The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 768 072. Unfortunately, the technology is not good!

Chapter 768 072. Unfortunately, the technology is not good!

"I'll offer one hundred thousand." Immediately, someone made an offer.

Someone immediately followed, "I'll offer 15."

"I'll pay 20 million."

"I'll pay 30 million."


The sound from behind came continuously.From 500 at the beginning, it suddenly reached [-] million.Chu Liyou just smiled at the corner of her mouth and watched quietly, as if she didn't care at all about who she belonged to tonight.

It has to be said that the rich and powerful in Jinling City really have so much money that they have no place to spend it.

"Is anyone else offering a high price?" When the price reached 500 million, there were fewer people asking for the price.After all, not everyone has that much silver.

"One time for 500 million, two times for 500 million, and three times for 500 million. Congratulations to Mr. Xu on his beautiful wife." Zi Ying smiled and looked at the young Mr. Xu below.

And this Mr. Xu is a well-known womanizer in Jinling City.But this person loves stunning beauties the most.

Chu Liyou slowly walked down from the high platform, and stopped in front of Mr. Xu.Slowly lifted the veil on his face.At that moment, everyone was watching, wanting to see what kind of beauty this charming girl was.

The moment the veil was lifted, everyone's eyes were amazed.

Such a beauty, let alone 500 million, even 1000 million is worth it.

Yingying said, "Chuchu has met Mr. Xu, tonight, Chuchu belongs to Mr. Xu."

That Mr. Xu has already been fascinated by Chu Liyou.He hugged Chu Liyou's waist and showed off to others.Chu Liyou didn't refuse either.Let him wrap his arms around him.

However, no one saw someone's gloomy eyes in another part of Hongjiao Pavilion.The quilt in his hand was also crushed by him.

"Master Xu." Ignoring everyone's gazes, Chu Liyou dragged him straight up to the second floor and walked towards the room.

Mr. Xu was already thinking about how to hold the beauty in his arms.Cheerfully following Chu Liyou.

"Miss." Nongyue at the side wished he could draw his sword and kill the man who was obsessed with looking at his lady.

Chu Liyou's room was arranged on the best third floor of Hongjiao Pavilion.

After entering the room, Mr. Xu seemed a little impatient.

"Master Xu, don't worry, I'm yours tonight. Why don't we have a drink first." She wanted to get herself drunk, so that at least she wouldn't feel so uncomfortable.

He poured himself a glass of wine and drank it first.If she doesn't drink, she is afraid that the following things will not go on.

"Miss Chuchu, how can you let down such a beautiful day. Wine? You can drink anytime."

He snatched the wine glass from her hand and put it on the table beside her.Can't wait to push him onto the bed.He began to take off his clothes impatiently.

"Touch!" The door of the room was kicked open fiercely.

Mr. Xu was kicked again before he saw who it was.Then, the whole person was kicked down from the third floor.

The accident happened so fast, Mr. Xu was kicked down from the third floor, and almost died.

A cold voice came from the third floor, "If you don't want to die, don't think about her."

Afterwards, although Miss Chuchu was in Hongjiao Pavilion, it was rumored that the man behind Miss Chuchu was the most honorable man in Jinling City.But no one dared to prove who it was.

Since then, no one dared to buy Miss Chuchu's night.

Qi Rong looked at the person who rushed to the third floor angrily, and saw that Mr. Xu on the third floor was kicked out.There was a worried face at first, but a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: Yuhen, just admit it.She will be the disaster of your life!
Chu Liyou looked at the man who suddenly appeared in the room, got up from the bed, arranged her clothes, and walked over slowly.Yingying smiled and said: "Your Highness, it is immoral to destroy other people's good deeds."

"Chu Liyou. Have you forgotten what Ben Gong said?" She stared at her with a gloomy face.

"Of course I know. Of course I know what His Royal Highness said. Didn't His Royal Highness say that he would not fall in love with me? Since that is the case, what is the purpose of you appearing here, His Highness? Could it be that you are in love with me? Could it be that the Crown Prince Your Highness has forgotten what he said, we will torture him endlessly. Falling in love with me is not a good thing."

"Bengong said that the women I have touched don't like being touched by other men. Don't dirty yourself, the consequences, you..."

"Hehe." She laughed and interrupted him, "Don't you think it's funny for His Royal Highness to say this? If I dirty myself, what are you doing with His Royal Highness? Who are you to me?"

"Chu Liyou!"

"Chu Liyou is dead, you are not qualified to call her by her name. Standing in front of His Royal Highness is Chu Chu, the top card of Hongjiao Pavilion, Chu Chu."

Yuhen just looked at her, at this moment, he didn't understand this woman at all.One moment she said she would pester him, and the next moment she used this method to torture each other.If he didn't come, she would really have sex with that strange man.

"Get out of here immediately."

"Leave. Hehe, His Royal Highness. Chu Chu has already sold herself to Hongjiao Pavilion, and will never leave. I mean, what does it have to do with you if Chu Chuli can't leave Hongjiao Pavilion? Hey! All the good things tonight are covered by His Royal Highness. It's broken, I'm tired. Your Highness, please go back. Of course, if His Highness wants to accompany you for a night, please come tomorrow night."

"Chu Liyou." At this moment, Chu Liyou really has the ability to piss people off.

"Your Highness, don't look at me like this. You said it yourself, you want to torture me severely. Then, please show your methods. Otherwise, I will mistakenly think that you are In love with me."

"Hehe, falling in love with you. Don't be wishful thinking. I will never fall in love with you."

After Yuhen's words were interrupted, Chu Liyou also smiled indifferently, "From the moment you said you would not fall in love with me, from the moment you said you would torture me severely, Yuhen, I am no longer with you Wishful thinking. I also said that we will only torture each other from now on. Since you will not fall in love with me, why do you come to this Hongjiao Pavilion. Your Royal Highness, you can go."

Unexplainable, unexplainable heartache.She admitted that at this moment she still couldn't let him go.

However, they are really doomed to be entangled with each other, and they are still the kind that will never die.

"This palace said, leave here immediately."

"What if I don't? Is His Royal Highness still planning to do it?"

"Chu Liyou, what I want to live with, the woman I slept with. Unless I don't want it myself. Otherwise, once it gets dirty, I will destroy her!"

"Really? It just happened to be a coincidence. Unless the girl wants to live with the man she has slept with, if it is dirty, the girl will despise it." She hooked her lips, "Jade Hen, you are the first man this girl has ever slept with, and you belong to this girl from head to toe. Remember, don't get yourself dirty. Otherwise, I will be disgusted. "

No one will say a word of warning.

But what Chu Liyou didn't expect was that because of her unintentional sentence today, Yuhen really only slept with her in his life.How many times, when Yuhen ran to find a woman, but as long as he thought of her sentence, "I will be disgusted and disgusted", any woman in front of him would make him lose interest immediately.

He held her hand tightly, his cold eyes glowed coldly, "So are you trying to seduce me?"

Chu Liyou felt that he heard an extremely funny joke.Looking at him with a smile on his face, the other hand brushed across his face on purpose, came to his lips, and said, "Seduce? Is there anything worthy of me to seduce, Your Highness the Crown Prince. Neither does His Highness Let's see who is seducing whom now? You are holding my hand so tightly, staring at this girl in such an ambiguous posture, what, does His Highness the Crown Prince want me?" Hehe smiled and moved closer on purpose "It's just a pity, His Royal Highness' skills are really not that good."

Humiliation, naked humiliation!
Yuhen looked at Chu Liyou with a gloomy expression, and said furiously, "Not good at technique? Girl Chuchu, do you want to try?"

Miss Chu Chu severely humiliated Chu Liyou as a brothel girl.

"I'm sorry, my girl's guest tonight is not His Royal Highness. If His Royal Highness wants to try, he will come tomorrow night." He had already humiliated himself completely, and Chu Liyou didn't care that he was humiliating him once.

"Unfortunately, Miss Chuchu's guest tonight left you and ran away."

"That's not your turn." She laughed mockingly.

"This palace is here, who dares to want you." He was furious.

Bully pressed down hard.

"Yuhen, get the hell out of here!"

"Get lost! It's too late, Miss Chuchu. This is a brothel, and your guest tonight is Bengong. Since Miss Chuchu is the top card in Hongjiao Pavilion, she should know how to please men. Also, I will let Miss Chuchu know, Is this palace's technology good or not?"

"Yuhen, let me go. Let go."

"Let go, Miss Chuchu is seductive with her naked clothes. Do you think I will let you go?"

When he saw her standing on the high platform in revealing clothes for other men to look at, at that moment, he wanted to go up and strangle this damned woman.

The more she resisted, the more she struggled, the more unwilling she became.He wanted her more and more.

There is no pity, no love, only endless demands and anger.

Hooking her body, he asked, "Miss Chuchu, are I still satisfied with my skills?"

She glanced at him with indifferent eyes, and smiled, "It's a pity, His Royal Highness's skills are not good at all."

"Since Miss Chuchu is not satisfied, then continue. I will do my best until Miss Chuchu is satisfied." Damn woman, he will let her know what it means to offend him.

"Bastard! Yuhen, you big bastard. Get out of here. Get out!" she cried.

She scratched him with many scars on his body.In the room, the entanglement between the two has not stopped.

I don't know how long it has passed, until Chu Liyou was still unable to cry, there was no crying in the room, but a man's growling sound came.

"Chu Liyou, I have warned you a long time ago. Don't offend me, I will torture you severely."

The people below had already passed out.Where can I still hear his words.

Someone got up calmly and got dressed.

Opening the door, I saw Qi Rong leaning on the door of another room, looking at him with a calm expression.

"The younger brother left like this?"

"Brother likes to listen to the corner so much, he even stood outside the door and listened all night."

"Brother forgot one thing. I didn't mean to listen to the corner. It's because I was too absorbed in myself and didn't notice that I was there." Besides, the sound insulation of this room is very good, so I can't hear the sound inside.

"Qi Rong, what exactly do you want to say?"

"Did the junior brother ruin her innocence and just leave without a word?"

"She is the number one card in Hongjiao Pavilion, do you still think that this palace is responsible for her?"

"Since you don't want to be responsible, why ruin her innocence?"

Yuhen's thinking is different from Qi Rong's. Qi Rong's heart is that a woman who doesn't love can't ruin others.Once the innocence of other girls is ruined, they will be responsible to other girls.

But Yuhen is different, as a member of the royal family, he is already used to seeing men with three wives and four concubines.A man who is used to the royal family has countless women, but never thinks about being responsible for that woman.What's more, Yuhen is not a person in this world.The idea is even different from the ancients.

"It seems that senior brother is distressed. It's a pity that things have already happened. I won't be responsible for a top card in Hongjiao Pavilion." Turn around and leave.

"Junior brother, since that's the case, don't provoke her. I will be responsible for her life from now on."

After walking two steps, he stopped when he heard this sentence, "Brother, do you want to marry her?"

"Since Junior Brother doesn't want to be responsible, what should I do with Junior Brother?"

"Senior brother wants to marry her, so he has to ask me if she agrees." After a pause, "Of course, one day when I have tortured her enough and get tired of her, if senior brother still wants to marry her, I will definitely marry her." Don't stop."

(End of this chapter)

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