The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 777 082. The Cruel Man

Chapter 777 082. The Cruel Man

Yun Qing's words already represented Li Wangfu's attitude.Represents the attitude of the royal family.If today's matter is not handled well.The Yan family completely offended the royal family.Very likely to lead to catastrophe.

Although it is said that Yan Jizhi has status and influence in the arena.However, compared with the royal family, it is simply courting death.

"Uncle." Ru Yan turned pale, her broken arm was still lying on the ground.Although she suffered such serious injuries, Ruyan only suffered from pain to the bone, but she couldn't fall into a coma.If possible, she would rather be unconscious.

So it can only be said that Nangong Jin's broken arm is too stylish.

His dark eyes were unwilling to even look at this stupid woman.Such a great opportunity today.She didn't take good care of Nangong Jin, but instead hurt Nangong Jin's wife.It can only be said that this woman is really stupid.A good move was wasted in vain.It will be difficult to approach them in the future.

But at this moment, I'm afraid they won't give up until they give an explanation.

"She has always been ignorant and reckless..."

"Mr. Yan, please interrupt you." Yun Qing coldly interrupted Yan Feng, and said: "Miss Ruyan is not acting recklessly. She is deliberately hurting a pregnant woman. Such vicious behavior, Mr. Yanfeng is sure Is the smoke girl just ignorant?"

Yun Qing's words made everyone present look at Yan Feng again.If he dared to say 'yes' the eyes of these people would kill him too.In the future, if he wants to gain a foothold in the arena, he will also be cast aside by others.Because as long as people in the world hear the name Yanfeng, they will think of him covering up a femme fatale woman who poisoned a pregnant woman.

However, Ruyan glared at Yun Qing fiercely. Last time she humiliated herself, she had not embraced the revenge of Sweeping Snow, and now she came to harm her again.But she didn't understand that today was her end.Neither Nangong Jin, Yun Qing, nor Yan Feng will spare her life.

It's a pity that there is one thing that she doesn't understand yet.

"Ruyan's behavior has already been despised by the Yan family. Today is my father's birthday, so she shouldn't be bloodied. But she absolutely shouldn't, she shouldn't have harmed Madam Nangong, let alone the child in Madam Nangong's womb." After the words fell, he suddenly drew out the sword, and pierced Ru Yan's heart with a sword.She must die.A cold light flashed in those gloomy eyes, and then quickly disappeared. "Young Master Nangong, are you satisfied with this?"

What a cruel man!
Yun Qing narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly.This man looks like a scholar, but he is relentless in his moves.Just now, his sword pierced Ruyan's heart with precision.It was simply killing Ru Yan directly.Ruyan is also his cousin after all, the person who can attack even his cousin, this man is cruel enough!
"Hmph, it's fine if my wife is fine, but if something happens, I will never let go of today's matter. You Yan Family just wait for my revenge." Nangong Jin had already put down the words.But at the moment, everyone believed that Nangong Jin's words were true.If it is true that his wife and children have something to do, I am afraid that the leader Yan's family will suffer.

A good birthday party was ruined like this.

Just after leaving Yanfu, Bai Yue vomited violently.And it was so dark that he vomited.I only ate a little when I went out, but now I vomited completely.Seeing her vomit so hard, Nangong Jin regretted letting Ru Yan go just like that.I even regret why I came to this birthday banquet if I have nothing to do.


"Nangong Jin, it's disgusting." When she was inside, she was angry, but she didn't feel nauseated.But when he saw Ruyan died.Thinking about her broken arm by Nangong Jin, she felt disgusted at that time.

After returning to the mansion, Bai Yue would vomit whenever she saw something scarlet.This appearance made Nangong Jin feel distressed.

However, that night, a major event happened in Chu Jing.In the middle of the night, the Yan Mansion suddenly burst into flames, and heart-piercing screams came from the Yan Mansion.It is said that several families living near Yanfu turned pale with fright when they heard the screams.Hiding in the mansion, I dare not say a word.Until the next day, the Yan Mansion was burnt to a mess, which was horrible to watch.There are more than 100 people in Yanfu, and only Yanfeng is left.As for why Yanfeng escaped this sudden disaster of extermination.That's because Yanfeng sent Ruyan's body back to Jiangnan for burial that day, so he escaped.

However, Yan's family suffered from the disaster of extermination, but there was a lot of discussion. It is said that it was because Yan Ji had too many enemies, which led to the enemies' retaliation.


Then everyone thought of the genius doctor boy.

Everyone still remembers that the genius doctor boy said that he wanted to take revenge on the Yan family.But I didn't expect it to come so soon.

From the palace.

"Your Majesty, something happened to the Yan Mansion. The entire Yan family was wiped out, leaving only Yan Feng who went to the south of the Yangtze River." Wuqing came back and reported: "Now it is rumored that it was Nangong Jin who did it."

Only then did the prince order to attack Yan's family, but before their people had time to attack, they were caught up first.Moreover, this group of people who destroyed the Yan Mansion disappeared without a trace overnight.By the time their people arrived at the Yan Mansion, the Yan Mansion had already been burned.Not a single clue was left.Moreover, it only took one night, and the transmission was very fast, and the transmission was outrageous.

After all, Yan Jizhi was also the leader of the martial arts alliance, and his family was suddenly wiped out, and at this time, it was Nangong Jin's head for no reason.People in the Jianghu are the ones who value love and righteousness the most, and hate evil like hatred.Things like extermination are already outrageous.If this matter is not well resolved.Nangong Jin will become the public enemy of the entire world.

"Hehe. This is interesting." Yun Qing sneered when he heard the news, "It seems that besides us, there are people who want to die after Yan. There are also people who want to die after Yan. Not only that, but also wisely This scapegoat has been taken by the elder brother."

When Nangong Jin heard the news, he cursed angrily in the mansion: "Damn it, which bastard framed me, and I haven't killed anyone yet. I want to pour this basin of dirty water on my body. No way! Wait for me to take this The gangsters found out, and Ye Fei chopped you up one by one. He chopped you into minced meat..."

Look at the scolding, even Yun Qing who was in the Liyuan could hear it clearly.

One can imagine how angry Nangong Jin is now.

When did he, Nangong Jin, suffer from such anger and frame.

When was it not him who framed others, now being framed by others, the feeling is very uncomfortable.

"Yan Jizhi is dead. What a coincidence that he died." He uttered such a sentence lightly, but the smile on the corner of his mouth was shuddering. "Yan Jizhi died. Why did something happen when Yan Feng left Chu Jing?"

A faint sentence made Wuqing startled.What does the prince mean?Does this have anything to do with words?Could it be Yan Feng... If this is really the case, then it can only be said that Yan Feng is really a ruthless character. "The subordinates understand. The subordinates will investigate immediately."

Ruthless quickly retreated.

Yun Qing looked at the man with an ice-cold face. The matter of Yan Fu's extermination of the family could be done under his nose. It is conceivable that the person hiding in the dark is a formidable opponent.But Chu Jing, who else has the ability to do such a thing under Chu Limo's nose?Yun Qing's thoughts flashed quickly, except for a ghost pylorus whose details are still unknown.So, does Emperor Chu still have a hidden force in the dark?
Although Chu Limo now controls the entire Great Chu, the power of the Great Chu is deeply rooted.Could there be something else they overlooked?
Another day passed.The story of the Yan family's extermination was still rumored in Chu Jing.

"Chu Limo, I'm in a bad mood. I'm going to kill someone." Nangong Jin climbed over the wall and complained.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched slightly.

"Who do you want to kill?" He lightly raised his eyebrows.

Nangong Jin now wants to kill the person who framed him.

"I'm going to kill that bastard."

"Have you found out who that bastard is?" Chu Limo looked at him.

Speaking of this Nangong Jin is like a deflated ball, it's gone!This time, he really didn't find out which bastard was behind the scenes.In this matter, the first thing he suspected was the rumor, so he went to investigate it before Chu Limo.What is certain is that Yan Feng did not do this himself.Yan Feng was no longer in Chu Jing when Yan Mansion was destroyed.However, he was still wondering if Yanfeng colluded with someone to do it.

"Aren't you also suspicious of rumors? By the way, Su Baiyi has been to the northern border for so long. There is no news of the ghost ghost gate. He won't die in the northern border, right?"

Yun Qing looked at Nangong Jin with a look like you are still our big brother.Why don't you trust Su Baiyi so much?

"Su Wudao disappeared in the northern border. The people from Guiyoumen are from the Feng clan. This is the clue left by Su Wudao. Su Baiyi is now looking for Su Wudao's whereabouts." He said lightly.Chu Limo's eyes sank.These things are too coincidental.An accident happened to Su Wudao in the northern border, and an accident happened to Chu Jingyan's mansion, which was also related to Nangong Jin. "Yanfeng is a member of the Guiyoumen. If the king's guess is correct, he is the owner of the Guiyoumen."

"Why didn't you say it earlier. Master went to kill him."

"These news just came back. Moreover, Yanfeng is not in Jiangnan, nor has he returned to Chujing. He has evaporated from the world." Chu Limo's eyes turned cold when he mentioned this person.

He had long suspected that Yanfeng had colluded with the ghost ghost.But he didn't think about the fact that he was the master of the Ghost Pylori Sect.Until Yan Mansion destroyed the family, Yan Feng disappeared.When the news from the northern border comes back.Words completely disappeared.

"Playing and disappearing again. He really thought that Master would let him go after Wan disappeared. This bastard came to Chujing with uneasy intentions. Now the goal has not been achieved. He must have gone back to his lair."

"That's not necessarily true." Slightly pursing his lips, he said with a sneer, "Chu Jing is so big, it's easy to hide a person. This king thinks that he is still in Chu Jing."

Nangong Jin's mouth suddenly pulled a weird smile, "The only place Chu Jing can hide people is your mansion, the mansion of the master, and the only place left is the palace. That bastard must have gone to hide in the palace. Oh, why is it so? Stupid. There is still an old witch from the Feng family in the palace."

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, "Brother, I heard that I was pregnant for three years and was stupid. I dare say that you are stupid..."


There was a sudden silence in the room.Yun Qing felt a black line drifting across the room.

(End of this chapter)

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