The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 789 094. Who Will Be Hiding Behind?

Chapter 789 094. Who Will Be Hiding Behind?

Chu Jing, the living room of the palace.

Everyone was sitting in the living room waiting for Nangong Jin to speak.

"The medicine my cousin drank was a chronic poison. I didn't feel anything at first. It's just that the person who poisoned me didn't think of a thing. My cousin would be very resistant and vomit after drinking the medicine. If you were an ordinary person, you would drink it. There is nothing wrong with this medicine. As long as you take this medicine for a month, you will slowly fall into a deep sleep, and you will not be able to wake up again."

"Who is going to poison Qingluan? Isn't this medicine delivered by Madam Feng?" Bai Yue has also met Madam Feng, and Madam Feng is a child of the world just like Bai Yue.When Bai Yue met her, it was like old friends at first sight.She believed that Mrs. Feng would not poison her daughter.

So who actually poisoned Qingluan?
"I think someone must have replaced Mrs. Feng's medicine. The medicine Mrs. Feng gave to her cousins ​​should be some tonics, but it was replaced by chronic poison." Nangong Jin narrowed his eyes slightly, "Can you replace Feng? The person who gave Madam's medicine is either from the Feng Mansion or from the Wang Mansion. There must be a traitor in the two mansions. There is also a possibility that Madam Feng was already handed over when she was grabbing the medicine."

"I'll investigate this matter." Wang Ziqing's tone turned cold.

"It seems that some people can't help but want to take action. This time it's Sister Feng, next time..." Yun Qing sneered, "The person who poisoned behind the back will definitely do something. But, I feel something is wrong. Since the person behind the scenes wanted to poison Sister Feng, why didn't he just use the severe poison instead of the slow poison. That person should know that the eldest brother is a genius doctor, and he will be discovered sooner or later if he uses the slow poison. Why do I have a feeling that this poisoner Are people deliberately reminding us?"

Yun Qing's words silenced the living room for a while.

Who is poisoning behind the scenes, and what is this person's intention?

"If someone is deliberately reminding us as Qingqing said, then this person must be..." Chu Limo didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but no one here is a fool.

Yun Qing said, "It must be someone we know. Maybe she is by Sister Feng's side."

Bai Yue also began to think about the previous scene, and suddenly exclaimed, "Shuang'er brought the medicine in, and watched Qingluan drink it with her own eyes. Shuang'er..."

"Go and call Shuang'er." Wang Qingshan, who had been silent all this time, told the butler beside him.

The butler responded and went down to call for someone.Not long after, the housekeeper led Shuang'er to the living room.She bowed respectfully to the people present, Shuang'er stood at the bottom and lowered her head nervously, not daring to look, the people in the living room were all distinguished people.

Wang Qingshan looked at Shuang'er standing at the bottom, and said in a deep voice: "Shuang'er, let me ask you, what kind of medicine is Qingluan drinking? Why does Qingluan drink those medicines when he is in good health? Where did he buy the medicine? Tell me all about it."

"It's the medicine that Madam gave to the Second Young Madam to recuperate her body." Shuang'er replied truthfully.Shuang'er didn't understand why the general asked these questions, but she thought that the second young lady who loved her family would care about the general's question.Let me tell you everything one by one, "The second young lady had a serious illness when she and the general were at the border. It was thanks to a genius doctor who rescued them at the border. The second young lady recovered from her illness."

Yun Qing said, "What does Sister Feng's illness have to do with taking medicine now?"

"Returning to the princess. A serious illness that year caused the second young lady to hurt her body, so the general asked the second young lady to practice martial arts to strengthen her body. After the second young lady married, my wife was worried that the second young lady's body would affect her... "Speaking of this, Shuang'er blushed and stammered and continued: "My wife is afraid that the illness of the year will affect the second young lady's pregnancy..." The word behind it is whispered, if you don't listen carefully Can't hear it at all.

"A few days ago, the genius doctor who saved the second young lady came to the house. Madam expressed her worries. Later, the genius doctor gave her a prescription and asked her to take the medicine according to the prescription. She said that as long as you drink this After one month of medicine, the Second Young Madam can..."

When Shuang'er said this, there was no one present who didn't understand.

In other words, Mrs. Feng is eager to love her daughter, and at the same time wants to have a grandson.But I was worried that the illness that year would affect Feng Qingluan's pregnancy.But by such a coincidence, the miracle doctor appeared and gave a prescription.This incident was too coincidental.

So, is it the fault of this so-called miracle doctor?Where is this miracle doctor?Also, did someone remind them behind the scenes of the chronic poison in Sister Feng?
Yun Qing asked, "Have you seen this miracle doctor? What's his name?"

Shuang'er shook her head, "I haven't seen it before. This miracle doctor has a strange temper and refused to reveal his name. He has always been wearing a mask. Even my general and wife have never seen his real face." Paused Shuang'er seemed to think of something, and said again: "When I was at the border, the maidservant and the second young lady were curious about the appearance of this genius doctor, so they quietly hid in the genius doctor's room to have a look. This genius doctor is missing two fingers on his left hand. Wangfei, is it the Second Young Madam's body..." Are you ready?Shuang'er didn't dare to ask about the latter words.She and her young lady grew up together.Back then, the lady had a serious illness at the border, and then they returned to Chujing. These years, the lady's health has been in good condition without any problems.

"Sister Feng is fine. You don't need to drink these medicines anymore." Yun Qing answered.She could still tell that this Shuang'er's eyes were sincere, and she was really worried about Sister Feng. "You go down first."


When Shuang'er stepped back, Yun Qing looked at Nangong Jin and asked, "Brother, is there such a strange genius doctor in Jianghu?"

"There are many talented people in the world. It's just that this 'miracle doctor' has never been heard of. I really want to meet this miracle doctor." After finishing speaking, Nangong Jin looked at Wang Ziqing and smiled, "When I felt her pulse just now I also discovered that her body was indeed seriously ill many years ago, but as the maid just said, it has been cured. However, I also discovered one thing from it, the serious illness of my cousin is not simple. It’s just a sickness. If I’m not wrong, the serious illness that year was deliberately created by someone. Someone poisoned the cousin and then cured the poison. But don’t worry, the cousin is in good health. , you don’t need to take supplements to regulate your body.”

Wang Ziqing's face turned cold, "Who did these things in a deliberate way behind the scenes? What's his purpose?"

Yun Qing suddenly discovered that this matter was not as simple as it seemed.The person behind this seems to have been planning for many years, and now he ran out again. "It seems that we need to investigate the matter back then. Since this person didn't succeed this time, he will do it next time. In the future, we should still be careful. We still have to tell you about Sister Feng being poisoned. Madam Feng said. Tell them to be careful about this 'miracle doctor' in the future. As for Sister Feng and Second Cousin, you should tell Sister Feng about this."

"I will take care of this matter. This person attacked Qingluan today, and I will not let him go. You should also be careful." Years of experience told him that this person was not only targeting the Wang family, but also For these people in the living room.

This kind of thing happened on the first day of the new year, and the good mood was ruined just like that.Fortunately, Feng Qingluan's body is fine.After staying in the palace for half a day, Chu Limo, Yun Qing, Nangong Jin and Bai Yue got up and left.

Leaving the gate of the former palace, Nangong Jin quietly pulled Wang Ziqing aside and said softly: "Brother, do you want me to prescribe medicine for you? Don't worry, my brother will not tell you about this kind of thing."

Wang Ziqing glanced at Nangong Jin with a calm face.I can't wait to slap him to death.What the hell is he talking about?
Chu Limo opened the curtain of the car, looked at Nangong Jin who was pulling Wang Ziqing and whispering, "Qingqing, Nangong Jin is trying to die again. Do you think Wang Ziqing will kill Nangong Jin in anger?"

It is undeniable that Nangong Jin's words are very low, but she has always had excellent hearing.Of course I heard it.Isn't her elder brother trying to die?Why are you getting involved in this again?Isn't the idle thing messy enough?

Yun Qing pouted, "You seem to be gloating."

"I'm only dealing with Nangong Jin." Someone said indifferently.

Yun Qing really wanted to ask him, you care so much about Nangong Jin, do you two have a romantic relationship?
"I don't want my son to beat you up, so hurry up and leave." At the door, the prince had a cold expression on his face.

"Brother, don't get angry. Eldest brother also cares about you." Nangong Jinyi looked like he really cared about you.

Wang Zixuan on the side quickly reminded, "Cousin, cousin is still waiting for you."

By the way, is his second brother really that... that?After finishing speaking, Wang Zixuan also looked at his second brother with a strange expression.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but after seeing it, Wang Ziqing's face became even more gloomy.Gritting his teeth, he glared at Nangong Jin and Wang Zixuan.

"Brother, if you figure it out, come to me, and I'll prescribe medicine for you. I will definitely keep my mouth shut for you."

"Hurry up!" Wang Ziqing spat out a few words from between his teeth.

Nangong Jin also knew that this matter seemed to hurt his man's self-esteem, so he didn't bother with him and he got angry.

In the carriage, Yun Qing looked at her second cousin and mourned for her eldest brother.Why is she discovering more and more one thing, her elder brother is a scumbag, or a super shoddy one.

Fortunately, Nangong Jin didn't continue talking.Otherwise, I really can't guarantee one thing.Will Wang Ziqing fight Nangong Jin at the door, and then beat Nangong Jin so hard that even his father doesn't know him.

Wait until the two carriages go away.Wang Ziqing glanced at Wang Zixuan with a cold light on his gentle and jade-like face, "Brother, if you still want to marry your wife back, forget what Nangong Jin said. Otherwise, your daughter-in-law will never even think about marrying."

Wang Zixuan touched his nose and looked innocent about this matter.But he believes in the strength of this second brother, if he really wants to make trouble behind his back, the matter of marrying a wife is really far away.For the sake of his wife, Wang Zixuan decided to play dumb, "Brother, what are you talking about? Brother didn't understand a word."

"Better so."


In a mansion in Chu Jing, the man was dressed in black with a mask on his face.I couldn't see his face clearly, but his black clothes gave people a dull feeling.The door of the room opened, and a woman also dressed in black walked in.

"See the sect master. I don't know why the sect master summoned his subordinates?" The woman bowed respectfully to the man in black.The man in black didn't speak, and the woman kept kneeling on the ground.

"Touch!" A blast of gangster energy hit the woman's body.The woman didn't dare to dodge and received a slap, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Do you still remember who you are?" the man said in a deep voice.

"My subordinates remember."

"You still remember your identity. This sect master sees that you have forgotten it a long time ago." The man said angrily: "If it is not because of your usefulness, based on what you have done, this sect master should have killed you."

"This subordinate knows his mistake. This subordinate is willing to take the crime and do meritorious service." The woman knelt on the ground with blood on her mouth, "but I beg the sect master not to hurt her."

"Hmph. Are you emotional?" The man's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

The woman said firmly, "No subordinate."

"Since there is no one, then you go and kill her. Bring her head to the head of this sect."

"Sect Master."

"Why, can't make a move? Hmph, how dare you say that you are not emotional. The head of the sect will give you one day. At this time tomorrow, either she will die or you will die."

"Please let the sect master let her go." The woman knelt on the ground and begged, "This subordinate is willing to die in her place."

"Touch!" Another blast hit the woman's body.

"Pfft..." The woman still didn't dodge the palm, and accepted the palm vividly.

There was a cold light in the man's eyes, "Since you want to die in her place, this sect master will fulfill you."

"Sect Master, she is indeed to die, but not now. She is dead now, which is of no benefit to us. Why don't we let her take the crime and make meritorious deeds." Another young man in the room said.And this person is the disappearing Yan Feng.

"You have to plead for her." The man in black glanced at Yanfeng coldly.

"Sect Master." Yan Feng stepped forward and whispered a few times in the ear of the man in black.

After the man in black had finished listening, he looked at the woman kneeling on the ground with murderous eyes, and said in a deep voice, "If there is a next time, the master of this sect will never let you down." He walked towards the woman gently, A few words were spoken in the woman's ear.

"Thank you for not killing the sect master. This subordinate will definitely complete the task." The woman bowed her hands respectfully.Then bow respectfully.

Walking out of the room, the words in the room also retreated.

"For her, are you really willing to die for her? Hehe, in my opinion, it's not because of her, is it? You don't kill her because of you..."

"Shut up." The woman gave Yan Feng a disgusted look.

"Hehe, I became angry from embarrassment. I was right. The master of the door is right, you are emotional, you fell in love with someone you shouldn't love." Yanfeng smiled, "If one day he knows that you have been Lie to him, do you think he will still love you? Will he kill you? "

"I'm my business, you don't need to worry about it."

"I don't want to care about you, who made us keep the same blood. Who made us all a pawn in his hand. A pawn that can die at any time."

"Hmph, don't think that I don't know why you saved me. Don't you just want me to owe you a favor? You want me to be your pawn. Compared to his disgust, I think you are more disgusting. You guys You really deserve to be a pair of biological father and son!"

"You are wrong. It should be said that the three of us really deserve to be a family."

"If I had a choice, I would rather die than become a family with you. Knowing that my blood has the same blood as yours, I feel extremely disgusted. Yan Feng, I also advise you, don't do it to me Make up your mind. We all know that even if you don't intercede today, he will not kill me. The weight of the two of us in his heart, I, at least have a little value. And you, what you think about all the time Take his place. Tell me, your ambition is so obvious, will a cold-blooded and ruthless person like him care about your father-son relationship and let you go?"

After finishing speaking, the woman in black disappeared into the mansion.Yan Feng looked at the direction in which the woman left, his whole face darkened.One day, these things will all belong to him.

 who can that be?
(End of this chapter)

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