The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 774 079. Your Royal Highness, can you not be willful?

Chapter 774 079. Your Royal Highness, can you not be willful?

Nangong Mansion.

Yun Qing now visits this little baby every day.

Bai Yue told what happened just now.Of course, some things about the little babies in the back were omitted.

Bai Yue gave Yun Qing a thumbs up, "Yun Qing, you are the only one who dares to tease this lord. However, you use this little baby to make the lord jealous. You are not afraid that this jealous lord of yours will bear a grudge against my family. Baby."

Now when Yun Qing hears the word "little baby", her scalp feels a little numb.As long as she hears this address, she will think of Chu Limo's face.Then he called out what he looked like as a little baby.Yun Qing couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Bai Yue, don't mention the word little baby." Yun Qing seemed to see Chu Limo jealous when he mentioned this word. "This child is more than four months old, and it will be born in a few months. Have you decided on a name?"

Bai Yue smiled, "Not yet."

"Think about it quickly. If I'm jealous of someone, Xiaobao, I'm guessing that the Li Palace will be flooded." Yun Qing felt that what he said was not an exaggeration at all, it was really true.That person became jealous, and she was still worried that the Prince Li's mansion would be flooded.

Bai Yue looked at Yun Qing and smiled faintly.She remembered that when she first met Yun Qing, she was still a very indifferent person. Although she often had a smile on her face, she was not as happy as she is now, as she is often joking.She has really changed a lot.The only person who can make her change so much is Chu Limo.

It can be seen that Yun Qing is very happy.Live happily.

Yun Qing was beaming with joy when she was talking, but she saw Bai Yue looking at her.Is there something on her face, or that bastard Chu Limo just left something that shouldn't be on her face? "Bai Yue, looking at me like this, is there something dirty on my face?"

"No." Shaking his head.She also smiled mysteriously: "Yun Qing, you have been married for more than a month. You have been very concerned about your children recently. Tell me, do you have one too?"

Countless black lines crossed Yun Qing's face, how could Bai Yue think that the problem she cared about the child recently was that she also had it.Can she tell the truth that she won't be pregnant for a long time?

It is estimated that if she said it, she would be even worse.

After thinking about it, Yun Qing just chuckled, "Where did you go?"

Her smile made Bai Yue think that she really already had it. "Yunqing, you really have it."

"What's the matter?" came a soft voice.

"Nangong Jin, Yunqing is happy."

Nangong Jin's first reaction was that he almost fell down.Then he looked at Yun Qing in a daze, with an expression of disbelief, "Are you happy?"

How much Yun Qing wanted to say at this moment: Girl, calm down!

After asking, Nangong Jin felt that it was still impossible.He added another sentence, "You can't be happy. Which doctor read it. He must have read it wrong."

Before Yun Qing could speak, Bai Yue spoke first, "Why is it impossible for Yun Qing to be happy?"

How much Nangong Jin wanted to tell his wife at this moment, why did he know that Yun Qing could not be happy.But thinking about it, Yun Qing probably didn't know the effect of that bastard Chu Limo taking Linglongzi.Yun Qing must have mistakenly thought that she was happy now.If she told Yun Qing about this at this time, she would definitely not be able to accept it.

After thinking about it for a while, Nangong Jin took the words, "Yunqing will not be so fast if he wants to be happy."

"It's been more than a month since we got married. Why can't it be so fast." Bai Yue now feels that the child can be conceived in more than a month.Wasn't she conceived like that?If Yun Qing is pregnant at this time.When the two children are born, there will also be a little partner to play with.Moreover, Bai Yue also sincerely hopes that Yun Qing can conceive a child.

Nangong Jinduo wanted to tell Bai Yue that not all men were like him, who got hit once.

Now, Yun Qing felt that the couple's brains were too big.

Weakly interrupted the two of them, "You must have misunderstood something. I am not happy."

"How is it possible, Yun Qing."

"It's true." Bai Yue didn't seem to believe herself.Yun Qing leaned close to Bai Yue's ear and whispered a few words.

"Ah. How could this be..." She really hoped that Yun Qing would be happy.

Yun Qing just chuckled.She felt that she had to leave here quickly, otherwise the couple didn't know what ideas they would come up with.

"Brother, Bai Yue, I won't bother you anymore, I'll go first." After finishing speaking, she hurried away.


Jinling City.

Prince's mansion.


"Your Highness." As soon as he took a step closer, Yuhen's dark eyes flashed fierce coldness, "Get lost!"

"Your Highness, your injury hasn't healed yet. If you drink it, your Highness's injury will only get worse."

Akabane didn't understand why His Highness had been drinking since he came back from Hongjiao Pavilion last night.It's been one night and I'm still drinking.His Highness's wounds were not completely healed.Now that he has lost all his martial arts, he still drinks heavily.If this continues, His Highness's injury will worsen again.

"Go out." The tone could not refuse.

I'm afraid that Yuhen himself doesn't know why he is so angry.Yes, at this moment, he is still very angry.After drinking all night, he was not drunk, but rather sober.Unusually awake.

In his mind, it was still the face that he hated.

He wished he could tear her apart.Tore up her hypocrisy.

This damn woman!
Just as Akabane withdrew, the head of the Prince's Mansion hurried towards the plum garden again.

"My lord, what happened when you came here at this time?" Akabane reminded, "Your Highness is in a bad mood, so I don't see anyone at this time."

A look of embarrassment flashed across the manager's face.But I also know His Highness's temper, even the emperor has nothing to do with His Highness.But the people outside... paused, "There are people coming from the palace, and the emperor ordered His Highness to enter the palace immediately."

The door of the plum garden opened.A man in black clothes stood at the door, and the high-spirited Crown Prince was visibly haggard a lot overnight. "Enter the palace!" The faint words carried an inexplicable coldness.

Change the clothes that smell of alcohol.At this moment, Yuhen returned to his previous look.

When Yuhen entered the palace, he never took a carriage, but rode his bloody BMW.

There is a long distance between the prince's mansion and the palace.The palace is to the south.But the Prince's Mansion is located in the most prosperous East Street in Jinling City.When Yuhen built his mansion here, it actually had a deep meaning.

There are many people on the street.There are still ten days before the Chinese New Year.The streets are full of people buying new year's goods.

But Yuhen never thought that he would see such a dazzling scene on the street.

Next to a small stall on the street.The woman in blue was standing there, followed by a maid.And there was a man in Tsing Yi standing next to him.And that woman actually smiled so happily.

Yuhen just saw them from a distance, but didn't hear their conversation.

"Brother Qi, why did you think of going shopping with me today?" It was Chu Liyou who spoke.

As for Qi Rong, he was afraid that she would be in a bad mood, so he proposed to come out for a walk.

"Isn't it just a few days before the Chinese New Year? This year you stay in the mansion to celebrate the New Year, and it's more lively. Look, the streets are full of people who buy new year's goods. I think that this year's Qi mansion hasn't bought the new year's goods yet, It just so happened that you came, so I thought about going out for a stroll and buying New Year's goods together." This is true.In the past, Qi Rong didn't have any concept of Chinese New Year in the previous Qi Mansion.And he never buys New Year's goods, because he never celebrates New Year's Eve.He originally thought that this year he would celebrate the New Year alone.But she didn't expect Chu Liyou to be here.

"How fast! In the blink of an eye, another year has passed." He sighed lightly.Suddenly he smiled mischievously, "Brother Qi, for the sake of taking me in, I will help you with the New Year's goods. This year we will have a lively New Year's Eve."

Her mischievous smile was noticed by someone on the horse.angry!Eyes full of anger!
"Okay. Then we will trouble our Miss Chu." The man smiled gently.

"There are many kinds of New Year's goods in that shop, I'll go buy them." Then, he walked to the opposite shop.

Nongyue stood aside and also smiled.The lady finally smiled.Looking at it now, Miss and Mr. Qi are so suitable when standing together.If Miss forgets about that man, it would be nice to be with Mr. Qi.

Suddenly, a horse on the street roared impatiently for some unknown reason.He ran towards the crowd.The people on the street were frightened by this scene and scattered in all directions.

"The horse is startled... Get out of the way." The man on the horse shouted.The whole person has been frightened silly.No matter how hard he tried to stop the impatient horse, the horse would not listen to him.Instead, he rushed towards the crowd even more crazily.

Chu Liyou turned his head and saw the startled horse galloping towards him.And, very close to her.At that moment, she suddenly couldn't move her footsteps.

"Miss, get out of the way." Nongyue shouted.

The accident happened too fast.Chu Liyou stood in the middle.Just when the horse's hoof was about to step on her, she was pulled into an unfamiliar but warm embrace.And the frightened horse rushed out.

Chu Liyou looked up at this face, if only he saved her...

Why did she still think of that man at this moment?
"Why don't you run away? You're dying." A voice sounded a little angry and worried.

She didn't avoid it.It's really because this scene happened too fast, there was no chance for her to react, and she...

Sticking out her tongue, she said a little embarrassedly, "My feet are numb." Her feet were numb.So I can't move my feet.

Hearing her explanation, Qi Rong held her hand and frowned, "Why are your hands so cold?"

"It's been like this since I was a child. It may be the reason why I stayed on Lingyin Temple Mountain for a long time."

"Go back. Let the housekeeper handle the New Year's goods. You shouldn't be taken out for a walk in such cold weather." A faint distress flashed in those eyes. This woman's hands are more than just cold.He could just feel that her whole body was cold. "Can I still go?"

Shaking his head, Chu Liyou felt a little embarrassed, "I can't move."

The next moment, Qi Rong hugged her.Wen Ya's voice said lightly: "I'll carry you back. Just treat me as your brother."

Chu Liyou knew why Qi Rong explained, he was afraid of embarrassing himself.

This scene also fell into the eyes of someone riding a horse not far away.

More embarrassing things are yet to come.Just at that moment.The startled horse was stopped.The owner of the horse not only fell off the horse himself, but unfortunately was arrested.

"Presumptuous. You dare to be presumptuous in front of His Highness the Crown Prince. Your head is gone." The father-in-law who came to the Prince's Mansion to deliver the decree scolded.

"The little one knows his mistake, the little one knows his mistake. Your Highness, please spare me!" Speaking of which, he was also quite unlucky, who knew that the horse would be shocked, and even His Highness the Crown Prince was shocked.

And the sound of His Royal Highness made people not far away raise their heads and look over.

At that moment, the four eyes met.

For a long time, she didn't come back to her senses.

"Li You." Qi Rong called out.Chu Liyou regained his senses.Biting her lip, her tone was indifferent, "Brother Qi, let's go."

Qi Rong hugged her and walked towards Yuhen's direction slowly.Chu Liyou turned his face aside, not looking at Yuhen.If she could, how she wished she could turn around and leave, but it happened.Going back to Qi Mansion is the direction where Yuhen is standing.If she turned around now, wouldn't she be telling him that she was scared when she saw him?
The man who frightened the horse kept begging for mercy.

Yuhen looked at the two people who walked over, his dark eyes turned cold.Slowly said, "It's not Ben Gong that your horse surprised, but this one. You should apologize to this one."

The eunuch looked at the prince's words, Qi Rong was a celebrity around the emperor, he naturally knew him.But he didn't expect that Mr. Qi, who was as unfeminine as His Royal Highness, would save a woman and still hug her.

Could it be that this woman is Mrs. Qi's wife?
In Jinling City, the eunuch was still in awe of Qi Rong.Hastily stepped forward and bowed, "Young Master Qi." Although Qi Rong is the number one scholar in martial arts, he never likes others to call him that.People in Jinling City also knew about it, and kept calling him Mr. Qi.

"So it's Eunuch Liu." Qi Rong looked at Yuhen on the horse with indifferent eyes, "His Royal Highness."

The person who startled the horse felt that he was too unlucky.The person my horse almost ran into seemed to know His Highness the Crown Prince, and he was also very familiar with the father-in-law in the palace.Looks like a big guy.Of course, at this moment he has been kneeling on the ground and kowtowing, if he raises his head, he will find that this is the famous Mr. Qi from Jinling City.

Qi Rong is still very famous in Jinling City.It can be said that no one does not know.

Eunuch Liu said: "This short-sighted thing almost hurt Mrs. Qi. The servant has already arrested him. Mr. Qi sees how to deal with it."

Mrs. Qi!After not seeing each other for a long time, she became Mrs. Qi.Yuhen's eyes turned cold.The whole person was a little cold.

Qi Rong didn't explain the name to everyone, but looked at Chu Liyou's gentle voice, "How do you deal with it?"

Chu Liyou never thought that Qi Rong would ask himself this question.All he was thinking about was how he met Yuhen here, so naturally he didn't pay attention to the title of Eunuch Liu.Glancing at the man kneeling on the ground begging for mercy, he saw that his appearance just now was not intentional, and he was also yelling for others to get out of the way when the horse was startled.It's just that she didn't pay attention.

He said lightly, "I'm not hurt anywhere, so forget it."

Qi Rong looked at Eunuch Liu with indifferent eyes, but his tone was not as gentle as he was to Chu Liyou just now, and said indifferently: "Eunuch Liu, we don't care about this matter. As for his presumptuousness with His Highness, it depends on His Royal Highness is here." After finishing speaking, he left.

Qi Rong could feel the woman in his arms trembling all over.She thought she was covering it up very well, but he could feel the changes in her due to the appearance of Yuhen.

Yuhen watched her leave in another man's arms.Just like last night, it seemed that they had only been in a relationship for one night, but they became very close.

For a moment, he even wanted to rush up and tear her away.Then, strangle her.

"Your Highness, this man..." Mr. Liu said publicly.

Yuhen didn't even look at that person, and said directly, "Kill him." Since she wanted to let him go, then he just didn't do what she wanted.What's more, the sudden appearance of a startled horse on the street is a coincidence, which is too coincidental.But whether it was an accident or a coincidence, this man, damn it!
This is imperial power!The supreme imperial power!
Until the man walked away, Yuhen still didn't look back.Instead, he kept watching them leave.

"Your Highness." Eunuch Liu reminded him that it was time to enter the palace.

"Go back and tell him that I don't have time to see him. As for those women, if he likes them, he will bring them all into his harem."

This he refers to the emperor.And the emperor called Yuhen into the palace to choose a concubine for him.Over the years, Emperor Xiyue had been very worried about choosing a concubine for Yuhen.However, there is not even a maid in the mansion of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, let alone concubines.Not to mention being able to find a female thing in the Prince's Mansion.

Akabane saw the direction in which His Royal Highness was leaving. Is His Highness going to chase that woman?

 Our handsome Qi Rong is a warm man!

  He is still a super warm man with a very black belly.whee!
(End of this chapter)

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