The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 800 105. I'm here to make friends, do you believe it?

Chapter 800 105. I'm here to make friends, do you believe it?

early February.

It has been half a month since Su Wanyan disappeared, half a month.No news at all.

Su Wanyan's sudden disappearance was a shock to the Su family.Master Su and Mrs. Su only have such a precious daughter.Because of this incident, Mrs. Su couldn't afford to fall ill.Mr. Su is also troubled every day.Not to mention, Wang Zixuan who is Su Wanyan's fiancé.In just half a month, the Prime Minister of Great Chu, Wang Zixuan, had already lost a lot of weight.In the past half month, Wang Zixuan has not been to court.What I do every day is to search along the river under the cliff.

It's just that such a search did not bring any news.The only good news left now is that Su Wanyan's body was not found.If no body is found, it means the person is still alive.But there is also a possibility that the corpse has been eaten by wild beasts in the mountains.So there is only one point of hope, and the remaining nine points are because Su Wanyan is already in danger.

Zhuangzi in the outskirts of Chujing.

Yan Feng respectfully reported from the side: "Sect Master, the matter has been clarified. The person who played the Reaper of Souls song and killed my Ghost Youmen is Li Wang Chu Limo and the spiritual daughter of the Feng clan, the current Princess Li Mu Yunqing."

The fact that Yunqing is the daughter of Donghai has not been announced to the world.The only people who know Yunqing's surname Nangong are those close to him.In the eyes of the world, Yun Qing is still the daughter of Mu Yuanfeng.

"It's them. What a King Li, what a spiritual girl from the Feng clan." It was them who played the song for the soul, so he didn't find it strange at all.The sinister eyes exuded a faint ruthless light, "Call You Xue."

Yan Feng's eyes sank for a moment, and he replied respectfully: "Yes."

Not long after, a woman in black with a black veil came over.She has been recovering from the injury for half a month, and her internal injuries have only recovered half of it. It is conceivable how badly she was injured that night.However, as long as she is not meeting someone with deep inner strength, no one can easily kill her.The woman in black bowed respectfully, "Meet the sect master."

"Youxue." The man in black shouted.

"" The black-clothed woman named You Xue replied in a daze.

How many years, how many years she has not heard this name.It's been so long that she has almost forgotten her name is You Xue.This was the second time she heard this man calling her name since she was sensible.She was already about to start to wonder if the man in front of her had forgotten her name?Have forgotten that she is his daughter?

"Yanfeng has already found out who played the Reaper of Souls that night. Now, the master of this sect has entrusted you with a task."

No expression could be seen on You Xue's face, and her voice was cold and clear: "Please give instructions to the sect master."

"Kill...Wang Qingshan." The man in black spoke softly, with a cold smile in his voice.

Hearing this name, You Xue's body was visibly startled.The door wants her to kill... Wang Qingshan? "what?"

"You Xue, you are the daughter of our sect master, and the most proud killer trained by this sect master. You... will not disappoint this sect master, right?" The man in black said like a magic voice.A stern look flashed in the eyes of Yan Feng who was on the side.

Youxue said, "Master. Wang Qingshan is a first-rank general of the Great Chu, holding 20 military power. Although Wang Qingshan has returned the military power now, the palace is heavily guarded. Wang Qingshan is also a martial artist, and his subordinates are now carrying With injuries, he couldn't get close to Wang Qingshan's body at all."

The eyes of the man in black turned cold for a moment, and he quietly looked at Youxue's face under the black veil, and said sinisterly, "Wang Qingshan may guard against others, but he will never guard against you. Your face... deadliest weapon."

"Sect master. The subordinates don't understand why the sect master wanted to kill Wang Qingshan? Could it be that he was the one who played the Imperius Song? As far as my subordinates know, Wang Qingshan doesn't know how to play the Imperative Song. There's nothing good for us."

The man in black said in a deep voice: "You Xue. You have shown mercy to these people several times, do you really think that the head of this sect will not kill you? As a killer, you only need to follow orders. Remember, the head of this sect I only give you one day. At this time tomorrow, the sect will mainly see Wang Qingshan's head. If he doesn't die tomorrow, he will die."

This him, You Xue knew who he was referring to.Under the veil, a gleam of coldness flashed across a beautiful face, but he had to obey the order. "The subordinate obeys."

"You all go down." The man in black said again solemnly: "You Xue, don't let this sect master down."

"Subordinates retire."

"My subordinate understands."

The two said in unison.Then exit the room.

In the room, the man in black said with a sinister smile: "Shangguan Ning, it's been more than 40 years. It's a pity that you died. But soon, the master of this sect will let Wang Qingshan go down to accompany you. Back then you were in this sect Everything that the master has done, the master of this sect will return to them one by one."

Yanfeng and Youxue left the room.Youxue was stopped outside Zhuangzi.

"I also want to see if the most proud killer of our ghost pylorus sect master can be ruthless...kill Wang Qingshan. I really look forward to tomorrow's arrival!" Yan Feng's face is full of gloating and sinister color.

"Believe it or not, I will kill you before that." You Xue's face turned cold, and there was a cold warning in her eyes.

"Of course I know you dare. Is there anything our Zuo protector dare not do?" Yanfeng laughed coldly, "Tell me, if Mu Yunqing knows that you killed her closest relative, she will Will you not let you go? And the person in your heart, if he knows everything you do, will he still like you? Do you think he will kill you with his own hands? Haha. Think about it, all this is really true It's exciting."

"shut up."

"Hehe. I became angry from embarrassment." Yan Feng smiled viciously, "But what if you are angry? He didn't want you to kill Wang Qingshan, and you only have one day. If you kill No more Wang Qingshan, the one who died is yours. Youxue, over the years, how many things we have done for him. But in his heart, did we ever exist. We are just pawns in his heart That's all. A chess piece that wants to work for him at any time, to kill the people we care about for him. We can't control our own destiny. You Xue, are you really willing? Are you willing to be controlled by him like this? Are you willing? Kill someone for him for a lifetime. If you kill Wang Qingshan, can you guarantee that you will not regret it in this life?"

You Xue glanced at Yan Feng coldly, "What do you want to say?"

"Youxue. In the ghost gate. Apart from the sect master, you have the highest martial arts. If he is gone, no one in this world can stop you from being with him. You can leave the ghost gate and pass you the life you want."

"You want me to kill the sect master and become the master of the ghost and pylorus sect yourself. Do you want to be a fisherman's profit? Hehe, Yanfeng, you should know better than me what kind of person the sect master is. Do you think the two of us Can we defeat the sect master together? Do you think the sect master is a fool? He...has never trusted anyone, including you and me. I'm afraid that if we want to fight, the one who dies will be us. Yan Feng , you think too much of me." Youxue sneered coldly, "Also, even if I really kill the sect master, aren't you afraid that after I kill the sect master, I will also kill you to silence you? ?”

"You Xue, we can't kill him. It doesn't mean others can't kill him. For example, Li Wang, Chu Limo, Mu Yunqing and others."

"You want to use me?"

"We just take what we need. As long as he dies, I will never stop you if you want to leave the ghost gate. From now on, there will be no such person as You Xue in the world."

"Humph. I hate being used the most. He uses me like this. I already hate him to the bone. I want to kill him and hurry up. If you want to use me, do you think I will let you go? Yanfeng, I No matter what you want, I don't want to know, and I won't hinder you. But I'm warning you once, don't set your mind on me. The price is beyond your reach." After a while, Youxue spoke again, "This one I can help you with something. At this time tomorrow, you ask the sect master to come to Sunset Cliff. I think you should be able to meet this request, right?"

Yan Feng smiled, "Of course. You Xue, I knew you would not reject me. Because...we all hate him so much. But you fell in love with the person he wanted to kill"

"Yanfeng, I hope this is your last time. Also, don't let your people follow me. Otherwise, I will kill one at a time." After the warning, Youxue left.

Yan Feng looked at the back of the woman leaving, and there was a hint of hatred and coldness in his eyes.


Chujing, Liyuan.

The night was getting dark, and a long flute sounded.

The sound of this flute is the Song of Souls.However, at this moment, there is no trace of internal force in the sound of the flute.

"It's her." Hearing the sound of the flute, Yun Qing woke up from the bed.

The direction of the sound of the flute is in the Magnolia Garden in Nangong Mansion.Yun Qing put on her clothes and jumped over the wall to enter.In Magnolia Garden, a woman dressed in black was sitting in the yard playing the flute.

"You are here." You Xue looked at the people in front of her with a smile, and the sound of the flute also stopped.

"Miss is really interested! Come to my son's house to play the flute in the middle of the night!" Nangong Jin spoke first.Nangong Jin's tone seemed gentle, but it was full of murderous intent.

"You guys are surprised?" You Xue smiled lightly, watching how many people were guarding against her.You Xue didn't care at all. "That's true. After all, I'm from the ghost pylorus. However, you don't have to guess. I'm the only one here tonight. Besides, with so many of you, if you use force, I won't be an opponent at all."

"The girl used the sound of the flute to lure us over, didn't she just want us to listen to the girl playing the flute?" Yun Qing looked at You Xue and said.

You Xue laughed a little self-deprecatingly, but her eyes looked at the few people present with incomparable sincerity. "If I say, I just want to make friends with everyone. Do you believe me?"

Yun Qing said, "Make friends? That girl's way of making friends is really unique."

"Believe it or not. I just want to make friends with you tonight." Youxue looked up at the murderous Chu Limo, her lips moved under the veil, "His Royal Highness, you really want to kill me? However, I would like to persuade His Royal Highness Li, although you have many people, I definitely cannot beat you, and I may not be able to kill the others, but I will kill you. I think I am still somewhat sure. Princess, tell me, if the two of us play Seizing Soul Song and Pure Heart Fu at the same time, will Prince Li die or not?"

Chu Limo really wanted to kill the woman in front of him.This woman is a threat to him.A threat that would blow the Reaper of Souls song to trigger his unfeeling Gu poison.

Yun Qing looked at You Xue, her words were not wrong.If she wanted to play the Reaper of Souls, she might not be able to hurt other people.But Chu Limo will definitely be injured, and she may not be able to save Chu Limo under the Song of the Soul with her Qingxin talent.

This woman is smart and bold.

"I want to see if your flute sounds faster, or my sword." After saying that, Chu Limo's Shura sword was out of its sheath.You Xue had a calm face, and smiled faintly, "I'm just here to make friends tonight, I don't want to do anything, let alone see blood. Everyone... don't you want Su Wanyan to have something to do?"

"Wait!" Yun Qing said, looking at You Xue coldly, "Sister Su is in your hands?"

"Qingqing. She deserves to die. Besides, her words are unbelievable."

"It's up to you to believe it or not. But you should know this, right?" You Xue took out a bracelet from her body as she said.It was the bracelet that Su Wanyan never left her body.

Seeing the bracelet, Bai Yue, who had been silent all this time, exclaimed, "That's the bracelet Wanyan is wearing."

Yun Qing also knew the bracelet.Sister Su always carried this bracelet on her hand and never took it off.

"It's Wanyan. Wanyan is not dead, so I know that Wanyan is not dead." At this time, Wang Zixuan also came to Yulan Garden.He shouted excitedly when he saw the bracelet.

"Big cousin, why are you here?" Yun Qing was startled.The eldest cousin has been looking for sister Su for half a month, tortured himself to the point of death.They also sent people to look for it, but there was no news at all.What surprised Yun Qing and the others even more was that.Not only Wang Zixuan came, but also Wang Ziqing and Feng Qingluan.

I saw that the people finally arrived.You Xue smiled slightly, "Please invite Mr. Nangong to the bar when everyone is here."

Yun Qing looked at the few people who came in and asked, "What's going on?"

You Xue said, "You don't need to ask, I asked them to come here. As I said, I'm here to make friends tonight. There are so many of you, are you still afraid that I will harm you all by myself?" After a pause, "Young Master Nangong, please go to the bar."

 Can you guess who this woman is?

(End of this chapter)

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