The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 802 107. I won't let you die, I won't let you die...

Chapter 802 107. I won't let you die, I won't let you die
Although the others didn't eat breakfast, but in the end, Yun Qing and You Xue did it together.Youxue didn't force other people not to use it, after all, her identity as a member of the ghost pylorus was there.Now, Yun Qing can accompany her to have this breakfast, she is already happy.It's just that in the joy, there is inevitably a trace of regret, regret that I can't have a good breakfast with him.This may be their last breakfast.

You Xue glanced outside, and said in a calm voice, "It's almost time, let's go. I'll take you to see Su Wanyan."

Wang Zixuan couldn't wait to know where Su Wanyan was.But after a night of calmness, this woman's behavior was too abnormal, and people had to guard against it.At this moment, Wang Zixuan looked at You Xue vigilantly and warned: "You'd better not play tricks. Otherwise, I won't let you go."

You Xue smiled lightly, "There are so many of you, what tricks can I play?" She just wanted to see you.Just one side is enough.

"Better so."

Youxue outside the gate of Nangong Mansion turned around and took a look.Under the veil, there is nostalgia and reluctance that no one has discovered.

Today, let it all end.

"Let's go." After getting on the horse, You Xue was already heading towards the gate of the city.Chu Limo, Yun Qing, and Wang Zixuan followed.


Sunset Cliff.

The master of the ghost gate had already waited on the sunset cliff according to the time Yan Feng said.

The man in black stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the scenery on the edge of the cliff. "Yanfeng, do you think Youxue will bring Wang Qingshan here today?"

Without saying a word, he also looked at the scenery on the edge of the cliff like the man in black.

Of course he knew that Youxue would not bring Wang Qingshan here.If she had really done that, there would be no such thing as Sunset Cliff today.

However, in the next second, the woman's quiet voice sounded, "This subordinate has already brought the man here."

The people on Sunset Cliff turned their heads and saw a woman in black with a black veil riding a horse.And there is another person on the horseback.A person who has passed out.

You Xue dismounted, and bowed respectfully to the man in black, "Master, this subordinate has already brought Wang Qingshan here."

The man in black walked towards the unconscious Wang Qingshan. When he saw that the unconscious person was Wang Qingshan, the man in black suddenly laughed, "Wang Qingshan, haha, you have today too. Today is yours." time of death."

When Yan Feng, who was following him, saw that the man was Wang Qingshan, a strange look flashed in his eyes.She stared at Youxue with her eyes, but Youxue always stood aside with a cold air all over her body.

The situation in front of him was somewhat unclear.

The man in black looked at the unconscious Wang Qingshan with eyes full of murderous intent, and then said to Youxue, "Youxue, this time things went well. However, the head of this sect said that you want to kill Wang Qingshan. Take his head personally. Now, kill him." A sword was thrown to You Xue.

"Yes." This time, Youxue walked towards the unconscious Wang Qingshan with a sword in his hand without hesitation.

"Touch!" A strong aura hit the man in black fiercely at this moment. The man in black's eyes sank, but he avoided the attacking aura, preventing the aura from hitting him. on his fatal point.It's just that he avoided the first one, but he couldn't avoid the second one.You Xue's sword also changed direction, and killed the subordinate next to the man in black.The comatose Wang Qingshan woke up, and lifted off the human skin mask on his face, revealing his original face.Everything happens in an instant.And the blast that hit the man in black was from Chu Limo.

The man in black spat out a mouthful of blood, staring at You Xue with gloomy and murderous eyes, "You Xue, how dare you betray the sect master."

"Feng Tianlan, today is your death day." A cold voice came over.Chu Limo and Yun Qing also appeared at Sunset Cliff.

And the man in black in front of him is the real head of the Feng clan, Feng Tianlan!

At that time, before coming to Sunset Cliff.Youxue said: "Don't ask me anything. I will give you an explanation when I arrive at Sunset Cliff. Now, I need you to help me put on a play. The sect master of Ghost Youmen is Feng Tianlan, the patriarch of the Feng clan. He wants Wang Qingshan's life."

Hearing this name, Chu Limo and Yun Qing were startled.Didn't Feng Tianlan die when she was in the Feng clan?

Youxue explained: "Feng Tianlan who died in the Feng clan is fake. It was just a substitute arranged by the real Feng Tianlan. The real Feng Tianlan left the Feng clan more than ten years ago , became the sect master of Guiyoumen. He was seriously injured by Shangguan, and later Wang Luoyan ruined his face and broke his fingers. Therefore, he wanted revenge. Her first target was Wang Qingshan, and then she was with Shangguan Ning, everyone related to Wang Luoyan."

"Why did you tell us this?" Yun Qing asked her.

You Xue just smiled, "Because I said before, I never wanted to hurt you. If I really wanted to hurt you, I should kill Wang Qingshan now and take his head back to Feng Tianlan. And the poison that was given to Feng Qingluan at the beginning was not a chronic poison, but a severe poison. The person I want to kill now is Feng Tianlan, and I still use your hands to kill Feng Tianlan." After finishing speaking, You Xue spoke again, "Everything you want to know will be clear when you arrive at Sunset Cliff."

On the sunset cliff.

Yun Qing looked at Feng Tianlan coldly, "Feng Tianlan, you harmed my grandmother and my mother back then. Now you are harming my grandfather again. Today, I want you to be buried here."

"Hmph." Feng Tianlan snorted coldly with his cold eyes, and looked at the people on Sunset Cliff, "Just because you want the life of this sect master too. Don't even think about it! On Sunset Cliff, there are all people from this sect master , since you are here, then leave it to the sect master." After speaking, there were dozens of men in black with high martial arts skills on the sunset cliff.

Seeing so many men in black suddenly appear.Youxue's eyes also turned cold, these people are the most powerful killers in the Ghost Youmen.He took out his flute, and the Seizing of Souls song leisurely played on Sunset Cliff.Immediately, there was screaming on the Sunset Cliff, and within a short while, dozens of men in black died terribly.The only people who are still alive in Guiyoumen are Feng Tianlan, Yan Feng, and the most powerful subordinates around Feng Tianlan who have not taken the soul-snatching poison.

Feng Tianlan never trusted anyone.The only ones he trusted were those who had followed him for many years from the Feng clan.As for the doormen of the ghost pylorus, he poisoned them all.Just want poison to control them.But Feng Tianlan would not have imagined that Youxue would use the Seizing Soul Song to deal with these poisoned disciples regardless of her own life or death.

"Pfft..." The sound of the flute fell, and You Xue also spat out a mouthful of blood.She already had internal injuries, but now she has activated her internal energy and played the Reaper of Souls, and the internal injuries have aggravated.

The people who watched the tragic death still died in the hands of their own people.Feng Tianlan stared at Youxue fiercely with murderous intent. "You dare to betray the sect master, you dare to betray the sect master. The sect master will let you know what it means to betray the sect master."

"I can do anything for you. I just can't watch you hurt them." Youxue wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, glanced at Chu Limo, Yun Qing, Wang Zixuan and the others, and said, "Leave him a whole corpse."

"Master, we will cover you. You go first." The subordinate who followed Feng Tianlan said.

"None of you can leave today."

"King Li, let's see if the sect master can leave." Feng Tianlan looked at Chu Limo and sneered.A gloomy and hostile look flashed in Feng Tianlan's eyes, and he glanced at You Xue who had already betrayed him.

Feng Tianlan's martial arts were not inferior to Chu Limo's. Although he had received Chu Limo's palm just now, he still had dozens of strokes with Chu Limo.As for Wang Zixuan and Yun Qing, they deal with the other ghosts and ghosts on Sunset Cliff.The other people in Guiyoumen were easy to deal with, and within a short time, all of them died under the hands of Yun Qing and Wang Zixuan.

Right now, the only people who are still alive at the Ghost Youmen on the Sunset Cliff are Feng Tianlan who fought against Chu Limo, Yan Feng who is not dead but is about to die, and You Xue who has suffered internal injuries.

"Cousin, I'll leave it to you. I'll help Limo." Although Chu Limo doesn't need her help, Feng Tianlan is her enemy, and she will avenge this revenge with her own hands.

Yan Feng didn't want to come to Sunset Cliff today.He knew that there would be a fierce battle at Sunset Cliff.However, Feng Tianlan insisted that he come with him.As a last resort, he had to come.

With Yun Qing added. 'bump! Another slap, Feng Tianlan was beaten hard and fell out, the seat where he just fell was very close to Yanfeng.

"Pfft." A mouthful of blood spat out.Feng Tianlan is worthy of being the patriarch of the Feng clan, with profound martial arts skills.After more than 100 strokes with Chu Limo, he was hit by Chu Limo just now, but he was not dead yet.Immediately afterwards, Chu Limo and Yun Qing called Feng Tianlan together.But at this moment, Feng Tianlan stretched out his hand and pulled Yan Feng over to block him.The two palms of Chu Limo and Yun Qing hit Yanfeng's body.

Yanfeng never thought that his father would use him as a shield until his death.

However, at this moment, Chu Limo and Yun Qing did not see it because there was a rumor blocking the front.At this moment, Feng Tianlan concentrated all his internal energy in the palm, and there was a cloud of black energy in the palm.It's poisonous in there.

But Feng Tianlan hit Wang Zixuan with the internal force gathered in his palm at this moment.But because of the seat, You Xue, who was at the side, could see this sudden palm clearly.

"Zixuan..." You Xue exclaimed in surprise.But at the moment Wang Zixuan is very close, there is no way to avoid this palm.Before You Xue had time to yell out all the words behind, she threw herself towards Wang Zixuan.Catched Feng Tianlan's palm for Wang Zixuan.At the same time, a sword stabbed Feng Tianlan's body.Feng Tianlan suffered from the pain, and then slapped Youxue fiercely.

That moment came so fast that no one could react.

Just like that, Youxue's body was slammed into the air, and a gust of wind blew, and the black veil on Youxue's face was blown off by the wind.Show a beautiful face.

Seeing that beautiful face, the wind seemed to have stopped.

Feng Tianlan smiled viciously, "Feng Youxue... Su Wanyan...haha... This is the fate of betraying the sect master. This is your fate."


"Sister Su."

Chu Limo was also taken aback for a while when he saw the woman.

On the Sunset Cliff, there were two exclamations.At this moment, Feng Tianlan took advantage of the moment when several people were shocked, and escaped from Sunset Cliff.

But the woman kept laughing and smiling.The body fell slowly.At that moment, it seemed that the sky was falling, and Wang Zixuan caught the falling woman.

"Why?" Holding the woman in his arms, Wang Zixuan collapsed at that moment.

"Sister Su, why is it you?"

Su Wanyan smiled, but there were tears in her eyes, "I'm sorry, I lied to you. I am Feng Youxue. I am Feng Tianlan's daughter. But I live as Su Wanyan. I... poof..." Again A mouthful of blood was spat out.After vomiting, Su Wanyan still smiled, "But how I wish I was Su Wanyan. Zixuan, I'm sorry, I took up Su Wanyan's identity and the love that originally belonged to her. I greedily thought that as long as Feng Tianlan If I die, no one in the world will know who I am, and I can continue to live as Su Wanyan. However, everything is impossible."

"Sister Su, stop talking. We're going down the mountain, we're going down the mountain now." At that moment, it didn't matter who she was.All she knew was that she was her sister Su.

Su Wanyan was crying, but shook her head with a smile, "It's useless. Feng Tianlan's two palms are highly poisonous, and now my internal organs have been broken by his internal force, and my heart is damaged. Even if the Da Luo Immortal It can't save me either."

"No. I won't let you die. To put it bluntly, I won't let you die. I haven't married you yet, we haven't married yet, so you can't die. I'll take you down the mountain, and there will be a way to save you."

Su Wanyan smiled, and held Wang Zixuan's sleeve, "Zixuan. I'm sorry, I can't accompany you. Let me tell you what I haven't finished. Sister Qing."

"I'm here. I'm here, Sister Su." Yun Qing cried and held her hand.

"Sister Qing. You have abilities and secrets coveted by the world. Don't trust anyone in the Feng Clan. The Feng Clan is no longer what it used to be. They...they have a purpose for you. Also, Feng Tianlan, he...he has always wanted to get the letter in your hand. Sister Qing, that letter must not fall into Feng Tianlan's hands. And it must not fall into the hands of the Feng clan. Sister Qing, Do you know? When I found out that you were the spiritual girl of the Feng clan, I was thinking why I didn't find you earlier. That way, I could protect you earlier. However, I still did a lot of things that hurt you in the end .Since the Yuehu assassination...I have been hurting you. Sister Qing, if I can, how I wish I could always protect you."

"His Royal Highness Li." Su Wanyan looked at Chu Limo again and shouted, "Protect Sister Qing. Don't let anyone hurt her. And never lie to her. I've already lied to her once, don't lie to Sister Qing .”

"I will never lie to Qingqing."

"Sister Su. I don't blame you, I don't blame you for deceiving me. But if you want to live, you must live. As long as you live, I don't blame you for everything."

"It's too late. Sister Qing, everything is too late. Sister Qing, Your Highness Li Wang, the Moon Spirit Flower you are looking for is in Beiyuan Country. This is my compensation for deceiving you before I die. Also, this is The distribution map of Guiyoumen's forces in the northern border and various places." As she spoke, Su Wanyan took out a blueprint from her pocket and handed it to Yun Qing. "Also, I found out that the general guarding the northern border is from the Feng clan. But he is not from Feng Tianlan. I think there are other people from the Feng clan who control the northern border. As for who, I haven't found it yet. I hope I can give you some help. Sister Qing, please say sorry for me and Qingluan. I poisoned her because of no other choice."

"Sister Feng won't blame you. Stop talking. Promise me, don't die."

"I don't want to finish, I'm afraid I'll die. I don't have time. There's one more thing I've always felt sorry for. Sister Qing, Zixuan, you must help me."

"You said."

"You say, I will help you."

"Help me find the real Su Wanyan. Return her to Mrs. Su, Mrs. Su. Back then, Feng Tianlan asked me to switch identities with the real Su Wanyan, and Feng Tianlan wanted to silence her. But I looked at her photo that looked like mine. Nine points of similar faces, I did not kill her but quietly brought her to the northern region. But more than ten years have passed. I have never returned to the northern region, and now I don’t know where she is. But I know, She must still be alive. She must still be somewhere in the north. She looks very similar to me. If it were in the north, Feng Tianlan would kill her if he found her one day. You must help me find her She. Take her back to Chujing and return her to Mrs. Su, Mrs. Su. In addition, please say sorry to Mrs. Su and Mrs. Su, I caused them to be separated from their daughter for more than ten years."

"Zixuan, you must help me find her."

"I promise you."

Su Wanyan smiled, touched his face lightly with her hand, and said softly: "Zixuan. I have lived in deception and killing all my life. The only thing I haven't deceived myself is that I fell in love with you. Zixuan, Live well. I know you may hate me, but I hope you live well. I'm just a short scene in your life, and you still have a long way to go."

On the sunset cliff, the wind blew even louder.

whispering softly.Only she said with a smile: "I heard that watching the sunset at Sunset Cliff is the most beautiful. Zixuan, watch the last sunset with me."

"Okay." He replied. "I'll watch with you."

Holding the woman tightly in their arms, the two sat on the edge of the cliff and watched the sun slowly set.

"It's so beautiful! This is the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen." The woman smiled and said softly.

"Yes! It's so beautiful!" Wang Zixuan responded.

Chu Limo and Yun Qing also stood quietly on the sunset cliff.Look at the sun that is about to set.

"It's...beautiful..." The woman watched the round of sunset with a smile, with a slight smile on her lips.Finally, he gently closed his eyes.A drop of tear slipped and dripped on that beautiful face.


On the sunset cliff, there was a heart-piercing cry.

(End of this chapter)

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