The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 794 099. Who Are You?

Chapter 794 099. Who Are You?
Chu Jing.

The night is getting dark, and there is still snow in the night. Such a snowy night is the most suitable for killing people.After a night of snow, all traces will be erased.All the gore will be covered up.And those sins will be buried deep in the snow.Or disappear with the snow.

From the palace, Liyuan.

"Such a snowy night is really the most suitable for business." Yun Qing smiled lightly, looking out of the pear garden with cold eyes, "Since you are here, why are you hiding? Come out."

As soon as the words fell, dozens of masked men in black suddenly appeared in the pear garden.But all of them are masters, with a chilling air on them.These people are the ghost ghosts they have been looking for for many days.

After searching for them in Chujing for so many days, they still haven't found the real hiding place of the master of Guiyoumen, let alone Yanfeng.But what is certain is that Yanfeng is a ghost from the Pylori Gate.

But Chu Limo and Wang Ziqing are not soft-hearted people.Chu Jing couldn't find anyone from Guiyoumen, and Guiyoumen's lair was in the north.And Su Baiyi found the injured Su Wudao in the northern border and also picked the ghost pylorus' lair.It's just a pity, I just picked a lair in the Ghost Pylori Gate.It was not found elsewhere.However, they took advantage of Yan Jizhi's death and blamed the ghost ghost door for Yan Jizhi's death.At the same time, they deliberately spread the fact that Yan Jizhi was a ghost from the pyloric family, and at the same time announced to the world the evidence that Yan Jizhi's death was done by Yan Feng.

For a while, Yan Feng became the scum that everyone in the world wanted to kill.

Regarding the poisoning of Feng Qingluan, it could not be clearly stated that it was caused by Gui Youmen.However, judging from the poisoning of Feng Qingluan back then, General Feng was stationed at the border, which was in the northern border area.The only people who have such means in the northern border are people from the Ghost Pylori Sect.It is very certain that the person who poisoned Feng Qingluan many years ago was the master of the Guiyou Sect.

At first they thought that Yan Feng was the master of the ghost pylorus sect, but now it seems that it is not at all.

Until the people from Chu Limo and Wang Ziqing in the northern border also heard the news that someone had seen the master of the ghost gate.Although I haven't seen his appearance, one thing is certain.The master of the ghost pylorus sect is good at using poison, and he even broke two fingers on his left hand.So it can be confirmed that this matter is caused by the ghost pylorus behind the scenes.And it has been planned for more than ten years.

The queen mother has inextricably linked with the ghost ghost gate, but this old hag has a very strict mouth and refused to speak out after many punishments.In the end, it was Yun Qing who used hypnotism, but only got some things, and also knew that Guiyoumen was also a member of the Feng clan.But more news about the ghost pylorus did not come out of the mouth of the old witch.It can only be explained that the master of the ghost gate did not leave the slightest trace with the queen mother.

People from Guiyoumen appeared in Liyuan today, and those words that were spread have had an effect.Come to think of it, it was people in the Jianghu who saw ghosts and ghosts and killed them.Ghost Pylori Gate has suffered heavy losses recently.Otherwise, how could the people from the ghost pylorus appear in the pear garden at this time.

At the beginning, it was because the people from the ghost and ghost gate hid too deeply, and their whereabouts could not be found no matter what.If you can't find them, then let them come out by themselves.Sure enough, after spreading the news about the Yan Jizhi's family's destruction of the Yin Youmen's rumors, everyone in the Jianghu would punish them if they heard the name Ghost Youmen or Yanfeng.

The ghost pylorus is strong, but it can't compete with the whole world.

And these evidences were given by the Queen Mother when she forced a confession.The current Empress Dowager is just waiting to die in her Shouning Palace like a useless person.Because Chu Limo no longer intends to save her life.The Queen Mother's legs were crippled by Chu Limo ten years ago, and now she is being severely punished.Only waiting for death.

There is just one thing that Yun Qing doesn't understand, the people in the Guiyoumen are from the Feng clan, so who is the master of the Guiyoumen from the Feng clan?
Everything has an inseparable relationship with the Feng clan.

The people of the Feng clan are ambitious and want to unify the world again.But he dared to hurt the people around him, she would not give those people a chance.If they want it, she will stop it.

"Leave one alive, and kill the others." The faint words came from the pear garden.

After Chu Limo finished speaking, dozens of masked men in black were surrounded.In the pear orchard, there was the sound of swords and swords and screams.

In the room, Chu Limo and Yun Qing sat quietly.Chu Limo peeled an orange in his hand, then handed it to Yun Qing, who took it with a smile.One was eaten quickly.Chu Limo said, "Do you still want to eat?"


Picking up another one and peeling it, Yunqing finished eating.The fighting outside also stopped.

"My lord, my concubine." Ruthlessly came in to report.

Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Let's go. Let's go and see these 'distinguished guests'."

"Okay." A faint voice answered.

In the courtyard of the Liyuan, there are dozens of corpses lying at the moment, and only one of the dozens of masked men in black has been taken down.

"Take him to the dungeon and interrogate him carefully." Chu Limo ordered, "Dispose of the corpse."

On the roof not far from the Liyuan, there was a woman in black with a black veil standing on the roof. The woman stared in the direction of the Liyuan with cold eyes.The woman holds a jade flute in her hand.The flute sounded leisurely.But in just a few seconds, the masked man in black who was captured in the pear garden began to convulse, bleeding to death from his seven orifices.

The sound of the flute sounded, and Wuqing and others also chased it out.It's just that when he chased him out, there was no sign of the flute player.

"What a powerful flute sound, what a powerful technique." Looking at the dead man in black, Yun Qing's eyes turned cold.This ghost pylorus is really vicious, the disciples of the ghost pylorus probably have already taken the poison.And the sound of the flute is here to remind you to die.

"My lord, my concubine. This person's lightness kung fu is superb, and our people have not caught up." Wuqing came back to report.

"It seems that there are still many masters in Guiyoumen." Yun Qing sneered.

"Qingqing is interested in this master?"

"I'm interested in the sound of her flute. Listening to the sound of the flute, the one who played the flute just now is a woman." The sound of the flute just now contained a deep internal force, and there are such masters in the Ghost Pylori Gate, so we must guard against it.And the sound of this flute is very strange.She seemed to have a familiar feeling, but she couldn't remember where she had heard it before. "I have a feeling that we will see each other again."

Chu Limo said, "The sound of this flute is 'Duohun'. It is rumored that as long as a person eats the 'Duohun', the person who has been poisoned by the "Douhun" will bleed to death from seven orifices. And the death is extremely tragic. "


After that night, there was no movement from the ghost ghost.And Yun Qing was even more curious about the flute player that night.

The only one who knows about this person is the current queen mother.

Shouning Palace.

Another dark night.Shouning Palace was in a state of depression.

"What else does Princess Li want to know? The Ai family has already said what needs to be said."

Yun Qing curled his lips into a smile, "How can I say that she is also a spiritual daughter of the Feng clan, and the queen mother is also a member of the Feng clan. We can be regarded as relatives. I have been living abroad for many years, and I don't know much about the Feng clan. .I want to know about the Feng Clan.... The Queen Mother is a member of the Feng Clan, so she must know a lot about the Feng Clan. For example...Ghost Pylori Gate."

"Ghost pylorus. What do you want to know about ghost pylorus?" The queen mother has already experienced the punishment in the dungeon, and now she is no longer as arrogant as she was when she was young.

"I heard that Ghost Pylori Gate has a special skill called 'snatching souls'. Does the Queen Mother know?"

"I know. How could I not know? Hehe. This is another forbidden drug of the Feng clan. This poison is the same as Heartless Gu, and was listed as one of the three major forbidden drugs by the ancestors of the Feng clan. Why, the soul-destroyer also appeared "The queen mother looked at Yun Qing with a pair of sinister eyes, "You come to ask the Ai family about this. What, is it Li Wang who has won the soul? Haha, if this is the case, it is really an eye-opener. This bitch 21 years ago He was not poisoned to death. Now, he is not going to die in the hands of Duohun. He is still going to die in the hands of the Feng clan. Haha."

"Touch!" A beam of gangster energy hit the queen mother fiercely.A cold voice came into Shouning Palace, "This king will disappoint the queen mother."

Outside Shouning Palace, Chu Limo, dressed in white, came slowly under the moonlight.

After stopping in front of the queen mother, Chu Limo said lightly, his voice was as cold as ice, "This king just went to see the emperor's brother. Oh! By the way, the queen mother knows that the emperor's illness is serious. But I've been ill for a long time. It seems that the Empress Dowager and Brother Huang have made an appointment to go to hell."

"Chu Limo, I have endured it for more than 20 years. Finally I can't bear it anymore. Kill Aijia. Kill Aijia. Hahahaha..."

She has killed many people in her life.But she never regretted it.It's just that the only thing I regret is that I didn't kill the person in front of me.If it wasn't for the person in front of her, how could she have suffered from a broken leg in the previous ten years.How could he have been tortured by him for ten years.These ten years in Wanfo Temple were a stain on her life.But she is not reconciled, she is not willing to die in Wanfo Temple like this.She is not reconciled.In this life, there was one person she hadn't seen yet.She is not reconciled.

"Princess Li, the spiritual daughter of the Feng Clan. Believe it or not, you will die in a short time. You will die like your grandmother and your mother. The Feng Clan will not let you live. They will not let you die." You are alive." The Empress Dowager looked at Yun Qing with her sinister eyes and suddenly smiled: "Master Ling Nu should have heard of life and death calamity. Every spiritual woman has to go through it. And your life and death calamity is coming! Arrived!"

"Before that, this princess will destroy the Feng clan first." Yun Qing said coldly.

Su Wudao once told her about the calamity of life and death, and it was also recorded in the handbook.None of the spiritual daughters of the Feng clan could escape this life-and-death catastrophe, but not all of them survived the life-and-death catastrophe.Didn't the first generation of spiritual girls survive?
"Let me ask you, who is the person who uses Soul Seizing?"

Outside Shouning Palace, the flute sounded again.

Hearing the sound of the flute, the Empress Dowager suddenly burst into laughter and shouted, " it is! It's finally here! It's been so many years, and the sound of seizing the soul has sounded once again. It's still so beautiful. It's still so beautiful."

The sound of the flute hadn't stopped yet, but the queen mother was bleeding to death from seven orifices.The death was extremely tragic.

"She's dead."

"Just let her die like this, it's cheap for her." Chu Limo's eyes still had deep hatred.

The flute outside Shouning Palace was still playing.The Queen Mother is dead.But, how come this person just happened to see her enter the palace, and she also came to kill and silence him.

"Chasing, she's still in the palace." Yun Qing opened her mouth and chased her out first.Today, she is determined to catch the flute player.She wants to see, who is it?
Inside the palace, a black figure passed by in front of him, followed by two figures following closely behind.From the palace to the outside of the city.Chu Limo's lightness kung fu is already rare in the world, and Yun Qing's lightness kung fu is also rare in the world since he untied the seal on his body.However, they did not expect this person to be chased by Chu Limo and Yun Qing for half an hour, and they chased him directly outside the city.

"The two of you chased all the way from the palace to the outside of the city, but you still have to chase." The man in black with a black veil said.As soon as he opened his mouth, there was a beautiful female voice.

"That's not how girls kill people in the palace."

"Oh!" The woman looked at Yun Qing with raised eyebrows, and smiled, "Princess Li wants to avenge her? If I remember correctly, she poisoned His Royal Highness Li Wang. You two should want to kill her She's right."

"This is our business. There is no need for the girl to intervene. But you will kill her. I will kill you." Yun Qing's eyes turned cold. Killed.Damn it!Killing intent flashed across Yun Qing's eyes.

"You two should bully the few with the more." The woman in black chuckled.His tone was also icy cold.

"As long as I kill you. I don't mind bullying the few with more. I don't mind using any means."

After the words fell, in the woods outside the city, the three of them had already moved their hands.And the sound of the flute sounded even more, the sound of the flute contained internal energy, but it was not the same as the song just played.The woman in black dodged while playing the flute.In terms of martial arts, she is not Yun Qing's opponent, let alone Chu Limo's opponent.The two slapped the black-clothed woman with inner strength. The black-clothed woman dodged Yun Qing's palm, but did not dodge Chu Limo's palm.
"Pfft..." Chu Limo suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Pfft..." The woman in black also spat out a mouthful of blood.

Yun Qing shouted, "Li Mo."

The sound of the flute also stopped at this time.The cold eyes of the woman in black looked at Chu Limo and Yun Qing who were vomiting blood. "Don't worry, I won't kill him." She can't kill him either, because she has only practiced to the fourth level of this song Seizing the Soul, and she can kill Chu Limo only after she has practiced to the tenth level .And if it wasn't for the two of them working together, she wouldn't have played this song.Because she never thought of hurting them.

"Li Mo, how are you?" Obviously she didn't hurt him, why did he vomit blood?

"He was hit by the Heartless Gu of the Feng Clan. This song is another part of the Soul Seizing, and this part is to deal with the Heartless Gu. Unless his Heartless Gu is cured, he will die when the flute sounds. However, you Don't worry, I've only practiced this piece to the fourth floor, and it won't kill him." The woman in black didn't have any intention of hiding anything, and told the truth.

She just got hit by Chu Limo's palm, and Chu Limo used ten levels of skill in this palm.If she hadn't played the tune, she would have been a dead person by now.But she was seriously injured by this palm, and now it is not easy to leave under Yun Qing's hands.

"The Feng family. The Feng family. I will not let the Feng family go." Yun Qing gritted his teeth fiercely, looked at the woman in black and said coldly: "Who are you? Why did you tell me this? The Feng family still Who will take the soul?"

"I said, I'm the only one, do you believe me?"

This soul-snatching skill is extremely difficult to practice, and people who don't have any talent will not be able to practice it at all.Moreover, this soul-snatching song is divided into three sections, one section has ten layers.The first stage is used to deal with the 'soul capture', the second stage is used to deal with the unfeeling Gu poison, and the third stage is used to deal with another forbidden poison of the Feng family.This medicine has been lost, and the three pieces of the song have also been lost.

And she just practiced a piece of music to the tenth floor.As for how to deal with unfeeling Gu in the second stage, she only practiced to the fourth floor.The remaining layers of Section [-] disappeared with Section [-] many years ago.

"Qingqing, kill her." After speaking, another mouthful of blood spit out.It can be seen that Seizing Soul is powerful.Although he only reached the fourth floor, Chu Limo already vomited blood.If it was the tenth floor, Chu Limo would die if the flute sounded.

Such a vicious poison, coupled with such a vicious tune.No wonder it was listed as a banned drug by the Feng clan.

Whether this woman's words are true or not, her existence is a threat to Chu Limo.

"Kill me, he will die as well." The woman in black said, looking at Yun Qing, "Why don't we make a deal, you let me go. I will save his life. I mean, the antidote to Heartless Gu. "

"Do you have an antidote?" It was easy for Yun Qing to kill her.But, at this moment.But it is related to Chu Limo's life and death.Yun Qing was shaken when she heard that she had the antidote to Heartless Gu.

"Qingqing, kill her." Chu Limo said once.

She doesn't trust this woman.But it was also the first time that he knew that Heartless Gu could also use Soul Reaper's Song to directly poison him.So, damn this woman!She must die!
"Don't you want the antidote for Heartless Gu? As a spiritual girl of the Feng clan, you should have read that handbook, and you should understand that there is actually an antidote for Heartless Gu. But, that handbook records The antidote to Heartless Gu has been erased."

Yun Qing looked at the woman in black with cold eyes, it was indeed recorded in the handbook.Just as she said, the antidote to Heartless Gu was deliberately erased.However, that manuscript has been kept in the forbidden area of ​​the Feng clan.It cannot be opened without the blood of the spiritual daughter of the Feng family.In today's world, except for the descendants of the spiritual girl who know the content recorded above, no outsider will know.So, how did she know?Who is she?
"Who are you?" Staring at her with cold eyes, he asked coldly, "You seem to be very familiar with the contents of that notebook. Who are you? Also, why are you telling me this. What is your purpose?"

"You don't need to know who I am. Do you want to save him now? He has listened to my Reaper of Souls now. If I don't save him, he won't be able to withstand the pain and cause the poison himself. It's no wonder I'm the one who caused the poison. Presumably, you too You know how overbearing the Heartless Gu Poison is."

Heartless Gu poison, as long as there is interference from external forces.If Chu Limo couldn't withstand the interference of this external force, he would also go mad with poison.At that time, he will become cold-blooded and kill people everywhere.But no one can restrain him.

"Okay. I'll trust you once. If you dare to lie to me, I will let you know what will happen if you lie to me." Yun Qing didn't dare to bet on Chu Limo's life.But for some reason, she actually believed this woman.She actually believed her.

"I need your cooperation. You use your kung fu to heal his injuries. I will assist you." If she was not seriously injured, she could have blown her heart to save him, but she can't use her kung fu now.This 'Qing Xin Fu' was created by the spiritual girl of the Feng family.It has a miraculous effect of healing and soothing.But it takes a lot of energy.

In the woods outside the city, Yun Qing used his kung fu to inject spiritual power into Chu Limo's body. The flute of "Qing Xin Fu" also rang in conjunction.The time passed by every minute and every second for a long, long time.

Finally, the song is over.

Yun Qing stopped, and the woman in black also stopped.And Chu Limo's complexion improved for a long time, but when the flute sounded, he fell into a deep sleep.This is the brilliance of 'Qing Xin Fu'.But Yun Qing's complexion was abnormally pale, which was due to excessive wear and tear.

"Pfft..." The woman in black spat out another mouthful of blood.After vomiting, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said lightly, "He can't die. You are so smart, you have already learned it. The song I played just now is called 'Qing Xin Fu', which was created by the spirit girl of the Feng clan. It It has the miraculous effect of healing and calming the wound. Back then, the lord Ling Nu created this song to try to unravel the unfeeling Gu poison. If he goes mad with poison in the future, you can play this song to suppress and calm the poison in his body. But not As a last resort, don't play this song."

"Who are you? Why do you do this?" Yun Qing could feel it.This woman is deliberately teaching her the song 'Qing Xin Fu'.

"As I said, you don't need to know who I am. Believe it or not, I will never hurt you. As for what I did, I have nothing to say. Next time you see me, you don't have to hold back " Paused, "Also, don't play 'Qing Xin Fu' often. Otherwise, your deep spiritual power will be exhausted. Don't play this song unless it is absolutely necessary. Your people should also arrive, I gone."

When Yun Qing Yungong healed Chu Limo, she had already sent the signal.Although Yun Qing believed her, it didn't mean he wouldn't be on guard against her.

After the woman in black left, Yun Qing held on.Until seeing a familiar figure approaching them, the figure was getting closer and closer, Yun Qing finally couldn't hold on, and fell beside Chu Limo.

After the woman in black left the woods, she arrived at a safe place.The strong body finally couldn't hold it anymore, spit out a mouthful of violent blood, and fell down slowly.It's just that when he fell down, a tear fell on his face under the black veil, and he murmured, "I'm sorry. I still hurt you."

 There is an important passage here.

  Also, who is this woman in black?

(End of this chapter)

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