The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 773 078. Only You

Chapter 773 078. Only You
Chu Jing.

After being reminded by Chu Limo, Nangong Jin is not a dull person, and quickly went to investigate what happened in Jiangnan two years ago.When the truth of the matter was in front of him, Nangong Jin only had a deep disgust for this Ruyan girl.

In his life, he hated others to plot against him the most.

And this woman has been counting on him since two years ago.

No matter what schemes against him, this person, next time we meet, he will never be soft-hearted.

The fact that Ruyan ran to Nangong Mansion and was severely humiliated also made Yanfeng furious.

"Stupid! I let you get close to Nangong Jin, and I didn't make him hate you. Where did your tricks two years ago go? Ah!" Yan Feng looked at this stupid woman bitterly.So impatient, he ran to the door.What kind of person is Nangong Jin.Her running to the door like this will only disgust Nangong Jin.

"Cousin, I know I'm wrong. Help me." The reason why she couldn't wait was because she saw the woman beside Nangong Jin.That woman made her jealous.This led to him being sent to the door, but he was severely humiliated.

With sinister eyes, he said coldly: "Be quiet these few days. Don't provoke Nangong Jin. I will help you with the rest." If this stupid woman is not worth taking advantage of, he should kill her.

"Cousin, how long will we have to wait?"

"I've been waiting for so many years, be patient." These words are not only for Ru Yan, but also for herself.He has been waiting for so many years for what he wants. "It will be my father's birthday in a few days."

Ru Yan's eyes brightened, "Brother, what do you mean... Nangong Jin will come to attend uncle's birthday?"

Stupid woman!But Yan Feng just glanced at Ru Yan coldly, "Nangong Jin is from Jianghu, and his father personally sent the invitation, so he still has to give it face."

"Ruyan understands. I will stay in the mansion for a few days and not go to find Nangong Jin."

"It's good that you can understand." If you don't understand, it will ruin his important affairs, so don't blame him for being rude.Killing intent flashed across the dark eyes, but it was only a flash.


Yan Jizhi's invitation soon reached Nangong Jin's hands.Not only did Nangong Jin receive the invitation, but this time, Yan Jizhi actually sent an invitation to Li Wangfu.This is a rare thing.

However, Chu Limo, who received the invitation, just threw the invitation casually, and didn't know where to throw it.That appearance, a look of indifference.

Who doesn't know that people in the royal family never deal with people in the world.

Chu Limo didn't even attend any banquets.He didn't even bother to attend the palace banquet.Therefore, for many years, when there were any important banquets in the various mansions of the Chu capital, the invitations would never go into Li Wang's mansion.

So this time, the invitation from the leader of the martial arts came to Li Wangfu, what is the meaning behind it?

For a while, Chu Jing talked endlessly.Everyone was thinking in their hearts, is the leader of the martial arts alliance already a member of King Li?Is King Li planning to take over the great Chu?After all, this Prince Li was the crown prince conferred by the late emperor!
Yun Qing picked up the invitation that Chu Limo had lost, and played with it in his hand.Looking at the bronzing invitation card in his hand, he pursed his lips and smiled slightly, "It's interesting. Three days later, Chu Jing watched it lively again."

"Qingqing is going to participate?"

"Go. Why don't you go?" Lipstick smiled, "I think there will be a big show in three days. You know, I like watching the show the most. By the way, I'm adding fire."

The corner of Chu Limo's mouth twitched slightly.

Yun Qing looked at him and smiled lightly, she knew that he never liked to attend these banquets, even palace banquets would be disdainful to attend.If you want to see him go to any banquet, it all depends on his mood. If you are in a good mood, you might go there.In a bad mood, the emperor personally came to invite him, but he didn't go either.

"Then husband, I will accompany Qingqing to see the excitement, and I will add fire to it by the way. Let it burn more vigorously." Doting on the nose of a certain woman, Chu Limo smiled softly.

Just as Qingqing said, why not go?It happened that he wanted to see what this Yan Feng was up to?Is this Yan Da Wulin leader colluding with Guiyoumen? If so, don't blame him for not thinking about the love in the world, and let him, the martial arts leader, disappear completely.

"I know you are the best. I will reward you with a sweet kiss." A certain woman kissed someone's face several times wildly.Yun Qing didn't know that even if she didn't tell, Chu Limo would go.It's just that someone is very dark.

Taking advantage of her current guarantee, Yun Qing started to attack him.Tease vigorously.

But it provoked someone with a face full of resentment. "Qingqing..."

After a few mouthfuls, Yun Qing let him go with satisfaction.He grinned and said, "This is to reward you."

Yun Qing didn't know that now she was playing tricks on someone, and waited until her guarantee was gone.Chu Limo will make up for all of these.But before that, she had teased herself completely, but he didn't intend to let her go.

"Qingqing, your reward is over. Now I will reward you." Holding her wobbly little hand, someone started his so-called 'reward'.

Although it is impossible to completely wipe her clean, it is still possible to taste some sweetness.

After a long time, he let her go.But still not satisfied.

The two gasped heavily.

Yun Qing glared at him, sure enough Chu Hooligan is worthy of being a hooligan!
Yun Qing really wants to beat himself up now, why tease him if he has nothing to do?Isn't this committing suicide?

"Chu gangster, you are seducing me like this, I will die in your hands, Chu gangster, I am a normal woman." A certain woman complained dissatisfied.

It's Chu Hooligan again!A black line on someone's face.Who was the first to play hooligans just now?
"Qingqing, how could I be willing to let you die." Whispering softly in her ear, "I'm also a normal man." So that means, obviously you seduced him first.

Yun Qing felt the urge to spurt out a mouthful of old blood.Reason told her to be calm, calm.Don't bother with this rogue.It's you who are at a disadvantage in the calculation.Take a look at yourself, which time is it not at his hands that you suffer.You haven't won once since being with him.

"I won't tell you anymore, I'll go and see my little baby. He must miss me very much now." Standing up, Yun Qing walked out the door.

Qingqing's little baby!Who is Qingqing's little baby?Still want to clear up?
Chu Limo didn't react for a moment.But his intuition told him that the little baby Qingqing was talking about must be a man.It is very possible to fight him to clear the man.

A certain person darkened his face very unhappy, and grabbed Yun Qing's waist, and Yun Qing bumped into his arms.A certain person looked domineering and jealous, and said: "I don't allow you to go. Tell me, who is that... little baby?" This king is going to kill him.

Forehead!Yun Qing helped the forehead.This guy won't mistakenly think that she went to see some handsome boy, right?

Although she is not sure whether that little baby will be a little boy in the future.Yun Qing felt that she seemed to be thinking a little too far.However, this guy is obviously jealous.Yun Qing suddenly wanted to tease him.Gently raised his face, and said softly, "The brat you mentioned is my new love. I really like him. I named him Little Baby. Let me tell you! He looks cute and charming. Most importantly, he is younger than you. He will definitely be more handsome than you in the future."

Someone's face was so dark it couldn't be darker.

"Which desperate bastard, this king is going to kill him." Someone's jealousy was soaring.

"I won't tell you who the little baby is. If you are so fierce, you will definitely scare him." A certain woman continued.

"Qingqing, you belong to me. Which bastard dares to rob you from me, I will kill him. If the world dares to rob you from me, I will kill everyone in the world. I will never allow anyone to covet you for half a cent, absolutely No!"

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah." He replied lightly.But it is extremely serious.

Yun Qing looked at him, this man was so domineering and ruthless yet so affectionate.At that moment, the pupils were a little moist, and it must be a lie to say that they were not moved.

In this world, how many people dare to say that they want to slaughter everyone in the world because of a woman?

But I didn't want to, today's words became a prophecy.In the future, this man slaughtered a whole city for her.

So far, the world has flowed into rivers of blood.just because she...

After half a sound...

Originally, Yun Qing really wanted to laugh.However, Chu Limo's serious and domineering affection made her not want to laugh at the moment.Instead, she hugged him tightly and murmured softly, "I'm serious about you too. More serious than pearls. Also, my baby is not my new love. My old love and new love are only you. You are the only one."

The same Chu Limo also hugged her tightly, her tone was still a bit jealous, but she became very gentle and whispered: "Then Qingqing, tell me, who is that stinky... baby?"

Yun Qing was a little amused, "You want to know who it is. Do you still want to kill him? If you want to kill him, you don't have to be afraid that my elder brother will fight for you and poison you to death."

Chu Limo's face darkened, could it be that the little baby in Qingqing's mouth is that bastard Nangong Jin? "Little baby is... Nangong Jin?"

"Pfft." Now, Yun Qing really couldn't help laughing.What is this guy thinking.How did you get Xiao Baobei and Nangong Jin together?

"Yes..." Yun Qing dragged that long voice, but Chu Limo looked at her.Grinning, "It's the child in Bai Yue's belly! He is my little baby!"

Then, someone's face twisted into twists in an instant.

Someone's mind is: a little baby who has not yet been born has come to snatch his Qingqing.After you are born, and when you grow up, that's fine.

"Qingqing, although he is the son of Nangong Jin. Our little nephew, but he is also a man. I will be jealous if you call other men little darlings."

Now, Chang Yunqing expressed that he was not calm.Even eat a child's vinegar.I still don't know if the child is a boy or a girl, he is purely jealous for no reason!
He hugged the person in his arms tighter, and said domineeringly, "Qingqing, from now on you can only call me baby."

"Ahem..." Yun Qing almost choked to death on his own saliva.It's just that he looked at Chu Limo with weird eyes, and called him "little baby" every day from now on, wouldn't it be weird?

"Shout and listen." Someone wanted to hear it.

"Little...little baby."

It sounds crunchy.

Qingqing is indeed a troublesome little fairy.

"It's screaming. I like to hear Qingqing screaming like that."

"Little baby...Little that enough?"

Then, just as he walked to the door, the guard who was about to knock on the door ruthlessly had a weird expression when he heard some ambiguous words inside.

The princess and the prince...the show of love in broad daylight!

He better not bother at this time.

After thinking about it ruthlessly, it is better to report later.Just as he was about to leave, the door of the room opened.Then, the ruthless person became a little stiff.He still disturbed the prince and princess.

Yun Qing looked at him with a strange and ruthless expression, why did this guy have such a strange expression? "Is there something wrong?"

Well, Yun Qing never expected that the voice inside just now had misunderstood him as the one who disturbed them.

I wanted to say it was okay, but if I said it was okay, the prince would definitely chop him up.Nodding quickly, "Yes."

"Go in." After finishing speaking, Yun Qing was not curious about what the news was.Leaving the Liyuan, over the wall and went to Nangong Mansion.

Standing in the room, Wuqing actually found himself very nervous.The look of doing something bad.

"what's up?"

"Back to the prince... news came from the border of West Vietnam that Yuhen has returned to Jinling City. Our execution failed. After Yuhen returned to Jinling City, our people can't find any news."

His eyes turned cold, "Yuhen. It's his fate. Jinling City is his territory. He already knows my true identity, so he will take strict precautions. If Yuhen doesn't release the news about Jinling City, our people won't be able to find out. Arrived. Those who sent word to us, it is business as usual."

"Yes." Responded.Wuqing didn't retreat immediately but opened his mouth, but he seemed hesitant to speak.

"Anything else to say?"

"My lord, Jinling City is Yuhen's territory. The Eldest Princess is in Jinling City now... It's been a long time since Nongyue has heard from the Eldest Princess. It will only be dangerous for the Eldest Princess to stay in Jinling City."

"Li You will be fine. Send the news to Nongyue, and she doesn't need to pass any news under Yuhen's nose. She just needs to stay by Li You's side." Although the people in Jinling City couldn't get the news, Come out, but it doesn't mean he can't pass the message in.If he didn't have this ability, his title of the richest man in the world, the owner of Rueqing Villa and His Highness Li Wang would be in vain.

"Yes. This subordinate will do it immediately."

Yuhen is cruel, but he won't kill Liyou.Otherwise, he wouldn't really let Liyou go to Yuhen's side.

Now that Li You is in Jinling City, it is normal that the news of Nongyue cannot be spread.If Nongyue could pass the news back under Yuhen's nose, then Yuhen would not be Yuhen.

Although he also knew that Yuhen would not kill Liyou, suffering was inevitable.

He just hoped that the silly girl could figure it out, and only when she figured it out, would she really come back.

However, if Chu Limo can think about what will happen later, no matter whether Chu Liyou can figure it out or not, he should have rescued her from that place earlier instead of letting her willfully hurt herself there.As a result, everything that happened later.

 Someone with multiple identities...


(End of this chapter)

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