The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 769 073. There are peach blossoms everywhere!

Chapter 769 073. There are peach blossoms everywhere!

Chu Jing.

The days passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was already the last month of the year.There is still more than half a month before the Chinese New Year.

But before that, Chu Che who was in the dungeon died.It is said that it was because of taking too much love potion.In the end, he died under the man's body.

When Yun Qing heard the news, she just smiled lightly, and didn't even look at Chu Che.

But before Chu Che died, Chu Limo let out a sigh of relief and drained all the blood from his body.Before Chu Che died, he watched the blood drain from his body. After experiencing the fear of death, he died slowly.As for later, after he died, Chu Limo didn't even leave him a whole body, but crushed him to ashes.

In this world, there would be no such person as King Yue Chu Feiyang, nor would there be such a person as Fifth Prince Chu Che.

If it is said: He never met Mu Yunqing back then, and never deceived that woman's sincerity, Chu Feiyang would be his emperor aloofly, sitting on his thousands of miles of land.And all of this will be rewritten.

His ending couldn't have been so miserable!

At this point, the hatred in Yun Qing's heart towards her previous life was truly repaid because of Chu Che's death.Also really let go.And the child who died tragically in the previous life will always be placed in Yun Qing's heart.Maybe one day, as time goes by, the pain of losing that child will slowly heal this faint wound in her heart.

But now, that child is still in her heart, which makes her a little ache.

One year passed like this, and she lived for 17 years, but it was only two short years since she came to this world.In two years, a lot has changed.She transformed from the daughter of the Xiangfu to the daughter of the East China Sea, and now to the spiritual daughter of the Feng clan.Now, the most satisfying thing for her is to become his wife.

The new year is approaching, and the Li Wang Mansion, which has been deserted for 20 years, also welcomes its mistress.

At this time, the New Year's goods that should be prepared should also be prepared early.In the past, all these things were prepared by the stewards of the mansion.However, this year is different.The hostess came from the palace.Now the one in charge is Princess Li.

Yun Qing made a list of New Year's goods early in the morning, and asked the manager to go down and buy them.

The end of the year is the busiest time.But at this time, Shangguanfan in Qingshan County gave Yunmen's accumulated accounts for more than a year to the master Yunqing for her to review them one by one.In just over a year since its establishment, Cloud Gate has earned a lot of money under Shangguan Fan's management.It was said to let Yun Qing take a look at it, but in fact it was just to let her look at the bill.If there were no major issues in Yunmen, Yunqing would always be handed over to Shangguanfan and would never ask about it.

Looking at the bills is the most troublesome thing for Yun Qing. She likes to spend money, but she doesn't like to read the bills.

From the palace, Liyuan.

"Why are you so idle?" She remembered that this guy was known as the richest man in the world, and if he had a lot of money, he could kill a whole city.But she saw that he was very leisurely all the time.

"Because Nangong Jin is here." If he had to do everything, he would probably die of exhaustion without the poison.

"Just squeeze my elder brother as hard as you can. You won't be afraid that my elder brother will abscond with your huge sum of money when you get tired of squeezing him."

"He escaped, isn't there still Qingqing here?" He leaned close to her and smiled evilly.He began to move his hands and feet restlessly.

"Don't make trouble, quickly read the account book."

At this moment, these account books were supposed to be cleared, but at this moment, a good man who loves his wife like his life is looking at them.Yun Qing, on the other hand, was lying on the table and looking at him.The man who worked hard really made her look handsome, but this guy still made her look handsome when he wasn't working hard.

"Madam's order, how dare you refuse to obey." Chu Limo looked at the accounts and curled his lips. This Yunmen really earned a lot of money in just one year.And Yunmen's business also involves a wide range, not only buying and selling information, but also doing the business of killing people.According to this development, within three years, Yunmen will become the largest gang in Jianghu.It is conceivable that when Qingqing established this Cloud Gate, she had already thought of establishing her own power.At that time, Qingqing really didn't believe him! "Qingqing, why did you think of building Cloud Gate?"

"On a whim." If she said it, it was because she didn't believe him at the beginning.Yun Qing is sure that this guy will be disgraced, and then she will be repaired miserably.

But there is a reason to say that it was a whim. After the Tsingyi Gate was destroyed, she took a fancy to the good place of Tsingyi Gate.So it was on a whim.The most important thing is that when she wanted to take revenge, she had to have her own power.And to live in this ancient times where people eat people but don't spit out their bones, having their own power is also an indispensable help and guarantee.

"It's not bad. Cloud Gate has made more than 300 million yuan in just one year. Qingqing, I think I can have soft food in the future." Someone said it with a look of course.Who made the daughter-in-law I married an invisible local tyrant.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched slightly, and then hooked his lips, "I don't like men who eat soft food, I like men with strength. I still like you to support me. As for the more than 300 million you earned, I think I could spend it right away."

Chu Limo was very satisfied with Yun Qing's words, and put his arms around her waist, "Yes. Qingqing is the clearest about my strength."

For this man who would be in heat from time to time, Yun Qing had a look of helplessness. "Don't make trouble. I made an appointment with Bai Yue, Sister Feng, and Sister Su to go to Lanyue Pavilion."

"Qingqing, you have rejected me several times." Someone complained with an aggrieved face.

Who makes you heat every night.A certain woman pouted secretly in her heart.Now it's early in the morning and it's in heat, and it's going to turn into a beast at night. "It's almost time, I'm going out. Be good!"

When going out, Yun Qing deliberately climbed over the wall and went to Nangong Mansion to find Bai Yue.In the blink of an eye, Bai Yue is now more than four months pregnant. Although it is winter and her clothes are a little thicker, she can still see her slightly swollen belly.

It's just that when she went out, her big brother was really...

Follow them to Lanyue Pavilion.The reason is: Bai Yue is pregnant, and Chu Jing is not stable at this time.He must be accompanied.

It's just that what Yun Qing didn't expect was, what kind of wind is blowing in Chu Jing recently?
The people who were still in the mansion one moment, how could they also appear in Lanyue Pavilion the next moment.Not only that, even her other two cousins ​​also came with their daughter-in-law.What is this scenario?
Can they still have fun playing!

"What's going on?" Yun Qing glanced at a few men who were drinking tea.

Feng Qingluan curled her lips, "After the kidnapping happened, he said, no matter where I go, he will follow."

Su Wanyan also answered, "Zixuan didn't follow me every day, but he sent several people to follow me. He even watched me when I was eating and sleeping. If I went out, he would follow me personally."

Such... exaggeration!It seems that her two cousins ​​are afraid that the kidnapping incident last time will happen again.

"Sister Su, you should be better, but I will be miserable. I will go to the latrine for a while, and Wang Ziqing will wait outside. How worried about me! Can I still fall into the toilet?" You can't go in the toilet."

"Ahem..." Yun Qing began to imagine all kinds of pictures of her second cousin guarding outside the toilet.I just couldn't bear to look directly at it.

The corners of Su Wanyan and Bai Yue's mouths twitched slightly.

"You guys just laugh. Poor me, I'm being tortured by Wang Ziqing."

Yun Qing grinned, but in fact, her heart was already full of contrived laughter. "Sister Feng, the second cousin also cares about you. It's just that the way he cares is a bit special. Just get used to it, just get used to it."

"Fortunately, this girl has a strong heart. Every time I go to the toilet, I take that bastard Wang Ziqing as..."

"Sister Feng, stop talking. I understand!" The corner of her mouth twitched slightly, and Yun Qing waved her hand.

I sincerely say that this topic is a bit heavy.After listening to it, it is estimated that Feng Qingluan will call her second cousin a pile of shit and pull it off.

"Sister Qing, what do you understand?" Feng Qingluan looked like I didn't say anything, so you understand.After a pause, she suddenly thought of something, Feng Qingluan laughed loudly, "Sister Qing, you don't think I'm going to say that I regard Wang Ziqing as a piece of shit, do you? Actually, I just ignored him as air. "

Then, a group of crows floated above the heads of the girls...

The conversation of several people was transmitted to the ears of several men who were drinking tea at the other side without missing a word.

Several people looked at Wang Ziqing with 'I have nothing to say to you'.

Wang Ziqing, however, had an expression on his face that I ignored all of you, and drank his tea calmly.His eyes looked deeply at a woman who was laughing loudly.ignore!It's really good!He really pampered her too much.

When women choose clothes, they always spend a lot of time on them.Regardless of the dynasty, there is no woman who does not love beauty.

Just then, a man and a woman came up on the second floor.The woman had a veil on her face, but under the veil was a beautiful face. Standing beside the woman was a man in Tsing Yi. The man looked like a frail scholar, gentle and gentle, always with a slight smile on his mouth.

It was originally just two people who were not strange, and they didn't give them a second look.However, at this moment, the woman with a veil on her face suddenly looked at the person who was drinking tea, and said softly, "Mr. Jin, it's really you!" The woman seemed very excited, "Mr. Jin, no I thought I'd meet you here."

The woman's words involuntarily stopped Yun Qing and the others who were choosing clothes, and walked over here.

"Who is the girl?" Nangong Jin said, he really couldn't remember who the girl in front of him was.

Nangong Jin's words made the woman's face a little disappointed, but it disappeared quickly. She lifted the veil on her face, revealing a beautiful face, and said quietly: "Mr. Jin, I am Ruyan. Farewell to Jiangnan , Unexpectedly, more than two years have passed.”

"Ruyan, do you know this young master?" At this moment, the well-mannered man standing beside Ruyan asked.

"Cousin, this is the benefactor who saved Ruyan's life back then. If Mr. Jin hadn't rescued him back then, Ruyan would have... met her parents Huang Quan long ago." Speaking of this, it seems that she remembered something sad , his tone lowered.

Nangong Jin seemed to have remembered something. When he was in Jiangnan, he did rescue a girl.It seems to be the Ruyan girl in front of me.Back then when he was passing by Jiangnan, he met Ruyan's family who were brutally wiped out.She narrowly escaped death, but was sold to a brothel and forced to receive customers.At that time, this Ruyan girl was also a strong-tempered person, she would rather die than obey, and he rescued her easily after seeing her.

"So it's Miss Ruyan." His tone was light, and when he saved her, he just felt sorry for her.If she hadn't recognized him just now, he wouldn't have remembered such a person at all.

"Thank you, Young Master, for saving my cousin back then. My Yan family is extremely grateful for this kindness, and I must thank you, Young Master, for your kindness." The tone was gentle and polite.Facing the few people present, this gentle and gentle young man showed no timidity at all.This made Yun Qing couldn't help but take a look at this person.

"It's just a little thing."

"Young Master Jin." A soft and pleasant voice sounded, and Ruyan stared at Nangong Jin obsessively.

Yun Qing suddenly felt that there was a feeling that her elder brother was exactly the kind of person who provokes love everywhere.Ruyan's eyes are full of love, but she can't hide it no matter what.Moreover, it is so intimate.Master Jin!Really motherly disgusting.

Yun Qing is completely guarding against this Ru Yan for Bai Yue.

"Brother, is this Ruyan girl familiar?"

"Not familiar." Nangong Jin said lightly.Looking at Bai Yue who came together, she said softly, "Have you chosen?"

Yun Qing wanted to laugh a little.Her elder brother is also a god-man.

"I've picked it, it's your favorite blue color." How could Bai Yue fail to see that woman named Ruyan's admiration for her husband.But now this man is hers.She just needs to ignore her.

"Let's go back after you've chosen." He directly ignored the person named Ruyan.

"it is good."

"Young Master Jin." A faint voice sounded, and that man had already taken another woman's hand and left without even turning his head.

 There's a conspiracy in it...

  Yun Duo'er smelled a strong conspiracy.

(End of this chapter)

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