The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 798 103. At midnight, the sound of the soul-snatching flute

Chapter 798 103. At midnight, the sound of the soul-snatching flute

Chujing, Liyuan.

After sleeping for several days, Yun Qing finally woke up.It is estimated that if she does not wake up after falling asleep, Chu Limo will start killing in Chujing.

"Qingqing, are you hungry?" In the past few days, Yun Qing didn't wake up and Chu Limo just fed some liquid food to Yun Qing.

"Hungry." Get up from the bed, take a look outside, it is daytime now, but how many days has she slept? "How long have I been asleep?"

"Three days. Qingqing is still awake, I should kill someone." Thinking of the woman in black that night, Chu Limo's eyes flashed a murderous look.

"Caught her? Who is she?"

"Let her run away."

What happened three days ago flashed through Yun Qing's mind.She remembered that the woman in black had deliberately blown 'Qing Xin Fu' to her that day.She still remembered that the woman in black said before leaving that they would meet again in the future, and she would not be relentless when the time came, and would still play the song "Recapture the Soul".Therefore, she deliberately blew 'Qing Xin Fu' to her.What is her purpose in doing this?

The woman in black didn't mean to kill them.It is to make them enemies.Also killed the queen mother.Queen Mother...

"The Queen Mother is dead, and I haven't gotten any useful news. Why did that woman kill the Queen Mother?"

"Qingqing, don't think about it. Eat first."


Yun Qing moved his body, it was really his grandma's pain.In order to save Chu Limo that day, she almost exhausted her spiritual energy.She has been sleeping for a few days now, and her spiritual power has not fully recovered.It seems that during this period of time, she has to cultivate well.The woman in black also said that she should not use her spiritual power to play unless it is absolutely necessary.The woman in black was also seriously injured that day, but in order to save an irrelevant person, she blew her heart.Who is she?

"Sister! You've finally woken up. If you don't wake up, Chu Jing will probably bleed like a river." Yun Qing was eating when Nangong Jin came in.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, is it serious?
"Did you find out what you were asked to investigate?" Chu Limo asked.

"It's not so easy to find out." Nangong Jin frowned, "Anyway, our people in the northern border have not found the whereabouts of Su Wudao and Su Baiyi. The two of them seem to have disappeared out of thin air in the northern border area. So-so. Also! I also sent people over to Xueyue City, if they go back, there will be news.”

"Do you suspect that this matter is related to Su Wudao and Su Baiyi?" Yun Qing asked after listening to the conversation between the two.

"Sister, a person as smart as you should understand some things...By the way, can't you and that stinky fox sense each other? Can you sense where that stinky fox is now?" Nangong Jin wanted to speak again. But Yun Qing understood what he meant.To put it bluntly, so what if you know that Su Baiyi is related to her by blood.But isn't she equally skeptical?
Yun Qing's cold and beautiful little face also cooled down, "I couldn't sense where Xiao Bai was half a month ago. I didn't pay attention to it at the time. I just thought that Xiao Bai might be in the northern border. It’s because the distance is too far that I can’t sense its existence. However, since Su Baiyi went to the northern border, I can’t sense Xiao Bai.”

Yun Qing didn't take this matter to heart at that time.Because when Huo Linghu and Su Wudao went to the northern border, she would still feel it, and she could still feel Xiaobai's trace.It wasn't until Su Baiyi said that he was going to the northern border, and from that time on, she couldn't feel Xiaobai's trace.It's just that a lot of things have happened recently, and she didn't take it to heart.Thinking about it now, why did Su Wudao insist on taking Xiaobai with him when he went to the northern border.

Now it seems that she still believes in them too much.

Xiaobai is a thousand-year-old fox, that's right.But it is a fox after all, if Su Wudao and Su Baiyi are really going to do something.This thousand-year-old fox can only be killed.Now she just hopes that Xiaobai, the fox, ran away because of his playfulness, so she can't sense its existence.

But if something really happened to Huo Linghu, then...

Yun Qing took a look at Chu Limo, if something happened to Huo Linghu, there would be no Huo Linghu in the world, and there would be no cure for the unfeeling Gu poison on Chu Limo's body.

"If Su Wudao and Su Baiyi really did something behind their backs, I will never let them go." She is a person who cannot tolerate even the slightest betrayal.If all of this is false, she will never be merciful just because of her blood relationship with Su Baiyi.

But if that day really came, would she still do it?

But I don't want to, some things really come too fast.Too fast for her to accept.She still couldn't accept it, and it was often the people around her who lied to her.

"My lord, my concubine, something happened."

"What's the matter?" Chu Limo didn't raise his eyebrows.

He said ruthlessly: "The assassination occurred in the suburbs of Beijing, and many corpses were left at the scene. They were done by people from Guiyoumen. Su Wanyan's whereabouts are unknown."

"What did you say? Sister Su, she..."

"Princess. Miss Su and Mrs. Su went back to their hometown to worship their ancestors. They were assassinated on the way back to Beijing. Mrs. Su was found outside the city, and Miss Su's whereabouts are unknown."

"Look! No matter what the cost, we must find Sister Su. If there is something wrong with Sister Su, I want the Ghost Pylori Gate to be buried with Sister Su." Yun Qing said harshly: "Ghost Pylori Gate, Ghost Pylori Gate, and Ghost Pylori Gate again. First, poison Sister Feng , Now is to assassinate Sister Su. Ghost Pylori is going to attack the people around me. I will never let him go. Ruthless, look. Ghost Pylori knows what will happen if you offend me."

"Yes." Wuqing took the order to retreat.

How can Yun Qing still have the heart to stay, now people from Guiyoumen are frequently attacking, and they are all dealing with people around her.First is Sister Feng, then Sister Su, then who is next?

——It's the white moon!

"I'm going to the elder brother's side." After finishing speaking, Yun Qing had already walked out of the pear garden.

"Qingqing, I'll go with you." Chu Limo took out a coat and put it on Yunqing, "I know Qingqing is worried about the people around me, but I'm more worried about Qingqing you. sick."

Yun Qing smiled slightly, "Okay. Let's go together."

When they came to Nangong Mansion, Nangong Jin and Bai Yue already knew about Su Wanyan's assassination in the suburbs of Beijing.

"So you mean that Yue'er is the next person Guiyoumen will attack?" After listening to Yun Qing's analysis, Nangong Jin's eyes froze instantly.

"It's not impossible. But it's also possible that I will be the next one." Yun Qing said.After all, they don't know the next move of Ghost Pylori.

However, after the Ghost Pylori Gate came to Chujing, their people failed to find the Ghost Pylogen Gate's hiding place. Is this really too strange?In any case, this place of Chujing is also the sphere of influence of Chu Limo and his second cousin, but a mere ghost ghost gate is hidden so deeply in Chujing, it is impossible if there is no help behind it.But, who is actually helping the ghost pylorus behind the scenes?
Now the Empress Dowager is dead, and the Emperor Chu is still too sick to come down.Moreover, everything about Emperor Chu is under Chu Limo's nose.It is impossible for Emperor Chu to help Guiyoumen.So, who is the person behind it?

This question has been lingering in Yun Qing's mind for a long time.She felt uneasy if the person behind this was not found out.

After a pause, a light flashed in Yun Qing's mind.Yun Qing suddenly smiled evilly, but the smile was a little cold, "Since we can't find out where the people from the ghost pylorus are, then I will let them come out by themselves. I want to let them know, offending me What's the end?"

"You have a solution?" Nangong Jin looked at Yun Qing with raised eyebrows.

Seeing Yun Qing's weird smile, Chu Limo also laughed, and said softly in a low voice, "Qingqing is about the Song of the Soul?"

"Sure enough, you know me best." Yun Qing smiled slightly.

That's right, she just wanted to use the Reaper of Souls to force the people from the Ghost Pylori Gate out.The last time when the people from Guiyoumen came to Liyuan to assassinate, the woman in black blew the song of seizing the soul.It is conceivable that the disciples of the ghost pylorus were all poisoned.Then, as long as she plays the Reaper of Souls song once, those ghost pyloric people who have taken poison will die if not die.

Thinking of this method, Yun Qing thought of the woman in black again.She seems to have taught her the Reaper of the Soul and the Purity of the Heart on purpose.Who is that woman in black?What exactly does she want to do?
"Qingqing, playing the Reaper of Souls requires a lot of internal energy. There is also a distance limit. The city is so big, I don't know where they are hiding. If the people of the ghost pylorus are far away, playing the Reaper of Souls is useless. "Besides, Qingqing only woke up now because he had spent a lot of internal energy.How could he let Qingqing waste his internal energy.

"Li Mo, do you trust me?" Yun Qing looked at him.

Sister Feng almost died of poisoning, and now Sister Su's whereabouts are unknown.Next, she didn't know who would be next.If she's okay, she's going to settle accounts with the ghost ghost door.But if people from Guiyoumen want to deal with Bai Yue, Bai Yue is pregnant now, if something happens, it will be one dead body and two lives.She doesn't allow this to happen anymore.

Of course he believed her. "I believe you. But Qingqing, I will do this."

"We are together. You are not allowed to refuse." Yun Qing did not give him a chance to say no.Only she and Chu Limo heard the sound of the soul-snatching flute that night.The woman in black blew twice in front of them.Not to mention learning ten levels, at least the tune is learned.Not to mention that the sound of the flute can kill people invisible, but it is a simple matter to poison those ghosts and pylorus people who have taken poison.

"Okay." Knowing that Yun Qing's decision will not be changed once, Chu Limo is not stopping it.


In the deep night, Chu Jing was completely silent.On the roof of Yingfenglou, the tallest building in Chujing, two figures stood facing the wind.Yingfeng Building is the most central seat in Chujing, and it is also the tallest building.Standing on it and blowing the soul-destroyer flute, the sound of the flute can resound throughout the city.

The two people standing on it looked at each other and smiled, and the death-killing flute sounded leisurely, starting from Yingfeng Tower and spreading to every corner of Chujing.In the middle of the night, the faint sound of the flute added a strange feeling to Chu Jing.

Although the two of them only listened to the woman in black blow it twice, their comprehension was extremely high.Playing this soul-snatching song, the power is not small.If the two of them practice this Song of Seizing Soul more frequently in the future, they will be able to kill people invisible with the sound of the flute in the future.


Dozens of people in a mansion in Chujing screamed in pain.Not long after, dozens of people in the mansion were all lying on the ground tragically.

After hearing the sound of the flute, the wounded woman in a certain mansion in Chujing smiled, "You are really smart, you have learned the song of the soul so quickly. It is not in vain for me It taught you." After laughing, the woman laughed at herself again, "It's just...will you use it against me in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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