The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 783 088. Excuse me: Miss, are you teasing His Highness the Crown Prince?

Chapter 783 088. Excuse me: Miss, are you teasing His Highness the Crown Prince?

Chu Jing.

The next day, news came from the palace that Emperor Chu suddenly fell ill.It is said that he contracted a cold.However, everyone was very puzzled, why did they catch the cold at this time?Tomorrow is New Year's Eve!

And the door of the Liyuan was kicked open once.In the room, the two are eating breakfast.

A vicious voice cursed: "Chu Limo, you bastard. You bastard, you tricked me and drugged me. I cursed you for ten thousand years. I cursed you for not having a son, and it would be the same if you gave birth to a son." An ugly one."

"It seems that the medicine was taken lightly last night. Nangong Jin, you have been scolding the street like a shrew early in the morning. You said that the king prescribed medicine for you, and you are a dignified doctor of the generation. The king gave you the medicine." Medicine, can’t you solve it? Or our Mr. Nangong had a happy night in Baihualou last night, and he still hasn’t woken up yet.”

"Chu Limo, my master wants to break up with you! Break up with you!"

"And you, are you still my sister? How can you follow this bastard to drug me." Nangong Jin was furious.

Yun Qing felt that this matter was indeed a bit too much, how could he prescribe medicine to Nangong Jin?It was the strongest love potion.No wonder her elder brother was so angry.So last night, how did Big Brother get rid of the love potion?Did he find the girl from Baihualou, or did he say? "Brother, are you okay?"

"Not good, master is not good at all." He gave Yun Qing and Chu Limo a hard look.Nangong Jin sat down.

Brother, I actually want to ask who you asked to get rid of the love potion on your body last night.

But Yun Qing didn't dare to ask this question at this time.What if the big brother really found a woman in Baihualou to cure the medicine.I have to piss Bai Yue to death.If Bai Yue gets angry at this time, something bad will happen.

Yun Qing felt that Chu Limo had gone too far this time.This man is now a mess.

After thinking about it, Yun Qing still asked tentatively, "Brother, did Bai Yue know about this?" If her elder brother didn't return overnight, Bai Yue would definitely know.

"I know." Nangong Jin replied without a good tone.

Yun Qing suddenly had only one thought, it's over!It's over!
Nangong Jin came to scold people early in the morning, Bai Yue must have known about it.Then, with Bai Yue's temper, she must have had a fight with her elder brother.

"Brother, beat him up. I will never stop him."


"Chu Limo, I won't help you this time either." Yun Qing decided to stand with her elder brother this time.

"Sister, you really won't stop me from beating him up?"

When he first came here, he thought that he must beat this bastard hard.Even if you can't beat him, you must beat him hard.However, he changed his mind and beat him by himself at that time, and he would suffer a lot if his sister helped this bastard.

Now, I heard my sister say this.He really wanted to beat Chu Limo, that bastard.If you don't beat him up, the anger in your heart won't dissipate.

"Chu Limo, come out for me."

"This king does not fight against the defeated generals." A certain person was eating breakfast leisurely, not paying attention to Nangong Jin's anger at all.Pulling his lips, he gave an evil smile, "What's more, this king should have helped you once yesterday."

Chu Limo's words made Yun Qing feel that the information content was a bit too much!Could it be that there is something she doesn't know about it?
"Bullshit. Chu Limo, if you give medicine to me, it's called helping me. Then I will give you medicine. I will let you take love medicine every day. I will make you die of anger and blood." It's okay not to say, but Nangong Jin's anger Came up again, "Chu Limo, stop talking nonsense. Come out quickly."

"Nangong Jin, thanks to you praising yourself for being smart every day, why don't you understand my king's good intentions this time?" Chu Limo smiled with his forehead on his face, how could this king be so stupid as you? The appearance of a dying friend. "If you think about it carefully, you should know that the 'fascination' that this king has given you is not very important. Otherwise, once the 'fascination' occurs, how could you come out of Baihualou? How can you have the following things What about it?" Although Chu Limo didn't specify the latter matter, Nangong Jin understood it.

"This king has helped you, by the way, let you have a long memory."

Nangong Jin understood Chu Limo's words.

"Ma'am is awake, I'm waiting for you to have breakfast together at the mansion." Nong Hua appeared in the Liyuan.

After hearing what Nong Hua said, Nangong Jin didn't have the heart to beat the bastard now.Pointing at Chu Limo's angrily itchy teeth, "Chu Limo, anyway, this matter is not over with you." After finishing speaking, he hurriedly left the opera garden.

"Tell me. What's going on?"

"Nangong Jin is dissatisfied with his desire recently. Don't Qingqing think that he has complained every day recently?"

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, Nangong Jin was dissatisfied with desire and complained every day, how did you know that. "How do you know that big brother complains every day?"

"Qingqing, I'm a man. I can see it. Nangong Jin has been complaining for a long time. It's time to hold it back. I'm helping him."

"So you drugged elder brother? Bai Yue is still pregnant."

"Nangong Jin is a doctor, he has a sense of propriety." He smiled lightly, "Besides, he should have a long memory. Stop kicking other people's doors."

Yun Qing was speechless.Therefore, Chu Limo wanted to teach Nangong Jin a lesson, and in the course of the lesson, he helped him solve major life events.

"Qingqing, if Nangong Jin really wants to fight me, do you really leave me alone? Are you letting Nangong Jin bully me?" Someone gave me a very wronged look.

She curled her lips, "Even if I don't help you, you won't be bullied. The person who bullies you the most is the eldest brother. I really don't know how you two get along with such incompatible temperaments. Also, You are not allowed to drug your eldest brother in the future, what if something happens."

"Qingqing, are you going to help Nangong Jin bully me?"

"I'm not helping elder brother, I'm helping you. Tell me about you, elder brother is a genius doctor, and his skill in poisoning is elusive. If he is hit by your angry head, he will poison you too, and throw you away too." Going to Baihualou, I am looking for ten or eight girls for you. Your integrity and your innocence will not be guaranteed." After finishing speaking, Yun Qing pulled her face, "This girl is a clean freak, if you If you were innocent enough to be touched by another woman, don't blame this girl for kicking you."

Yun Qing was not joking.With Nangong Jin's temper, this kind of thing is absolutely possible.Maybe even more excessive than this.


"You went to fight with the lord? Did you get hurt?" When she woke up early in the morning, she heard that Nangong Jin had gone to Liyuan aggressively.Combined with what happened last night, she knew that Nangong Jin went to settle accounts with Chu Limo.

"No. Is there anything wrong with you?"

Although he was very careful last night.But still a little worried.

With a sly smile, "I'm fine, and the baby is also very good. Don't be angry. You will have the opportunity to vent your anger in the future." Bai Yue's character is also the kind of vengeful and extremely protective.

"It's still my Yue'er who loves me." Looking at the woman beside her and her swollen belly, Nangong Jin's breath disappeared.

However, that bastard Chu Limo dared to scheme against him, and he took note of this grudge.

As the saying goes, if you come out to hang out, you will have to pay back sooner or later.

Today you give me medicine, tomorrow I will make you unable to get out of bed.

"Let's have breakfast."

"I feed you."

"it is good."

The two people in the room were so sweet.

But at this moment in another place, it is a completely different situation.

"Get up." The roar resounded through the plum garden.The woman on the bed didn't respond at all.Yuhen looked at the woman sleeping on the bed with eyes full of anger, "Chu Liyou, get up for me. Check what time it is."

"Oh, don't disturb my sleep. I'm so sleepy. I want to sleep." The person on the bed said dissatisfied. , Turned over again, covered the whole person with a quilt, and fell asleep.

She is now tired and her bones are about to fall apart.But that bastard doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade at all.

Since yesterday, Yuhen came up with a new method to torture her.She just refuted him a few words yesterday morning, and she was fined not to have breakfast.As a result, she cleaned the Prince's Mansion on an empty stomach. How could she sweep the Prince's Mansion so big by herself.But this bastard deliberately made things difficult for her.So, she didn't finish sweeping the floor, and she didn't make lunch.As a result, Yuhen also waived her lunch.All afternoon, she was cold and hungry.Thinking about not sweeping the ground, but also filling the stomach.I ran to the kitchen and secretly made a bowl of noodles.As a result, he didn't eat a single bite, and all of it went into Yuhen's stomach.In this way, she was arrested and swept the floor again.

Yuhen said that he would not eat until he finished sweeping.By the time she finished sweeping the Prince's Mansion, a day had passed.At that time, she was so sleepy that she fell down on the bed and remembered that she was hungry.

But less than half an hour after falling asleep, the voice of the jade mark demon rang in his ears.

Today, she must resist to the end.Never be the same as yesterday.

"Chu Liyou, hurry up and make breakfast. As a maid, have you ever seen a maid who wakes up later than the master." Seeing her sleeping like a pig, Yuhen was furious Come.He said that he would torture this woman severely, how could he let her live so comfortably and peacefully.

I slept soundly, and there was always noise in my ears.Chu Liyou was sleepy and couldn't sleep well.Angrily sat up from the bed, staring at Yuhen angrily, "Yuhen, what exactly do you want? I didn't eat all day yesterday, and I swept the ground all day and night, don't you know? I'm sleepy now Tired. I don’t have the strength to get up to make you breakfast. Isn’t there a chef in your house? If you want something to eat, you ask your chef to cook it for you.”

"Chu Liyou, you are now a servant girl in my palace."

It's okay if you don't say it, just say it.Chu Liyou became even more annoyed.Yuhen's words were interrupted. "A maid is also a human being. It's a maid in your house, you should at least give her food, right? Also, I didn't sell you to be a maid. To you, I am nothing. Meal. You can find whoever you like. Anyway, don’t expect me to do it. Yuhen, you can bully me and torture me. I am willing to bully and torture you in advance. If this girl is not willing, you can forget about it If you bully me, don't even think about torturing me. Now, you get out, I want to sleep. "

Chu Liyou's words made Yuhen even more angry.He tore off the quilt on the bed, threw it on the ground, and looked at her coldly, "This is Bengong's mansion."

Chu Liyou interrupted Yuhen's words once.He also looked at him fiercely, "I know it's your mansion. If I don't do it, you can kill me. If you want to kill, kill me, don't be silly. If you don't kill, please go out."

"You really think that Ben Gong won't kill you." Holding her hand, seeing her baring her teeth and claws, he wanted to tear her apart.

"You won't." After so many days.Chu Liyou was sure of one thing.Yuhen may not love her, but he will never kill her.

And now, she no longer expects him to fall in love with her.

He and she, just spend it like this.Maybe one day all her love for him will be exhausted.She gave up.I won't be entangled with him anymore.

"You can let it go. You are holding me like this. I will misunderstand." She sneered, watching him lock her hand.Not only the hands hurt, but the heart hurts even more.It's just that she has learned to endure this pain.

The hand that imprisoned her still did not let go, and the tone was indifferent, "Yes. I will not kill you. But this is my place. You have no choice but to do what I say. You want to sleep Is that right. Bengong just won’t let you sleep. Akabane, bring a bucket of water. If she likes to sleep, pour it on her.”

"Despicable and shameless villain." He gritted his teeth fiercely.Chu Liyou wished he could kill him with one bite.How could Yuhen not see her thoughts, she bit herself several times.How could he still be bitten by this woman.He let go of her hand.But at this moment, something happened to Chu Liyou that Yuhen didn't expect.The whole person threw him down, and then kissed his thin lips.

This was the first time she kissed him so actively.Hell, he thought it tasted good.

What's more, there was a reaction somewhere.

Her kiss was very jerky, but Yuhen didn't let her go.But he didn't want to, the next second, this woman bit his lips hard.


She looked at him with a sneer, "Does it hurt? Hehe, look, this girl just seduced you a little bit, you can't stand this girl's seduction."

She leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Admit it. In fact, you have feelings for me not only physically, but also in your heart. That's why you are reluctant to kill me."

Yuhen's face darkened fiercely.

Looking at Yuhen's changed face, Chu Liyou felt a lot more angry in the morning.

Let go of him, stood up, and smiled slightly, "I don't mind being splashed with water on this bed. If you can't do it, I can help you. Of course, if I fall asleep tonight Go to your bed. Don't blame this girl for seducing you! After all..." As he said that, Chu Liyou looked at a certain part of him, lowered his voice and laughed, "I just kissed you, and you are It has feelings for me."

(End of this chapter)

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