The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 797 102. I am willing!

Chapter 797 102. I am willing!

Jinling City, Prince's Mansion.

"Your Highness, Mr. Qi is here." The housekeeper of the Prince's Mansion knocked on the door of Dongyuan's room, and stood aside respectfully after reporting.

Hearing the butler's words in the room, Yuhen let go of Chu Liyou.

"Come to see you?" A pair of cold eyes looked at Chu Liyou and asked.

Chu Liyou was silent, and Yuhen was even more annoyed.He said viciously: "You are not allowed to go to the street today, let alone see Qi Rong. You stay in your room well and you are not allowed to go anywhere." After shouting, he opened the door of the room and walked out to face the girl hidden in Dongyuan. The dark guard said coldly: "Look at her."

The living room of the Prince's Mansion.

Qi Rong was sitting in the living room in a gentle manner while drinking tea while waiting for the arrival of the master.Not long after, Yuhen came out.

"Brother is really a rare visitor. Why come to my palace when you have time?" Yuhen raised her eyebrows and glanced at Qi Rong, her tone was full of coldness.Since Chu Liyou was in the mansion, this is the second time for Qi Rong to visit the house.In the past, even if he invited him to come, he would not come to the door.Now it's time to come.

Qi Rong smiled lightly on his gentle and jade-like face, "Junior brother should know why I came here. I won't go around in circles with my junior brother. I made an appointment with Li You last time, and today I will take her to swim in the lake and watch the lanterns."

Worry!Shouting is so intimate!It's really fun to swim in the lake and watch the lanterns!

Yuhen's eyes turned cold in an instant, and he said coldly: "She's not free. Senior brother, please go back."

Qi Rong raised his eyebrows, looked at the chill in Yuhen's eyes, curled his lips and smiled faintly, junior brother, junior brother, don't you admit that you are so jealous?

"Brother Qi." Just after Yuhen finished speaking, Chu Liyou came over.This time, Yuhen's face became even more livid.Chu Liyou came over and smiled slightly at Qi Rong, "Brother Qi, I thought you wouldn't come today. It's getting late, let's go." He didn't even look at Yuhen.

Qi Rong nodded.The two walked out the door.

"Chu Liyou, I told you that you are not allowed to go out today. Let me go back."

Not only did Chu Liyou's footsteps not stop, it seemed that he didn't even hear Yuhen's words on purpose.Followed Qi Rong into the living room.

"Chu Liyou, didn't you hear what I said?" He strode forward and stopped him.

Taking a deep breath, she turned around and looked at him with indifferent eyes, "Yuhen, since that's the case, then I'll explain it to you. I don't want to be entangled with you anymore. We're done here. "

"What did you say? You said it again in Ye Bengong. That's it? I haven't said the end yet, what right do you have to say the end." Yuhen's pair of cold eyes looked at Chu Liyou and looked at Qi beside her. Rong, "You want to go with him, have you got my consent? If my palace doesn't agree to let you go, you will never even think about stepping out of this mansion."

"Hehe." Chu Liyou sneered, "I want to leave, but you don't want to stop me." After finishing speaking, a pair of apologetic eyes glanced at Qi Rong beside him, and at some point a dagger appeared in his hand. on his own neck. "Brother Qi, I'm afraid I'm going to trouble you. If I die, please send my ashes to Chujing to give to brother."

Qi Rong shouted: "Li You. Don't do stupid things."

Chu Liyou just shook his head and smiled, "Brother Qi, I'm not so stupid as to seek death for a cold man. It's just that sometimes I just can't help myself." After finishing speaking, a pair of cold eyes looked at Looking at Yuhen, "Yuhen, either let me go or leave my body behind."

"You threaten me." Yuhen looked at the dagger in her hand coldly.

"Whether it's a threat or a request, I just want to leave. Yuhen, I don't want to be entangled with you any longer. I'll let you go, please let me go too. If not..." As he spoke, the dagger in his hand came closer After a minute, a tiny mark has been drawn on the neck.If she used more force, the dagger would definitely cut her thin neck.

"Li You, don't move. You believe in Big Brother Qi, Big Brother Qi will definitely take you away. Don't be impulsive." Qi Rong's always gentle eyes are also full of anger. How much did Yuhen hurt her? She forced her to die. "Junior Brother, let her go."

"I said I won't let you leave. Chu Liyou, do you want to die? I can help you, even if you die. The corpse must stay here. Suicide with a dagger is easy." Yu Hen He said coldly: "Akabane, bring me my sword."

"Yuhen, you are crazy. You really want to force her to death." Qi Rong said angrily.

crazy!Maybe just crazy.Anyway, he just wouldn't let her go.No matter what method he used, he would not allow her to leave the prince's mansion.

Soon, Akabane took the sword and handed it to Yuhen.Yuhen took the sword and walked towards Chu Liyou, "You want to die, don't you? If you want to die, cut off your own neck fiercely, then you will be free. You will completely get rid of me .Of course, if you can't do this ruthlessly, I can help you."

Chu Liyou looked at the coldness in Yuhen's eyes, what he just said was true.If she dared not commit suicide, he could do it for her.Stared at him blankly.The movement of the hands also relaxed.At this time, seeing this, Qi Rong took advantage of the situation and used his internal force to knock her hand down. Chu Liyou felt pain in his hand, and the dagger was snatched by Yuhen at this time.Yuhen threw the saber in his hand, but at this moment, he put the dagger in Chu Liyou's hand again, holding her hand tightly with one hand, and the dagger was in both hands.However, the dagger was facing Yuhen's chest.

"Chu Liyou, do you still want to threaten me with death? Now I will give you a chance to stab this dagger into my chest fiercely, and you can leave this door." Chu Liyou looked at With the dagger in her hand, as long as she stabs lightly, the dagger will pass through Yuhen's chest.But... She couldn't do anything to this cold-hearted man.No matter how he treated her, she couldn't hurt him even a little bit. "What? Don't you dare? Where did the courage go when you threatened me just now? Didn't you hold it against your own neck just now to seek death? Do it! As long as you stab lightly with your hand, Bengong will die." Death at your hands. At that time, if you want to leave this mansion, no one will stop you. If you want to leave, it is easy. Chu Liyou, do it!" Yuhen roared.

"Don't force me." She could feel her hands shaking.

"Forcing you! I'm forcing you. Chu Liyou, if you don't dare, you can stay in this mansion for me. Without my permission, you can't leave until you die. I just want you ...Stay here, pain, suffering, life, life!" Yuhen said coldly with her thin lips.

"Pfft..." A mouthful of blood spat out from Chu Liyou's mouth.She broke free from Yuhen's hand, and the dagger fell to the ground. She looked at Yuhen with cold eyes, and smiled, "You really want to force me like this. Cough cough..." Another mouthful of blood spit out, and she wiped it. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at the blood in his hand, and smiled with a tear in his eyes. He smiled sadly and desperately, and murmured, "But I... still lost to you. Yuhen, I still lost to you. Forget you. Forget it, forget it, I’m afraid I won’t live long with this body now. You want to trap me in this mansion, and I will give you this life.”

Seeing her vomiting blood, Qi Rong's eyes were full of distress, regardless of whether Yuhen was present, he supported Chu Liyou's weak body, "Liyou, why are you like this?"

"Brother Qi, I'm really tired." Tears of desolation ran down her cheeks, and she was supported by Qi Rong.

Qi Rong put his hand on Chu Liyou's pulse.Qi Rong's face became more and more ugly.Angry at Yuhen: "Yuhen, what did she do wrong that you hurt her like this? In just a few days, her body has become like this. Yuhen, I will not give you another chance Hurt her. Don't even think about hurting her anymore. Liyou, elder brother will take you away. Elder brother will take you away now. Elder brother will definitely cure you." Then, regardless of Yuhen's presence, he hugged her up and turned towards her Go outside.He shouldn't have let Yuhen take her away in the first place.He shouldn't have sent Li You to Yuhen's side in the first place.

"Brother Qi. I have a heart disease. No amount of expensive medicinal materials can cure it."

"Stop talking. I will cure you, I will definitely cure you. At that time, I will take you away from Xiyue and Jinling City. At that time, if you want to return to Chujing, I will take you back to Chujing , if you want to travel in the mountains and rivers, I will take you all over the mountains and rivers. You believe in me, I will heal your injuries and heal your heart disease."

"Stop!" Seeing her vomiting blood hurt him, but he was angry if he wanted her to just leave. "Brother, put her down."

Qi Rong said: "Today, I will take her away at any cost."

"Brother Qi, why are you being so nice to me? I'm just a dying person now."

"Liyou, don't talk. You sit here and wait for Brother Qi, who will take you away." Put Chu Liyou on the chair and sit down.Qi Rong took out his jade flute, the jade flute in his hand was his murder weapon.And Yuhen's weapon is a sword.When Wu Chen taught them Kung Fu, Yu Hen used a sword and Qi Rong used a jade flute.It's just that Qi Rong has never used a weapon for many years.In these years, he has never really made a shot.Qi Rong looked at Yuhen and said lightly, "Junior brother, we haven't fought for many years. Today, let senior brother learn the younger brother's sword moves. Don't worry, junior brother, I will not use internal force. Junior brother, let's use the sword. "

"Then let Ben Gong take a good look at senior brother's kung fu." After the words fell, Yuhen had already picked up the saber that he had thrown aside at will just now.

Yuhen lost all his internal strength, but his skills and moves are still there.In the living room, two extremely fast figures flashed back and forth.Qi Rong didn't show mercy, but he didn't use his internal strength either.If Qi Rong used his internal force at this time, Yuhen would not have the upper hand at all.

Wherever the two went, there was a murderous aura.The hidden guards of the Prince's Mansion did not dare to approach.Back and forth, the two of them have gone through hundreds of moves, but they didn't see the difference at all.

" two don't fight anymore. Stop it, don't fight." Seeing that the two of them were ruthless in every move, Chu Liyou shouted anxiously: "Brother Qi, don't...cough cough..."

I just shouted that sentence, but before I finished the rest of the sentence, I coughed again.But Yuhen heard her calling Qi Rong's name.The sword in his hand became even more ruthless.

"Hiss..." There was a sound of their clothes being shredded.

The sword made a deep gash on Qi Rong's arm.And Qi Rong's jade flute also made a cut on Yuhen's body.Qi Rong's jade flute looks like an ordinary jade flute, but there is a secret hidden in the jade flute.In normal times, it is just an ordinary jade flute, but when killing people, it is the most powerful killing weapon.

"Stop, stop hitting." Chu Liyou rushed out to block Qi Rong.

At this moment, Yuhen's sword was pointed at Chu Liyou.Seeing her desperately blocking Qi Rong's face, those murderous eyes were burning with anger, and said angrily: "Get out of the way for me."

"I won't let you hurt Brother Qi. Yuhen, if you must kill someone today, then you can kill me." He stretched out his hand and grabbed the sword pointed at her with a little force. Pointing to his heart, "Yuhen, stab here, everything will be over."

"Li You, go away. This is a battle between me and him."

"Brother Qi, this incident happened because of me. I can't let you get hurt because of me." The pair of cold eyes looked at Yuhen again, and the strength of her hand was a little harder. At this moment, her hand was already bleeding profusely. Go down, I'm afraid that hand will be broken. "Let's do it."

"You really want to protect him like this?"

"Yes." Chu Liyou replied with firm eyes.

"I will help you." Eyes full of anger and killing intent looked at Chu Liyou, and the sword in his hand stabbed towards Chu Liyou.

Chu Liyou looked at his murderous eyes, let go of his sword, and closed his eyes.He let his sword stab at him.

The sword pierced Chu Liyou's shoulder.She just looked at him like that, at the sword in his hand that was stabbing towards her.

He finally did it to himself.There was no hesitation, no warmth at all.

She smiled at him and walked towards him.The sword in his hand was still on her shoulder, and every time she took a step, the sword pierced her body a little.Until she walked up to him.With a cool smile, "Yuhen, I, Chu Liyou, don't owe you anything when I'm here. I don't owe you anything when I'm here."

Qi Rong shouted: "Li You. Why didn't you dodge, why are you so stupid?" That sword could obviously be dodged, why did she stand and not dodge.Why hurt him once.

"Why?" Yuhen looked at her face close in front of her eyes.She just let the sword go through her shoulder.

"Because...if I want to die, I want to die by your hands. In this way, you will never forget me for the rest of your life. You will remember for the rest of your life that you once killed a woman who loved you deeply." The sword on his shoulder was drawn out, and the blood spurted out, leaving jade marks all over his body.Chu Liyou just looked at Yuhen and smiled, and kept laughing.Until her already weak body couldn't hold it anymore, she fell to the ground, and Qi Rong behind her caught her.Looking at the blood all over her body, looking at the sword wound on her shoulder, it was bleeding continuously.Qi Rong quickly tapped her acupuncture points.

"Li You. Why are you so stupid?" Qi Rong's face was full of distress.

"Brother Qi, remember that you promised me... If I die, send my ashes to my brother. Tell my brother, don't avenge me, I am willing to do all of this. Please... please forgive me Willful." Leaning in Qi Rong's arms, Chu Liyou slightly closed his eyes.

"Stop talking. You're not going to die. I promised you I wouldn't let you die."

(End of this chapter)

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