The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 779 084. Complicated Relationship? !

Chapter 779 084. Complicated Relationship? !

Chu Jing, from the palace.

There were still a few days before the Chinese New Year, but Chu Limo fell ill.This disease is not mild.Been in bed all day.

He had already eaten the life-extending pill, but his body had really reached its limit, as Nangong Jin said.

Now that Linglongzi and Youhua's medicine lost its effect, the toxicity on his body was involved.

At that time, if Yunqing hadn't used spiritual power to suppress him, Nangong Jin would have healed him.Even if he ate the life extension pill at that time, it was a very thrilling thing.Fortunately, Chu Limo's fate is great. This time, he got his life back from the hands of the King of Hades.It's just such good luck, but it won't happen often in the future.

As for Chu Limo, in the near future, he needs to take a good rest.

The search for the Moon Spirit Flower is also an urgent matter.

It's just that in the vast world, where is the Moon Spirit Flower?

For this matter, Chu Limo has been looking for it for more than ten years.But still nothing.

He lay on the bed, just looking at her like this.He kept watching without blinking or making a sound.

After a long time, he suddenly said angrily, "Qingqing, my heart hurts. I was hurt by you."

Yun Qing understood why he said that.He was mad at what she said yesterday.

But at that time, she couldn't care less.He is very stubborn, if you don't use words to stimulate him, he will definitely let himself go on for a few more days, until he can't hold on anymore.

But she, don't want him to hold on like this.She will feel distressed and uncomfortable, and she will look at him in pain.

"Qingqing..." He opened his mouth, and suddenly he was afraid to speak the following words.He was afraid that if he opened his mouth, Qingqing would still say the same thing as yesterday.He was afraid that Qingqing would tell him that Qingqing was still thinking about that man in her heart.Thinking about the man with 15 years of love.

Yun Qing stepped forward and hugged him gently, this domineering man, a man who loves to be jealous, why does he have so little confidence in himself? "Believe in yourself. Believe in me too. But you must let yourself live. You know, I am afraid of being alone, I am afraid of being alone. If you dare to die, Chu Limo, I will no longer love you."

If it was before, she would definitely tell him, fool, I only have you in my heart.Only you!But after yesterday, when he took the life extension pill.She was also afraid that she would not be able to find the Moon Spirit Flower in three years.At that time, she was afraid that he would not be able to hold on anymore.

This man loves her so domineeringly.Then for her, he will definitely live.Live for her.

"I don't allow it. I don't allow you to stop loving me. I don't allow it." I said several times in a row.He held her tightly in his arms.It seemed as if he wanted to integrate her into his body.

"Then you are not allowed to die. We still have many more three years, many many years."

He will always be with Qingqing.He will not lose to Heartless Gu.He has made it through these 21 years, and for the rest of his life, he will continue to make it, until the unfeeling Gu disappears in his body.

How could he allow this woman to fall in love with another man.

The domineering kiss fell again.

He whispered softly, "Qingqing...Qingqing..."

She responded gently.

Her response was a deadly poison, which deeply made him unable to extricate himself.

In front of her, he can't extricate himself no matter what.

Something in his body was screaming fiercely, and he understood what it was.He desperately wanted, wanted her.

"Li Mo, you..." She wanted to tell him that you are still weak.But he didn't give her a chance, "Qingqing, don't refuse at this time. I want you to give me happiness. Give you everything I can give you."

"Chu Limo, you don't want to die." She was a little angry. Doing this kind of exercise at this time, does this patient want to tell the world tomorrow that His Royal Highness Li Wang died on a woman's body? "Hurry up and stop for me, lie down and recuperate."

"Qingqing, I feel bad." Someone felt wronged with that monstrous face.

Wouldn't it be more fatal to tell him to stop at this time?
How could he stop at such a time.

"Then I will recite the mantra for you. Calm down."

A certain person's face turned black, and no spells for clearing the heart will work now.He had only one thought, and that was to want her.

As a result, Yun Qing was reciting the mantra of clearing the heart, and just said a few words.Someone beside her was ruthlessly flirting with her.Get close to her.In the end, there is no need to recite the mantra of pure heart.It's just that there was a scolding sound from the troupe, "Chu Limo, if you die tomorrow, don't blame me for remarrying." As a result, after the voice fell, there was no scolding from inside.All Yun Qing's words were swallowed one by one.


Jinling City.

In the dead of night, the people in the backyard of the Qi Mansion did not feel sleepy.Sitting in the room watching the candle flicker.

"Miss, it's so late, go and rest. Look at the past few days, the spirit of the lady is getting worse and worse. Mr. Qi came to visit the lady several times, but the lady is still sleeping." Nongyue advised from the side.

Nongyue also knew that since the young lady left the Prince's Mansion, she has been in a bad mood.However, in recent days, the spirit has become worse and worse.In the past few days, Mr. Qi Rong came to visit the young lady, but the young lady was still sleeping.I slept until noon.

If things go on like this, sooner or later, Miss's health will go wrong.

"Nongyue, I can't sleep." She said lightly, but her eyes kept staring at the flickering candlelight.

It's not that she can't sleep, she dares not sleep.These few nights, for her, not only tortured her body, but also tortured her heart.

After that night, Yuhen came every night at midnight.He left before Mao's time.

She was powerless to resist, and could only let him torture herself.Accept him numbly.

She herself didn't know how long she could hold on.

Tonight, she dare not sleep.He was afraid that he would come again after he fell asleep.Continue to torment her.Whether it is body or mind, she can no longer bear it.

Chu Liyou raised his head and glanced at Nongyue, "Nongyue, you are tired, go and rest. There is no need to serve here."

"Miss, the servant is not tired. The servant is here to accompany the lady."

Another half hour passed, and the night was getting deeper and deeper.The Qi manor also fell silent.Chu Liyou still didn't feel sleepy at all.

"Nongyue, go back and rest. I also rested." In the end, Chu Liyou still couldn't bear to let Nongyue stand here to accompany him in this cold weather.What should come, will still come.No matter how much she tried to avoid, she couldn't escape all of this.

"Miss, then go to bed early." It was so late, and Nong Yue didn't think about other aspects.She thought Chu Liyou was really going to rest.After all, Yuhen came to Qi Mansion these few nights, avoided the secret guards of Qi Mansion, and didn't alarm anyone.Even Nong Yue who slept in the side room next to Chu Liyou didn't notice.

When Nongyue left the room, Chu Liyou didn't rest immediately.The lights in the house continued to stay on.


"Master, Miss Chu hasn't slept yet."

"It's so late and I haven't slept yet." He lightly raised his head and looked outside, it was already midnight.She hasn't been doing well lately. "Xia Jin, go tell the kitchen to make some supper and send it to Dongyuan."


Xia Jin didn't understand why his master cared about Miss Chu tonight.However, the master has never cared about any girl for so many years, except for the girl in Chujing.Now, Miss Chu is the second, which is a good sign.

As a subordinate, he also hoped that his master could have a woman by his side.Don't let the master be alone.He has been with his master for many years, but he has never seen his master really smile.The first time I saw my master smile was because of that woman from Chu Jing.The second time I laughed, it was because of that woman from Chu Jing.The last time I saw my master smiled, it was finally not because of that woman from Chu Jing.

Dongyuan's is still on.Chu Liyou still didn't feel sleepy.

The sound of footsteps came slowly and clearly in the night.

Chu Liyou tensed up, did he still come?

The people outside stopped at the door, Chu Liyou only felt cold all over.It's not because of the cold weather now, but because her heart is cold and numb.

At that moment, she wanted to find a place to hide and prevent him from finding her.She just wants to hide.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind, and before Qi Rong could knock on the door, the wind blew the door open.

The woman in the room also seemed to be stimulated, she didn't even look at who it was, she closed her eyes with a look of fear and fear, "Yuhen, don't come here. It's been so many days, haven't you tortured me enough?" ?”

"It's me!" A faint voice sounded.

When he opened his eyes, what he saw was not the devil's face of Yuhen, but Qi Rong's face as gentle as jade. "Brother Qi, why are you here? I just..."

"I see that the light is still on in your room, thinking that you haven't slept yet. I ordered the kitchen to prepare some food for you."

Qi Rong didn't mention the meaning of Chu Liyou's last words just now.But he already understood what she said, she was getting worse and worse these days because of Yuhen's arrival.But he, as the master, didn't find out.This is his mistake.It was also because he didn't protect her well.

Looking at the things he was holding, he pulled his lips and smiled, "Thank you Brother Qi. But I can't eat it."

"Li You, you look very bad recently. You haven't eaten much. If this continues, you will have problems."

"But I... really can't eat." She really couldn't eat.Maybe it was because her heart was ashamed after being tortured, she had no appetite at all.

"I'm here to accompany you, you can eat more or less." The light words can't bear to be rejected.

"Alright then." After hesitating for a while, Chu Liyou still agreed.

The supper that Qi Rong asked the kitchen to prepare was a bowl of egg noodles.

"Eat." Giving her the chopsticks, Qi Rong looked at her with a faint smile on his face.

The cooks of the Qi Mansion cook delicious food, even a bowl of noodles is delicious.A bowl of noodles, Chu Liyou ate a lot.Qi Rong just sat in the room and watched her eat.

Unexpectedly, such a scene was clearly seen by the people hidden outside the courtyard.There were bursts of anger and coldness in those gloomy eyes.

She is really nice!

Really capable.After hooking up one after another.

Because Qi Rong was here, Qi Rong kept looking at her with a faint smile.Chu Liyou was also embarrassed to waste his heart in vain.I ate all of this bowl of noodles.

"Brother Qi, I guess I won't be able to sleep tonight after eating this bowl of noodles." After eating, I seem to be in a much better mood.Chu Liyou said with a smile.

"I'll sit with you for a while. I'll leave after digesting."

"Brother Qi, will that disturb your rest?"

Qi Rong smiled lightly, "No."

In fact, she had nothing to talk to when sitting with him, and was even a little embarrassed.But she also knew that there was actually another reason for Qi Rong to stay with her.He heard his own words when he entered the door, but he didn't ask a word in order not to embarrass her.Not even mentioning it.

However, it was really embarrassing for the two of them to sit like this.This kind of embarrassment always needs to find a topic to break.

Moreover, she always had a question in her mind.I have held it in my heart for a long time.

Chu Liyou spoke first, "Brother Qi, I heard my uncle said that before you worshiped under my uncle, it was my uncle who saved you. My uncle said that you were seriously injured at that time. Actually, I have always wanted to ask Brother Qi something , Brother Qi is not the son of Lord Qi Hou? How could it be..." Chu Liyou couldn't understand one thing, Qi Rong was also Qi Mingyang's son after all.Qi Rong was so young back then, how could he have the heart to beat a child to serious injury.If it wasn't for the uncle who rescued Qi Rong back then, Qi Rong would probably have been beaten to death by Qi Mingyang.

And the other thing is, she's always been weird.I always feel that there is a reason why Qi Rong treats me so well.But she didn't understand why.Moreover, she can still feel one thing, Qi Rong and his brother should have known each other a long time ago.The way the two get along is also weird.

"Didn't your brother tell you? I'm not Qi Mingyang's biological son." He smiled lightly.Regarding the matter of not being Qi Mingyang's biological son, he was very calm.

Chu Liyou looked at Qi Rong in surprise, and opened his mouth, "Brother Qi, you are, he knows you are not, so he hit you so hard." However, how could my brother know that Qi Rong is not Qi Mingyang's biological son? thing?
Gently pulled his lips and moved them, "Qi Mingyang always thought that I was his own son. It's just that he never liked the children in the house." The person he liked was Aunt Yan. If Aunt Yan hadn't protected him back then, he would have Already dead?Where can I meet the master.But later, he never saw Aunt Yan.Until in the forbidden area of ​​Qi Mansion.

"Brother Qi, do you hate him?" You should.For such a person who is not as good as a beast.Even if he wasn't his own son, he had such a ruthless hand.Qi Mingyang should be hacked into pieces.

Qi Rong was silent.Regarding the topic of hating or not hating Qi Mingyang.He was only using Qi Mingyang.As for whether to hate or not, for so many years, he would not hate an insignificant person.

Chu Liyou also knew that he shouldn't have said this, "Brother Qi, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you this."

"You don't have to blame yourself." Looking at her with a gentle smile, "It's been so many years and I've already gotten used to it. Liyou, I know you really want to ask me what is the relationship with your brother. What is the relationship between Yuhen and Yuhen?" What is the relationship. Now I can't tell you. But, you only need to remember one thing, I, your brother, Yuhen, we are brothers in the same school. I treat you as a junior sister."

Speaking of which, their relationship is really complicated.They are clearly from the same family, but they also look like enemies.Water and fire are incompatible.

But this woman saw their relationship very clearly, but she had doubts in her heart.

I don't know when the relationship between the few of them will be able to completely ease down.

Maybe that day is not far away!

"Brother Qi, you can tell." Chu Liyou hesitated to speak.

"You are such a smart woman, how could the complicated and entangled relationship between us be hidden from your eyes. Come to think of it, when you first arrived in Xiyue last year, you had already discovered the complicated relationship between me, your brother, and Yuhen But if you bring this up now, do you want to know if there is a war between Xiyue and Dachu, will I help Yuhen, or will I stand by?"

Chu Liyou nodded.What Qi Rong said was not wrong at all.She has been thinking about a question these days.Yuhen hated his brother so much, there would always be a battle between Xiyue and Dachu.When the time comes, where will Qi Rong stand?
"I can't answer this question for you. Because even I don't know. But I..." Qi Rong glanced at Chu Liyou, "There are always more than ten years of brotherhood between Yuhen and me. .”

so.If Xiyue fights Dachu, Qi Rong will eventually stand by Yuhen's side.

Suddenly, Chu Liyou took Qi Rong's hand and begged, "Brother Qi, if that day really comes, can you promise me one thing. Don't hurt brother." Seeing it in the eyes is another meaning.

"Maybe, that day will never come. We will have other solutions."

But I don't think that the arrival of that day is so close.

When that day really comes, even if he doesn't make a move, Chu Limo will never show mercy to him, right?
"Is there really any other way? Yuhen...he hates brother so much. Is there any other way?"

"Yuhen has lost all his martial arts now, and the master has taken away the Bingxuan Grass. In a short time, Yuhen will not raise an army to make a big attack." After a pause, "Li You, it's getting late, you should rest well." Finished speaking , turn around and leave.

"Brother Qi..." Qi Rong stopped and looked at her.After a pause, Chu Liyou finally opened his mouth and said, "Thank you."


Go back to Tangyuan.

"Since Junior Brother is here, let's come out." After the words fell, Yuhen in black clothes appeared in Tangyuan.

Qi Rong looked at Yuhen indifferently, and remembered what the woman said just now, if Xiyue went to war with Dachu.The most unacceptable thing is Chu Liyou.

(End of this chapter)

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