The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 793 098. It turns out that you are so cruel to me

Chapter 793 098. It turns out that you are so cruel to me

In Meiyuan, it wasn't until Akabane left that Yuhen walked towards Dongyuan.

Standing at the entrance of Dongyuan, he stopped, but there was a violent coughing sound from the room.

"Cough cough...cough cough..." The sound of coughing continued in the room.

she is sick?Was she holding back on purpose when she was in Meiyuan just now?
"Ahem..." There was another coughing sound.

The door of the room was pushed open suddenly, and Yuhen stood outside the door.

Seeing Yuhen suddenly appear at the door, Chu Liyou was startled.Then he covered his mouth and coughed lightly.

She has been coughing a bit since yesterday, presumably because it has snowed these few days and it has been freezing cold.She washed Yuhen's laundry every day, causing the cold to enter her body.When she was in Meiyuan, as long as Yuhen was there, she would always endure it.Just now, Yuhen and Qi Rong were all there, she didn't want them to see her sick.But he didn't want to, Yuhen would come over suddenly, and she was still discovered by Yuhen in her current state.

"Why are you here?" Chu Liyou was thinking, could it be that she didn't finish sweeping the land, and he came to Xingshi to ask the crime?He paused and said, "I'll clean up the yard when the snow stops outside. Cough cough..."

"You're sick...why didn't you say it." Compared with the indifference when he was in Meiyuan just now, Yuhen's tone now has a little gentleness.

"A little cold, it's nothing serious. Don't worry, it won't affect sweeping the floor." Chu Liyou's voice was slightly alienated.

Seeing the alienation in her tone, Yuhen was a little annoyed. "Do you think I care about you? I am afraid of being infected by you."

"As long as His Highness stays far away from me, it will naturally not infect you, Your Highness." Chu Liyou said coldly, "Your Highness, please leave."

"This is Ben Gong's residence." Hearing her indifferent tone, Yuhen was very angry.

"Why, isn't His Royal Highness afraid of being infected by me?" After finishing speaking, he coughed violently again, "cough cough..."

Yuhen walked over and stopped in front of her, stretched out his hand and patted her on the back lightly. "When did it start?"

Chu Liyou didn't answer Yuhen's words.She didn't understand, didn't this man cruelly say that he wanted to cut off her legs just a moment ago, and gently and cruelly said that he would go to hell with her?So what is the meaning of his tender look at this moment?

What kind of existence is she in his heart?
"These are none of His Royal Highness's business. His Royal Highness is precious, so don't stay here, lest I infect you with the wind and cold. At that time, I'm afraid His Highness will not cut off my legs, but directly Killed me." Her words were tinged with thorns.But every sentence stabbed in his heart.

"Cough cough...cough cough..." After finishing speaking, there was another light cough.

He should have been annoyed at hearing her scolding.But seeing her coughing again, and coughing so badly, those words stuck in her throat.

"Please come, doctor." After Yuhen finished speaking, the hidden guards in Dongyuan left.

He wants to call a doctor for her.Hehe, are you caring about her?

"Your body is cold."

Is it cool?She is used to it.Really got used to it.She mocked coldly: "Ahem, it's better for His Royal Highness not to get close. I really can't afford to infect His Royal Highness with the wind and cold."

"The way you look now really disgusts me so much that I want to strangle you to death."

Chu Liyou suddenly laughed. While laughing, he couldn't help coughing, but there was a hint of ridicule in his tone, "It turns out that His Royal Highness still likes duplicity. He said he wanted me to die, but he went to invite me to die." Doctor, why, you still don’t want me to die?”

"I'm afraid that you will die here... dirty my land." Yuhen's tone suddenly turned cold.He didn't give any tenderness at all. He grabbed the person directly, pushed him on the bed, and said coldly: "Lie down. Don't die."

"Hehe..." She just smiled.Nothing was said.

In the room, apart from her occasional cough, there was no other sound.Not long after, the dark guards invited the doctor.

The doctor is a young man about 25 or [-] years old. His hands and feet are still shaking, and he is still a little unable to recover. In addition to the man who just captured him, there is a more terrifying man in the room. The man was sitting beside him at the moment.His whole body was icy cold, which made people shudder.

At this moment, he didn't know that he was in that noble man's mansion. If he knew that the one sitting in front of him was their Crown Prince, he would probably faint from excitement.

" are a doctor, right?" Chu Liyou coughed lightly.Knowing that Yuhen's aura is too strong, it is not acceptable to ordinary people.I'm afraid that the doctor will be frostbitten by Yuhen's icy aura before he sees his doctor.Speaking of it this way, I didn't know which muscle was wrong for her to fall in love with Yuhen at the beginning.I still love him with all my heart.She hadn't been frightened by Yuhen's icy aura yet.

Chu Liyou's voice was already gentle and pleasant, any man who heard such a pleasant voice would be fascinated by her voice even if he didn't see her face.

Hearing such a pleasant voice, the doctor glanced at her.Seeing this, a pair of eyes staring at Chu Liyou unexpectedly couldn't move his eyes away.There are still such stunning beauties in the world!It's beautiful, beautiful!If Yuhen saw the way the young doctor looked at Chu Liyou at this moment, let alone let him see a doctor, his eyeballs would have been gouged out and thrown out to feed the dogs at this moment.It happened that this scene was blocked, and Yuhen didn't see it.The doctor counted himself lucky.

"Ahem..." He coughed again.The doctor's scrutiny made her very uncomfortable.

Hearing this light cough, the young doctor regained his composure.He stepped forward to take Chu Liyou's pulse and see a doctor.However, the young doctor's eyes were still sizing up Chu Liyou, and his mind had already drifted away.

So, it's really a beauty that hurts people!
Chu Liyou felt very uncomfortable with his sizing eyes.Her tone became cold, "Doctor, is my illness serious?" She just wanted to end it quickly.

Fortunately, he also knew that he was a doctor.And the man who is still sitting next to him is not someone to mess with at first glance.The man has been sitting aside coldly.Don't say a word.Although he didn't say a word, there was a noble and inviolable noble and domineering aura about him.How could a commoner like him provoke him.He was just surprised by the beauty in front of him just now.When a man sees a beautiful woman, he can't help but take a few extra glances.

"Gu..." I wanted to say girl, but I thought that there was a scary man sitting next to me.This woman should be his wife. "Madam is suffering from a cold, just prescribe some medicine and take it. It's just Madam..."

"What's wrong? Could it be that my illness is very serious?" Chu Liyou didn't care about his title but hurriedly interrupted the doctor's words, thinking in his heart that he would not be so unlucky.

Yuhen also stood up when she heard this, walked to the bedside and glanced at Chu Liyou, then asked indifferently, "How is her illness?"

The young doctor got up, cupped his hands, and said: "Madam's cold is not serious. It's just that Madam is happy. Some medicines can't be..." Take carelessly.The latter words have not yet been spoken.The young doctor was suddenly strangled by the neck.The coldness and murderous intent of thousands of years of ice flashed in Yuhen's dark eyes, "What did you say? I'm talking about it for Bengong."

The doctor's words are happy!Chu Liyou was also startled.She is pregnant?Pregnant with Yuhen's child.

However, in the next second, Yuhen grabbed the doctor's neck and wanted to kill him.His questioning made her, who had just been overjoyed, be thrown into the cold hell in an instant.Yuhen, does he not like this child?

"Tell me what you just said." Yuhen said coldly, pinching the doctor's neck.

The doctor had already been strangled by Yuhen and couldn't breathe. Why did he feel like he was going to die after saying a word without understanding at all? "I…"

"Yuhen, you..." The latter words have not yet opened.But Yuhen's cold gaze cast him back in his throat abruptly.At this time, Yuhen also let go of the doctor, and said indifferently, "Repeat what you just said."

After being let go, it was like walking through the gate of hell just now.The frightened doctor hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy, "My lord, please forgive the villain. Please spare the villain."

"Say." There was another cold and stern shout.

At this moment, the doctor's legs and feet were already numb, and he was trembling, frightened, and afraid.But I had to repeat what I said just now, "Ma'am, she... is happy."

I'm so happy!It hit Yuhen's body.

She is happy!Happy!Whose child is it?

Qi Rong's?Who else?

The doctor kept begging for mercy.

After a while, Yuhen said coldly, "Come here."

The secret guard who had just gone to invite the doctor appeared in the room once. "Your Highness."

"Killed." A cold sentence.

The hidden guard didn't ask any more questions, but just took him down.When the doctor heard this, he was completely dumbfounded.

Chu Liyou looked at Yuhen in shock and did not recover for a long time.

It took a long time before he asked, "Why? Why did you kill him?"

The next second, Yuhen grabbed Chu Liyou's neck, this was the second time he had grabbed her neck.But this time, his eyes were scarlet and murderous.He really wanted to kill her.

"Ahem... why? Yuhen." She asked in disbelief.

"It should be Bengong asking you. Why?" Yuhen looked at her coldly with scarlet eyes, "Child? Bengong said not to dirty yourself. Why did you do this? Who is the father of the child?"

"Ahem..." Chu Liyou blushed even more in pain.She felt like she was about to suffocate.However, Yuhen's words made her bone-piercingly painful.

He asked himself who is the father of the child?
He actually asked himself who the father of the child was?
After getting no answer from her, Yuhen let her go.And there were obvious pinch marks on her neck.As long as Yuhen was using a little force, she would have died just now.

"Say! Who is the father of the child? Qi Rong? Or who?"

"Don't you know who the father of the child is?" He asked in a voice, which made her despair.She only had him as a man, but he asked her who the father of the child was?Hehe, it's ridiculous and sad.

"Qi Rong's. Is it Qi Rong's? When did you start with him? Ah! Chu Liyou, you really are dissolute and shameless. You got on Ben Gong's bed and seduced Qi Rong. Ben Gong can't satisfy you Don't you? You insist on seducing Qi Rong. Now you even have a child. Hehe, I finally understand why Qi Rong protects you like this today. You have hooked up a long time ago." Anger, endless anger.Angrily wanted to kill them.

"Yuhen, you are too deceitful. It doesn't matter if you don't love me, but if you slander me so much, are you still human?"

"Slander? You have children, yet you dare to tell Ben Gong that it is slander." He looked at her coldly with murderous eyes, "Do you still want to tell Ben Gong that the child in your belly is Ben Gong? palace."

"Yuhen. The child is yours. I don't have any man except you. Brother Qi and I are innocent." He may not love himself, but he must not slander her innocence.Let alone slander the innocence of the child in the stomach.This is his child.

"Brother Qi, you still call me so fluent. Innocent? You have lived together for so many days, is there still innocence between you? Chu Liyou, tell me, when did you start? You left from Hongjiao Pavilion You were together that night? You didn’t want to have sex with Bengong that night, but called Qi Rong’s name under Bengong’s body, did you guys get together that night? Isn’t it?”

If they weren't together, how could Qi Rong protect her like this.How can you say that you want to take care of her for the rest of your life.How could he threaten him several times.

"Yuhen, I don't. I don't. The child is yours. The child is yours." She cried and shouted.

How could she be with Qi Rong.How could she give herself to a man she didn't love at all.What did Yuhen think of her?

"You still haven't admitted it until now, and you still keep saying that the child belongs to me." He stepped forward and pinched her chin.He said indifferently, "Then I will tell you clearly. Every time I finish sex with you, I will make you take medicine. You will not be pregnant with Bengong's child. It was like that in Xueyue City that night, Fengcheng It's still the same that night. It's still the same that night in Hongjiao Pavilion. No matter how many times I have sex with you, I have given you medicine. So you... have no chance of getting pregnant with Ben Gong's child. Now , do you still want to say that I have slandered you?"

"Haha...haha..." After hearing what he said, Chu Liyou suddenly laughed.Laughing in despair, laughing in desolation.A tear of desolation and despair flowed from the corner of his eye.It turned out that he never gave her the chance to conceive his child.It turned out that she was not qualified to conceive his child.turn out to be…

So, after every time.He has given himself medicine.Give her medicine.

No wonder he was so angry when he heard what the doctor said just now, and wanted to kill someone in anger.It turned out that he knew the child was not his.The child is not his. "Pfft..." A fishy sweetness welled up in my throat.Scarlet blood spat on his hand, she looked at him desperately and sadly, and smiled.Laughed desperately. "It turns out that you are so ruthless to me. You are so ruthless that you don't want to give me a chance. Yuhen, I... think about how I never saved you in Lingyin Temple. I... think about how Lantern Festival back then I have never met you before. Perhaps, our fate will not be painful as it is now."

Another mouthful of blood spit out, she looked at him, sadly, and closed her eyes in despair.A tear fell.Like a broken kite string, his body slowly fell down without a support point.

Sure enough, if she could do it all over again, she must never meet Yuhen again.

Be sure not to meet him again...

(End of this chapter)

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