The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 771 075. I heard that you are going to poison me to death?Ben Wang, come and have a look!

Chapter 771 075. I heard that you are going to poison me to death?Ben Wang, come and have a look!
"Nangong Jin, should you give me an explanation?" Bai Yue supported her slightly bulging stomach, and looked at Nangong Jin with a sinister smile. "Didn't you say you are not familiar? Since you are not familiar, why did the girl come to your door?"

"Brother, I also think you should give Bai Yue an explanation. Tell me, did you do something you shouldn't do to the girl?" Yun Qing didn't put out the fire, but continued to light it.Well, she admits that she has a bit of a bad taste.

To be honest, Yun Qing really felt that this Ruyan girl was not worth her face.He actually came to the door by himself.

It was precisely because she heard that Ru Yan had come to her door, she purposely climbed over the wall to see the excitement.But I didn't see Ruyan, it is said that her elder brother directly left the Ruyan girl outside the door.

"Nangong Yunqing, do you have a grudge against me? Go home quickly, or I will poison your man to death."

Yun Qing: "..."

"Nangong Jin, why are you so fierce? I think you are guilty of being a thief. If you hadn't done something to her in Jiangnan, would she have missed you for two years? Now she is here."

"Yue'er, don't be angry. Being angry is not good for the child. I swear, I really have nothing to do with her." If he had known that saving this woman would be a trouble, he shouldn't have saved her in the first place.

"..." He turned his face aside angrily.She was just a little jealous and a little cranky.Did Nangong Jin have anything to do with that Ruyan when he was in Jiangnan?Otherwise, how could a girl come to her door.

"Brother, it's useless to swear. You should take some action. Otherwise, the peach blossoms like today will continue to come." Yun Qing was also a little worried for Nangong Jin.I don't know how many women and peach blossoms her elder brother has provoked over the years.

Nangong Jin gritted his teeth and glared at the younger sister who was causing trouble for him, "Hurry up and go home, that bastard of yours will come to ask for someone again later."

"Brother, you don't want to solve the trouble outside. If the elder brother wants to be pestered by other girls every day, then I will have to leave my sister." After finishing speaking, Yun Qing got up to leave.

When she came, she heard that although Nangong Jin left Ru Yan outside the door to disappear, Ru Yan stood outside the door and did not leave.That's why she came to help.Take a look at the excitement by the way, and bully her elder brother.Otherwise, how troubled this day should be!
"Wait!" Nangong Jin said, "Do you have a solution?"

"It's not just a woman. To deal with women, women are the best way." Yun Qing smiled a little sinisterly.He moved closer to the two of them, lowered his voice and spoke softly.

"Are you sure this will work?"

"Even if she is not willing to give up despite the difficulties, it is a good thing to add trouble to her. Let her understand one thing, Xiao thinks that other people's men will suffer." After suffering a few words, Yun Qing bit even more very heavy.Looking at the two with a slight smile, "Go and invite this Ruyan girl in. It happens that I'm very bored, and it's a good thing to use her to pass the time."

When Ruyan came in, she saw a scene of zither and zither playing harmoniously.The man looked at the woman in red next to him tenderly. I don't know what the woman in red said, but he smiled happily and gently.Lovingly touching the face of the woman in red.

Dazzling, this scene is extremely dazzling!

At this moment, she really wanted to rush up and pull the two of them apart.

However, she had to hold back, no matter how dazzling the scene was, she had to hold back.

"Miss Ruyan, please." Nonghua's tone was always cold, and his attitude towards this woman who coveted other people's husbands was even worse.

"Young Master Jin." There was a soft and pleasant voice.Listening to the voice, she is really a weak beauty.

"Miss Ruyan, won't you take the cold out of your body before entering the door?" The tone was very cold, Ruyan bit her lip, just about to say something.Nangong Jin looked at Bai Yue and said softly, "Yue'er, is it cold?"

"It's not cold." Bai Yue looked at the woman standing aside biting her lip, and said lightly: "I don't know why Miss Ruyan came to find my husband? Ruoyan girl is to thank the brothel for saving her life. This is for anyone who has Anyone who is sympathetic will be saved. Miss Ruyan has already thanked her, so there is no need to thank her again."

What Bai Yue said was very ingenious, but the ridicule in the words was because she was deeply trapped in a brothel.If anyone has compassion, everyone will be saved by the way.That means that the person who was going to be trapped in the brothel was not you, even if it was a beggar or an old woman, Nangong Jin would still save her.

For this kind of woman who covets her man, Bai Yue can tell her so much calmly, which is already giving her face.Otherwise, she should humiliate her severely.

"I..." looked at Nangong Jin weakly and aggrieved.

That appearance, people who don't know it will think that it is the same as the scene where the first wife bullies the concubine's room in the courtyard of the big family.What a motherly disgusting!
Nangong Jin directly ignored the resentful eyes projected by a certain woman. "Yue'er, I'll accompany you back to your room to rest." Every day at this time, Bai Yue would take a nap.If Ruyan hadn't come, they would have been lying in bed and taking a nap at this moment.

"There are still guests in the house."

"Where there are guests. No guests are as important as you and the children."

Ruyan's face turned pale, and he couldn't see his own existence at all.Not at all.

At this moment, jealousy, fierce jealousy.

At this time, Yun Qing came in from the outside.She could hear clearly what was said just now, and she could also see clearly what was going on inside.

"Hey, brother, there are guests at your house." Yun Qing looked at Ruyan, "Isn't this girl the one from Lanyue Pavilion?"

It seemed that it was reminded by Yun Qing that Nangong Jin remembered that there was still a person standing here.The tone was extremely displeased, "Why are you still here?"

Ruyan bit her lip tightly, standing aside, unable to say anything.

Yunqing looked at Ruyan with a half-smile, if it wasn't for the purpose of her and Yanfeng's appearance at this time, she would definitely kill her first to silence this kind of woman who covets her elder brother.

"Brother, you are always a guest when you come to the door. I think this girl Ruyan came to the door in the freezing cold, so it must be something important." Looking at her, Yun Qing smiled even more weirdly, "May I ask Miss Ruyan to come to the door? What is it?"

"Ruyan...Ruyan is here to thank Mr. Jin for saving his life." As he spoke, he looked at Nangong Jin affectionately.

"Oh! Your life-saving grace!" Chu Lips smiled, "Generally, there are many ways to thank you for your life-saving grace, including being a cow and a horse, and giving a promise..."

Nangong Jin's eyes sank, seeing what the hell this sister was doing.Didn't you mean to embarrass this woman?Why did it involve the promise of a body.

But Ruyan's face changed when she heard the last sentence, and her whole face was full of shyness.

"However... my eldest brother has already married his sister-in-law. If Miss Ruyan wants to marry her, I'm afraid she can't. She can't be wronged no matter what. Let her be my elder brother's concubine. Even if Miss Ruyan is willing, My elder brother is also unwilling. But seeing that Miss Ruyan came to thank you sincerely, I can't win Miss Ruyan's desire to thank you. If this is the case, then I will wronged Miss Ruyan to sweep the snow in the yard Clean it up as a thank you." Yun Qing smiled and said: "Make flowers, take Miss Ruyan down. Remember, sister-in-law is pregnant now, and the snow in the yard has to be swept away."

"Yes." Nong Hua appeared in the hall, looked at Ru Yan coldly, "Let's go."

"Then ask Miss Ruyan to clean it up."

The face that was originally full of shyness suddenly turned into a liver color.Ruyan looked at Nangong Jin in disbelief.What did he say just now?Let her clean it up, what does he think of himself?

But at this moment, no matter how unwilling it is.She had to do it too.

Ruyan was taken down to sweep the snow, and there were still people watching her, not even giving her a chance to put on a show.She had to pick up the broom, honestly, and swept the snow in the yard.

After all, she is also a rich lady, the niece of the martial arts leader, when has she ever suffered such humiliation.Today's revenge, she must repay her fiercely.

Looking at a certain woman who was sweeping the snow outside, Yun Qing raised her eyebrows, and said softly: "My dear sister-in-law, have you vented this tone? If not, I will help you to kill her. Of course, The eldest brother is actually the most innocent in this matter, who would have thought that saving a person would save a peach blossom."

Nangong Jin's complexion finally looked better, and this sister had the conscience to speak up for him.

"I just hope that there will be fewer such peach blossoms, otherwise people will not be able to live." Bai Yue looked at Nangong Jin with raised eyebrows and said viciously. "The next time such rotten peach blossoms appear again, I will divorce you. Take your son and remarry."

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched slightly, it seemed that Bai Yue's tone was still not fully out.

That's right, she is a pregnant woman now, and a pregnant woman's emotions are already emotional, but at this time a woman came out to covet her husband, can she not be troublesome?
"..." Nangong Jin was in a state of distress, so he could only glance coldly at a certain woman who was sweeping the snow.This damn woman.

A certain woman who was sweeping the snow didn't know that she was so stupid to come here today, not only was she severely punished, but in the near future, she would continue to die on her way to death forever.In the end, the one who wanted to die died in his own hands.

After sweeping for more than half an hour, Ruyan swept away the snow in the yard.The snow in the yard has been swept away, and she is also shivering from the cold.It's just a pity that no one cares about her.She had just finished scanning when Nong Hua came over to deliver a message. "Miss Ruyan, our master has ordered you to leave after sweeping. From now on, please don't come to the house again. As for saving your life, Miss Ruyan's day of snow sweeping has already been reported." After finishing speaking, get Hua very unceremoniously 'invited' the person out.

"Okay, I've finished watching the excitement that I should watch, so I won't bother elder brother and sister-in-law." Yun Qing rolled his eyes at Bai Yue, the meaning was self-evident.

Seeing Yun Qing winking, and not knowing what she was planning, Nangong Jin chased her away very, very bluntly, "Hurry up and go back. I'm married anyway, so don't just run this way in the future." She was going Running this way, Nangong Jin was really worried that his Yue'er would be taken astray.

The corner of her mouth twitched slightly, how 'defensive' her elder brother was!Is she that 'bad'?Of course, Yun Qing will never admit it, her conscience is very bad. "Brother doesn't welcome me. Sister-in-law, you won't welcome me either."

"Yunqing, don't listen to him. I welcome you. If he doesn't allow you to come, I will drive him out."

Nangong Jin: "..."

Yun Qing tried hard to squeeze out a few tears, but she couldn't squeeze them out for a long time.Walking over to give Bai Yue a big bear hug, it was Chao Nangong Jin who stuck out her tongue proudly, "It's better to be a sister-in-law! Unlike a big brother, she simply has no conscience."

"Ahem..." Nangong Jin almost choked on his own saliva.

"Hurry up and let go of Yue'er. I didn't see that Yue'er was still pregnant." Stepping forward, she pulled away the stinky girl who was hugging her wife, but Nangong Jin's hand was firmly around Bai Yue's waist.

Sticking out her tongue mischievously, Yun Qing stared at Bai Yue's slightly protruding belly, and said softly, "Baby, I'm your aunt. You can't be as heartless as your father in the future, or my aunt will spank you. Well, my aunt has decided, I will come to see you and talk to you every day from now on. Don't forget about my aunt!"

As the saying goes, children must be taught from the womb.Yun Qing felt that in the future, she would have to visit frequently to communicate with this little treasure.In this way, after the baby is born, he will know that there is an aunt like her, but he is looking forward to his arrival.

Nangong Jin's face turned black, but she still came every day.If she came every day, he would probably go crazy first.

"Who will allow you to come every day. If you are bored and want to talk to a child, you should give birth to one yourself." Halfway through speaking, Nangong Jin suddenly remembered a very important thing, hooked his lips, and grinned Laughing, a little mysterious, "However, that bastard of yours doesn't seem to be able to do it now."

"Bump!" The tables, chairs, cups, and vases in the main hall were all shattered.A certain person just stood outside and said nothing, but the coldness in his body was astonishing.Although he didn't do it directly, Yun Qing always felt that her elder brother was going to be unlucky.

It's a good thing they didn't sit down just now, otherwise they would have been thrown on their backs.

"You bastard, you just came here, making such a big commotion, are you trying to scare my son?" Nangong Jin automatically ignored the previous words.Really, I managed to catch this bastard once, and I just said it once, and I was caught.It really is inappropriate for him to speak ill of this bastard behind his back.

"I heard that you are going to poison me to death? Me, come and have a look." A faint voice floated up.

Forehead!Nangong Jin choked.Did he ever say he was going to poison the bastard?
But he seems to have said it many times, but which time he did it.

"Yes! Master is thinking about what kind of poison he should give you."

"Why don't I think about it for you, and give you a poison by the way. Hmm." His deep eyes looked at Nangong Jin coldly.

"Don't be so troublesome. If you poison yourself to death, I will take the trouble to save you."

"What this king means is to poison you. The poison will make you dumb!" To save you from talking nonsense in front of Qingqing all day long.

"Sister! It's not a good thing that your man is so cruel. If he dares to poison me today, he will poison you tomorrow. You have to be careful. Don't be as miserable as your brother!"

Yun Qing twitched slightly.Brother, is this going to convulse again?

However, Yun Qing hurriedly ran to someone and acted like a baby. If he didn't take action, Chu Limo would definitely take revenge for what he just did.Her big brother is also really good. She said something bad, but she wanted to say something that Chu Limo couldn't do.Don't you know that this is a taboo for men?Just say it.It was so unlucky that Chu Limo heard about it.He already held grudges, but now it hurts to hear Nangong Jin talk about his side in front of her.Yun Qing is sure that Chu Limo must really want to kill Nangong Jin now.I really want to kill him. "How did you come."

"If you don't come, how can you hear what someone is talking about the king behind your back?"

Hehe grinned, "So you want to discuss with us?"

He stretched out his hand, wrapped his arms around her waist, and said softly, "Let's go home and have a good discussion."

"Hehe." Yun Qing smirked.Discuss with him at home, she will be eaten to death by him.In the end, there were no bones left.

He raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Nangong Jin, with an indifferent voice, "Yanfeng's whereabouts have often appeared in the northern region in recent years. You don't need this king to remind you. You should understand who is in the northern region. Also, check carefully Find out what happened in Jiangnan two years ago, don't be deceived by a woman. It would be really interesting if our Nangong genius doctor fell into the hands of a woman."

After the reminder, he took the woman in his arms and left.Now, it's time for him and her to go home and have a good discussion.

(End of this chapter)

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