The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 780 085. Yuhen, you are a crazy dog

Chapter 780 085. Yuhen, you are the crazy dog

"Junior brother, since you don't like her, why do you still pester her? You hate Chu Limo, what's the matter with her as a girl? You vent all your hatred on her, she is so innocent."

"Innocent? Who is innocent in this world? Senior brother defends her everywhere, senior brother falls in love with her?" The gentle tone was tinged with coldness.

"She's very good. Besides Yun Qing, she is the most special girl I've ever met. It's not a strange thing to like her, right?" Qi Rong asked with a smile.Looking at the blue-faced Yuhen again, he said lightly, "However, with my junior brother's deep affection for Yun Qing, you won't like Li You. Since this is the case, let us let it go for the sake of our senior brother." Li worry."

"Qi Rong! You are begging me for this woman for the first time? Are you begging me?" Yuhen's eyes were filled with shock and anger. Things ask for help.Over the years, even Qi Rong helping him was a deal.A transaction in exchange for silver.But today, he actually begged him because of that woman?That damned woman.Why is she so attractive? Even Qi Rong was seduced. "Do you want to marry her?"

"If Liyou is willing. Why not let me take care of her for the rest of her life." She raised her eyebrows slightly and smiled gently.

Yuhen looked at him in shock once, although Qi Rong didn't say that he wanted to marry, but a promise, a lifetime.He walks the talk.He will take care of that woman for the rest of his life.How could, how could he allow way!
"Junior brother. You have hurt her deeply enough. She doesn't owe you anything, just give me a word of advice and stop now. Let her go, and you will also let yourself go."

"What if I don't agree?" The hand under the sleeve was tightly clenched.

"Junior brother should understand that if I want to do it, you can't stop it. Do you want to watch something happen to Xiyue, who you care about?"

"You threaten me? Qi Rong, you want to pay everything for her."

Today, he actually opposed him again and again because of that woman.Begging him again, threatening him again.Chu Liyou, this damned woman.

"Why not. Because she is worth it. As long as I am here, I will never allow anyone to hurt her. That person includes you." Yuhen believed what Qi Rong said was true.

It's just that he never thought that Qi Rong would actually say that that woman is worth it, worth it!

How could she deserve Qi Rong to sacrifice everything for her?Where exactly?
Rage, endless rage.The deep anger in my heart was burning.He has only one thought now, to strangle that damned woman to death.Go strangle her.

He can't even contain his emotions now.Every time it was because of this damn woman, his anger was easily provoked.All because of this damn woman.

Now, even Qi Rong is protecting her.As long as Qi Rong wants to do it.Once Xiyue was in chaos.Countries will also take the opportunity to create chaos.This woman is really a beauty.

However, he did not expect that Qi Rong would pay everything for that woman.

Did he fall in love with that woman?

Love, the word.What a fucking glare!

How could Yuhen, who has always been proud, be threatened by can that be possible?
"Hmph, you should know that I hate threats from others the most, and I also like to challenge threats. As for the woman Chu Liyou, I will never let her go in this lifetime. Qi Rong, I am also looking forward to the day when the world is in chaos." One day. As for you, you want to marry her. Bengong said a long time ago that without my permission, no one can marry her. She has stayed in Qi Mansion for the past few days. Bengong has no patience to come to Qi Mansion every day Torture her. It's better for her to stay in the Prince's Mansion." After a cold snort, Yuhen left Tangyuan and went straight to Dongyuan.

"Master, do you really want His Royal Highness to take Miss Chu away?" Xia Jin asked just after Yuhen left.

Qi Rong just smiled lightly, "Yuhen just can't see her own heart clearly. It's okay. Li You is not happy living here. Maybe the Prince's Mansion is suitable for her. I just hope that the entanglement between them can end soon. Don't let Xiyue and Dachu fall into a war."

With a sound of 'bang', the door of the room was kicked open fiercely.Nongyue who lived in the side room next door also woke up. Hearing the strange sound, Nongyue hurriedly put on her clothes and took her sword and came towards Chu Liyou's room.Chu Liyou in the room was also awakened.Just wait for her to call out.The whole person has been carried by someone and went directly outside.

Chu Liyou had already seen who was coming, and he didn't understand the man's nerves when he sent out.Where is this going to take her at night? "Yuhen, let me down. Where am I going to take me?" She slapped him hard, and even bit him hard.However, this man still didn't stop.

"Shut up. I'm just talking nonsense and I will strangle you to death."

"Strangle me. Then you can strangle me." Chu Liyou didn't have a good tone for this man who was going crazy and wanted to torture him.However, just after leaving the room, the cold wind blowing outside made her shiver uncontrollably.She was only wearing a middle coat, and now her whole body was shivering.Yuhen also felt her trembling body.

Is this man going to torture her in another way today?Is this going to throw her in the snow and freeze her to death?

"Is it cold?" he asked.

His grandma's, isn't this nonsense?
Can it not be cold?

"If you want to freeze me to death, you still care if I'm cold or not."

Only then did Yuhen look at her attentively, she only had one piece of clothing on her body.As soon as he carried her away, he didn't pay attention to the clothes she was wearing.After walking to the door, he returned to the room and threw her on the bed. "Put on your clothes."

"No." He glanced at him coldly, "If you don't want to freeze me to death, then please go out, I'm going to rest."

"Put on your clothes and get out of here."

"I don't wear them. Also, I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying here."

Chu Li gave Yuhen an angry look.At this time, Nongyue who was in the side room also rushed over.Seeing Yuhen appearing in Chu Liyou's room, he pointed at Yuhen with a sword, "You don't want to bully my lady."

"Nongyue." The appearance of Nongyue is undoubtedly a life-saving straw for Chu Liyou.She doesn't want to see Yuhen at all now, and she doesn't want to be tortured by Yuhen at all.

"If you want to die, I will help you." The gloomy eyes turned cold, before Nongyue's sword came over, Nongyue was already stopped by Yuhen, and Yuhen also touched his acupuncture points.Yuhen even grabbed Nongyue's neck, as long as he moved his hand, Nongyue would definitely die.Yuhen has lost all his martial arts, but it doesn't mean that his skills are gone.In his previous life, when he was a killer, except for Yun Qing who was his opponent, he had never met that opponent.It is simply a piece of cake to deal with mere tricks.

"Yuhen, don't hurt her." Chu Liyou shouted anxiously.She always knew that this man's blood was cold.Just now, she really wanted to kill Nongyue. "Yuhen, the person you want to torture is me. Don't hurt Nongyue. Don't hurt her." At this moment, she was really scared.Afraid that Nongyue would die in Yuhen's hands.

"Miss, don't beg him. The servant is not afraid of death." A sentence was squeezed out of his throat.She is a secret guard trained by the master, she is damned if she can't protect the young lady.

Chu Liyou didn't care that he was only wearing one piece of clothing, and he didn't care about the chill of the cold wind blowing on his body.At this moment, she has only one thought, that Nongyue can't die.Getting off the bed, not even thinking about putting on shoes, Chu Liyou knelt down in front of Yuhen for the first time, begging bitterly, and said, "I beg you. Don't hurt Nongyue. I beg you. No matter what How you want to torture me, I will not resist, I will let you torture me. I just beg you, don't hurt her. "

"Miss... was begged for a slave."

Yuhen's scarlet eyes looked at the woman kneeling on the ground.She actually knelt down to beg him for a slave.

Suddenly, Chu Liyou snatched the sword from Nongyue's hand, put it around his neck, and said coldly, "Yuhen, I know that the person you want to torture is me. You haven't tortured enough, if I now dead. Are you willing?"

Yuhen's indifferent eyes glanced at Chu Liyou, the woman who owed a beating.threatened him with death.very nice!very nice!It's enough to be threatened tonight.

However, Chu Liyou was right in one sentence, he hasn't tortured her enough, how could he allow her to die now.Because a slave is too unworthy.Letting go of Nongyue, Yuhen smiled evilly like a devil, "You are right, I haven't tortured you enough, of course I am not reconciled." His indifferent eyes glanced at Nongyue, "I don't want you Miss Jia is dead, so let me stay in the Qi Mansion well."

He casually pulled off the quilt on the bed, wrapped it around Chu Liyou's body like a rice dumpling, and lifted him up one at a time.He strode away from Qi Mansion.Nongyue, who had her acupuncture points tapped, could only watch helplessly as Yuhen led the young lady away.

But on the street, there were endless scolding, biting and so on.

Fortunately, it is midnight now, if there are still people on the street who see it.Tomorrow's headline in Xiyue must be: His Royal Highness is carrying a crazy woman wrapped in a quilt in the middle of the night.And that crazy woman yelled at our Crown Prince as a bastard... But it was strange that His Highness the Crown Prince didn't kill this crazy woman after hearing such unbearable scolding.Instead, he carried it directly into the Prince's Mansion.

Another ruthless throw, Chu Liyou was thrown directly into the plum garden.It was still the room where Yuhen lived.

"Grandma's. Yuhen, what on earth do you want to do?" This throw, the ass is about to bloom.

"Chu Liyou, are you a dog?" Along the way, he didn't know how many times he was bitten by this woman.But with every bite, the bite is extremely deep.

Chu Liyou was also angry, and cursed, "Yuhen, you are a crazy dog. What do you want to bring me to your kennel without sleeping in the middle of the night? I have already told you very well. Got it, I..."

"Shut up for me." He cursed fiercely, "If you don't want to sleep well tonight, I don't mind torturing you once. You should know what I mean by torturing you once." .Don't challenge my patience."

Chu Liyou looked at him, so he didn't intend to torture her tonight?Just brought her to his mansion to sleep?

What tricks is he playing again?Chu Liyou didn't forget that he almost killed Nongyue just now, let alone that she knelt down and begged him just now.It's just that her dignity has been trampled down in front of this person.Chu Liyou doesn't care at all now.

"Yuhen, where should I sleep then?" He glanced at the room.There was only one bed, and it belonged to this man.She didn't think she was going to share a room with him.But, still, the man let her sleep on the floor.Sure enough, nothing good will happen if she is brought to his mansion.

"Go get hot water and clean yourself up." Her clothes still have the faint smell of Qi Rong's body, which was picked up by Qi Rong when he was in her room.But he smelled very uncomfortable.

"I won't go." She refused. "Yuhen, let me go out if you dress like this."

Do you want to freeze her to death, or freeze her to death, or freeze her to death?
Or, let her walk around the Prince's Mansion deliberately in such a dress, can she let the hidden guards in the Prince's Mansion watch at will?He was trying to humiliate himself.

His eyes froze slightly, he looked at the thin dress on her body, and said coldly: "Wait!" After finishing speaking, he left the room.

But not long after, Yuhen came in with hot water.

Chu Liyou's jaw almost didn't drop.Is the sun out in the west?

Or is this man playing tricks on purpose, or is he thinking of other ways to torture himself.Treat yourself first, and let her immerse herself in it.And then give her a fatal blow?

(End of this chapter)

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