The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 770 074. Nangong Jin's Trouble Is Coming!

Chapter 770 074. Nangong Jin's Trouble Is Coming!

Jinling City, Hongjiao Pavilion.

Chu Liyou woke up quietly.I thought the man had already left.But I didn't want to, opened my eyes, he was still there.

"His Royal Highness is still there?" Getting up from the bed, she seemed to be used to it.He took out a set of clothes and put them on casually.He chuckled lightly, "His Royal Highness is still here, why, are you afraid that I will fall under another man's body in a blink of an eye?"

Today's Chu Liyou has thorns in every word.If you want to hurt him, you also hurt yourself.

But this torture was only just beginning.

"You like being the number one card in Hongjiao Pavilion so much?" He clasped her hand and asked fiercely.

In the morning, I planned to leave like this, but because of Qi Rong's words, I turned around and went back to the room.What is the charm of this woman that made Qi Rong start to treat her like this?

"It was only after I became a member that I realized that the top card of Hongjiao Pavilion is not bad." She sneered, "If I hadn't been the top card of Hongjiao Pavilion, His Royal Highness wouldn't have come, would he?"

He shook off her hand fiercely, the anger deep in his eyes, he was easily provoked by this woman now.

"His Royal Highness is angry? Hehe, I'm not angry yet. It's a little funny that His Royal Highness is angry." Touching his hand that hurt from being scratched, Chu Liyou coldly chased him away, "What His Royal Highness should do I did it too, the door is over there. Don’t give it away!”

This woman drove herself away, what did she think of him?A dude who visits brothels?
It's time to slam the door and go out, but why can't he move away?

"Forget it. Since His Royal Highness likes to stay here so much. Then I'll go, and I will leave this place to Your Highness."

"Where are you going?"

She curled her lips into a smile, "I don't think I need to tell His Royal Highness where I'm going. Also..." She smiled charmingly on purpose, "This is a brothel, His Royal Highness told me where to go."

"Are you going to sell yourself, or sell yourself?" He asked coldly.

After straightening her clothes, she smiled deliberately, "I'm selling myself to Hongjiao Pavilion. Of course I'm going to sell myself. Selling my smile... If the money given by His Royal Highness is enough, Chu Chu will sell too."

"Chu Liyou!" He roared, clasped her hand tightly once, and looked at her angrily, "Isn't she a woman from the Chu family? Anyway, she is also the honorable eldest princess of the Chu family. What are you doing now? Cards? Or, the eldest princess of the Chu family has already become so despicable. You need to find a different man. Ah!"

"Slap!" A clear and crisp slap sounded, hitting Yuhen's warm and jade-like face fiercely.

Yuhen stared at her firmly, this woman is really good, really good.

"Let go!" She looked at him coldly.In the eyes, there is no warmth in the past.

"Say, do you still want to find other men? Don't you?" He asked coldly.

"Yes." She answered simply, without the slightest hesitation. "What does that have to do with you?"

"Why? Why do you have to come to the brothel? Why?"

Why?Because there is no result between them, because no matter how she treats him, he is always merciless.Because they will only torture each other in this life.She loves him, but he hates her.Can't wait to kill her.That being the case, let's use another exciting way to torture.So fine.

"Isn't it exciting to torture people like this?" She smiled, her tone was cold, "You must really want to ask me why I changed so quickly, right? You must want to ask why I chose to go to the brothel, you must want to ask, I seem to be very adaptable The living environment in the brothel, obviously I am the eldest princess of Chu, but I am very used to this kind of place. You must want to know, right?" After a pause, she continued: "Because, for the title of eldest princess I don't bother at all. You should know who my brother is. If there are people like my brother, why can't there be someone like me? You checked my brother clearly, but you must not have checked me. What kind of person. Because you never care about me. So you don't need to know. I grew up in Lingyin Temple, but it doesn't mean that I don't know anything about the outside world. On the contrary, places like brothels, I Go often. Someone once told me that if you love someone who doesn’t love you, if you want that person to remember you forever. Then torture each other in the most ruthless way, that way, that person will never I can't forget you. Yuhen, you are the one I love, but you don't love me. I choose this way to torture each other, aren't you cool? Since you are cool, you won't feel heartache Yes. The person who hurts the most should be me."

"Do you want me to remember you forever?" This woman must be such a smart person.But what a stupid person.

"It turns out that you can't forget me anymore. Don't you?" If not, how could he appear in the brothel the moment he heard that she was going to sell himself.How could he kick out the man who wanted to possess him.Facts have proved that he may not love her, but he will never forget her.

"Bengong will tell you what it means that you have no place in my heart. Chu Liyou, don't be smart enough to think you're doing this, Bengong will..."

Standing on tiptoe, blocking his words with his lips, Yuhen stared blankly at her sudden kiss.Soon, she left his lips, and put a smile on his ear, "Yuhen, you admit it. In fact, you are afraid... to fall in love with me. It's just that you dare not admit it. Also, let me tell you something, Women are very fickle, you have never understood what kind of person I am. Maybe I can be infatuated with you one moment, and the next moment, I can also turn around and fall into the arms of other men." After finishing speaking, Her face, which was smiling like a flower one moment, had already put on a cloak of indifference the next moment.

Are you afraid of falling in love with her?Are you afraid to admit it?
No, he won't!
He always knew what he wanted and who he was in his heart.But definitely not the woman in front of me.

Looking at her with indifferent eyes, this woman is very smart.If one is not careful, she will lead her by the nose and get caught in her words.

"The only one I love in my life is Yun Qing. And you, I said before, you are a big gift that I want to give to your brother. Chu Liyou, since you want to stay in the brothel Be the top card. Then you should take care of your top card, and don’t die if you can’t stay any longer.”

pain!My heart really hurts!
She always knew that this man loved Yun Qing, didn't she?But hearing him admit it, she still felt heartbroken.

"Don't give it away!" Coldly chased away.

He's staying here, she'll just break down.

With a cold snort, he left Hongjiao Pavilion angrily.When Yuhen really left, Chu Li couldn't help but burst into tears.


Chu Jing.

"My lord. I have already found out. Yan Feng is the son of Yan Jizhi. This person did not follow Yan Jizhi's words and stayed at Yan's house in Chujing. Instead, he has been traveling all these years. He just returned to Chujing three days ago. Then Ruyan is the niece of Mrs. Yan Jizhi. Rujia would be exterminated back then. It is said that Yan Jizhi made too many enemies in the Jianghu. her." He replied ruthlessly.

"Keep staring at Yanfeng. Don't be discovered." He ordered lightly.Relentlessly backed away.

"Words, words follow, Jiangnan is like home. Interesting." Hehe smiled, "Qingqing, Nangong Jin is in trouble."

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, and he pouted, "Why do you say that?"

"Does Qingqing know who Yan Jizhi is? This person is very important in the Jianghu. Yan Jizhi is the current martial arts leader. This person is both good and evil, and has a very weird temper. Nangong Jin saved his niece, It can be said that the grace of saving life should be promised by the body."

It turned out to be the son of the martial arts leader.No wonder Yanfeng was not afraid at all when he was in Lanyue Pavilion.That courage and composure can only be found in those who have experienced rivers and lakes.

"Why do I feel that you are taking pleasure in other people's misfortune?" She curled her lips, "I have one more thing now, that evildoer of my elder brother is enough to attract peach blossoms, tell me about you, have you recruited peach blossoms outside these years, and saved any girls? of."

"In this world, besides Qingqing, who else can fall into my eyes."

"That's true, if you have too many peach blossoms in your eyes, this girl will look down on you."

"..." His face froze slightly.She was the only woman he had met over the years.Where to go to recruit peach blossoms.

"However, that style of speech always gives me a very uncomfortable feeling. This man looks like a gentle scholar, but his eyes are not as shown. His eyes are very cold, so cold that he looks like a There is a poisoned sword in it. And that Ruyan looks weak, but this woman is by no means that simple. It is not such a coincidence that they appeared in Lanyue Pavilion. I think Ruyan is going to the big brother .As for the rhetoric, I really didn't understand his purpose."

What Yun Qing could discover, Chu Limo also discovered.So I immediately ordered someone to investigate.However, it was found that Yan Feng was only Yan Jizhi's son.Except for his uncomfortable eyes, in fact, the places match one by one.

It's just that I don't know why these two people suddenly appeared in Lanyue Pavilion?Is it for Nangong Jin, or something else?
"Since that Ruyan is here for Nangong Jin, she will definitely appear again. We will know what their purpose is soon."


Chu Jingyan's family.

"Cousin. He doesn't remember me at all." At this moment, Ruyan doesn't have the weak appearance in Lanyue Pavilion.

"Ruyan, you've only seen him once, so you're shrinking back? Wasn't the way you used to let him know you back then very good?"

"But, back then, he didn't have any kind of woman by his side." Now, not only was there another woman standing beside him, that woman was also pregnant.He has never treated any woman tenderly.This was the first time she saw his tenderness, but it was towards another woman.

"Ruyan, have you ever seen Nangong Jin being sincere to a woman? Women are just a temporary interest to Nangong Jin. Don't you like him? You have liked him for three full years. Back then, you wanted to make Nangong Jin pay attention to you, Don’t you just do a good job? Don’t tell me you’re willing to give up on him.”

"No, cousin, I'm not reconciled."

Ruyan seemed to be thinking about something.

Three years ago, she met Nangong Jin once, and since then she has fallen in love with him involuntarily.But that person never noticed himself.Until the next year, Nangong Jin came to Jiangnan again, and she knew that he would not stay in Jiangnan for long.At that time, I mustered up the courage to tell him my heart.But it was also that year that Rujia suffered a catastrophe.She is the only one left in Ru family.She was desperate, deeply desperate.However, the man she liked was making love to other women in the brothel.How could she be willing?

At that time, she thought that if she couldn't get that man's heart, she might as well die with her parents.

So she put on a play.Someone sold himself to the brothel where he would go.At that time, she was thinking that if he didn't save her then, she would have died.Fortunately, she got her wish.He saved her.However, before he had time to tell him what he wanted, he left.This leaves.It was two years, two years, he had not been to Jiangnan.Since then, his whereabouts have become a mystery.Until a month ago, her cousin came to tell her that Nangong Jin had appeared in Chujing.Cousin knows that he likes Nangong Jin.Tell her he can help himself.

At that time, she made a decision to come to Chu Jing to find him.

She didn't understand why her cousin wanted to help her.Or her cousin has other goals, but she doesn't care, all she wants is Nangong Jin.

Seeing the unwillingness in the woman's eyes, Yanfeng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Ruyan, with your looks and your cleverness, Nangong Jin will only be yours in the end."

"Cousin, you helped me because..."

"Don't ask if you shouldn't. Some things are better not known." Coldly warned.

Ruyan is still very afraid of this cousin, Yanfeng looks like a scholar.However, Cousin Yanfeng gave her the feeling that she was very afraid.Sometimes a word or a look from him can make her feel suffocated.

"Yes, Ruyan knew she was wrong."

Seeing that she knew she was wrong, she is still useful to herself now.Yanfeng's tone was also gentler, "Don't ask about these things in the future. What you have to do now is to get close to Nangong Jin and let him marry you. Not only will my cousin help you with this matter, but my father will also help you. Help you."

 Guess who this rumor is?

  What is his purpose in doing this.

(End of this chapter)

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