The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 787 092. New Year, Your Highness, are you poor and crazy?

Chapter 787 092. New Year, Your Highness, are you poor and crazy?
The first day of the new year.

From the palace, Liyuan.

The sleeping woman on the bed moved lazily.

"Wake up." A faint and gentle voice sounded from above his head. "Get up and have breakfast."

The woman lying on the bed didn't open her eyes, she just reached out and took his hand, and said playfully, "You are going to become a house husband."

"It also depends on who the object is. If it's Qingqing, I'm willing to be a house husband for the rest of my life." She smiled softly, tapped her nose with her hand, and said in a doting tone, "Little lazy cat, hurry up." Woke up."

"What time is it?"

"The hour."

"I still want to sleep for a while, I'm so sleepy." A certain woman looked like she hadn't woken up yet.

It is true that Yun Qing has not woken up yet.Chu Limo has been tossing and tossing for several hours since the dawn of time.She only slept for more than an hour.She really didn't know if this guy hadn't seen a woman in hundreds of years.It's like a hungry wolf every time.Yun Qing felt that the adjective 'hungry wolf' was too apt to describe Chu Limo.

She shouldn't have said to him on a whim last night: hold back and kiss me!

As a result, after talking about it, she was the one who couldn't get out of bed.

"Good, wake up."

"Not good." Yun Qing began to play childish temper, "It's only Chen Shi, you are asking me to sleep, and you are calling me later."

"Qingqing, today is the first day of the new year. Does Qingqing want to stay in bed?"

"Who caused me to stay in bed." Yun Qing pouted, "It's not your fault. You can't finish it every time, and I will have to stay in bed every day in the future. Chu Limo, I have to warn you seriously, Don't toss about for so long in the future, or I won't let you go to bed in the future." After finishing speaking, he fell asleep again.

The warning is ineffective, Chu Limo will still torment her vigorously.

Chu Limo just smiled slightly, and gently touched her face with his hand.

"Qingqing is sleeping for a while. We are going to pay New Year's greetings to grandpa later." He said in a very soft voice, Yun Qing had already fallen asleep in the morning, and did not hear Chu Limo's words at all.

He also knew that she was exhausted last night.It seems that Qingqing will be exhausted every time, he is distressed and a little helpless.I have been very restrained, but I will still exhaust Qingqing.

After sleeping for more than an hour, it seemed that the time was about the same.

"Qingqing, it's time to get up."

Ever since she got married with him, Yun Qing felt that she didn't have enough time to sleep.Most of the time, she wished she could lie on the bed and sleep, sleep, sleep all the time.

So, their days in Chujing are more comfortable now.An Yi's daily Chu Limo only knows to squeeze her.

"Qingqing, it's time to get up. We still have to pay New Year's greetings to grandpa."

Hearing the sound from behind, Yun Qingyou got up from the bed and looked outside. The current time is about ten o'clock in the morning.In other words, she had slept for more than two hours since Chu Limo called her for the first time.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier."

"Seeing Qing Qing's sweet sleep, I want Qing Qing to sleep a little longer." He saw her sleeping so sweetly and couldn't bear to disturb her.

"..." Yun Qing gritted his teeth, seeing this smiling man, he was really a beauty, a beauty!

"Qingqing, don't worry, I have already sent someone to notify grandpa, we will be late."

"Hurry up and bring me my clothes."

"Okay. I'll help Qingqing."

Dressed and had a meal.Another half an hour passed.Only then did the two set off from Li Wang Mansion to the Wang Mansion.

When they arrived, they happened to meet Nangong Jin and Bai Yue at the gate of Wangfu.

Yun Qing looked at the corners of the two people's mouths twitching slightly, her elder brother must have set the time well.What a coincidence, just as they arrived at the gate of the palace, their carriage also arrived.

"Brother, Bai Yue." After getting off the carriage, Yun Qing walked over with a smile, stopped in front of Bai Yue, looked at her protruding belly and greeted her with a smile, "Happy New Year, baby."

"Yunqing. Happy New Year."

After saying hello, it's not a good place to chat outside.Several people entered the palace.Hearing that Yun Qing and the others were coming, Wang Qingshan came out to greet them with a smile.

Several juniors said auspicious blessings, and the elder Wang Qingshan cheerfully sent red envelopes to each junior.


Jinling City.

Prince's Mansion, Plum Garden.

The warm light of the morning shines through the window into the plum garden and hits the face.

Chu Liyou opened his eyes, but still couldn't believe one thing.She actually slept in the plum garden, Yuhen's room, Yuhen's bed.And last night, it was Yuhen who asked her to stay.

I thought that after spending New Year's Eve together last night, she went back to Dongyuan where she lived after eating.

But I didn't think that Yuhen would suddenly hold her hand last night. After a while, Yuhen said: "Your hands are very cold. Not only are your hands cold, but your body is also cold. Are you afraid...of the cold?"

She didn't understand why Yuhen suddenly grabbed her hand and asked these words, but at that moment, she suddenly felt that his hand was very warm, so she told him the question naturally. "The mountain of Lingyin Temple is very cold in winter, and I lived on the mountain of Lingyin Temple since I was a child. I thought I was used to the cold on the mountain. But every winter, my whole body would feel cold. After so many years, it's winter Still afraid of the cold."

"Chu... Doesn't your brother know about it for so many years?"

"Brother, he..." At this point, Chu Liyou glanced at him, and saw that there was no sign of strangeness on his face, and then said, "It's not just you, everyone in the world knows about my brother's body...Brother, he My health has been bad. I am far away in Lingyin Temple, how can I let my brother know about these small things and worry about me. I mean, I have gotten used to it over the years."

Chu Liyou said it very calmly, how could the suffering she has suffered in these years be compared to that of her brother.It was the elder brother who had been tortured by the poison all the time.And she is just cold for several months every winter.

It's cold, she's used to it over the years.

"What about Lingyin? I mean your master, does he care about you?"

She got used to her indifferent words, but for some reason, he felt a little pain.

"Master, he is a monk, so he doesn't know how to take care of a little girl." After finishing speaking, Chu Liyou smiled slightly, "Yuhen, thank you for spending New Year's Eve with me, happy new year. It's getting late, you go to bed early, I will Do not bother you."

"You sleep here," he said.He didn't let go of her hand.

Chu Liyou stared at him blankly, not understanding what he meant.

After a while, he spoke again, but his tone was a bit colder than before, "You are now a servant girl in my palace. If you fall ill, I will pay back the medical expenses."

At that time, she really wanted to laugh, but she was afraid that Yuhen would slap her to death if she laughed.

In this way, she stayed in Meiyuan.Stayed by Yuhen's side.She was very close to him last night, so close that she could feel every temperature and every breath on his body.Closer, just sleeping in his arms.He gave her infinite warmth.

This night was very strange, he didn't touch himself, he just hugged her until dawn.She also slept peacefully that night.

When she woke up now, she still felt that everything about last night was a dream, a dream that didn't belong to her.

"Wake up and make breakfast quickly. Don't forget your identity, you are just a servant girl in my palace."

Chu Liyou was still thinking about what happened last night, when a cold voice came from above his head.

Sure enough, what happened last night was just a dream.

Dreams are about waking up.

"I see."

well!People have to bow their heads under the eaves.Now that Yuhen is the uncle, she has to take good care of the uncle.After all, it's the new year, and she doesn't want to offend this old man on the first day of the new year.I don't even want to quarrel with him and torture him on the first day of the new year.

It doesn't matter if you say she is stupid, or you say she is cheap.She is just that Chu Liyou who loves Yuhen deeply.An ordinary little girl.No matter how many unpleasant things happened between her and Yuhen, and no matter how Yuhen tortured her.She still foolishly wanted to stand by his side.Just want to look at him foolishly!
"What do you want for breakfast?" She got up and asked while getting dressed.

After asking for a long time, Yuhen didn't say a word to Chu Liyou.

"Forget it, if you don't tell me, I'll do it on my own. Anyway, I can't cook the royal meal of the palace, so you can just eat it."

Chu Liyou remembered that someone said that he had a picky mouth.He is such a picky person, can his precious stomach eat the food she cooks?It is estimated that Yuhen must have gritted his teeth and swallowed the things she cooked a few times before, it was really embarrassing for him.

Thinking about it now, Chu Liyou remembers that when she was in Fengcheng, Yuhen hated her craftsmanship.

After packing himself up, he hurried to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the old man.

The breakfast prepared by Chu Liyou couldn't be simpler.Congee, some side dishes, and some fried eggs.This was the breakfast that Xiaoxiao, Yunqing and the others would often prepare in the morning when they were together with their elder brother Yunqing.Fortunately, she was also learning from the side at that time, so she learned a lot.

The prepared breakfast was quickly served.Yuhen looked at it, and the appearance was naturally not comparable to the imperial food in the palace.But the taste, after eating what she made for a long time, I actually got used to it.

"Eat. I'm going to sweep the floor." He brought the food in front of him.Chu Liyou still remembers that she is a maid, and there is still room to sweep after breakfast.Without sweeping the floor, there is no food.

"Sit down and eat together." Yuhen said.

"I haven't swept the floor yet. Didn't you say I'm going to eat until I finish sweeping the floor?"

"No sweeping today. Sit down and eat."

"Oh." Of course she was very happy not to sweep the floor.What's more, her stomach was already rumbling with hunger.

Chu Liyou was not polite to him either, anyway, she had never been polite to him.He sat down and ate without the image of a lady.

"Eat more modestly." He said lightly.Chu Liyou just picked up an egg and was about to bite it off.His words stopped the movement of his hands.Yuhen said again: "Eat in such a hurry, people who don't know think that this palace abused you."

You have abused this girl in the first place.Chu Liyou muttered in his heart.But he dared not say it. "I was in a hurry to clean the floor after eating."

"Bengong said, you don't need to sweep the floor today." He gave her a cold look, "Eat well."

"Oh." There was a reply.Chu Liyou's eating speed also slowed down.As for Yuhen, she ate her breakfast gracefully.Seeing him eating gracefully, Chu Liyou was very curious, did he really like the food he cooked? "Yuhen, I want to ask you a question. Didn't you say that the food I cook is terrible. Then why do you want me to cook it for you every day?"

Yuhen raised his eyebrows and glanced at Chu Liyou, "You are the servant girl of the palace, sweeping the floor and cooking is not your job, so why should I do it? As for your craftsmanship..." There was a pause After the sound, Yuhen looked at her and said, "It's still the same unpalatable."

Seeing him saying it was unpalatable but still eating so much, with a look of disgust on his face, Chu Liyou curled his lips in dissatisfaction, "It's unpalatable and you still eat so much. Are you afraid of ruining your precious stomach? So If you dislike what I made, why don't you ask your chef to make it for you."

"This kind of small things are all done by the chef in Bengong's mansion. What are you doing, a maid? Although you are really not very good at what you do, who made you a maid for free. The free maid, Bengong doesn't have to give wages."

Chu Li gritted his teeth in worry, "Yuhen, are you crazy?"

(End of this chapter)

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