The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 804 109. Want to hit a wall with a piece of tofu!

Chapter 804 109. Want to hit a wall with a piece of tofu!
Time passed like this for a few days.Chu Limo and Yun Qing have already decided to go to the northern border, but they haven't had time to tell everyone about it.Chu Jing's affairs should be busy and almost busy.It is estimated that they will leave for the northern border in one or two days.

pear orchard.It was getting dark.

"Something has happened." Nangong Jin climbed over the wall and entered the pear garden, and sat down.His face is serious.People in Liyuan are already used to Nangong Jin climbing over the wall.

Seeing his eldest brother's serious appearance, Yun Qing quickly asked, "What happened?"

"Wang Zixuan is gone. Do you think Wang Zixuan will be overwhelmed..." Jumped off the cliff?Nangong Jin didn't say anything later.However, he has seen Wang Zixuan's grief these days.He was afraid that if such an infatuated person couldn't think about it alone, what would he do if he wanted to die and jump off the sunset cliff?
"No. Big cousin wouldn't do that." Yun Qing repeatedly vetoed it.He quickly asked again: "Did the eldest cousin leave any letters?"

Sister Su's departure is really a big blow to the big cousin.Since Sister Su's accident, the eldest cousin has resigned from the post of Prime Minister of Da Chu.All day long, I either go to see Sunset Cliff, or go to Sister Su’s tomb.But she knew that big cousin would not seek death.For Sister Su's last wish, the eldest cousin will not seek death so easily.

"No. There is nothing left." Nangong Jin replied, "You know, he is in a bad mood these days. Grandpa is also afraid that he won't think about it, so he let me and Ziqing watch him during this time. However, today he came from Su After the girl came back from the tomb, she locked herself in the room and did not come out. It was not until the night when the servants in the mansion went to deliver dinner that they found out that he was not in the room. They searched the whole mansion, even looking for the setting sun There is no sign of Wang Zixuan in front of the tombs of Miss Ya and Miss Su. Who knows if he will do something stupid this late at night."

"Big cousin won't seek death. He promised sister Su that he would live a good life. So, he won't break his promise." She thought, big cousin must have just left Chujing.He promised Sister Su that the eldest cousin would not break his promise, so the eldest cousin must be... Yun Qing suddenly thought of Su Wanyan's dying words at Sunset Cliff that day, and found the real Su Wanyan.So?Yun Qing exclaimed, "Big cousin must have gone to the north."

"You mean he went to the northern border to find the real Su Wanyan?"

Yun Qing said, "This is Sister Su's last words."

Nangong Jin scolded unhappily, "This kid, you have to tell everyone if you want to leave. Just left without making a sound. Don't you know that I thought he was going to jump off the Sun Cliff just now. Damn you, Bai I was worried for a while." After a pause, Nangong Jin said again, "Feng Tianlan has not been found yet, Wang Zixuan went to the northern border by himself, I am really worried about him."

"Feng Tianlan is seriously injured now, and he should still be somewhere in Chujing. Although the northern border is full of dangers, there are not many people who can hurt big cousin. I'm just worried..." Yun Qing paused .The eldest cousin is also capable of both literature and martial arts, although in terms of martial arts, he is not as good as Nangong Jin and the second cousin Chu Limo who are equally powerful.However, there are not many people in this world who can hurt big cousin.It's just that her only worry is that her eldest cousin is in a low mood now.Moreover, above the rivers and lakes, there are many masters in the northern region.I'm afraid that the big cousin will not hide when he encounters provocations from masters, and instead allows those masters to hurt him.

"Qingqing, don't worry. Wang Zixuan will be fine. If he really goes to the northern border, we will soon catch up with him."

yes!They are going to the northern border in just two days, maybe they will meet their big cousin on the way.Yun Qing looked at Nangong Jin, "Brother, we are leaving Chujing for the northern border." She had already discussed this matter with Chu Limo, and they will leave in two days.

"When are you leaving? Master, go back and pack up." Nangong Jin had expected that they would leave.After all, the matter of Yue Linghua cannot be delayed any longer.

"It's me and Qingqing. You stay." Nangong Jin's enthusiasm was extinguished by Chu Limo's words in an instant.After a pause, Chu Limo spoke again, "I will leave the matter of Chu Jing to you. Also, before we come back, don't let the person in the palace die."

Nangong Jin rolled his eyes, "When did the master say that he would go with you? Yue'er is about to give birth in three months. The master said to pack up some medicine for you, so that you can take it in case you need it on the road .”

How could he leave Chu Jing at this time?His Yue'er is about to give birth in three months, how could he leave his wife and child behind for this bastard.

Yun Qing smiled lightly at this moment, "Time flies so fast, Bai Yue is going to give birth in three months. By then you will be a father, and I will be an aunt." She still remembered that not long ago Discussing the child's name with Bai Yue.Time flies, so long has passed in a flash. "By the way. Brother, have you chosen a name for the child?"

Nangong Jin said with a smug smile, "I've thought about it a long time ago. If it's a boy, it's Nangong Yu, and if it's a girl, it's Nangong Yu."

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched slightly, wondering if her elder brother's names for boys and girls were a little too casual.What if Bai Yue is pregnant with twins or twins? "Brother, did you choose your name too casually? In case Bai Yue is pregnant with two, this name..."

"Yue'er is pregnant with one, and it's a boy." Nangong Jin replied affirmatively.

When Bai Yue was pregnant, Nangong Jin made a lot of obstetrics and gynecology.Although he is a dignified generation of genius doctor.However, I never got involved in this category before, until I saw Bai Yue was pregnant and saw how hard it was for her to be pregnant.Seeing her working so hard but I can only watch, not to mention how distressed she is.Had to work hard on this.

The corners of Yun Qing's mouth twitched even more.Is her elder brother showing off on purpose?
However, when Chu Limo heard Nangong Jin say with certainty that it was a boy, his face darkened inexplicably.But now he still clearly remembers that he intimately called that little bastard who hadn't been born yet, Little Baby.Chu Limo suddenly felt very sour, very sour.

"Nangong Jin, it's okay, you can get out." Chu Limo's tone was very bad.

Nangong Jin gritted his teeth angrily, and shouted viciously, "Chu Limo, can you treat me better? Don't look like I owe you money. I am very upset when you are like this. You are here If you treat me like this, I will run away from home in anger. I want to leave Chujing. Whoever you want to take care of the mess in Chujing. Anyway, I don’t care."

"Okay. You can go. It's best to leave now. Don't want your daughter-in-law and son." Chu Limo looked at Nangong Jin, raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't worry, after you leave, this king will find a new one for your wife." The man is married, find another father for your son."

"Chu Limo, you are such a bastard. Why did I make you such a bad friend?" Nangong Jin cursed angrily, but consciously, while scolding, he jumped over the wall and ran away.It's just that Nangong Jin's cursing voice can still be heard on the other side of the wall, "Chu Limo, you'd better stay in the northern border for me and not come back. I don't want to see you bastard."

Yun Qing felt a little funny. "Aren't you afraid that you will really make your eldest brother go away?"

"He won't go."

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched slightly, "Why are you so sure that elder brother won't be mad at you and go away. In case he gets hot-headed, he will take Bai Yue away with him. What about Chu Jing?" You know, Nangong Jin Often mixed in the rivers and lakes, Bai Yue is also a child of the rivers and lakes.If Nangong Jin wandered around the rivers and lakes with Bai Yue, he hid somewhere.Chu Limo really couldn't find him for a while.And they were going to the northern border, Chujing would be left unattended, and Feng Tianlan might still be watching somewhere in Chujing, if Feng Tianlan made trouble at that time.If Emperor Chu in the palace also intervened, Chu Jing would really be in chaos.When the time comes, they will be far away in the north, and they will really be helpless.

Chu Limo spoke again, and said firmly, "He won't leave." At least, he won't leave at this time.Nangong Jin wouldn't let it go at this time.

"You just bully Big Brother hard."

Suddenly, Chu Limo's tone was very ambiguous, leaning over to Yun Qing's ear and whispering softly, "I won't bully him, I'll bully Qingqing, okay? Qingqing, you've been ignoring me for a long time. You You are leaving me in the cold, I should be in pain."

It looked like he was really suffering.Yun Qing thought for a while, it seemed that she had neglected him for a long time.Since sister Su's accident, she has been ignoring him and not letting him touch her, but he really held back and hasn't touched him during this time.Counting the days now, it has been more than a month.A few days ago, it seemed that he couldn't help wanting himself.But it happened that she was on her period, so the matter was left alone.

He looks like a hungry wolf now.He endured it for so long, and there was no scum left of him that would definitely be squeezed.

"Well, can it be a few days. I..." Yun Qing stammered.

"Qingqing, I don't want it in a few days. I want it now. Qingqing, can't you see that I am suffering? I am really suffering." A certain person looked dissatisfied with desire.

"But...but me." She could say that she was actually afraid that she would be squeezed by him to the point where there was not even a scum left.So are you a little scared?If she said so, it is estimated that he would not let himself go.After thinking about it, Yun Qing asked, "How about a few days?"

"Why do you have to wait a few days?" Someone has endured it for more than a month. If you let him endure it for a few days, he will probably die of pain.

Yun Qing started to talk nonsense, and said hesitantly, "I...I'm the one who just left for a few days. We are now the one who is easy to have children. Yes, it's not safe now. Wait until the safe days are... okay?" Yun Qing I feel like I have found a good excuse.

Chu Limo looked at her tenderly, and said softly, "Is Qingqing afraid of having children?"

Yun Qing nodded quickly, "Yeah." She wasn't afraid of having a child, but she was afraid that she would be squeezed out of nothing.So, I had to use this as an excuse.

"Doesn't Qingqing like children very much?" There was a trace of strangeness in Chu Limo's eyes, but it passed quickly.

He still remembered that when Bai Yue was pregnant, Qingqing asked him: Li Mo, do you think I will have a baby too?
At that time, there was a trace of expectation on Qingqing's face.If he hadn't taken Linglongzi and Youhua, Qingqing would have been pregnant with his child by now.But with Qingqing's current appearance, does it mean that she doesn't like children anymore?Or, Qingqing doesn't want to have a child with him?

"I..." Of course she likes children very much.I have always hoped to have a child who is connected with my blood.But at this moment, how would she tell him.Not doing it with him is actually because I am afraid of being squeezed.If she answered like this, it is estimated that she will not be able to get out of bed for three days.Thinking of this, Yun Qing's body trembled inexplicably.It's too scary not to get out of bed for three days, so it's better not to happen.After a pause, Yun Qing bit the bullet and continued to talk nonsense, "I like children very much. But I never thought about having children now. You know, we have only been married for less than a year. If we have children now , our two-person world will be disturbed. Besides, we are going to the northern border soon, do you want to see me give birth on the way to the northern border?"

Sure enough, after listening to Yun Qing's words.Chu Limo felt that it would be troublesome to have a baby now.With a child, the two-person world of him and Qingqing will be gone.At that time, I will be in the north again, and I don't know what will happen if I give birth to a child in the north.

But in fact, the most important thing is that he still listened to Yun Qing's saying that having a child will disturb their two-person world.Compared with the two-person world of the child and Qingqing, he would of course choose wisely to have a little more of the two-person world with Qingqing.

"Then listen clearly. We don't want children for the time being." Hearing this sentence, Yun Qing was about to clap his hands and applaud.As a result, Chu Limo's next sentence was, "I'll go to Nangong Jin to get the medicine, and I promise not to let Qingqing have a child now."

Then, Yun Qing's complexion turned into a mess in an instant.She felt that she seemed to have dug a big hole for herself, and then she just jumped into it.

God!How could she make such an excuse.

In an instant, Yun Qing's mood was not good at all!

However, Chu Limo had already climbed over the wall to Nangong Jin's side.She couldn't even stop it.

Yun Qing wanted to find a piece of tofu and smash it headfirst.Thinking about what was going to happen later, Yun Qing wanted to cry without tears: "Oh my God! Give me a piece of tofu and let me hit the wall! Let people die!"

(End of this chapter)

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