Chapter 799 104.
Chu Jing, the next day.

In the pear orchard, Yun Qing's spiritual power had just recovered, and the spiritual power had not fully recovered and wasted a lot last night, so she was lying on the bed resting at the moment.

Nangong Jin climbed over the wall and entered the Liyuan directly, "Are you feeling better?"

"I found Sister Su." Hearing Nangong Jin's words, Yun Qing asked anxiously.

Nangong Jin frowned, seeing his appearance, Yun Qing's heart was instantly extinguished by a basin of cold water.Nangong Jin also knew that her sister was anxious and uncomfortable.Right now, I just hope that Su Wanyan can be blessed with great fortune and escape this catastrophe.It's just that the chances seem slim now.

"Find it?" Chu Limo glanced at Nangong Jin lightly.

"The screams last night resounded throughout Chujing. If I can't find out, it would be a waste of the two of you singing the Song of the Soul all night."

Nangong Jin really felt that her sister was too smart, but at the same time, she was also terribly vicious.Last night, when the song "Snatch the Soul" came out, there were hundreds of corpses in Chu Jing.According to the sound of screams, they followed the sound to find the mansion where they were hiding.After this investigation, all the mansions they hid in Chujing were found.At the same time, it was also found out that those people were helping the ghost pylorus behind the scenes.After the investigation, it was discovered that these people had a constant relationship with the Feng family.

The ghost ghost gate is hidden so deep in Chujing because there are people from the Feng family in Chujing.And these people include court officials, common people, and some businessmen.These people all came to Chujing many years ago, and then they got married and established businesses here, and took root here.If it weren't for this investigation, who would have thought that these people were actually members of the Feng clan?

"But... still haven't found the hiding places of the master of the ghost gate, Yan Feng and the woman in black. All the gangsters of the ghost gate have been arrested now. According to their account, the only one who knows the hiding place of the master of the ghost gate is Yan Feng and the woman in black. I also checked the identity of the woman in black, but no one knows who she is." Having said this, Nangong Jin also frowned.I am even more curious about the woman in black.

"In this way, there are people from the Feng clan hidden deeper in Chujing who are secretly helping Guiyoumen." Yun Qing frowned. Who is the master of the Guiyoumen from the Feng clan?Why are there so many people from the Feng clan obeying him?Also, what is the purpose of his planning for many years?Do you want this world, or what?
Yun Qing always felt that the sect master of Guiyoumen not only wants the world, but also has other goals.As for the purpose, she is not clear now.But what is certain is that the ghost pylorus sect master is coming for them.

"I think the current hiding place of the sect master of Guiyoumen should be among the members of the Feng clan that we haven't found yet." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows, "I just don't know how many hidden Feng clansmen Chu Jing still has." People of the same family?"

Chu Limo said, "Didn't you catch a lot of ghost pyloric accomplices last night? Go check the information of these people and see who they have contacts with."

"I've done it a long time ago. It's just that I caught a lot of gangsters last night. I'm busy this time." Nangong Jin looked at her sister's pale face again. The internal force played the Reaper of Souls all night, and now his face is even paler and a little scary. "Don't worry about it, we're still here. It's you yourself, don't use your internal power in the near future. And you. Even if the heartless poison in your body is temporarily suppressed for three years, nothing will happen. However, you can't waste your internal energy like this. What if you accidentally exhausted your internal energy last night and the unfeeling Gu suddenly broke out? You can leave things like playing the Reaper of Souls last night to the master."

Chu Limo rolled his eyes at Nangong Jin, "It's just a pity that you are an idiot when it comes to music. You can't learn the Imperative of Souls even if you play it a hundred times in front of you."

Don't bring such shocking people!Don't bring such short stories!

In the end, Nangong Jin groaned twice in displeasure, and ordered Yun Qing not to use her internal force again in the near future, and then left the Liyuan.

"My lord, my concubine. There is news." Ruthless came in to report.


Wu Qing glanced at Yun Qing first, and then truthfully replied: "Go back to the lord. On the edge of the cliff in the outskirts, blood and traces of falling off the cliff were found. A small piece of rag left on the edge of the cliff has confirmed that it is Su. Mademoiselle left."

The latter sentence directly made Yun Qing's heart sink, how could it be Sister Su who fell off the cliff?how is this possible.She would never believe it.Sister Su will be fine. "What did you say? You mean that Sister Su fell off a cliff. How is it possible? How could Sister Su... fall off a cliff. No... no..." Yun Qing looked like a devil from hell at this moment, and his voice was full of murderous intent . "How dare they treat Sister Su like this, ghost pylorus, ghost pylorus, I will not let them go. I will not let them go. I want the whole ghost pylorus to be buried with sister Su. Catch those who worked for ghost pylorus last night All members of the Feng family were killed. In addition, let me tell you that anyone who works for the Guiyoumen, no matter who he is, will be killed."


"Send people to search under the cliff. This concubine wants to see people alive and dead bodies." She never believed that Sister Su left them just like that, never believed it.

When Wu Qing left, Yun Qing was paralyzed all of a sudden.In the previous life, they all died because of her. In this life, she swore that she would never let them suffer any harm.However, things still happened.First was Sister Feng, followed by Sister Su.Who will be next to her?
"Qingqing." Chu Limo embraced the murderous Yun Qing, and said softly, "Qingqing, we will find her, we will find her."

"Li Mo, I'm really afraid, I'm afraid that Sister Su will... people around me will leave me one by one." That kind of fear, deep fear.She was afraid that the people around her would leave her one by one.This had happened before, and it was her nightmare.Now, such a nightmare seems to be happening again.

She thought that she had become a cold-blooded killer and would not be afraid anymore.However, when he heard the news that Su Wanyan might have fallen off the cliff and might have died.The old fear came back.

"No. Qingqing, I'm still here. I'm still here."

"I'm going to find Sister Su, I'm going to find Sister Su myself."

"Okay. Qingqing, I will accompany you." No matter where I go, I will accompany you.


A Zhuangzi on the outskirts of Chujing.

"Slap..." A slap in the face was slammed on the face of the woman in black with a veil on her face.The man also dressed in black had a fierce look in his eyes, looking at the woman in black like a poisonous snake, and after finishing the beating, he grabbed the woman in black's neck with his right hand and said quietly, "How do you think the sect master will punish you? "

"I don't know what mistakes my subordinates have made? Please tell the door master clearly."

"How dare you ask my sect master what you have committed? Let me ask you, who else in the world knows how to play the Recapture of Souls? Why, you really fell in love with him. For a man, you want to fight against this sect master? You should understand what is the end of going against the sect master."

"Subordinates don't understand what the sect master means. Subordinates don't. Ahem..." The woman in black was already strangled by the neck and almost out of breath. "Those people were not killed by subordinates."

"You didn't kill it. The good one didn't kill you. If you say you didn't kill it, then whoever played the Reaper of Souls made them poison them. In this world, who else knows the Reaper of Souls besides you? More than 300 people were killed in an instant. All died of poisonous hair. In this world, only you and the head of this sect know that those sects have been poisoned by the soul-reaping poison. Sect Master, who else is there if it's not you?" The man's eyes flashed with a faint poisonous light, and he strangled the woman's neck with all his strength. More than 300 people, almost all the people in Chujing under his ghost pylorus were killed last night.In the future, if he still wants to work in Chu Jing, he will have no one left.

"Since... since the sect master thinks that his subordinates killed him, then please ask the sect master to kill his subordinates." The woman in black did not resist, and closed her eyes slightly.

"Master of the sect." Yan Feng, who had been standing silently by the side, said, "Master of the sect, maybe she really did not do what happened last night."

"Touch!" A burst of fierce energy suddenly hit Yanfeng's body.Yan Feng spat out a mouthful of blood.The man in black looked at Yan Feng with poisonous eyes, his eyes full of coldness. "Why, you want to excuse her? Don't think that the head of this sect doesn't know what you're thinking."

A stern look flashed under Yan Feng's eyes, but he said respectfully, "This subordinate is just telling the truth and didn't excuse Zuo Hufa. Moreover, Zuo Hufa wouldn't be so stupid as to use Seizing Soul song if he wanted to kill someone." Kill someone. If she really killed someone, she wouldn't appear in front of the sect master now."

"Hmph." The man in black let go of the woman.Of course he knew that she wasn't the one who played the Reaper of Souls last night. Although she was in Chujing City last night, she was injured, so there was no way she could play the Reaper of Souls and kill more than 300 people in a row, not to mention he was beside her. The people watching, she was recuperating in the room last night without taking a step.If it was really her, she would already be a corpse by now.It's just that he lost so many people at once, and the resentment in his heart is hard to dispel.

"Ahem..." The woman in black coughed a few times after losing her breath.

"Yanfeng, find out for this sect master who played the Song of the Soul last night. If you can't find out, you don't have to come back."


The man in black gave the woman in black a cold look, and warned: "Remember your identity for the sect master, and don't forget who you are. If there is a next time, the sect master will kill that person himself .”

"This subordinate understands." A coldness flashed in the eyes of the woman in black.


Under the cliff on the outskirts of Chujing.

At the bottom of the cliff is a river.If Su Wanyan really fell off the cliff, then she might fall into the river.At this moment, their people had searched the entire bottom of the cliff, but they couldn't find Su Wanyan's whereabouts.However, searching all the way along the river, but found nothing.

At the bottom of the cliff, Wang Zixuan has been searching here for three whole days.For the past three days, he has been searching along the river at the bottom of the cliff without sleep.He didn't believe that the woman would leave him, as long as she didn't find her for a day, she would believe that she didn't die.

Su Wanyan's sudden disappearance shrouded Chu Jingli in darkness.But I don't want to, this kind of darkness is far more than that.

(End of this chapter)

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