The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 795 100. You make me feel extremely disgusted!

Chapter 795 100. You make me feel extremely disgusted!

Chu Jing.pear orchard.

That night after chasing the woman in black to the woods, Chu Limo and Yun Qing were both unconscious when they found it.

As for Yun Qing, because of excessive consumption of spiritual power, she has been asleep for two days.For the past two days, I have not woken up.Chu Limo stayed by the bed the whole time.

"Qingqing." Gently brushing the cheeks of the woman lying on the bed with her warm fingers, her voice was gentle and filled with distress and self-blame, "Qingqing, are you waking up? I'm going to wake you up with a kiss." .Little fool, my Qingqing, you have been sleeping for two days. If you fall asleep, you will really become a little lazy cat. Qingqing, don't sleep."

"She can't hear you telling her these things now. Her spiritual power is too exhausted, and she will wake up naturally when she recovers." Nangong Jin came in from the outside, glanced at the woman lying on the bed and said, "You I have already checked the black-clothed woman who can blow souls. She is very smart and seems to understand us very well. Yun Qing put a tracking powder on her, and we followed the tracking powder to the river, and then what Not anymore. It seems that she knows that Yun Qing has planted a stalking powder on her. This woman is really not an easy character."

At that time, Yun Qing would let her go in the woods because she put tracking powder on that woman.But Yun Qing would not have thought that the woman seemed to know them very well.Knowing that he has been tracked by fans, he also knows how to avoid Nangong Jin's ice butterfly tracking.

This is the second time Nangong Jin finds it difficult.It was Yun Qing who was the first time. He also followed Yun Qing when he didn't know that Yun Qing was his sister.But he was still dumped by Yun Qing.

But this time, Yun Qing gave the woman in black his secret tracking powder, but he couldn't find the ice butterfly.After Bingdie chased to the river, the smell disappeared without a trace.

Chu Limo's eyes were also a bit colder. After seeing that woman that night, he knew that she had a constant relationship with the Feng family. That woman seemed to know them very well, and that woman even knew that he had been hit by him. Unfeeling Gu.Only a few people knew about his unfeeling Gu, but that woman seemed to know everything, which made Chu Limo have to suspect some members of the Feng clan again. "How's the news from the northern border? Is there any news from there?"

"Since they came back with the news of the ghost pylorus last time. They disappeared in the northern region. Our people can't find them." After a pause, Nangong Jin said again, "Although I don't like him very much, but, I don't want it to really have anything to do with him."

"The northern border is not only the territory of Guiyoumen, but also his territory. He has been walking in Beiyuan country all year round, and he is even more familiar with the northern border. If he wants to avoid our people, it is easy for him. What's more, his strength, Not under you."

"I still don't understand one more thing. If Su Wudao and Su Baiyi are really as we guessed, why did Su Wudao risk his life and death to unlock the seal for Yun Qing when he was on the snow mountain? Take you to look for the handbook? Why did he give you the Millennium Blood Ganoderma so easily? Also, Su Baiyi almost killed Yuhen at the beginning. If you say, all these are fake, all Su Wudao They pretended to be with Su Baiyi, and the two of them pretended too perfectly." Nangong Jin couldn't figure out the reason for this incident.

But Chu Limo's suspicion was not wrong.Apart from them, only Su Wudao and Su Baiyi of the Feng clan knew that Chu Limo had been infected with the Heartless Gu.And if the woman knew about Chu Limo's unfeeling Gu, if the Queen Mother told her, it could be explained.However, the tracking powder that Yun Qing put on her was the tracking powder that he secretly made in Donghai.It is not so easy to avoid the pursuit of Bingdie.The only ones who knew how to avoid it were the few of them in the room and Su Baiyi, whose whereabouts were unknown in the northern border.

And that night, the woman left a word.She kept saying that she would not hurt them.If she didn't know each other, why did that woman show mercy to Chu Limo that night?He also played the song "Qing Xin Fu" to save Chu Limo.

Adding up all the doubts, the spearhead was directly pointed at Su Baiyi.

"I have to ask Su Wudao and Su Baiyi about this matter." Thinking about it now, when they were on the snow mountain, both he and Qingqing only listened to Su Wudao's words.With all the things happening now, what happened on the snow mountain, he always had a feeling of being calculated.

Su Wudao and Su Baiyi will never be so simple.And the time when Su Baiyi appeared on the snow mountain with them was really a coincidence.Coincidentally, it was as if it had been calculated.

At the beginning, he always had doubts in his heart, but now the doubts are becoming more and more obvious.

"Chu Limo, do you think we suspect the wrong person? After all, the Feng clan has been around for thousands of years, how many of them are we don't know and we haven't found out."

"It's because of Su Baiyi's identity, the relationship between him, you, and Qingqing, you dare not suspect him?" Chu Limo looked at Nangong Jin and said coldly: "Nangong Jin, in our line of business, you should Knowing some things, some people, the more you think he might not be, but he is the one you have to suspect. Su Baiyi was born in the Feng family, even if he is related to you and Qingqing, but the blood relationship is very important to you and Qingqing. It is said to be the most precious, but does Su Baiyi think so? Su Baiyi has a pair of penetrating eyes, and there are things in those eyes that I can't understand until now. If he becomes our enemy in the future, it will be Our worst enemy."

Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows, "That's why you have always had reservations about him. You have suspected him for a long time."

"Aren't you the same? You haven't told him the secret of Donghai Penglai, isn't it because you still have reservations about him?" After a pause, Chu Limo glanced at the woman on the bed, "Why not Qingqing?" Qingqing also has reservations about Su Baiyi in her heart. Qingqing has always clearly understood that even the closest person will betray her one day." Or Qingqing not only has reservations about Su Baiyi, but Anyone, she kept a little bit of it.It's just how lucky he is, in Qingqing's reservation, Qingqing trusted himself.Qingqing handed herself over to him without reservation.

"The person who sent the letter to us must find Su Wudao, Su Baiyi and the Huo Linghu who disappeared with them."

Looking outside the pear garden, Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows, "I don't know when this surging turbulence will stop." After speaking, Nangong Jin looked at Chu Limo, "When these things are completed, You two are not allowed to disturb Grandpa's happy life in the future."

Chu Limo just smiled.Looking at the woman on the bed, wait until these things are over.He took Qingqing to find a quiet place to live, or traveled all over the world with Qingqing.


Jinling City, Prince's Mansion.

It has been several days since Chu Liyou vomited blood and passed out that day.

There is no smile in the past, and I can't even cry.Chu Liyou sat by the window every day, quietly watching the plum blossoms dancing in the garden without saying a word.

There is a saying that is quite true: There is nothing more sad than death.

Perhaps this sentence is the best way to describe her now.

"Girl, it's time to drink the medicine." It was Qiu Nanny from the mansion who came in. When Qiu Nanny came in, Chu Liyou was still looking at the plum blossoms in the garden, and he didn't know whether she was looking at the plum blossoms or looking at them look at something else.

It is said that this Qiu Nanny was a person who was close to the former queen, and later the former queen passed away.She came to the Prince's Mansion to take care of Yuhen's daily life.Mother Qiu is the only female servant in the Prince's Mansion.Chu Liyou has been in the Prince's Mansion these days, and he has become acquainted with this Qiu Nanny.And this Madam Qiu is also kind and caring for Chu Liyou.

"Girl." Mother Qiu called out again.Chu Liyou didn't seem to hear it, and kept looking outside.Mother Qiu sighed helplessly.But he couldn't say anything.Your Highness and this girl...

A bowl of medicine was placed in front of Chu Liyou, but she didn't even look at it.Until the bowl of medicine began to cool down slowly.

Back in time to that day...

That day, she fell on top of him.It was as if nothing could be heard, nothing could be seen.But she happened to be sober, she knew everything soberly.

Not long after I fell down, another doctor came.She heard their conversation.This doctor is the imperial physician in the palace.

Perhaps it was because Yuhen saw her like that and was afraid that she would die.So the imperial physician from the palace was invited over.

However, what is the difference between her being dead and not dead now?

"Your Highness, this girl is suffering from a cold, and she vomits blood because of her qi and blood attack." After a long time, she heard the imperial doctor speak respectfully to Yuhen.Maybe Yuhen thought she had passed out, but she was unusually sober, she was very sober.She just didn't want to open her eyes.

Yuhen looked at her with a cold tone, "She...the child in her belly." When Yuhen said this, she could feel the murderous intent in his tone.Does Yuhen want to kill the child?A tear flowed from the corner of his eye, it turned out that Yuhen couldn't tolerate this child.This is his child!
"Child?" The imperial doctor was startled.But I was already thinking in my heart, did His Highness misunderstand something?child?This girl has no children at all!Arching hands, "Your Highness, this girl...has no children."

no kids!

This sentence, like a shocking thunderbolt hit Yuhen's body fiercely, and also hit Chu Liyou's body.

no kids?It's okay to not have children.He never gave her the chance to have his child at all.Wouldn't it be better to not have children now.

"What did you say? You're saying it again. She's... not pregnant?"

"Your Highness." He has been an imperial physician for decades, so he still has some medical skills.You can tell if this girl is pregnant or not.What's more, this girl... "The old minister guarantees with his own personality that this girl is indeed not pregnant."

She's not pregnant, so to speak.It was he who misunderstood her.

A complex emotion flashed across Yuhen's face.

This imperial doctor is from Yuhen, watching the flashing change on Yuhen's face.I thought to myself, could it be that His Highness is sad to know that the girl is not pregnant.Your Highness, he is looking forward to the child.But after thinking about it, the girl's physical condition is really bad, and it seems that the girl's body still exists... But His Highness seems to want a child.The imperial doctor frowned and said, "Your Highness, let the old minister say a word, this girl's body is cold and it is difficult to conceive a child. It is not suitable to take contraceptive pills after intercourse. If you take too much medicine, this girl wants to conceive I'm afraid the child is..." At this point.Yuhen's eyes turned cold.The words of the imperial doctor did not die.He just said again, "This girl is still young, as long as her body takes good care of her body for a period of time and her body cold is cured, she will still have a child."

"I don't want a third person to know about this matter. Go down and prescribe medicine."

"Yes. The old minister understands." The imperial doctor is also an extremely smart person.What's more, he is still a member of His Royal Highness.Naturally know what to say and what not to say.

After the imperial doctor left, Chu Liyou slightly opened his eyes.It's just that she no longer has the look of the past, and now her eyes are full of sadness.

"We've done it so many times, and you've given me medicine so many times. I won't have children in the future, will I?" She asked calmly, very calmly.Calm like a pool of stagnant water.

Yuhen moved her lips.I wanted to say something, but found that I couldn't say a word at this moment.He didn't expect that she heard everything.

He thought she was pregnant with Qi Rong's child, and the moment he heard that she was pregnant, he was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.He wanted to kill the man who impregnated her.But at this moment, everything is false.She is not pregnant.she didn't.

"Hehe, that's fine. It's fine if you don't have children anymore. At least let me see one thing. I'm so unbearable in your heart."

After saying those two words, after that day, she never said a word.

"Girl, drink the medicine." His Highness ordered that he must watch her drink the medicine with his own eyes.But the medicine is already cold.She kept looking outside.Mother Qiu said again, "Girl, no matter what you are doing, you can't ignore your own body. If you don't drink medicine, how can you be healthy?"

But no matter what Mother Qiu said or how she persuaded her.Chu Liyou didn't say a word, and didn't even raise his head.In the end, Mother Qiu could only sigh, and left the room helplessly.

"Your Highness." Just after leaving the room, Yuhen also stopped at the gate of Dongyuan.Yuhen looked at the bowl of untouched medicine that had cooled down in Nanny Qiu's hand, glanced at the room, and said, "I'm getting a bowl."

"Yes." Mother Qiu stepped back.

Yuhen pushed open the door and walked in.She was still looking in the direction of the window without stopping.He didn't look back at Yuhen either.Yuhen stood behind her, looked at her without saying a word.

Until, Mother Qiu brought another bowl of medicine. "Your Highness, please persuade the girl. If this continues, she is afraid..." Qiu Nanny is a kind person, seeing Chu Liyou torture herself like this makes her feel uncomfortable.

"You step back." After taking the medicine in Qiu's hand, she ordered lightly.Nanny Qiu nodded and backed out.Yuhen took the medicine and walked towards the window where she was sitting.

He shouldn't have cared about her life.At least his purpose was to torture her.But looking at her like this, I was annoyed, and more of a distressed heart.For the first time, he realized that he actually felt sorry for her.


But Chu Liyou sat motionless, like a puppet.

"Drink it." Another sound.There was obvious anger in his tone. "You look like this, do you want to die?"

Seek death!

What an ironic sentence.Is she looking for death?

Maybe yes.For a man, she felt that she was seeking her own death in this way.

"Chu Liyou, Bengong's patience is limited. If you don't want Bengong to feed you personally, you don't want to feel sick. You drink the medicine quickly." Yesterday, she was also like this, no matter what she said, she refused to take the medicine.Later, he didn't say anything, and directly fed her by himself.But she didn't want to, she vomited out all the little medicine she drank.At that time, her cold eyes looked at him full of sarcasm, and she said, "Now as long as you touch my body, I feel extremely disgusted." That was the only sentence she said in the past few days.

 There is nothing wrong with their suspicions, and often the closest person will deceive you without mercy.

  But... Could it really be Su Baiyi?
(End of this chapter)

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