The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 776 081. This son never said he would not kill women!

Chapter 776 081. This son never said he would not kill women!

Chu Jing. 
Three days passed quickly.And today, December [-]th is the [-]th birthday of Yan Jizhi, the leader of the martial arts alliance.

And this leader of the martial arts alliance is acting perversely, and this person is even more righteous and evil.

Yan Jizhi possesses the power in the Jianghu, and the people in the Jianghu respect and fear him.If Yan wants to use his status in the world to rebel, Emperor Chu will have a headache.

But Yan Jizhi is also a strange person, and the good Jiangnan will not wait.The mansion was built in the prosperous imperial capital of Chujing.I really don't know if he came to add trouble to Emperor Chu.

Yan Mansion is very lively today, there is no doubt about it.

In the hall of Yan Mansion, both male and female guests gathered in the hall.Because Yan Jizhi is from the Jianghu, and Jianghu people are not like the family of the rich and powerful.The defense between men and women is not very strict, and there are so many people in the hall, no one will gossip when sitting together.As long as it's not a single man and a woman getting along alone, no one will care about these.

But today, Yan Mansion has a few distinguished guests.

Chu Jing has kept His Royal Highness Prince Li mysterious for 20 years.And the genius doctor Nangong Jin who has always been erratic and acting strangely.

And these two actually got married a month ago.The wedding a month ago was extremely grand, and it is said that the Prince Xiyue came to snatch the marriage.Although this matter was suppressed, there were many people who attended the wedding ceremony at the time, and the story of Prince Xiyue robbing the bride was still widely spread.

Now, Prince Li brought Princess Li, and Nangong Jin brought his newlywed wife to the birthday banquet.This is enough to raise Yan Jizhi's face today.

Several distinguished guests came together, and Yan Jizhi led someone to welcome them to the door in person.People in Jianghu were also quite curious about His Royal Highness Li Wang.

"His Royal Highness Li, Wangfei, Mr. Nangong, Mrs. Nangong attended Yan's birthday banquet in person. It is an honor for Yan." When a distinguished guest comes, it is inevitable to greet him a few times.

But how could Chu Limo's arrogant personality put Yan Jizhi in his eyes.He directly maintained his cold and dusty face.Fortunately, everyone also knew that King Li had such a temperament, and it was already unbelievable that he could come.However, some people inevitably looked at Chu Limo, since he came to the birthday banquet.Why not even a birthday gift.Like that, are you here for a birthday party?
Yan Jizhi naturally discovered this too.Not only Chu Limo is like this, but Nangong Jin is also like this.Yan Jizhi's face was unavoidably blue.But it's not good to show it.He couldn't open his mouth to ask these two for birthday presents.

I came to the birthday banquet, but I didn't even prepare a birthday gift.To put it bluntly, people don't want to come to this birthday banquet at all.But here he was, no doubt deliberately slapping the leader of Yan Da Wulin in the face.

At the same time, it was Chu Limo who was warning him.Don't think that he doesn't know why he sent an invitation to Prince Li's mansion.Deliberately spread this matter in Chu Jing.

Nangong Jin often walks in the rivers and lakes, and has dealt with this martial arts leader several times.Nangong Jin greeted with a smile and said a word of congratulations.There is no more text.If he didn't know that today's birthday banquet is still lively, he would have turned around and left.Of course, he has done a lot of things like this.

When Yun Qing came, he took a good look at the martial arts leader. With just one glance, Yun Qing could tell that this person was not someone to be trifled with, and it was not easy for someone to be the leader of the martial arts for more than ten years. one person.Especially those eyes are too sharp.The face is full of evil spirits.Yun Qing was really a little skeptical, how did such a Jianghu man with such an evil face be elected as the leader of the martial arts alliance in the first place.Could it be that when the martial arts leader was elected, those people were all blind?Such a wicked person was chosen.

Now I just don't know if he has colluded with the ghost pylorus.However, looking at his evil face, Yun Qing couldn't help but suspect him.

The birthday party hasn't started yet.There are also many people who come.There is no room for so many people in the hall.It is not difficult to see that this martial arts leader has a wide network of contacts.All the respectable people in the rivers and lakes came.

People with high status like Chu Limo were naturally arranged in one place.Where Chu Limo was, no one dared to come forward to chat and greet.

"Tell me, what interesting things will happen today?" Nangong Jin asked with a smile.On the contrary, I think this Yan Jizhi is really an interesting person, and he actually sent an invitation to Chu Limo.This is probably the first person to send an invitation to Chu Limo in these years, but Chu Limo gave enough face.Although the man came, he also slapped Yan Jizhi in the face.

"Today's protagonist is not the king, not Yan Jizhi, but you. Don't forget who else in Yan's mansion is eyeing you." Slightly raised eyebrows, "You said that if Yan Jizhi He betrothed his niece to you on his birthday today, will you refuse? Or refuse? If you win the favor of the martial arts leader on the spot, you will also win his face, but you will be an enemy of half of the world."

As soon as the words fell, the young master of Yan Mansion, Yan Feng came towards them.

"These are His Royal Highness Li Wang." After greeting him, Yanfeng didn't mind if others responded to him, and continued, "This is Mrs. Nangong. Cousin Ruyan is at the house these few days He also mentioned Madam. She said that Madam gave her a chance to repay Mr. Nangong's kindness. I heard that there is also the credit of Princess Li. Princess Li and Mrs. Nangong are really sisters."

Yun Qing doesn't like this person very much, he looks like a scholar, but he is like a poisonous snake. "It's just that Miss Ruyan wanted to repay her kindness, so I came up with an idea. Please don't keep such a small matter in mind."

"Hehe..." He smiled lightly.Yan Feng looked at Yun Qing, and sure enough, as the man said, this woman is very interesting.

"Today is Leader Yan's birthday, Mr. Yan must be very busy." That meant that he obviously didn't want him to stay here anymore.

"Guests, please feel free." Yan Feng was not in a hurry for this moment.More exciting things are yet to come.

And they didn't really come to Yanfu to attend some shit birthday banquet.Instead, in the name of a birthday banquet, they came to find out what the relationship between Yan Mansion and the Northern Territory Ghost Gate was.On a day like today.If it really has something to do with the ghost pylorus, people from the ghost pylorus will definitely appear.In the last assassination incident by the Guiyoumen, they did not believe that the Guiyoumen had really left Chujing.But the ghost pylorus has indeed disappeared.The only explanation is that someone in Chujing helped them hide their whereabouts.The only one who can make them suspicious is the martial arts leader.

Just after mentioning this Ruyan girl, this girl came out.It seems that it was discussed with Yanfeng, and they deliberately came to add trouble.

"Brother, it seems that the girl still doesn't give up on you! We'll give you the place. You can make troubles as you like, you don't have to be too polite." The tone was very ambiguous, but there was a coldness hidden in every sentence killing intent.

Yun Qing's meaning is very simple, he really can't see it, if he kills it, he will kill it.

She came here today to add fuel to the flames, and she didn't mind getting blood on the birthday banquet.

No one paid too much attention to Yun Qing and Chu Limo when they left the flower hall.After all, most of the people who came to the birthday banquet were from the Jianghu, and some Jianghu people were very arrogant and didn't like to make friends with the royal family.And I won't deliberately flatter you.

In Yanfu's study.

"Father." It was Yan Feng's voice.Compared with the gentleness just now, this sound is a little more indifferent.

Yan Jizhi's face was livid, "Feng'er. You have been traveling all these years, and what you do as a father never cares about you. But look at you, not to mention what kind of person Li Wang is. Let's talk about Nangong Jin, Nangong Jin is an unpredictable person. Yechen is behind him. You plan on him, and you think he is so easy to plan."

"Didn't father always want to win over Yechen? With Nangong Jin as his helper, is it possible that father won't be able to win over Yechen?" There was indifference in his voice.The two fathers and sons are not as loving and filial as they seem.

"With that stupid woman, you think you can control Nangong Jin. Then you underestimate Nangong Jin too much." Yan Jizhi continued: "As a father, I want to win over Yechen. But this person She is more mysterious than Nangong Jin, and her actions are even more ruthless. She only cares about her own preferences. Instead of drawing an unruly person by her side, she will retaliate at any time. This person should have been eliminated long ago." Yan Jizhi's tone was full of murder meaning.Yechen's prestige and power in the Jianghu have far surpassed him, the leader of the martial arts alliance.If Yechen wants to be the leader of the martial arts alliance, he can replace him at any time.Such a threatening figure, he could not have kept him in the world.

Yan Feng smiled indifferently, what he wanted was never to control Nangong Jin, nor did he need to win Ye Chen over. When necessary, these people could all die.What he wants is that person... Let that person achieve his goal.

"Yes. Feng'er understands."

"That's enough. This matter is over. As a father, no matter why you want to plot against Nangong Jin, don't get angry." After all, he is his own son, and Yan Jizhi just reminded him.

"Yes." Yan Feng replied and left the study.

Little did they know, the conversation in the study had already been overheard.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many people who want to kill you. Tell me, how many people have you offended?"

"Who made your husband so good, so they are jealous. It's time to send him on his way." He said casually.It seems to be saying, look, it's snowing again today.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched.Too good, good people are hunted down every day?

However, this martial arts leader seems to be quite unlucky.If you want to kill others, you can just keep it in your heart, why do you still say it?But it happens when there are so many people, even though you said it while hiding in the study.Don't you know the saying that walls have ears?
Yun Qing can now foresee that in a few days, a major event will occur in Chu Jing, and the leader of the martial arts alliance, Yan Jizhi, will die tragically.As for the cause of the tragic death, it is estimated that Chu Limo has found dozens, even hundreds of reasons for him.

When I came to the Yanfu, I didn't find out the news about the ghost pylorus, but I heard a lot of other news.

They also seem to find a very interesting thing, that is, the relationship between Yan Jizhi and his son Yanfeng doesn't seem to be very good.Yan Feng's attitude towards Yan Jizhi was very indifferent.The indifference is not like a father and son at all.

The birthday party is still going on.


Just returned to the flower hall.A scream suddenly resounded through the entire Yan Mansion.

Listen to the sound, it is like smoke.

Yun Qing pursed his lips and sneered. It seems that the eldest brother took action against this stupid woman.

This scream also attracted the attention of many people, and they looked at it one after another.Fortunately, all the people present were from the rivers and lakes, and they still looked calm when they saw such a bloody scene.

I saw that half of Ruyan's right arm was broken, and the other half was bloody.The scene is pretty disgusting.

There were still desperate screams like smoke in the flower hall.She might not have thought that this man would be so cruel that he broke his hand.Just because she hates her, because she wants to hurt this woman.But before she could hurt her, he broke his hand.

"Mr. Nangong, what's going on?" Yan Jizhi who heard the voice didn't expect Nangong Jinhui to be so cruel at his birthday banquet.I have always known that this man is as cruel and ruthless as Ye Chen.But he didn't want him to be cruel to a girl.It was still at his birthday banquet, at his mansion.This completely ignored him as the martial arts leader.

"Mr. Yan. This is your niece, right?" The cold and disgusted eyes were unwilling to glance at Ruyan, "Mr. Yan, you should teach your niece the rules. Today is for the sake of Mr. Yan's birthday." Above all, my son is showing mercy. However, it does not mean that I can tolerate it. I have never said that I will not kill women. Otherwise, I will make my niece utter obscenities and abuse my wife who hurt me. I don’t mind helping you. The lord solved her."

Is this considered to save face?Is this considered showing mercy?

The people present couldn't help taking a breath of air.What Nangong Jin meant was that this girl suffered from a severed arm because she insulted her wife.

Yan Jizhi's face was livid.How can the majesty of his martial arts leader be trampled on at will.What Nangong Jin did today was to trample on his majesty. "I don't know how Ruyan insulted Mrs. Nangong. Mr. Nangong just needs to teach her a few words. Mr. Nangong is eager to protect his wife, and the leader can understand it. But Mr. Nangong wants to break a girl's arm. This makes a girl's family still How to survive."

That means, what kind of deep hatred will not stop until a girl's arm is broken.If it is said that he will suffer this catastrophe just because of a few verbal insults, Nangong Jin's move is too cruel.Such cruel and ruthless people are despised by people in the Jianghu.

"The words of the leader of the alliance really made me suspicious. I made my niece insult my wife. She even took action against my wife. Excuse me, did you teach this? Did you ask your niece to hurt a pregnant woman? My son is wrong." I want to ask. How did my son's wife and unborn child offend the leader Yan? It made you so cruel."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked!

What?The niece of the Yan leader actually pushed a pregnant woman.What is the intention of this?

Disgust and contempt flashed in the eyes of everyone looking at Ruyan with the broken arm.There are even some righteous people who want to take up their swords and kill this femme fatale.

"My concubine also wants to know if this belongs to Bishop Yanmeng?" Yun Qing sneered, walked over, looked at the pale Bai Yue, and his elder brother really had killing intent in his eyes, so there was only one There is a possibility that Ruyan really pushed Bai Yue. "Are you OK?"

Bai Yue shook her head.How could she be really pushed by Ruyan.It's just that she didn't expect that this woman would become cruel when she saw her swollen belly.If not for their own defense.Just her intentional push.I will definitely fall down.

"Master Yan. If you don't give me an explanation for this matter, this concubine will not let it go."

(End of this chapter)

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