The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 801 106. I believe her!

Chapter 801 106. I believe her!
In the Magnolia Garden in Nangong Mansion, a very strange scene occurred.Chu Limo, Yun Qing, Nangong Jin, Bai Yue, Feng Qingluan, Wang Ziqing, and Wang Zixuan actually sat down with a woman of unknown origin, drink!
Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows, looked at You Xue who was holding the wine but didn't drink it, and said: "Isn't it the girl who wants to drink? Why, don't you dare? I'm afraid I will poison the wine."

"How come?" With a slight smile, he picked up the glass of wine and lifted the lower corner of the veil slightly, and drank down the wine.It's just that when drinking, he covered his entire face with his sleeves.Everyone didn't see her true face clearly.

She was just thinking, maybe in the future, there will never be such an opportunity to sit and drink together, and there will never be again.Hehe, if they knew who she was.Perhaps even today such an opportunity will not have it?

Seeing her movements, Yun Qing frowned.She is really not afraid of them poisoning her!It's just that she didn't even take off her veil when she was drinking, and even covered it with her sleeves, obviously because she didn't want them to know her true face.But she was covering it up, and the more curious she became. "It's not convenient for a girl to drink while wearing a veil, so it's better to take off the veil."

"It seems that Princess Li is very curious about my appearance. You know, those who want to know my appearance are generally only qualified to be dead. But... for you, I don't mind letting you see it. It's just, not now. "

"Oh! Is that so?" Yun Qing smiled, "I didn't expect this concubine to have such an honor. The girl came here late at night and deliberately lured us all here, isn't it just as simple as making friends and drinking? Tell me, girl What is the purpose?"

"I said, I'm just here to make friends and have a drink. I don't have any purpose in bringing you here tonight." After a pause, You Xue's tone was filled with inexplicable sadness, "The only purpose is, I want to I just want you to accompany me until dawn. You won’t refuse, right?”

It was already the limit for Wang Zixuan to be able to listen to her so much.Now he only worries about Wanyan's safety. "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you here. Say, where is the politeness?"

You Xue glanced at Wang Zixuan, and said calmly: "Do you love her? No matter what she becomes, will you still love her as always?"

"What did you do to Wanyan? If Wanyan loses even the slightest bit, I will make you pay for her life."

"Wait for dawn. After dawn, I'll take you to see her." After finishing speaking, You Xue didn't speak anymore, but poured herself another glass of wine and tasted it lightly.

Youxue sat alone in Yulan Garden, and the others had already left.You Xue didn't care much about their departure.Only Wuqing and others were left in Yulanyuan to watch her.In fact, even if they are ruthless, they don't look at her.She won't leave either.

The living room of Nangong Mansion.

"What does she mean? She's really sitting in Magnolia Garden and won't leave." Feng Qingluan has been holding back all night.If it wasn't for Wang Ziqing and Yun Qing who had been pulling her along just now.She would really start a fight with that woman.During these days, because of Su Wanyan's disappearance, she was worried every day.Now that she knows that Wanyan is in her hands, but she can't do anything, she feels so annoyed.

"The only thing we can do now is to wait." Yun Qing said.Then he looked at Wang Zixuan at the side, "Big cousin, don't worry, Sister Su will be fine."

In fact, she didn't know why, but she believed this woman's words.She always felt that this woman didn't seem to want to really hurt them.As a killer, she came to Nangong Mansion alone, without a trace of murderous intent on her body.On the contrary, there is a lot of sadness on his body.And she led them here, just drinking and chatting, all this is unreasonable.If they wanted to kill her, it would be a breeze.She knew this too, but she still brought them over.

Now she really wants to know why she did this?
but don't want to...

"Now we don't know what she is planning. Now, we can only wait for the dawn. But I think, Sister Su must be in her hands. In this way, after dawn, I, Li Mo, the eldest cousin and the rest of us will follow her Go. Brother, you stay to protect Bai Yue. My second cousin and sister Feng also stay, I always feel that something will happen. "

Yun Qing also had some scruples about such an arrangement.Now Bai Yue is still pregnant.Her elder brother must never leave.In case they left, the ghost ghost came to the door.Bai Yue can't deal with it at all.As for Feng Qingluan, they don't know the strength of Guiyoumen, and it will be unsafe if there are too many people.Moreover, there is still his grandfather in the capital, in case the ghost Youmen takes the opportunity to enter and cause chaos in the capital.Both Wangfu and Nangongfu will have accidents.So, someone has to stay.

Feng Qingluan said, "No, I want to rescue Wanyan with you."

Wang Ziqing pulled his daughter-in-law. "Qingluan, Sister Qing is right, we can't all leave. Ghost Pylori Gate must have another trick. If you follow, I will only worry."

"But I'm worried about Wanyan."

"Sister Feng, don't worry. With us here, we will definitely bring Sister Su back safely." After speaking, he pulled the man beside him and said softly, "Li Mo, I know what you are thinking right now. But now Sister Su may be in her hands. I will talk about everything when I find Sister Su." Yun Qing knew that Chu Limo wanted to kill this woman very much now.However, she couldn't ignore Su Wanyan's life or death.

After a long time, Chu Limo said lightly, "Then let her live for another day."


In a village on the outskirts of Chujing.

"Master, Guardian Zuo has already entered the city. It's just... all of us were thrown away by Guardian Zuo." The person who came to report hesitated.It's just that all the people sent by the sect master to follow Zuo Dharma were left behind.Now they only know that Guardian Zuo has entered the city, but they don't know where Guardian Zuo is in the city now.

"Master, will Guardian Zuo..."

A murderous look flashed across the eyes of the man in black.If she really didn't kill Wang Qingshan, he would be the next to die.

"Hehe, if you doubt our Guardian Zuo so much, you are not afraid that she will be the first to kill you when she comes back." Yan Feng walked in and looked at the subordinate who reported it and smiled.After laughing, he bowed respectfully to the man in black, "Sect master, the left protector just got the news that tomorrow she will bring Wang Qingshan and Sunset Cliff to the sect master to deal with."

The man in black glanced at Yan Feng, and said in a deep voice, "You taught her to do this?"

"The subordinate is afraid that Guardian Zuo will not do anything to Wang Qingshan, so he just gave her an idea." Yanfeng replied.

"Hmph, she listens to you." The man in black snorted coldly, his eyes sank. "Sunset Cliff, you'd better not betray the sect master, otherwise..."

Looking at the darkened eyes of the man in black, a cold light flashed across Yan Feng's sinister eyes, and the light was so fast that the man in black didn't notice it at all.

Don't blame me for being cruel, if you want to blame it, blame yourself!


Several people stayed in Nangong Mansion for one night.But Youxue sat alone in the Magnolia Garden all night.He didn't get up until dawn.

In the kitchen of Nangong Mansion, a figure in black was busy in it very early in the morning.But soon, bursts of fragrance came from the whole Nangong Mansion.

Wu Qing and the others looked at the busy man in the kitchen, full of doubts in their hearts.Is this woman out of her mind?Doesn't she know who she is?She actually cooks breakfast in the kitchen, isn't she afraid that they will kill her if she stays here?

Not long after, You Xue came to the living room with the prepared breakfast.In the living room, everyone is there.

Youxue greeted everyone with a smile, "Morning! It just so happened that I made breakfast, let's eat together." With that tone, if Youxue was not a member of the ghost pylorus, everyone would definitely think that they are a family.

"What's the matter? You are not afraid of me poisoning the food, are you? With the majestic doctor Nangong here, can I poison you?" Seeing that no one was moving, Youxue said again, "Since everyone is afraid of me poisoning, Then I'll eat first." After finishing speaking, he took a sip first.

How can Wang Zixuan have breakfast. "What do you want to do? Where is Wanyan?"

This woman's behavior is really weird.Those present did not understand what she was up to.I brought them over last night, and made breakfast this morning.Even Yun Qing didn't understand such a weird behavior.

"Eat breakfast first. After eating, I will take you to see her."

Yun Qing looked at her, "Girl, can you give me a reason?" She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.But what is certain is that there is no poison in this breakfast.It's just, what is she trying to do after making a breakfast early in the morning?

"If I said, I never wanted to harm you, would you believe me? Hehe." After finishing speaking, Youxue laughed, even she herself didn't believe such words.Although she didn't want to hurt them in her heart, she did a lot of things to hurt them. "I just want to make breakfast for you. After today, I'm afraid I won't have such an opportunity in the future. Whether you believe it or not, I will not harm you. I will not poison you. "

You Xue didn't care about the eyes of everyone in the living room, and even less cared about the murderous look in their eyes, she found a seat and sat down, as if she was at her own home.

Youxue glanced at everyone in the living room, and said with a faint smile: "You don't have to be so vigilant against me, I won't do anything. There are so many of you, even if I want to do it, I can't beat you. How about everyone Sit down and have a good breakfast. I promise, after breakfast, what do you want to know. I will tell you what you want to know."

Feng Qingluan stared at Youxue and snorted coldly, and said: "You have been letting us have breakfast, who knows if you poisoned it."

Under the black veil, the woman's lips moved, "Whether there is poison or not, Nangong doctor here knows best."

"There is no poison in the food." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows.Chu Limo on the side kept a cold face and said nothing.At this time, Yun Qing said, "Since the girl has already prepared breakfast, let's eat it. I think, if the girl really did something in the meal, the girl might not be able to get out of this door."

"Of course." You Xue smiled.

Feng Qingluan said: "Sister Qing, you really believe her."

"I believe her."

The short three words 'I believe her' caused the woman's face under the veil to move slightly.You Xue looked at Yun Qing quietly, with too many inexplicable and complicated emotions in her eyes.

Maybe Yun Qing believed her without knowing why.However, at that moment, when she saw the woman in black smiling at her, the sincerity in her eyes made her want to believe her once.Or maybe, when she was in the woods that night, she clearly had the opportunity to kill Chu Limo and herself, but regardless of her serious injury, she blew out the gift of Qingxin to save Chu Limo, and even taught the gift of Qingxin and the Song of the Soul Own.She clearly knew that she had taught herself the Reaper of Souls, and that she would use the Reaper of Souls to deal with ghosts.But she did it anyway.So, she wanted to believe her once.

This woman may have killed many people.However, in the few times of contact with her, she can really feel it.This woman didn't really want to fight them.It could even be said that in front of them, she didn't have a trace of murderous intent on her body.Yes, but it is a very kind and gentle feeling.It seems that they have known each other for a long time.

 You have already guessed who You Xue is...

  Yes, she is...

(End of this chapter)

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