The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 796 101. If you want to throw up, I don't mind kissing you all the time!

Chapter 796 101. If you want to throw up, I don't mind kissing you all the time!
"Chu Liyou. Do you really want to be so stubborn?"

Stubbornness, she didn't know that she was so stubborn.

Is she stubborn?

She was just heartbroken.Now it doesn't make any difference to her whether to drink medicine or not.

Ha ha!

She just aches.What a numb heartache.

She will never have children in her life.There will be none in this lifetime.This man will never give her any warmth in his life.

"Ahem..." Her cold was still not healed.The wind and cold are combined with Qi and blood attacking the heart, and now her body is full of old injuries and heart injuries.

"Drink the medicine. I don't care if you are sick, or you hate me now. I want you to drink it."

"Yuhen." After a while, Chu Liyou said in a mournful voice, "Isn't today the Lantern Festival? I want to go to the street to have a look. Take me to have a look."

"Drink the medicine, I will take you there."

"Okay." This time, she didn't refuse.He reached for the bowl of medicine and drank it.

"Ugh..." She just drank the medicine and it hasn't been digested in her stomach yet.There was a nausea in the stomach, and all the medicine I drank was vomited out.When I vomited, there was nothing left in my stomach.Her face turned pale when she vomited, and the corner of her mouth smiled coldly at herself, "I wasted a good bowl of medicine like this. What a pity!"

"Ahem..." After finishing speaking, he covered his mouth and coughed again.This cough can be described as a very severe cough.He opened his hands and saw that his hands were scarlet.Looking at the crimson, Chu Liyou just smiled coldly, "It seems that His Highness the Crown Prince will not have to see me again soon. I will not appear in front of His Highness the Crown Prince in the future and offend His Highness the Crown Prince. .”

A look of pain flashed in Yuhen's scarlet eyes looking at her palm. "Chu Liyou, I want you to live well. Come here and tell the imperial doctor." As he spoke, he picked him up and walked towards the bed.

"Why?" She raised her head slightly to look at him, and murmured softly, "You should know what I'm asking." Don't you hate me?Don't you hate me?You should be happy if I die.If I die, I won't bother you anymore.

"I hate you. But I want you to live by my side." Hate it?Now, not disgust, he just didn't want her dead.

She leaned in his arms, closed her eyes slightly, and smelled his scent.So familiar, how many times in the middle of the night, she has always smelled this smell.

However, she was really tired.

Loving him is really exhausting!

"Chu Liyou." Seeing her close her eyes.He was suddenly afraid that she would die like this.If she wasn't so close to her at this moment, she would still be breathing lightly.As far as she is now, she really looks like she will die at any moment. "Chu Liyou, I don't allow you to die, you have to give me a good life."

Chu Liyou didn't answer his words, but leaned against his arms slightly with her eyes closed.This embrace made her feel extremely at ease. In the past few days, she has not been able to sleep well all night.Every time she can wake up from the nightmare.

She should have hated him, hated this man for being cold and ruthless, hated him for being cold-blooded, hated that he didn't even give her a chance, hated why he was so cruel to her, hated that he didn't believe in herself.However, she was still defeated, defeated by this man.

So she hated herself, hated herself for being so attached to this cold man.Why is she still attached to him when he suspects that he is pregnant with someone else's child.Even, she still wanted to be with him so, so much.

Obviously numb, obviously already feeling endless despair and sadness.Why can't I let him go?
Why would she be shaken as long as he treats her a little better.She was even willing to be entangled with him like this forever.

Yuhen, if meeting you is the disaster of my life.Then, falling in love with you is the most painful disaster that I will experience in my life.The day when the catastrophe ended might be the day when she went to perish.

Not long after, the imperial doctor was invited.It was the imperial doctor that day.

After taking the pulse, the imperial doctor just frowned helplessly.As a doctor, it is natural not to ignore death.But this patient is torturing himself.

"Doctor Zheng, how is her illness?"

Doctor Zheng bowed respectfully to Yuhen, arched his hands and said: "This girl has not recovered from the cold, and she was angry and bloody last time. At this time, she was sad and refused to drink medicine. This led to her serious condition. Your Highness, The old minister can cure her cold and attacking heart disease, but can't cure her heart disease. This girl is going to be overly sad. I'm afraid it's..." After a pause, he continued, "This girl's heart disease still needs heart medicine. "

Yuhen glanced at the woman on the bed, and said in a deep voice: "No matter what method or medicine you use, I want her to live. Doctor Zheng, before she recovers, you will live in the mansion until she recovers." .”

"Yes. The old minister will go down and prescribe the medicine." Imperial Physician Zheng said respectfully.

Doctor Zheng retreated to prescribe medicine, and only Yuhen and Chu Liyou were left in the room.

Yuhen looked at her, his eyes moved slightly.

Excessive sadness, heart disease!Heart disease needs heart medicine.

Her heart disease was caused by the non-existent child that day, Chu Liyou, you are so sad, do you want me to give you a child? "Chu Liyou, you heard what the imperial doctor said. Ben Gong..."

But Chu Liyou interrupted Yuhen's words, and said lightly, "Take me to the street to have a look. I haven't been on the street for a long time."

heart disease!She knows best what her heart disease is.

However, there will never be a day when the heart medicine will be cured.Because this cold man will not give her even the slightest bit of warmth.

Yuhen thinks that her heart disease is because of the child, and there are more or less things about the child.But the most important thing was because of his ruthlessness, she felt hopeless and desolate.

"Your body is not fit to go out."

"Didn't the imperial doctor just say that? I'm overly sad. I'll go to the street to have a look, maybe I'll feel better." Chu Liyou didn't believe what he said.It's just that she just wants to go out and have a look at the moment.The entire prince's mansion was too oppressive, and she could hardly breathe due to the oppression.

"You must go?"

"Well. If you don't want to go with me, I can go by myself." Her voice was still like a pool of stagnant water.

Now she is no longer yelling at him, calling him a jerk, or sneering at him as before.This change made him very uncomfortable.He would rather she yell at him than she scold him angrily.

"Ben Gong can accompany you." Yuhen looked at her, "But, you drink the medicine first. As long as you drink the medicine and don't spit it out, Ben Gong will go with you."

"I'll try my best." She really could only try her best not to spit it out.But when she smelled the medicine, she would resist it.She would think of Yuhen's words, and would think of Yuhen giving her medicine every time afterwards.Therefore, she would naturally vomit all the medicine she drank.

This time, Doctor Zheng added a new medicine to the original medicine, which was helpful for Chu Liyou's illness.As for her heart disease, Imperial Physician Zheng was helpless.

The new medicine needs to be boiled for about an hour, and now it's just about time for dinner.

Madam Qiu came in with the prepared food.These few days Chu Liyou ate very little, and she was sick again.She still vomits after eating, especially when she eats less, and even sometimes she just doesn't eat.In just a few days, I lost a lot of weight.

Yuhen scanned the food in Nanny Qiu's hand, it was porridge and a few dishes of light dishes.I took it from Mother Qiu, "Go out. There is Ben Gong here." Mother Qiu didn't say anything.Now, the only person who can make the girl eat is probably only His Highness.

It is estimated that he really owed her.In his life, he has done many things that he has never done before.And everything is done on her.

"I heard from Mother Qiu that you haven't eaten properly for a few days. If you want to go to the street, you can eat these." Knowing that she is weak and has no strength, Yuhen doesn't need her to say this time: feed me!Instead, he directly fed her with his own hands.

Think about half a month ago, she was very arrogant and pitiful and asked him to feed her by acting like a baby.In just half a month, everything has changed.

Chu Liyou didn't avoid the whole person and sat on the side of the bed, he gave a bite, and she took a bite.Compared with taking medicine, Chu Liyou didn't spit it out after eating.

And Yuhen, feed Chu Liyou a mouthful, and eat a mouthful himself.It was originally prepared for Chu Liyou, but Yuhen took half of it.

She just watched his movements, if this man really liked her a little bit, it would be great!But she clearly understood that Yuhen was feeding her at this moment, just because she didn't want her to die.Yuhen made it very clear that he would not allow her to die until he had tortured himself enough.

However, Yuhen's actions made her feel a little childish.His dinner was much richer than the bowl of porridge in front of him, yet he wanted to have a bowl with her.

This meal took half an hour.And this meal was the most she ate in the past few days, although Yuhen ate half of it.But compared to the previous few days, she did eat a lot today.

After eating, Chu Liyou leaned against the bed and didn't say a word.Yuhen also looked at her like this and remained silent.The two were silent, and time passed slowly like this, until Mother Qiu brought in the prepared medicine.Nanny Qiu put down the medicine, and smiled at the corners of the mouth of today's dinner girl, but His Highness still has a way.

"Your Highness, go down and eat. Miss, this old servant will serve you." Originally, this time was Yuhen's time to eat, but he used it to serve Chu Liyou, a patient.

"No, you go out."

No one in the Prince's Mansion dared to disobey Yuhen's order.Nanny Qiu is not good at talking, so she can only back down.

"Drink it. Go to the street after drinking it." The voice was flat.

It's just that, after feeding her a mouthful, she just swallowed it.Suddenly he covered his mouth, as if about to vomit.

"If you want to go to the street, don't spit it out." Seeing that she just drank a little, she looked so uncomfortable.Yuhen can only threaten her with the words of going to the street.

But, it's still useless.The sip I just drank, I still spit it out.It wasn't until she spit out the medicine that she felt better.A pair of red eyes looked at him, and he laughed coolly at himself, "Do you know why I would vomit after drinking this medicine? After drinking this medicine, I will remember that you told me that after every time you Give me the medicine. I will think of your ruthlessness and cruelty to me. This medicine is in my mouth, and I will feel as if I have taken the... contraceptive pill you gave me again, I I will resist from the bottom of my heart." Chu Liyou looked up at him, "Yuhen, I can't do it. Do you know what's wrong with me? It's your coldness and cruelty to me."

Yuhen didn't say anything, just... picked up the bowl of medicine and drank it into his own mouth.Then, he stretched out his hand to wrap around Chu Liyou's head, and put his whole lips against it.

The medicine passed directly from Yuhen's mouth to Chu Liyou's.Until she swallowed them one by one.He still didn't let her go.

Lips, still sticking to her lips, kissing her delicately.

His actions startled her, and she didn't even resist.Just let him kiss herself like this.

After a long time, he let her go.He said lightly, "Don't spit out the medicine you drank. If you still want to spit it out, I don't mind kissing you like this."

Then, Yuhen poured the remaining medicine in the bowl into his mouth, and stuck it over at once.With the method just now, all the medicines were delivered to Chu Liyou's mouth one by one.

Chu Liyou had already swallowed all the medicine, but he had no intention of letting her go.And this time the kiss was not like the thin shallow kiss just now, but a deep kiss, which gradually became hotter.

"You make me feel sick." Chu Liyou pushed him away, looking at him with cool eyes.

"Bengong said, if you feel nauseous, I don't mind kissing you all the time!" Yuhen looked at her with a displeased voice, "Also, don't look at me like that. Bengong It's annoying."

 Damn, there was a power outage.

(End of this chapter)

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