me away. In that case, I will choose to die. Nongyue, I have already made up my mind, and I will keep entangled with him forever."

"Miss, why bother to wrong yourself for him. It's not worth it."

"I'm wronged, I'm not wronged at all." This is the punishment she gave herself.She threatened selfishly once, "Nongyue, if you don't want to see me really die, then don't stop me."

"Girl, from today onwards, I am a member of your Hongjiao Pavilion. Tonight, I can receive guests."

"Okay... okay, so what's the girl's name?" Ziying obviously hesitated looking at Chu Liyou, but she knew that she couldn't change her determination.

"It's called Chuchu."

"Okay. Miss Chuchu. I'll arrange it for you now." Knowing that persuasion is useless.Ziying didn't persuade either.

However, Qi Rong knew about the news that Chu Liyou sold herself to a brothel just now.Not only Qi Rong knew about it, but Yuhen who was in the prince's mansion also knew about it.

Chu Liyou, no, Chu Chu has already changed her clothes and is waiting for the night to come.

"Why do this?"

Seeing the people coming through the bronze mirror, Chu Liyou said indifferently: "Brother Qi found out the news so soon. Are you also here to cheer for Chuchu tonight?"

"Why do you want to humiliate yourself?"

"Practice. I'm just dying."

"Follow me out of here."

"Brother Qi, I won't leave. I know Hongjiao Pavilion belongs to Brother Qi, so I chose to come here. If Brother Qi wants me to leave as the boss, then Chuchu has no choice but to go to other buildings Go. You know, the decision I made will not be changed. If Brother Qi wants to use other methods to force me to leave. Then, I have no choice but to leave Xiyue and go to a place where you can't see and continue to practice Myself. In that case, Brother Qi, do you still want to stop me?"

Sometimes, when a person's heart dies.When you meet a stubborn woman, there is nothing you can do.

"I'm here to ask Brother Qi not to stop me. Just let me be willful once."

"Does he know?"

"So what if you know? So what if you don't know? He never pity me. To him, I'm just a toy to take revenge on my brother. He doesn't care what I do."

"Li You, since you know he is ruthless, don't hurt yourself because of him."

Chu Liyou smiled softly, "Brother Qi, I've already been wounded all over my body. I don't care about that. I should go out."

Outside, there are already many guests.Zi Ying let her news out, and the son of Jinling City knew that there was such a beauty in Hongjiao Pavilion, and they came here one after another, wanting to see the beauty's demeanor.

Chu Liyou also found it ironic that she sold herself for a man who didn't love her.Just to punish himself, to torture each other with Yuhen.

It was her first night, and she dressed up specially.She was born beautiful.After dressing up, she is the best in the world.

Tonight, she was wearing a lavender dress, standing on a high platform, with a thin veil hanging on her beautiful face.Under the veil, it couldn't hide her beautiful face, but it made her even more mysterious.

The men below looked at her one by one.

In the Hongjiao Pavilion, many dignitaries from Jinling City came.

Qi Rong watched the stubborn Chu Liyou stand up on the high platform, did she really want to let herself be trampled on?

The woman spoke briskly, her voice was as beautiful as the sounds of nature.To see a real person with such a nice voice, this must be a stunning beauty. "Tonight is Chuchu's first time listing in Hongjiao Pavilion. Whoever gives more money tonight will be Chuchu's."

On the high platform, she saw his figure in the crowd below at a glance.

There was a slight chuckle from the corner of his mouth, and he really came.

She just wanted him to see with his own eyes that the people he touched didn't have to be him!
 It is estimated that it will be very cruel in the future, and the two will torture each other. After all the torture is over, the two of them will really be over.

(End of this chapter)

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