The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 784 089. Probably owed her in the previous life!

Chapter 784 089. Probably owed her in the previous life!

Watching her get up arrogantly and put on her clothes.The fire in my heart was burning fiercely.


There was another sound of clothes being torn apart.

The clothes just put on were torn to shreds in the hands of the beast like Yuhen.

"What are you doing?" He looked at her with slightly angry eyes.

"Of course I want you. You have seduced Bengong's fire so easily, do you want to leave like this?" Xiexie's voice pressed against her ear, "It's just right, I didn't try it this morning. Don't worry, For the sake of your efforts to seduce me, I will satisfy you."

"Let me go." Struggling and pushing, she was exhausted after sweeping the floor all day and all night.Never be tortured by this beast again.But the more she struggled and pushed, the more Yuhen would not let go.

There was crying and anger in her voice, "Yuhen, let me go. Didn't you say you want me to make breakfast. I'll do it now."

"It's late. Compared with breakfast, I think you are more delicious. It makes me more appetizing."

"Get out! Yuhen, you bastard. Get out!"


This bastard actually bit her.

"It hurts. You are crazy. Yuhen, you belong to the dog."

"I learned from you. Don't you also like to bite people? Go ahead, scream hard, I like to hear you scream."

The door was not closed, and the conversation between the two just reached Akabane's ears.Akabane just stood outside the door with a bucket of cold water.Fortunately, Akabane knew that he couldn't disturb him at this time.Standing here and listening is also an immoral thing.He took the water and left quickly.

And the two people in the room.

Chu Liyou is a weak woman, and she is also a weak woman who is tired and sleepy after starving for a day and a night.In the end, he still didn't resist Yuhen, a beast, and his beast behavior towards himself.

Moreover, this beast is too powerful.In the end, she just fainted.

I don't know how long she was tossed, anyway, she passed out from exhaustion and hunger.

Now, Chu Liyou no longer wants to argue with him about these things.She had passed out once, then woke up again from hunger.It is estimated that if she does not eat something, she is not going to faint from hunger, but to starve to death.A certain woman was sleeping softly on the bed, her voice was so weak that she could hardly hear her. "Yuhen. Hurry up and get some food. I'm really starving to death."

A certain person looked unhappy, if this woman hadn't passed out, he wouldn't just let her go.Seeing her fainting from exhaustion, a touch of pity flashed in her eyes, but the news disappeared soon.Then he got up and got dressed and looked at the woman on the bed indifferently, "I'm hungry. Get up and do it yourself. Remember, you can eat after sweeping the floor."

"Yuhen, you can't be such a bad person." If she still had the strength, she would throw the pillow in his face.However, she doesn't even want to move now, she doesn't have that strength.

"Bad? Hehe. Ben Gong is only bad when he treats you." He sneered, "This is unbearable. Don't you want to torture each other with Ben Gong? Now you look like you are going to die, how can you be with Ben in this state? How about the palace tormenting each other?"

Chu Liyou didn't answer his words.Instead, he closed his eyes, wanting to fall asleep deeply.

His grandma's, don't give her food, if she wants to starve to death, then she can sleep.I heard that you won't be hungry if you fall asleep.

However, my stomach keeps growling and growling!

Really hungry, very hungry!

In the end, I was so hungry that I couldn't stand it anymore.He didn't even want to open his eyes.She knew he was still in the house, next to her.He grabbed his sleeve and said pitifully, "Yuhen, give me something to eat. You don't want to see me starve to death in your house, do you? I'm telling you, tomorrow is New Year's Eve, if I die How unlucky it is to be in your house!"

"Yuhen, go get me something to eat, okay? I'm really hungry."

"Yuhen...I'm really hungry."

While talking pitifully, her stomach growled a few times more pitifully than her words.


Seeing her pitiful appearance pulling her sleeves.That look of claws and teeth is gone.Now she is as docile as a little wild cat.An inexplicable throbbing flashed through my heart.Even seeing her like this now is actually a little painful. "Wait." A faint sentence, but somewhat inexplicably gentle.

"Then tell them to hurry up, I'll really starve to death if I wait any longer." His eyes still didn't open, but the hand holding his sleeve didn't let go either.Instead, keep holding on.It seemed that holding on to him, even though he had always given him pain and torture, still made her feel very at ease.An inexplicable peace of mind.

Yuhen actually let her grab her sleeve and didn't walk away.For the first time, he asked Akabane who was outside to get some snacks for her to cushion first.

Soon, Akabane brought some snacks and fruits.The people in the kitchen are also preparing today's lunch.

"Your Highness." Put the snacks and fruits on the table.Akabane didn't dare to look inside.After putting it down, he left quickly.

"Wake up. Food is here."

Chu Liyou didn't fall asleep at all.She heard Akabane coming in.It's just that she really doesn't have the energy to get up.Slightly opened his eyes, and looked at him pitifully, "Can you help me get it? My whole body hurts and I have no strength."

Seeing her pitiful appearance, by a strange coincidence, she actually walked over, picked up the snacks on the table and gave them to her. "Let's eat."

"You feed me." She said.

"What did you say?" He must have misheard, or there is something wrong with this woman's head.

"You feed me." She said again.

Now, Yuhen was sure that it wasn't that he heard wrongly, it was that this woman had something wrong with her head.How she thought he would feed her.

"When you were sick in Fengcheng, I was the one who fed you medicine and food with my own hands. You are half responsible for what I am doing now. If you don't feed me, I don't have the strength to do it myself." Chu Liyou said with a look of course . "Hurry up! I'm starving to death if I keep dawdling."

"You think Ben Gong would do this." He looked at her viciously.His eyes were on fire.

But she nodded, "You don't want me to die." After a pause, she said again: "Or, do you really want to see me starve to death?"

"Eat, eat, I will kill you. After eating, sweep the floor for Ben Gong."

"Slow down." She smiled slightly, "If I die, someone will sweep the floor for you. If someone bullies you, if I die, you will have to pay for a coffin. Then you are not worth it."

Yuhen thought it was a little funny, but his face was still indifferent, "If you starve to death, I will throw you into the lake behind to feed the fish."

Chu Liyou could tell that although his words were indifferent, he didn't really want to throw her into the lake to feed the fish.He smiled softly, "If you throw me into the lake to feed the fish, it will take a few days for the fish in your lake to eat me. In a few days, you are not afraid that I will smother your prince's mansion. Did you poison the fish in your lake?"

Fortunately, the hidden guards outside did not hear Chu Liyou's words.Otherwise, one by one, they will all fall to pieces.She must despise this woman fiercely in her heart, how could she be sure that the fish raised in His Highness's lake would take a few days to eat her.Didn't she know that the fish His Highness raises in the lake in the mansion are not ordinary fish.The fish in this lake are used by His Highness to punish the damned.Whoever commits a capital crime.His Highness will throw him into the lake behind to feed the fish.

"Do you want to try it?" He said with a smile, "see whether you will stink up the palace's mansion, or you will change your face completely. Did you know that the fish raised in the lake of Bengong will not kill you in one bite?" After eating, they will slowly, slowly, bite the flesh of your body bit by bit. Hundreds of fish will tear and bite at your body until all the flesh on your body is bitten, until you are completely unrecognizable. At that time, you will only have a bone. Tell me, can a bone stink up the prince's mansion in my palace?"

"Ouch..." Then, Chu Liyou vomited violently, throwing up all the snacks he had just eaten.Spit on the bed, on the ground, and even Yuhen's body is everywhere.

Thinking of what Yuhen said, I felt sick in my heart.Disgusted how cruel it would be if hundreds of fish were biting their own flesh.

"Yuhen, you deliberately disgusted me." Looking at the snacks in his hand, Chu Liyou thought that the 'fish' in the lake had no appetite.How could he still remember that he vomited all over him. "I won't eat."

"Didn't you just say that you were going to starve to death? Don't you really want to starve yourself to death and let me throw you into the lake to feed the fish? Also, you stained my clothes." He laughed Some chills.Chu Liyou believed that if he really starved to death, he would definitely throw himself into the lake to feed the fish.

Feeling aggrieved, she looked at him with pitiful tears in her eyes, "It's you who disgusted me by saying that. I didn't mean to vomit on you." Besides, she was still hungry.Just now she dragged her hungry and tired body to be a beast by him for several hours.Now he said some nasty things to her again.Can you not be wronged?

"Eat something." Seeing her appearance, she couldn't get angry at that time.Even he, who always loves to be clean, didn't change his clothes immediately when they got dirty.

"Just eat it. Can you not be so fierce." He muttered dissatisfiedly.Looking at the snack he handed over, he still opened his mouth and ate it.

Yuhen felt that he must be too kind to her.She is so aggressive.I personally fed her and talked so much.Looking at this aggressive woman, the feeding action also took a long time.Chu Liyou didn't even have time to swallow it, so another mouthful was stuffed into his mouth.

"Ahem..." He coughed violently.She coughed until tears came out. "Water, give me water. Cough cough...cough cough..." This bastard did it on purpose.

Yuhen didn't really want her to die.Seeing her coughing like this, she got up and poured a glass of water.Chu Liyou took it, and gulped it down.

"Yuhen, you did it on purpose."

Looking at her little face that was choked red just now, Yuhen didn't say a word.

But Chu Liyou started to cry, and scolded while crying: "Yuhen, you bastard who kills thousands of knives, do you like to bully me so much? Are you happy that you bullied me? You Pervert, devil, if you bully a woman, you are still not a man." At that moment, all the grievances, pain, sadness, and heartaches of these days were vented out.

In an instant, Yuhen's face darkened and sank.She really dares to scold anything!A bastard who kills thousands of knives, a devil, a pervert, is not a man.The last sentence aroused his anger even more.

Squeezing her chin, Xiexie said, "I'm a pervert, is this a man? Don't you know? Or, you still need to try."

"You kill a thousand knives, I warn you. You are not allowed to mess around. Otherwise, I will curse you not to lift from now on." After finishing speaking, he began to cry, "You pinched me. Huh huh ..."

It is estimated that her tears have worked.This time, she scolded harshly.He even cursed out such words.But Yuhen let her go just like that.

From the morning to the present, it is already lunch time.After Chu Liyou's snacks were finished, she was disgusted by Yuhen's words.The stomach is still empty.Fortunately, not long after, the lunch prepared in the kitchen was served.

This time, seeing the food prepared on the table, Chu Liyou swore that she must not fight against the food again.First fill the stomach and talk.Moreover, she also discovered one thing, that is, Yuhen seems to be afraid of tears.This discovery made her happy.She was thinking, if Yuhen was bullying her in the future, would she just cry for him.

"Slow down, it's burning me."

After the words fell, his feeding movements really slowed down a lot.Seeing his movements, Chu Liyou smiled.

Yuhen probably wouldn't have imagined that after this woman finished crying, she would go so far as to ask him to feed her, but she didn't even drop the bowl.

Yuhen felt that she must have owed her in her previous life.Otherwise, what are you doing now?
"Yuhen, let's discuss it." She looked at him eagerly and said, "Yuhen, look at your prince's mansion is so big, how can I, a weak woman, finish cleaning it."

"What do you want?"

"Your mansion is so big, and other places are empty. There is no need to clean it at all. Can you just let me clean the yard of Meiyuan? As long as you let me sweep the yard of Meiyuan, I will make breakfast for you on time every day. Lunch, dinner."

After a long silence, Yuhen seemed to be considering her proposal.

Seeing that he didn't answer himself, Chu Liyou took his hand directly, and said coquettishly and softly, "Are you okay?"

It was the first time she acted like a baby to herself.Why didn't I resist at all?Moreover, seeing her acting like a baby, he seemed to be in a good mood.

"It depends on your performance." He let go. "You can't cook today's lunch. If you can make dinner to my satisfaction, I can consider your proposal."

"Okay. Then tell me. What do you want for dinner?" Chu Liyou had already forgotten that the two of them were still at odds a moment ago.Forget how this beast bullied her just a moment ago.Forget that the two of you still looked at each other a moment ago. I want to torture you, you want to torture my 'enemy'.

"I'm very picky, I don't eat ordinary things. Now think about what to do to please me."

While Chu Liyou was eating the meal that Yuhen fed her, her mind was thinking about what to do tonight.

This is her chance.She has to take good care of it.

(End of this chapter)

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