The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 781 086. Becoming a Little Maid...

Chapter 781 086. Becoming a Little Maid.
"Come here." He called out coldly.

Chu Liyou pulled the quilt that was still wrapped around her body, looked at the hot water he called, and the tub beside her.Then he looked at Yuhen with a look of anti-thief.She said weakly, "Can I not wash it?" His grandma's, she didn't dislike him for being dirty, nor did she dislike him for touching those women in Hongjiao Pavilion.He wants to torture himself, but now he wants her to wash and torture him?
"Don't let me say it a third time. Come quickly."

Alas, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.Chu Liyou finally wanted to understand this truth.If you don't want to be tortured to death by Yuhen, it's better not to provoke him.

Slowly walking towards him. "I'm here too, so you can go out anyway."

"This is Ben Gong's mansion, why did Ben Gong go out? I haven't seen your whole body. Why are you so pretentious." He roared in displeasure.

What does this woman think of him?Pervert?

Yuhen will never admit at this moment, who is the person who turned into a pervert every night a few nights ago.As for tonight, it is still unknown.

"What's wrong with me?" Chu Liyou roared like an angry little lion, "It was you who wanted me to wash it, not me. I don't want to wash it now. You can do whatever you like." How about it. Anyway, I don't want to wash it." After shouting, Chu Liyou ignored Yuhen's darkened face, went to the bed and lay down.Her grandma's, she's really going to die of exhaustion.Now, after being tossed about by this bastard for most of the night, she was sleepy to death.You bastard, why are you taking so many showers in such a cold day?Having said that, she had already washed it when she was in Qi Mansion.

Yuhen was also choked.Looking at the woman lying on the bed.strode over. "stand up."

A very impatient voice replied, "Yuhen, if you want to kill me, do it quickly. Don't look like a man. This girl doesn't want to get up to take a bath now."

Not like a man?dont wash?

"Chu Liyou, you are saying it again."

"I'll tell you if the jade mark is annoying or not. If you want to wash it, you can wash it off yourself." Chu Li glared at him angrily, "It's best to clean up your dirty place. But in my opinion, even if you wash it once A hundred times, a thousand times, you won't be able to clean it. If it's dirty, it's dirty."

In fact, she is very painful, this man has other women.Since then, it is not complete.

"I'm dirty. Is it dirty, or you?" Scarlet stared at her with angry eyes, "Chu Liyou, I haven't disliked you for dirtying yourself. I haven't ruined it yet. Lose you, that's because you still have value. When you are worthless, I will destroy you. Didn't Qi Rong want to marry you? I just won't let him do what I want. Just wait for my revenge .”

"What nonsense are you talking about."

"Nonsense." He raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "If you hadn't seduced Qi Rong. If you hadn't been in Qi Rong's bed, would Qi Rong have married you?"

Hearing his insulting words, Chu Li became angry.He reached out and hit him.The hand was tightly grasped by Yuhen. "Do you think I will give you another chance?" The woman challenged his patience again and again.

"Hiss..." This woman must belong to the dog.

Unexpectedly, Yuhen tightly grasped Chu Liyou's hand, but Chu Liyou opened his mouth and bit Yuhen's hand, this bite was deeper than ever.It even bleeds out.Chu Liyou's mouth was covered with his blood.

After biting, he let go of his hand, and cursed coldly: "Yuhen, you are a bastard, bastard. I, Chu Liyou, fell in love with you only because I was blind. Do you think everyone is like you?" , do you sleep when you see a woman? You are dirty and think others are as dirty as you. Yuhen, you really make me sick now." After scolding, she looked at Yuhen with cold eyes, "A cold-blooded person like you is not worthy of love. You can also rest assured that I have given up on you. If you don't want to torture me tonight, please let me sleep well. Don't disturb me That's it." After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes.

It would be great if she could really give up.At least it won't be as painful as it is now.

He stared at the woman with her eyes closed with stern eyes.At that moment, there were many complicated emotions in my heart.But at that moment, there was a kind of joy in his heart.This woman still belongs to him alone, and has never been touched by anyone.

He didn't even know what was wrong with him.Why did it become like this.Is it because of her?So I became extremely irritable.

And he, because of what she said later, really didn't quarrel with her, nor did he torture her.

Soon, Chu Liyou's shallow breathing came from the room.

"Your Highness, this is from the Qi Mansion." Chi Yu appeared, holding a bundle in his hand.

And it was filled with Chu Liyou's change of clothes.She really doesn't have much, just a few changes of clothes.Except for a few clothes, there is nothing extra in it.

Yuhen glanced at the clothes in the bag, there was also the one that Chu Liyou was wearing on the street a few days ago.Think about that day.The gloomy eyes turned cold again, "I lost it!"

lost?Akabane looked a little weird, His Highness ordered Miss Chu's clothes to be thrown away.But just now he saw that His Highness brought Miss Chu back with the quilt.Lost clothes.What is Miss Chu wearing?
Akabane wanted to remind her that there are no women's clothes in the mansion.When Miss Chu lived in the mansion for a period of time, she didn't leave anything behind.It's lost like this, isn't it?
"Let Lanyue Pavilion send new ones tomorrow morning." After a pause, "All pink ones. Let the boss of Lanyue Pavilion deliver them in person."

"Yes." Akabane replied, and hurriedly went to do the things His Highness explained.

The clothes in Chu Liyou's luggage are mainly blue.And Qi Rong was also wearing a blue shirt.Seeing this color, he was very uncomfortable.

This night, even though he was in the Prince's Mansion, Chu Liyou slept very peacefully and comfortably.This time, I really slept until dawn.

But when he woke up, Chu Li was startled.

Who is that person sleeping on the floor?

Could it be Yuhen?He didn't really sleep on the ground last night, did he?

He got out of bed and approached gently.Seeing this, Chu Liyou was really startled.

It's really a jade mark.But why did he sleep on the ground?
At this moment, the sound of her walking in also awakened Yuhen.

The two looked at each other, and Yuhen looked at the sleeping woman with a calm face.He was crazy last night, he ran to the ground and slept all night.

"Yuhen, you... why are you sleeping here?"

Someone gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "What do you think? Why do you think Ben Gong sleeps here?"

"How do I know. Who knows if you have any special hobbies." A cold-blooded person like Yuhen may have abnormal psychology or special hobbies.Not necessarily like sleeping on the ground.

Yuhen's face was gloomy, and Chu Liyou looked at his face.She quickly shut her mouth and stopped provoking him.

And last night, Yuhen just lay down on the bed.But there was a woman lying beside him.This is torture for a normal man.

For this kind of thing, he will not bear it in front of her.

But last night after she fell asleep, she kept talking and crying in her sleep.Even as long as he touched her lightly.She will naturally be afraid.The body resists.

I saw her crying in her dream.At that moment, somehow, my heart softened.By accident, I slept on the floor bunk on the ground all night.

After looking around the room, Chu Liyou discovered another thing.That was the only dress she had on last night.She can't be wearing a dress now, or going out with a quilt?
"That jade mark, what am I wearing?"

It seems that Chu Liyou is used to calling the name Yuhen by now.Yuhen is also used to it.If one day Chu Liyou stops calling him Yuhen, Yuhen probably thinks that this person is not Chu Liyou.

Just right, Chu Liyou's voice fell.Akabane knocked on the door. "Your Highness."

Yuhen got up from the ground and got dressed.Then go and open the door.Seeing his movements, Chu Liyou hid on the bed.Wrap yourself in a quilt, for fear that your appearance will be seen by people outside.

"Your Highness, this is just sent by the boss of Lanyue Pavilion." Akabane held an exquisite box in his hand.The box is unopened, and there is a sign of Lanyue Pavilion on it.

Taking the box from Akabane's hand, he ordered lightly, "Get back."

Yuhen walked into the room and threw the box in his hand on the ground.He said coldly, "Put it on."

"What is this?" Chu Liyou had just heard the words Lanyue Pavilion.Of course she knew where Lanyue Pavilion was.Lanyue Pavilion in Xiyue is also my brother's business.But did Yuhen prepare clothes for Lanyue Pavilion for her?

Open the box and have a look.It's full of clothes.From inner garments to outer garments, including wrapping clothes and trousers.And there is more than one set.It's just that the color is pink.

"Not yet." Seeing her in a daze, Yuhen yelled coldly.

"It's all pink." To be honest, she doesn't like this color very much.She has always favored blue.

"This is the mansion of Bengong. I will decide what color you wear in the future. Don't wear blue all day long, it will make me bored." After finishing speaking viciously, he continued, "From today on, you are I'm the servant girl in the palace. Get up at midnight every day and clean the Prince's mansion. It must be spotless. At Chenshi, prepare breakfast. In a word. From now on, you will do all the things in the mansion by yourself. Also, when this palace calls you, you must be there whenever you are called."

"Yuhen, your mansion is so big. There are not so many servants in your mansion. You..." This bastard, how could she clean such a big prince's mansion by herself.How could it be possible for one person to do all the chores in the Prince's Mansion.Did this bastard use another way to torture her?
"Also, you must not disobey what I say. Otherwise, you will be fined not to have breakfast." After a pause, "Put on your clothes now, and hurry up to make breakfast."

(End of this chapter)

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