The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 775 080. Your Royal Highness, are you jealous?

Chapter 775 080. Your Royal Highness, are you jealous?
"Brother Qi. I thought my heart wouldn't hurt. But why? My heart still hurts so much."

She really thought that she could be strong, but when she saw him, her heart ached to the verge of tearing her heart.

She felt like she was standing on the edge of a cliff, as soon as Yuhen approached, she would fall down at any time.And then to pieces.

"..." This woman was in pain, very painful.

"Brother Qi, what do you think I should do?"

Qi Rong stopped and looked at her, "Li You, ask your own heart. Do you want to continue to torture each other with him, or forget him."

Forget, if you like someone you can just say forget and forget, then it is not called liking.

"I can't forget." I laughed at myself, "Brother Qi, you know what. I want to be with him. Even now, I still want to be with him. However, he only has Yun Qing in his heart, and he and his brother are bound to be together." The situation is irreconcilable. In the future, you and my brother will either die or I will die. But I fell in love with the man who killed my brother. How I hope that his heart will not be clear. But I know, all this is just my wishful thinking I can't forget him, so I can only choose to stay here and torture him. In fact, I know that I am torturing only myself, and he will have no mercy on me at all. Now he only hates me. If I were not Chu Liyou, if he isn't the eldest princess of Da Chu, he won't take another look at me."

"Li You, why does such a smart girl like you push yourself to a dead end." She sighed softly.This woman is very smart and has already seen everything.But still use this method to fly moths to the flame.

"If this is a dead end, how I wish this is the end."

But she also understands that this dead end has only just begun.When the day really comes to an end, one of them will always perish.

"Li You, don't hurt yourself. No matter when, don't hurt yourself because of the jade marks. If this place makes you suffer, I will take you away from Jinling City, and take you away from this painful place. Until you can heal the wound in your heart As long as it hurts." He suggested lightly.He really felt sorry for this woman.Not because of love, just distressed.

Chu Li looked at him in a daze, "Brother Qi, I always have a very strange feeling about you. It feels like we've known each other before." She really wanted to ask him, did we meet when we were very young?

She couldn't remember if she had seen Qi Rong when she was a child.However, for Qi Rong, from the first sight, she had a feeling of deja vu.He felt familiar, yet distant.

He also laughed at himself, and said softly, "Maybe it's because we share the same disease."

"Pity each other." She murmured.Maybe, as Qi Rong said, they really felt sorry for each other because of the same illness. "Brother Qi, thank you. But I don't want to leave Jinling City." Without him, she would be exhausted and die.And where there is him, she can at least be alive.Live in pain.

"Li You." He wanted to tell her not to hurt herself like this.

"Brother Qi, please let me down. I want to go by myself." Her feet were no longer numb.She somewhat resisted Qi Rong's embrace.Because I don't like it, I don't want to let other men touch me.

"Are your legs still numb?" he asked.Maybe he should ask, your heart is cold.Is there another heart-warming day?
"The numbness in my legs is gone. I can walk by myself." Ke Xin, however, was already cold.It will gradually become numb.

Gently put her down.Watching her stubbornly go forward.Except for that person, among the women in this world, she is the only one who is stubborn and unrepentant, right?
Slowly followed, but the voice behind him made Qi Rong pull his lips and smile softly: Yuhen, because it's her, you still came after her!
"Li You, if you were given a choice now, would you forget those pains and go with him?" he asked.

Chu Liyou didn't understand what Qi Rong's words meant.For no reason, Qi Rong wouldn't say that.

Qi Rong just walked up slowly, looked at her, "He's here."

Chu Liyou slightly turned his face away, and saw the man in black behind him.

His eyes were full of anger.His eyes are full of murderous intent.

Did he want to kill himself?

"Brother Qi, help me once." He stepped forward gently and lowered his voice, "When I saw him, I only remembered how embarrassed I was in front of him. Brother Qi, I know I am selfish, but please help me Me once."

Gently leaning over, her lips pressed against his face.There was a tear in his eyes.She wanted to do the absolute best and kiss Qi Rong's lips, but she found that she couldn't do it.But from a distance, that angle looks like a pair of lovers kissing sweetly.

Liyou, if you hurt yourself like this, don't you know that there are people who will feel sorry for you?
She doesn't want this.How hopeful, Yuhen left quickly.

All the while, Qi Rong still gently pushed her away, but couldn't bear to scold her.He could even tell her gently, "Let's go home."

Yuhen watched from beginning to end.Watching coldly.After reading it, turn around and leave.

This time, the woman won.She completely won.

Back to Plum Garden.

Yuhen smashed the plum garden into a mess.Leaving Chu Liyou in the mansion, the things that hadn't been taken away were ruthlessly smashed on the ground.He even tore the clothes that Chu Liyou rushed to make when he stayed up all night in Fengcheng to shreds to the ground.

At that moment, Yuhen really felt that he was crazy.

He was completely crazy, driven crazy by that woman named Chu Liyou.

What is this woman capable of?make him like this?
Akabane looked at Meiyuan's mess and hesitated to speak.His Highness has always been calm.When have you ever been so crazy and lost your mind.Even with that woman named Yun Qing, knowing that she was going to marry, His Highness had never lost his mind like this.But now, His Highness is so out of control because of Chu Liyou.

It is said that the authorities are fans.His Highness is so out of control now because he saw that woman kissing Qi Rong.Your Highness is jealous.His Highness obviously fell in love with that woman.But His Highness dared not admit it.

For a whole day, Yuhen shut herself in the plum garden.No one was seen.In the plum garden, there is a strong smell of wine.

Until the sun sets and the night falls.The entire Jinling City began to sing and dance again.

Hongjiao Pavilion.

Get drunk and find a woman.Hongjiao Pavilion is a good place to go.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who has always been abusive to women, came to Hongjiao Pavilion once.But this time, many beauties were called to accompany her.But no one came close to him.Obviously he came here to find women, but he was not in the mood to touch them.One drink after another.


In the dead of night.Jinling City also fell silent.

Qi Mansion, entered Qi Mansion quietly.Yuhen lost all his martial arts skills, but his skills are still there.

Maybe he himself didn't know why he came to Qi Mansion after he came out of Hongjiao Pavilion.Maybe crazy, maybe drunk.

Qi Rong lived in Tangyuan, and Chu Liyou arranged to live in another courtyard not far from Tangyuan.

Unsurprisingly, Yuhen entered the room.It was dark in the room, but he could see the woman sleeping peacefully on the bed at a glance.Maybe he was really crazy, and walked towards the bed.Look at her sleeping face.He actually took off his clothes and lay down.I closed my eyes.

The breath of the woman next to him came.

He couldn't sleep at all.Her mind is full of pictures of her actively kissing Qi Rong today.

Indifferent eyes looked at her in the dark.Xu Shi had been scrutinized for a long time, and Chu Liyou felt a little uncomfortable.He opened his eyes, but only saw a black shadow in the darkness.Just wanted to scream out loud.His mouth was covered.A familiar voice came coldly, "Are you trying to lure everyone here in the middle of the night?"

Chu Liyou looked at him with horrified eyes, what's the matter with this man?

"Hmm... let go... let me go." There was a struggle.

"Shut up. It's loud."

"Let go of me." She whimpered a few times.

"Don't bark. I'll let you go." He said, "If you want to attract everyone, I won't object if you ask."

Chu Liyou glared at him fiercely.But still nodded, to ensure that she would not cry out.

Yuhen let go of her.At this moment, Chu Liyou bit his hand fiercely.She said she can't bark, but that doesn't mean she can't bite.

"You belong to a dog." His eyes were slightly angry.

"His Royal Highness, you barged in in the middle of the night, I didn't treat you as an assassin and killed you, it was an advantage." She was heartbroken and furious, what was going on with this man.He ran to her room in the middle of the night, did he want to kill her to silence her? "Yuhen, are you here to kill someone?"

"Chu Liyou, you are capable. You have hooked up with Qi Rong in such a short time." He sneered coldly, "Chu Liyou, are you so shameless? You have only been away from the Palace for a few days, and you hooked up with others." man."

Chu Liyou suddenly laughed, but the smile was a bit cold, "His Royal Highness, you are not the same. You have only left me for a few days. You ran to Hongjiao Pavilion to find other women. What, the one in Hongjiao Pavilion The woman hasn't had enough fun yet, and she's still not satisfied with it. So she came to Qi Mansion to find me? Yuhen, you really make me sick." When Yuhen approached her, she could smell his fragrance, which was A fragrance unique to Hongjiao Pavilion women.

Just the thought that he had just been with another woman, maybe more than one.Now that she came to look for her again, she felt sick.Incomparably disgusting.

nausea.Dare to despise him disgusting.

"Yuhen, let's go. I don't want to see you."

"Is it because you are in such a hurry to drive me away that Qi Rong will see you?" He pressed on her body and asked coldly.But suddenly saw a few faint hickeys under her thin shirt.Such a mark on such an intimate place.Did she sleep with Qi Rong?Thinking of this possibility, anger burned in his eyes. "Say, did you have sex with Qi Rong? Didn't I warn you a long time ago not to dirty yourself. Otherwise, I will destroy you with my own hands."

"Yuhen, why do you accuse me. You are just as dirty." She didn't explain a word.I don't even know why he thinks that way.But she didn't want to explain at all.The man never believed her.

"Chu Liyou, you are so impatient. You need a man so much. I will help you."

Tear, and tear hard again.

The marks on her body stimulated every nerve in him.It stimulated him severely.

"Yuhen. What are you going to do? I warn you, don't mess around." She shouted, but she didn't dare to shout loudly.

"Scream! It's best to attract everyone here. Let Qi Rong see, he sees that you are under Ben Gong's body in a blink of an eye, but he still wants you."

"Yuhen, you are crazy."

crazy.He is crazy.Crazy because of her.

Pain, or endless pain.

"Yuhen, don't be like this. Pain...pain..."

It hurts, it really hurts.

But that person couldn't hear her cry of pain at all.No sound of her crying could be heard.He kissed the marks left on her body fiercely.There is only one thought, to erase these traces fiercely.There are no traces of other men allowed on this woman.

He is still going crazy.

Keep going crazy on her.He didn't mean to let go of her at all.

It's like this again, what does this man think of her?

What exactly did he take her for?

A brothel girl?Heh, she laughed at herself, didn't she sell herself to a brothel?Therefore, he regards himself as a brothel woman and demands endlessly.

The woman under him suddenly stopped crying.Let him go crazy.

Yuhen stopped and looked at her.There were tears in her eyes.

She asked with a sneer, "Is that enough? Is it enough? Yuhen, why did you come to me tonight? Because of love, or because of hatred? Or maybe because of jealousy. You are jealous that I turned around and went to another man, So you're jealous. You regret it. You're scared, aren't you?"

Watching her cry, he would feel a little pain.

You can see her questioning with a sneer.He is angry.

Leaning down, she whispered evilly in her ear like a devil, "I just like to torture you like this. This is just the beginning."

A tear fell from the corner of her eye, she turned her face away, and said in a desperate voice, "Since you like it, then you can torture it. After the torture is over, please leave."

Her indifference strongly stimulated him.

Another endless pursuit and madness.

But that woman closed her eyes.Fell into a silence.At this moment, her heart was ashamed.

After a long time, he lay on top of her.Fell into silence.

He shouldn't be like this.It shouldn't be like this...

 Falling in love and killing each other, tortured to the point of heartache.

  Yuhen: When will you admit that you fell in love with Miss Chu?
(End of this chapter)

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