The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 803 108. You won't lie to me, betray me, right?

Chapter 803 108. You won't lie to me, betray me, right?

Su Wanyan left, no, it should be said that Feng Youxue left.Leave this world forever.From now on, there will be no such person as Feng Youxue in the world.In this world, there might not be another Feng Youxue who loves Wang Zixuan so much.Maybe it will appear, but it won't be like Feng Youxue's love to the point of being desperate.Love arrives to kill the father.

Because she loved Wang Zixuan to the bone marrow, Feng Youxue chose to kill her own father, and she was unwilling to hurt Wang Qingshan, Yun Qing and the others.

And what about Feng Tianlan?
He has used his daughter all his life.Even, she never regarded Feng Youxue as her daughter.In his heart, they are just his pawns, pawns that can die at any time.For example, talk.At that moment at Sunset Cliff, Feng Tianlan could use words to block her.You can also give Feng Youxue two deadly palms with a ruthless hand.

And the tragedy of Feng Youxue's life was meeting Feng Tianlan's father who was not as good as a beast.If she was just an ordinary woman, if she was just Su Wanyan, she would live happily in this life.

Feng Youxue said: It's not that she hasn't thought about killing Feng Tianlan all these years.It's not that he didn't think about leaving Guiyoumen and getting rid of Feng Tianlan's use.However, Feng Youxue is also the most loving person.Because of her mother, her mother loved Feng Tianlan so much.Before her death, her mother said that no matter what happened, she could not leave her father.Because of this sentence.No matter what Feng Tianlan wanted to do, she would never disobey his orders.Instead, do your best.

She, a little girl, has become the best killer of ghost pylorus.It became the most powerful sword in Feng Tianlan's hands.

But this sword is also the most infatuated sword.

All Feng Youxue wanted in her life was to be with the person she liked in a normal way.With friends, with family, with lovers.

These, Feng Tianlan never gave to Feng Youxue.And she.It was from Yun Qing and the others that they got friendship, from the Su family, and from Wang Zixuan, and from Wang Zixuan.Because of these, Feng Youxue is unwilling to hurt the people she cares about the most.Unfortunately, she also did some things that hurt them.

But that woman's life was so short, she stayed on Sunset Cliff forever.


It has been half a month since Feng Youxue passed away.For the past half month, Wang Zixuan fell into a state of grief.Wang Mansion, Li Wang Mansion, and Nangong Mansion also fell into grief, and the mansion was gloomy and gloomy.It's just that some sorrows can be seen, and some sorrows cannot be seen.

As for the Su family, although Feng Youxue is not their biological daughter, they have had a relationship for more than ten years.This feeling can't be given up no matter what.In their hearts, she was already their daughter.That day, when Mrs. Su and Mrs. Su saw the woman's body, Mrs. Su cried and passed out several times.In the end, Feng Youxue also left the funeral in Su Manor's identity as Su Wanyan.


No one wanted to believe that that gentle and quiet woman had really left.

No one wants to believe that that gentle and quiet woman is actually a ghost.It is even more unbelievable that she is the most powerful killer of ghost pylorus.

They may still be looking forward to it, and looking forward to it all is just a nightmare.After waking up from the nightmare, Su Wanyan is still Su Wanyan.

However, this is a real nightmare after all.That woman will never come back.

And that woman, before leaving, left them the most precious thing.A map of the power distribution of the ghost gate, and the whereabouts of the moon spirit flower.In just half a month, all the forces of Ghost Pylori Gate in Chujing and other places were wiped out.

From the palace hall.

"My lord. I still haven't found Feng Tianlan's whereabouts." Ruthless reported: "My lord, there is no place for him in Chujing. Will he return to the northern border?"

"He's seriously injured and can't go very far. He must be recuperating somewhere near Chujing. No matter what the cost, we must find him as soon as possible."

After Sunset Cliff that day, Feng Tianlan took the opportunity to escape.However, the fact that he was able to escape without a trace after being seriously injured meant that there were people nearby to support him at that time.And Feng Tianlan was seriously injured, it's only been half a month, it's impossible for his injury to heal so quickly.Now, he must be hiding somewhere to heal his wounds.


Feng Tianlan has been able to hide for so many years, it is impossible not to leave a way out for himself.In other words, there are hidden forces behind Feng Tianlan that Feng Youxue doesn't know about.The power of these ghosts and ghosts that they are eliminating now is only part of it, but not all.But one thing is certain, there is no ghost pylorus force in Chujing anymore.The Feng family is in the northern region, the ghost gate is also in the northern region, and Xueyue City is also close to the northern region.Then, Feng Tianlan will definitely return to the north first.But there is also a possibility that Feng Tianlan will hide in this secret place to recuperate and cannot come out.As long as Feng Tianlan doesn't come out by himself, they won't be able to find him for a while.

It has to be said that Feng Tianlan is really a strong opponent he has encountered.

When he returned to Liyuan, Yun Qing was still reading the notebook in his hand.

After returning from Sunset Cliff, Yun Qing took out the notebook and read it again and again.For such a thick notebook, in just half a month, Yun Qing has read the last page from the first page.Have even watched it several times.She can already recite the contents inside backwards.However, she just didn't see what abilities and secrets Su Wanyan had said before she died in the letter.

"Qingqing. Don't read it. You have been reading this notebook for half a month." Chu Limo snatched the notebook from Yun Qing's hand.

"I want to see what secrets are hidden in the notebook that I haven't found yet."


She always remembered the last words that woman said when she left: You have abilities and secrets coveted by the world, don't trust anyone in the Feng clan.Don't let Feng Tianlan get this handbook.

So?What abilities and secrets are hidden in her body?What exactly is in the letter?
Why did Feng Tianlan think of getting this handbook?
Also, Sister Su said not to trust anyone from the Feng clan, so?Did these people also include Su Wudao and Su Baiyi?

Thinking about it now, when Su Wudao first joined the Feng clan, the shock in Su Wudao's eyes when he saw him for the first time, and the flash of calculation in his eyes.At first, she thought that Su Wudao plotted against her just because he wanted her to stay on the snow mountain.Help him clean up the scum of the Feng clan.Now that I think about it, that's not the case at all.Did Su Wudao already know that the 'Feng Tianlan' on the snow mountain is not the real Feng Tianlan?

It's just that she doesn't understand.If Su Wudao really plotted against her behind her back.Why do you have to accompany her to get this notebook again, why do you have to undo the seal on her body again.Why did you give her the Millennium Blood Ganoderma lucidum?
So everything is like a bunch of fans.Without solving these mysteries, she will have trouble sleeping and eating.She is also sorry for the news that Sister Su desperately left her.

"Li Mo, is Chu Jing's matter settled?" Yun Qing asked.

"Hmm." A soft voice answered.

"Let's go to the northern border. I want to find Su Wudao and Su Baiyi. I want to find out if they are planning something behind the scenes. I want to know if they are also cheating me. Also, Sister Su As I said, the Moon Spirit Flower is also within the territory of Beiyuan Kingdom. We have done these two things. After we get the Moon Spirit Flower and get rid of the poison on your body, shall we leave here? Let’s find a quiet place to calm down. Live a life lightly."

Su Wanyan's departure made her suddenly very scared.She was terrified of being cheated once.Be trusted by yourself, deceived by your closest relatives.She was very afraid, very afraid that Su Wudao was deceiving her by doing all this.She is also very afraid, Su Baiyi has been plotting against her behind her back.

Similarly, she was tired of such a life full of deceit and betrayal.

However, the development of things is often unpredictable.The more she wanted an ordinary life, the more difficult it was.

"Okay. I'll go with Qingqing." Holding the woman in his arms gently, Chu Limo spoke softly.

Yun Qing leaned in his arms, watched the pear blossoms flying down outside, and asked softly, "Li Mo, you won't lie to me or betray me, right?"

"No." Chu Limo replied, "I will never deceive Qingqing or betray Qingqing."

Yun Qing murmured softly, "Li Mo, you should know what kind of person I am, and I can't tolerate any deceit or betrayal in my eyes. You'd better not deceive me or betray me. Otherwise, I will kill you .I will literally kill you."

She does not allow deceit and betrayal in her life.If Chu Limo deceived her and betrayed her.Even if she loves him deeply, she will really kill him without hesitation.

"No. I will never lie to you or betray you. I am a fool, and I will never have that day. In this world, anyone will lie to you and betray you, but there will never be me. "

Yun Qing leaned against Chu Limo's arms, a tear fell from her eyes.After Su Wanyan left, for the past half month, she felt very sad.But she kept holding back and didn't cry.It's not that she is not sad, but that she hides all her sorrows.

"Qingqing, I know you're sad. But I won't allow you to be sad." Gently wiped away the tears on Yun Qing's face, and said softly: "She has a spirit in the sky, and she doesn't want you to be sad all the time." Sad."

"I know. I won't be sad forever." She won't be sad forever.She will find Feng Tianlan, kill him, and avenge Sister Su.Yun Qing asked, with a cold murderous look in his eyes, "Have you found Feng Tianlan's whereabouts?"

Chu Limo said, "He was seriously injured at Sunset Cliff and couldn't run very far. There are hidden forces behind Feng Tianlan. That day at Sunset Cliff, he was rescued by this group of people. Presumably this hidden force is Feng Youxue doesn't know either. I've arranged to investigate Feng Tianlan's whereabouts ruthlessly, and news will come soon."

Feng Tianlan is a scheming, vicious person.After so many years of secret planning, he will not leave a way out for himself.The Feng clan has a history of thousands of years.How deep is the hidden power behind it will be impossible to find out for a while.

However, Feng Tianlan has been planning for many years.Before his goal is achieved, he will definitely show up again.

And he's not easy to mess with.As long as Feng Tianlan is still in Chu Jing and on his territory, it is only a matter of time before he is found.And what he has to do is to find Feng Tianlan and find out how many forces are hidden behind Feng Tianlan.Then clean up one by one.

Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo and said again, "Then when shall we set off for the northern border?"

It is of course very important to find Feng Tianlan for revenge.It is also very important to find Su Wudao and Su Baiyi to find out whether they are planning her behind the scenes.But more important is Chu Limo's body.He has already taken the life extension pill, and he only has three years.Now that they knew that the Moon Spirit Flower was in Beiyuan Country, what they had to do more urgently was to find that Moon Spirit Flower in Beiyuan Country.

"I have already sent people to Beiyuan Country to inquire about the news of the Moon Spirit Flower. We will set off for the northern border in a few days." When Sunset Cliff got the news about the Moon Spirit Flower, he immediately sent the news back Heartless Villa.Let his people go to Beiyuan country to investigate.I believe that it will not be long before news will come back.

"Okay." Yun Qing nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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