The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 778 083. If you really want to die, I will accompany you!

Chapter 778 083. If you really want to die, I will accompany you!

Chu Jing, the imperial palace.

Didn't you come to the palace to be a thief?
At this moment, Yun Qing really wanted to ask: Are we here to be thieves in the palace, or are we here to take a walk in the palace?

Otherwise, why are you walking in the imperial garden so leisurely.Just now, the maids, eunuchs, and imperial guards who passed by them all looked like ghosts.When he saw them, he ran away in a panic.However, the Royal Forest Army and the Forbidden Army guarding Miyagi did not stop them.When I saw them, I ignored them as if they were air.

Yun Qing was thinking about a very serious question, could it be that Chu Limo is not a human being?

Otherwise, there are so many people in the palace so that they can't see the two living people wandering in the palace?

Or to put it another way: or after she died of insanity and was reborn once, so she couldn't tell if she was a human or a ghost?
All of the above is bullshit!

——The real reason is: Our Royal Highness Li Wang has special treatment and can enter the palace at any time.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, looking at a certain man who sat down in the gazebo in the imperial garden.Yun Qing really wanted to ask, in such a cold day, it is still snowing.Isn't it cold for you old man to sit here?Of course, she has a special physique, and she can't feel how cold it is when it snows heavily. "Why don't you leave?" After asking, Yun Qing also sat down.

"Qingqing, let's go at this time. But it will disturb someone's elegance." Someone smiled a little strangely. "Without half a stick of incense, he will come."

To disturb someone's elegant mood, Yun Qing can be sure that this so-and-so person refers to the emperor.Yun Qing began to fill his brain with pictures.Could it be that this guy knows what Emperor Chu is doing now?
Seeing that the man smiled so weirdly, Yun Qing was not stupid, and he probably thought of what Emperor Chu was doing now.

But if Emperor Chu knew that they had entered the palace, no matter how important the matter was, he would definitely come.Who made the person in front of her a big threat to Emperor Chu.

Maybe the Emperor Chu knew that they had entered the palace at night and was imagining the scene. They were here for assassination.

At this moment, the harem's new favorite is the nobleman's palace.

On the bed, it was very intense.You don't even need to look to know what's going on inside.

After the death of the fifth prince Chu Che, the two remaining princes of Emperor Chu, one is lustful and the other is mediocre.Emperor Chu was very displeased with these two princes.Naturally, he would not hand over the land of Great Chu to such two princes.

In the recent period, Emperor Chu spent more time in the harem.It's just that the queen and several concubines are getting older.Emperor Chu now wants to give birth to several little princes, so he can only favor the newcomers.And this nobleman Xin is one of Emperor Chu's new favourites.

After some time.

Emperor Chu got up.

For him, these women are just tools for venting and giving birth.

The palace servants were waiting for the emperor to get dressed, and the eunuch came in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Li Wang and Princess Li are here."

After the words fell, Emperor Chu's eyes sank deeply, emitting a sinister light.Such an emperor as deep as the sea made the eunuchs around him tremble.

Royal Garden.

As Chu Limo expected, within half a stick of incense, the people of Emperor Chu came to the imperial garden.

If it wasn't for the wrong people, the scene was wrong.It's really like a lover's tryst.

"Ninth Brother is so elegant!" There was a hint of displeasure in his tone, "I don't know that Ninth Brother and Ninth Brother and Sister are still so elegant, and come to the Imperial Garden at night to enjoy the snow?"

"It's rare to enjoy the snow in the imperial garden once. Could it be that the king and the princess have disturbed the emperor's brother by enjoying the snow?"

He was obviously an enemy, but at this moment Chu Limo could still talk to him calmly and irrelevantly.His heart is more forbearing than hers, and also more ruthless than hers.

And he did not kill Emperor Chu.Instead, he understood that Emperor Chu cared most about his own throne, but he let him sit on the throne of emperor, but took away his power and controlled his country.Let him feel the threat of the throne all the time.This is much more interesting than killing Emperor Chu.

It has to be said that Chu Limo is very good at torturing people.

Just like the Queen Mother.He obviously knew that the queen mother was his mother-killing enemy, but he just sent her to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple for ten years, broke her legs, and made the queen mother unable to stand up in this life.

"Ninth brother." An unhappy voice sounded, what he hated most was his indifferent appearance, and his face, which was very similar to that person.Obviously he is the supreme emperor. "Don't tell me, you are here to enjoy the snow."

"Brother Huang. It's not good to be angry at night." Slightly raised his eyebrows, "The king and concubine have enough snow in the imperial garden. I won't disturb Brother Huang." After taking a step, he paused again, "Brother Huang , this palace still belongs to the Chu family anyway. How the Chu family fights is still the Chu family's business. If outsiders are involved, the Chu family's country is accidentally taken away. How will the emperor die in the future? The former emperors of the Chu family explained it. The ghosts in this palace, brother, it is time to clear them up."

In the imperial garden, only Emperor Chu was left with a sinister face.

The purpose of Chu Limo and Yun Qing entering the palace was not to investigate by themselves.The palace is so big, if they had to do it themselves, they might not be able to find out the person.Moreover, this is just Chu Limo's inference.Words might be in the palace.But with that person's intelligence, often what they can think of, he can also think of.

Emperor Chu was suspicious by nature and would not let go of any incident that threatened his throne.

The matter of the palace was handed over to Emperor Chu to worry about.

The news also came from the palace, and the Emperor Chu checked the inside and outside of the palace.They caught a lot of people.It's just that there is no such person as Yanfeng.In the past few days, the palace has become more and more tightly guarded.

Time is also passing day by day, and it is only two days before the arrival of the new year.

In the beginning, there was a lot of discussion about the destruction of the Yan family because it was related to Nangong Jin.But soon, another news came out. It was said that several families living near the Yanfu had seen the murderer.After drawing the portrait of the murderer.Many people knew each other, and these people were the Jianghu people who came to Yan Jizhi's birthday that day.Then, it was spread that Yan's family was wiped out because people in the Jianghu were seeking revenge.

As a result, Nangong Jin's suspicion was removed.However, Nangong Jin was still very upset, this was the first time in his history that he was splashed with black water like this.

Nangong Jin vowed to find that bastard Yanfeng and chop him up.

In the past few days, Nangong Jin has also been diligent in running away from the palace.If it wasn't for a pregnant Bai Yue in his mansion, Nangong Jin would really be living in Li Wang's mansion these few days.Now Chu Jing seems to have calmed down.But this is calm, but there are many murderous intentions hidden.In particular, there is such a hidden danger that does not know when it will erupt.

It's just that Chu Limo in Liwang's mansion had an accident before this hidden danger came.

Yun Qing thought that he could at least live for a long time after eating Linglongzi and Youhua in Shuiling Town.However, in just a few months, the effect of the medicine was lost.

"Where is the continuation pill? Where is the continuation pill? Eat the continuation pill. Li Mo, you can't hold on anymore."

In the troupe, at this moment Chu Limo was tormenting him to death.If it weren't for his strong willpower, others would have committed suicide long ago under such torture.

"Qingqing... no... I can hold on. For you, I can hold on too. I can't take life-extending pills."

Once he took the life extension pill, he only had three years to live.

How can three years be enough?

Yun Qing looked at him in pain, he didn't take Life Renewing Pill now.Let alone three years, she was afraid that he wouldn't be able to endure it for three hours.

"Brother. You help him."

"When he was in Xueyue City, his body had already reached its limit. If he hadn't found Linglongzi and Youhua in Shuiling Town, his body would have been unable to hold on long ago. Now, there is no other way but to take life-extending pills Glancing at Chu Limo, who was tortured by the unfeeling Gu, he paused, "I'm holding on, if he triggers the unfeeling Gu attack, it will be useless even if he eats the life-sustaining pill. Sister, persuade him."

"Nangong Jin, shut up for me!" His scarlet eyes flashed with cold murderous intent, how could he allow himself to have only three years of life to be by Qingqing's side.How can it be allowed.

Nangong Jin also cursed: "Sir, shut up. Can you make it through? Chu Limo, believe in the Lord, and also in yourself. Three years later, we will definitely find Yuelinghua to save you. You are holding on If you go on, you must die now. Do you want Yunqing to watch you die in front of her now? If you die now, think about those people who still covet Yunqing. The first one is Yuhen. He If you know that you are dead, you will definitely come from Xiyue and take Yun Qing away. At that time, you will be dead. Yun Qing will be the princess of Xiyue, the future queen of Xiyue. And you will be underground by then It's just soil."

"Qingqing, you don't know how to do it, right? You are mine."

"I will." She cried, but said very seriously, "Chu Limo, if you dare to die, I will definitely marry Yuhen. You know, Yuhen and I have been in love for 15 years. You die I will definitely marry Yuhen. Chu Limo, if you don’t want me to marry you, don’t die. Take the life extension pill.”

"Three years. Qingqing, I'm not reconciled."

"No. We have more than three years. We will have many, many three years. If after three years, you really can't find the Moon Spirit Flower, you are really going to die. I will accompany you. I will accompany you. Now you put Take out the continuation pill and eat it." Yun Qing couldn't bear his current state, as he continued to be tortured, he wasn't crazy, it was her.

"Qingqing, no matter how long it takes three years, I don't allow you to marry someone else. Your whole life is mine. It's all mine. It's all mine. Life extension pill is under the pear tree." Pointing outside the pear tree.

"Ruthless, dig out the life extension pill. Quick."

Did this man have already thought about it a long time ago, if they were not present today, he would have been prepared to persevere.Do not take life extension pill.

Wuqing quickly dug out the life-extending pill that had buried Chu Limo under the pear tree.

Yun Qing opened the bottle and poured out the life-saving medicine.Without any hesitation. "have eaten."

After staring at the medicine, Chu Limo swallowed it without hesitation.

Qingqing, if only three years, three years later.Even if we die, we will be together.Because, I can't give you to anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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