The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 788 093. Take her to worship his mother!

Chapter 788 093. Take her to worship his mother!

"Bengong... Are you crazy? Are you sure?" He looked at her and asked lightly.

"Isn't it? If you weren't poor and crazy, why would you want to..." Looking at his darkened and sinking face, Chu Liyou let out a smirk, "I was wrong, how could His Royal Highness You'll be poor and crazy. So, I'm your servant girl, you won't owe me wages, will you?"

"Ahem..." The mouthful of porridge he just drank was choked by Chu Liyou's sudden words.Is this woman asking him for money? "Are you in charge of my salary?"

Can she say she didn't mean it?She just said it casually.Having said that, my brother gave her a lot of things like silver.She didn't need to worry about money at all.

"How much do you want?" Yuhen asked suddenly.It seems that as long as Chu Liyou speaks, he will give it.

"You want to pay me? Didn't you say that I'm a free maid in your house?" Asked cautiously, Chu Liyou couldn't believe it.Didn't he say that he is a free maid?Why does she feel like Yuhen dug a hole for her?
"It's not easy to use for free. Otherwise, how can you make something that tastes terrible. However, I have a good way to improve your cooking skills, and that is to give you wages. I will give you ten taels of silver every month."

Chu Liyou looked at Yuhen in disbelief.What good will happen?Will Yuhen pay her wages?

Sure enough, everything is fantasy.The next second, Yuhen spoke again, "However, if the food you cook is still so unpalatable, I will deduct your wages, ten taels at a time. Until the day when the food you cook is not unpalatable."

O cunning man!The salary of ten taels of silver a month, if the food is not delicious, ten taels will be deducted.Three meals a day, possibly even four.In other words, she deducted 30 taels a day, or 40 taels or more.Then thousands of taels will be deducted a month, or even thousands of taels may be deducted.Yuhen paid her twelve taels a month, but she had to pay him thousands of taels a month.No matter how you think about it, it is a worthless thing.

"Hehe, I'd better be a free maid. You don't have to pay me. Really."

Yuhen must be poor and crazy.Must be poor and crazy.

"What if I want to give it?" He looked at her and asked lightly.

I can not either?Can you or not?Chu Liyou blinked, and smiled, "How dare a little maid like me refuse your kindness. Haha. I'm done eating, so take your time." After finishing speaking, Chu Liyou just wanted to hurry up slip.Otherwise, I don't know that Yuhen will say other things.

"Wait!" She had just taken two steps, but when she heard this sound, she quickly stopped her steps.Turning around, maintaining a smile, "Is there anything else?"

"Have I allowed you to leave?" Chu Liyou felt his scalp go numb with a light sentence.Did she just piss him off again?
"Sit down. Eat." He said a few words indifferently.

Chu Liyou didn't dare not listen to him.Honestly, he sat down in a well-behaved manner.Then, quietly ate the unfinished breakfast.Yuhen didn't speak anymore, but was quiet. In the room, there were only the sounds of chewing food and swallowing.

A breakfast, finally finished.

"After dinner, I'll pack up. You..."

But Yuhen interrupted Chu Liyou's words, "I'll give you half a stick of incense time to clean yourself up, and go to a place with Bengong."


Yuhen kept a cold face and did not speak.Chu Liyou didn't dare to ask more questions.

"I'll go clean up right away." Chu Liyou gave a slight smile.But secretly gritted his teeth in his heart, tidy up, is she a thing?Is it an object?

Soon, Chu Liyou changed into a clean dress and cleaned herself up.It's just that the clothes are still pink, which pervert Yuhen likes.

A black carriage was parked at the gate of the Prince's Mansion.

"Your Highness, things are ready." Akabane was already standing beside the carriage and waiting.Seeing Yuhen came out to report respectfully.It's just that he didn't expect Chu Liyou to be there, he looked at Chu Liyou with his cold eyes, and soon understood.Your Highness is going to take her with you?It seems that this woman already has a lot of weight in His Highness's heart.Otherwise, why would His Highness order him to prepare a carriage. In previous years, His Highness always rode a horse.

"We are going..." In the middle of speaking, thinking of Yuhen's cold face just now, Chu Liyou didn't dare to ask again.

"Get in the carriage." Yuhen didn't talk to Chu Liyou, and got into the carriage directly.Seeing that Chu Liyou was still standing there in a daze, she said coldly, "Get in the car."


Akabane drove the carriage, and the carriage headed out of the city.

The two sat in the carriage, Yuhen didn't speak, neither did Chu Liyou.Until the carriage stopped somewhere outside the city.

"Your Highness, we're here." Akabane had already stopped the carriage steadily.

After getting off the carriage, Chu Liyou found out.They were actually on a certain mountain outside the city.The carriage was now parked on the road.It's just that the carriage stops here, are they going up the mountain?
"You wait here." Yuhen glanced at Chiyu and ordered.After finishing speaking, he looked at Chu Liyou again, "Take off the things in the carriage, and follow me up the mountain."

Chu Liyou probably already guessed why he was going up the mountain.She glanced at the things in the carriage just now, and there were some sacrifices and the like.Yuhen brought her here, probably to pay homage to a certain ancestor.

Yuhen is the Crown Prince of Xiyue, who will be buried here on this mountain?

Mountain roads are no easier than roads, and the more you walk, the more difficult it becomes.After walking for about half an hour, we arrived at our destination.

On the mountain, there is only one solitary grave.

Yuhen walked over, stood on the grave without saying a word, just watched quietly.

Chu Liyou arranged the offerings and burned the money paper.I bowed respectfully three times.Then I glanced at the tombstone, which was engraved: Tomb of Lin Mu.Son, Yuhen.

This is?

This is Yuhen's mother.

Isn't Yuhen's mother the queen of Xiyue?How could her tomb be in this place?

At this moment, Chu Liyou didn't dare to ask him anything.Just looking at his figure like this, suddenly, she felt that his figure was very sad.

"You must want to ask, why is my mother's tomb here?" Yuhen said coldly with a cold glint in his eyes, "It wasn't here originally. Last year your brother, King Li of Dachu His Highness dug her out. Later, I buried her here."

Chu Liyou was startled, she didn't know about this matter.

So, did Yuhen bring her here because her brother dug her mother's grave?
"Chu Liyou, do you know why I hate your brother, hate you? It's not just because of Yun Qing. In this life, besides Yun Qing, the most important people in this palace are lying under the ground. People. Everything your brother has done, I will never let it go. I will definitely return all the shame he gave me. You are the first gift that I will give to your brother. A great gift."

So, it was really just a dream that Yuhen treated her well these two days.A waking dream.

She believed it.It was her own dream that she didn't want to wake up from.How could she forget, who is Yuhen, and who is she?

It is impossible for them to be together.It is destined to entangle each other and torture each other.

"My mother doesn't like the imperial mausoleum. In the imperial mausoleum lies her tomb. Many years ago, my mother loved that man deeply, but that man only loved his own country. He had many women, many A lot. My mother watched more and more women around him in that golden cage. So many that he might have forgotten that there was a mother in his harem. He couldn’t continue watching with a smile until she was there. One year, I was five years old. My mother was so sad that she was sick, and she still didn’t wake up. Even when my mother died, that person never came to see my mother. I know that my mother must not like the imperial tomb.” His voice was very soft. very light.It was so light that it hurt Chu Liyou a lot.

Looking at the tombstone, Yuhen opened his mouth slowly, his voice was indifferent and without a trace of warmth, "Chu Liyou, what I love is also the mountains and rivers of thousands of miles. If you stay by Bengong's side, one day you will be like Bengong's mother." ...and die. And Bengong won't give you another look."

"So?" She looked at him and smiled faintly, "Do you want to tell me that I will end up like your mother in the future? Maybe even worse. Yuhen, what do you want to say by bringing me here today?" What? Do you want to tell my brother what he did?"

"I just remind you, don't expect extravagant love from me."

"Yuhen, I never dare to hope...but I just hope. I hope that one day I can touch your heart, I hope that one day I can live in your heart. However, I still lost in the end, I just Lost to you. Because of you, you have always been ruthless to me. Because I understand that we are destined to be enemies. You will not be attracted to the enemy's sister, and you will not fall in love with the enemy's sister. Because you do not allow yourself Do this." Chu Liyou looked into his eyes, and he looked into hers, Chu Liyou said lightly, "Yuhen, your eyes are like the starlight in the cold night, seemingly indifferent, but hiding warmth But, this kind of warmth has never been given to me. I have always understood. So, I dare not expect extravagantly, dare not extravagantly ask what you can give me. "


Chu Jing.palace.

The family sits together and happily eats a meal.After eating, we all sat together and chatted.And Yun Qinghao Bai Yue was dragged away by Feng Qingluan.

Several people were chatting some private words, and Feng Qingluan's personal maid, Shuang'er, came to knock on the door while they were chatting happily. "Second young lady."

"Come in."

"Second Young Madam, the medicine has been boiled." Shuang'er came in with a bowl of boiled medicine.

"Put it down. You go out first, and I'll drink later."

"Second Young Madam, this is the Madam's personal confession. I must watch the Second Young Madam drink it." Shuang'er carried out Madam Feng's words.

Feng Qingluan frowned, looked at the bowl of unknown medicine, and reluctantly drank it.Seeing that Feng Qingluan had finished drinking, Shuang'er left the room with a smile.

"Sister Feng, what are you drinking? Are you sick?" It didn't look like she was sick.

Feng Qingluan curled her lips helplessly, "It's not my mother, I don't know what she's doing, she brought me a bunch of medicines here, and Shuang'er has to watch me drink it every day before she can rest assured. You don't know, this I've been drinking the stuff for a few days, and I'm going to get sick from drinking it. I'm so strong and strong, I really don't know what my mother is doing?"

The corners of Yun Qing and Bai Yue's mouths twitched slightly.It means that Mrs. Feng is indeed...

"Ouch..." Not long after drinking it, Feng Qingluan vomited it all up in nausea when she smelled the smell of the medicine.

"Qingluan, what is this?" Bai Yue was startled for a moment, watching Feng Qingluan vomit, as if, as if, why is it so similar?Could it be that Qingluan... has it?
"Sister Feng. Are you okay?" The corners of her mouth twitched, and Yun Qing patted her shoulder.

Feng Qingluan frowned and complained dissatisfiedly, "It's not good at all. Since I drank this medicine, I have been vomiting every day. I really don't know what my mother is doing. She is trying to disgust her daughter and me to death." .”

"Qingluan, are you?" Bai Yue wanted to ask her if she had it.So the medicine Mrs. Feng ordered was actually an anti-fetal medicine?
Yun Qing also understood Bai Yue's words.It has been more than a month since Feng Qingluan and her second cousin got married.It would not be surprising if there was one.Moreover, Sister Feng also said just now that she has been drinking this medicine for a few days, so does she already have it?Yun Qing smiled, "Sister Feng, do you have something to tell us!"

"What's the matter?" Feng Qingluan looked at the two of them in a daze, "vomit... no, I'm going to vomit again. I have something to say later."

Then, Feng Qingluan ran outside the room and began to vomit violently.

"I vomit so badly. I'd better let the elder brother come and take a look."

Bai Yue also nodded, "That's right. Let's take a quick look."

"Nong Hua, you go and call your elder brother over." Yun Qing ordered.

So, the few people who were chatting in the living room were called over.Even Wang Qingshan came over.

In the room, Nangong Jin was taking Feng Qingluan's pulse.Nangong Jin frowned, nothing happened!But what is the medicine?

"Qingluan, what's wrong with you?" Wang Ziqing asked, "Cousin, what's wrong with Qingluan?"

Wang Ziqing and Wang Qingshan didn't know about Feng Qingluan drinking the medicine.Every time, Wang Ziqing was not there when Feng Qingluan took the medicine.Feng Qingluan only drank this medicine for three days.

"She's fine." Nangong Jin replied. "As for her vomiting so badly, it's because there's something wrong with the medicine she's drinking."

"There is a problem with the medicine, then Qingluan..."

"Don't worry. Just spit out the medicine. She is in good health. As for the medicine, don't drink it." Nangong Jin's voice was very light, and Chu Limo and Wang Ziqing were beside him with such a light sentence. I understand that there must be other deep meanings in it.Nangong Jin just glanced at the bowl that was still on the table. The medicine seemed to be fine, but it was a chronic poison.After drinking for a long time, the body will really have problems.

But, who is pouring chronic poison on Feng Qingluan?

"Qingluan, what are you drinking that medicine for?" Wang Qingshan was also a little confused.

"Grandpa, my mother got that medicine from somewhere, and insisted on me drinking it." Feng Qingluan also felt baffled.

"Madam Feng gave it to you?" Nangong Jin was startled.Why would Mrs. Feng give her daughter chronic poison?This is absolutely impossible.

"My mother sent it three days ago."

"Madam Feng gave it to you?" Nangong Jin asked.

This question, no one present is a fool.I also understand that there are other problems here.

"En." Feng Qingluan nodded.Nangong Jin felt that something was wrong inside.

"Don't drink this medicine. You are in good health. If you drink too much, it will be bad. It should be that Mrs. Feng wanted to give you supplements and made a mistake with the medicine." Now Nangong Jin can't be sure what's going on, and it's not easy to tell the truth. Tell her that the medicine is a slow poison.

"Grandpa, it's okay. Let's go out and talk." Nangong Jin said.

"Qingluan, don't drink these medicines in the future." Wang Qingshan also said.Knowing that it was inconvenient for Nangong Jin to speak here, she stepped up and left the room.Seeing this, several other people also left the room one after another.

Wang Ziqing comforted her a few times, and followed her out.He knew that Nangong Jin still had something to say.

And Feng Qingluan, after Nangong Jin checked her pulse, Nangong Jin calmly touched her sleeping point.After all, it's better not to let Feng Qingluan hear what he has to say later.Everyone present at this incident believed that it was not Mrs. Feng who wanted to kill her daughter.Someone must have borrowed Mrs. Feng's hand.

After leaving the room, Bai Yue walked outside the room, but took Nangong Jin's hand and asked in a low voice, "Is Qingluan really okay? Then she's not pregnant either?" Qingluan is happy.

Although Bai Yue's voice was very low, the people behind Nangong Jin and Bai Yue had profound inner strength.When Bai Yue asked, she naturally heard it.Unexpectedly, Nangong Jin's next sentence almost made them fall down.

Gently tapped Bai Yue's nose, and said softly, "What are you talking about, you little fool. How could she be pregnant. "

"Didn't I see Qingluan vomit so badly just now? She was the same as me at that time, so I thought she was too..." After finishing speaking, Bai Yue looked at Nangong Jin, why did this guy's tone differ from the last time when he said Yunqing was not pregnant? Is it exactly the same? "Although you are a genius doctor, why are you so sure that Qingluan is not pregnant?"

"Little fool. She is still a virgin, how could she be pregnant."

"How do you know about Qingluan?" Bai Yue said without thinking.

"I just found out when I felt her pulse."

Then, after Nangong Jin finished speaking, he was also stunned for half a second.

Isn't Feng Qingluan married to Wang Ziqing?It has been more than a month since they got married, and she is still a virgin.What kind of situation is this?

But the expressions on the faces of the people behind Nangong Jin and Bai Yue became a little strange.They all looked at the prince at the back one after another.It seems to be, Wang Ziqing, can you tell us what the situation is?

Fortunately, Wang Qingshan was the first to leave.Otherwise, if they heard what Nangong Jin said just now, they would definitely jump up in anger.He was looking forward to holding his grandson every day, but the result was that his grandson hadn't acted yet.

 Who gave Feng Qingluan the chronic poison?


(End of this chapter)

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