The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 786 091. New Year's Eve, New Year

Chapter 786 091. New Year's Eve, New Year

Chu Jing.

It will soon be New Year's Eve.

Tonight, there is a New Year's Eve banquet in the palace.However, Chu Limo has never participated in the past 20 years.Of course, I won't attend the New Year's Eve banquet tonight.

This year is a special year, it is the first year that he and Qingqing got married, and it is also the first year they will spend.He wants to spend such a special and memorable day with Qingqing.

Throughout the day, Chu Jing could hear the sound of setting off firecrackers.The people are immersed in the joy of the New Year.No matter what happened in the past year, people will pray for peace and happiness in the coming year.

From the palace, Liyuan.

"How did you spend New Year's Eve in previous years?"

"Standing here, looking at the lights of thousands of houses in Chujing. Look, which lamp will be lit until dawn for me. I have been waiting for many years. Now, I have found it. Qingqing is my one." A lamp. Lights me till dawn."

When he said it, there was a strong but faint sadness.Yun Qing suddenly felt sorry for him, very much for him.

What kind of Dugu would let him stand here every New Year's Eve and watch the lights of thousands of families in Chujing.He is not looking at the lights of Wanjia in Chujing, he is looking at where a lamp that is warm until dawn will be lit for him.

"Qingqing, I will have you in the future."

"Yeah. I'll be with you in the future." Yun Qing nodded and smiled.Yes, from now on, no matter what festival it is, she will spend it with him by his side. "Let's make dumplings together."

"Okay." There was a touch of affection in the voice.


Seeing what he was pinching, the corners of Yun Qing's mouth twitched unnaturally, "What are you pinching?"

"This is Qingqing. When I saw Qingqing for the first time, Qingqing was even more ferocious than a fire fox." He said with a smile while holding the pinched small image in his hand.

I still remember the first time I saw Qingqing, it was in Mufu, Qingqing took a bath in the lotus pond.He broke in by mistake, and the consequences were very serious. Qingqing kicked his wound forcefully.In this way, from then on, that kick hit his heart.

"Isn't it similar?" He asked with a smile again.

It is undeniable that what he pinched was really similar, and it was very similar to her angry look at that time.

"This is the second time seeing Qingqing, and this is the third time..." He gently talked about the meeting with her back then.From the first time, to every subsequent time.

Yun Qing just listened quietly, listened.

It turned out that they had known each other for so long.And he seemed to remember every day they spent together in his mind.Deeply remember what she once said to him.

"Are you planning to pinch the way I have treated you since we met for two years?" Yun Qing felt a little funny, but also very moved.

"What do you say?"

What do you mean?Could it be that this guy is really planning to pinch her appearance one by one.

Yun Qing picked up the first dumpling he made that looked exactly like her. He said that she was more ferocious than Huolinghu when they met for the first time.Speaking of Huolinghu, she hadn't seen that guy for a long time.Even recently, she couldn't feel where that guy was.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he looked straight at him with a pair of smiling eyes, "Am I really more ferocious than Huo Linghu?" That means if you dare to say that this girl is more ferocious than Huo Linghu, this girl waits Let me show you how brutal it is.

Looking at her straight eyes, he held her small face and kissed her.After the kiss, she licked her lips and smiled charmingly, "Qingqing is not cruel, I am the most cruel."

"Who says I'm not cruel anymore, I'll show you how cruel I am." A certain woman curled her mouth indignantly, picked up the flour on the table, and sprinkled it all on his face.After a while, someone was completely white from top to bottom.The only thing left is the pair of sparkling eyes.Even his long eyelashes were not spared, all covered in flour. "Haha...haha, Chu Limo, you look so funny."

Yun Qing laughed out loud at her masterpiece.

"Qingqing also has some." Seeing her smiling so happily, Chu Limo followed her example just now.

The two played with flour in the pear orchard like children.Laughter bursts from the pear garden.Until the two of them just wasted the remaining half bag of flour.

Looking at their white faces, they couldn't stop laughing.

"Qingqing, in the future, we will grow old hand in hand as we do now." He looked at the white flour on her head and said softly.

"I'm old, don't I look bad?"

"Even if Qingqing doesn't look good when she gets old, isn't there me who will grow old with Qingqing?"

The most beautiful love story in the world is not, you look good when you are old.Rather, when you are old, I will grow old with you.

Chu Limo said a lot of sweet words, and every time Yun Qing listened to it, it was very useful.Walked over gently, stood on tiptoe, whispered in his ear like a lover, and said softly, "I don't know if we will be ugly when we get old, but I know, you are in my heart Forever is so beautiful. Even in the future, I will remember your present appearance."

Chu Limo looked at her with a gentle smile.

"Hush..." Yun Qing put his hand lightly on his lips, signaling him not to speak, "Hold your words and kiss me!"

In this atmosphere, she felt that there should be a passionate kiss.

"As you wish." After the words fell, a deep, affectionate and passionate kiss fell.

The two stood in the pear garden, hugging each other.A deep kiss.Use this deep kiss to welcome the arrival of the new year.

After a long time, the two let go.

"Will it be clear?"

With Yun Qing's kiss, her entire face was flushed, and her breathing was short of breath.Lian panted and said in a coquettish voice, "No more."

Well, it's just a kiss.He almost kissed her until she couldn't breathe.

"I took the dumplings and cooked them. I'm going to change my clothes. Let's watch the year together."

"I'll accompany Qingqing to change."

"it is good."


Jinling City, Prince's Mansion.

As His Highness the Crown Prince, Yuhen is going to attend a banquet in the palace tonight.She is the only one left in the prince's mansion.Tonight's New Year's Eve, she also passed it alone.

Chu Liyou thought, she had agreed yesterday that she would cook him a dinner to please him.But he didn't want to fall asleep in the pool bath.It was already night when she woke up.But she didn't do anything, but Yuhen agreed to her.Let her sweep a yard in Meiyuan in the future.

I thought I could spend New Year's Eve with him.But...he went to the palace to attend the palace banquet.

Chu Liyou sat alone in the plum garden, and there were dumplings cooked by herself on the table.Without Yuhen, she couldn't eat a bite.Looking at the red plums in the yard from the window.The red plums bloom against the snow.Tonight, it's snowing again.

In the prince's mansion, he is not there, the huge mansion is empty and there is no popularity at all.

Yuhen, when will you come back from the palace banquet?

Will he come back early because of her presence?

Shaking his head, Chu Liyou felt that he was imagining things.How could Yuhen come back early because of her.

It's just that she still has a little bit of fantasies, fantasizing that Yuhen can return to the plum garden before the new year, and watch the new year with her.And she welcomes the new year together.

It's just that the more you wait, the colder your heart becomes.

From the expectation at the beginning, to the loss later.

It has been several hours since Yuhen went to the palace.Seeing that there is still an hour before the New Year.He should be still in the palace at this time.

When Yuhen came back, Chu Liyou fell asleep lying on the table, and there was still a mouthful of cold dumplings that hadn't moved on the table.

He walked over and looked at her gently.There were still wet tears on her cheeks.

Did she cry?

Because he's not here, or because of something?she cried.

As soon as Yuhen approached, Chu Liyou woke up.She wasn't really asleep at all.Just waiting and waiting and lying on the table.Thinking of welcoming the new year alone, she couldn't help but feel lost.Lie down on the table and start crying.

" are back." Some surprised, some joy.

"Yeah." A soft reply.Looking at the cold dumplings on the table, "You haven't eaten yet."

"I... I wanted to wait for you to eat together." Chu Liyou glanced outside, and it was almost midnight.In other words, there is still time until the New Year.He came back this time because...

"It just so happened that I was a little hungry."

"Are you hungry? Didn't you eat at the palace banquet?"

"Eat it. Digested it." Yuhen would never tell her.In fact, at the palace banquet, he had no appetite at all.Looking at the palace banquet that was exactly the same as in previous years, he was bored.There was only one thought in her mind, and that was to come back and see what she was doing alone in the house.Therefore, the palace banquet was not over yet, and he left early.

"I'll warm up the dumplings. If you want to eat anything else, I'll do it."

"Your cooked noodles are not bad." Remembering that day when she was hungry, she ran to the kitchen and secretly made a bowl of noodles, but she didn't eat a bite, and he ate it.At that time, he thought the taste was delicious.

"Do you want noodles? I'll cook it, wait for me."

"Okay." The word 'good' was heard in a very low voice, but Chu Liyou still heard it.

Not long after, hot dumplings and a bowl of hot noodles were served.

"Eat quickly." Put the bowl of hot noodles in front of Yuhen.

"And yours?"

"I eat dumplings." Can she say that, in fact, there is only enough to cook a bowl of noodles in the kitchen?Today is New Year's Eve, the kitchen made a lot of dumplings and used up all the flour, the guards and secret guards in the mansion ate only dumplings today.

"Half for each person. I will give you half of the noodles, and half of your dumplings."

"it is good."

Divide a bowl of noodles into two bowls, and dumplings into two portions.The two sat in the plum garden and had a special New Year's Eve dinner.Although Yuhen didn't say a word during the period, Chu Liyou felt very happy and happy.

"Yuhen, thank you for spending New Year's Eve with me. Happy New Year."

The new year is here, and fireworks are in full bloom all over the city to welcome the arrival of the new year.

The same is true for Chujing, the city is full of fireworks.

"Qingqing, Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year." Yun Qing whispered while leaning into his arms.

The two stood at the gate of the pear garden, watching the fireworks in full bloom.

(End of this chapter)

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