The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 805 110.1 The drama of running away from home after a disagreement!

Chapter 805 110. The drama of running away from home after a disagreement!

Chu Limo went straight over the wall and came to the courtyard where Nangong Jin lived.However, Chu Limo did not break in directly.After all, there was a pregnant woman inside.It doesn't seem very good to break in in the middle of the night.Qingqing once told him not to scare Bai Yue, let alone the child in Bai Yue's belly.He wants to listen to clear words.

As soon as he appeared in the yard, Nangong Jin knew it.Fortunately, Nangong Jin didn't fall asleep so soon.

When he opened the door and came out, he saw Chu Limo standing outside the yard.Nangong Jin suddenly wanted to laugh. This was the first time he saw Chu Limo, a bastard, standing outside someone's yard waiting in the middle of the night.

"Didn't you tell me to go away? Why, I know I was wrong. Is this here to admit my mistake and apologize?" Nangong Jin said with a face. If you came to admit your mistake and apologize, because of your sincerity, Lord will forgive you.

Chu Limo glanced at Nangong Jin coldly, as if you were too affectionate.He said indifferently, "You think too much. The king came to you to ask you to prepare me medicine for half a year."

"In the middle of the night, what medicine do you want?" Nangong Jin asked with a glaring look at him.He didn't care about apologizing with him, but if Chu Limo really apologized to him, he would seriously think about whether there was anything weird about it.

"Birth control pills."

"Pfft... what did you say?" Nangong Jin let out a laugh and staggered, almost falling to his death.What did he just hear?The bastard asked himself the contraceptive pill?
I go!What's the situation?

"Go get the medicine." A certain person's face was dark, as dark as the bottom of a pot.

"I want it now?" Nangong Jin glanced at Chu Limo with a suppressed smile, touched his chin, and then asked, "Did you and Wang Ziqing take the wrong medicine? Wang Ziqing hasn't woken him up for eight days in the first year of the new year." So I ran to Grandpa and asked Grandpa for a year's worth of contraceptive pills. Now you come to ask me for it again, did the two of you... have an agreement to play tricks on Grandpa?"

They really thought he was a pharmacist, one asked him for a year, and the other asked him for half a year.Where does he have so many contraceptive pills for them.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and get the medicine." Chu Limo looked impatient.

"Grandpa doesn't have so many medicines."

When Wang Ziqing came to ask him for contraceptive pills last time, he didn't have that kind of pills with him at all.Later, that bastard Wang Ziqing kept pestering him, and he had no choice but to find him one.But when Wang Ziqing left, he asked him to refine a one-year contraceptive pill as soon as possible.But also the kind that is gentle and does not harm the human body.As a result, for a period of time, he refined medicine for that bastard Wang Ziqing every day.As a result, the medicine was refined, and Wang Ziqing said thank you and it was over.You are not polite at all and took all the medicine away.Fortunately, how many precious medicinal materials he wasted in order to refine the medicine for him!Wang Ziqing did not give any money.He made a huge loss in this business.

Chu Limo glanced at Nangong Jin coldly, and said in a very impatient tone, "Give me how much you have first, and give me the medicine for the remaining half a year before Qingqing and I go to the northern border." Prepare more medicines. Besides, I don’t want this kind of medicine to be harmful.”

"You guys are really old men! You asked me for contraceptive pills in the middle of the night. You still have so many demands." Nangong Jin felt that he must have had a brain twitch when he was a child to make such a friend.However, Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows and looked at the impatience on someone's face, as if he understood something, smiled, "Chu Limo, you seem to be dissatisfied with your desires now. Tell me, is it me?" My sister doesn't allow you to go to bed... I have been abstinent for too long, and now I am full of enthusiasm. Haha, Chu Limo, you have today." But a certain person smiled deliberately while asking the question, which was very ambiguous.

Chu Limo's face turned black in an instant, and he said calmly, "Nangong Jin, no one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

"Oh my god! You won't really be hit by the master, right? Yunqing won't allow you to go to bed. Tsk tsk, tell me, how long have you been abstinent with this dissatisfied desire?" Nangong Jin asked with a face full of fearlessness .

It is estimated that Nangong Jin will go farther and farther on the road to death!

"Nangong Jin, you are talking nonsense, believe it or not, I asked you to be a monk for the rest of your life." Someone was angry.He gave Nangong Jin a hard look, if he didn't remember Qingqing's words, no use of force is allowed here, scaring a pregnant woman in the yard, he would definitely beat Nangong Jin to death.In short, he remembered this grudge. "Go get the medicine."

Seeing that someone's anger was rising, Nangong Jin also knew that he had really offended someone.However, why is this guy so tempered tonight?He didn't even touch him.

If Nangong Jin knew that it wasn't that Chu Limo didn't want to fight him, but that he had written down the grudge, he would calculate it slowly in the future. I don't know if Nangong Jin would burst into tears at this moment?
Nangong Jin snorted, "Wait for me, I'll get it for you." It's really more uncle than uncle.

Fortunately, he left a few pills when he cleared the medicine for Wang Zi last time.

Soon, Nangong Jin came back from the room, threw a bottle to Chu Limo, and then raised his eyebrows: "There are three more in it. Remember, you can only take one at a time, and the effect of the medicine is within a day." It is effective. Both men and women can take it. Don’t worry about the medicine made by the master, it is absolutely mild and harmless. Take the medicine and leave quickly.” But it seemed that something was on his mind, Nangong Jin opened his mouth and stopped Chu Limo, saying : "I just remembered something and forgot to tell you."

Hearing this sentence, Chu Limo, who had just walked two steps, paused again.

Nangong Jin continued to speak, this time the expression was not joking, but a bit serious, "It's really not suitable for you to have children now. After all, you still have heartless poison on your body, what if you pass the poison on your body to your children? It's troublesome. I don't want a person who has not been rescued to be poisoned by the unfeeling poison again. This kind of thing is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Before you have completely cured the unfeeling poison, you had better not have children .Also, even if you detoxify the unfeeling Gu at that time, your body will have to recuperate for a period of time at least to clean up all the toxins in your body before you have a baby. Don't worry, Master will refine the remaining medicine for you before you leave Chujing. Now, take the medicine and leave quickly, don't disturb Master."

Chu Limo put the bottle away without saying a word, and returned to the Liyuan over the wall once.

Nangong Jin looked at the back of someone leaving, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, it really belonged to his uncle!But after thinking about it, it's really not suitable for this guy to have children now, if he hadn't asked himself for contraceptives, he would have really forgotten about passing the Ruthless Gu poison to his children.

But thinking that this guy actually came to ask him for contraceptive pills in the middle of the night, Nangong Jin burst into laughter again!
When we returned to the Liyuan, the light in the Liyuan was very dark. In the room, Yun Qing left a lamp for Chu Limo.At this moment, Yun Qing was lying on the bed and pretending to be asleep.Yun Qing was inexplicably afraid that Chu Limo would turn into a hungry wolf.So, she was scared and had to pretend to be asleep.

The light in the room was very dim, but the woman pretending to be asleep on the bed could still be seen vaguely.

Chu Limo was a little funny, but also a little disappointed and a little bored.Is Qingqing afraid of him?Or Qingqing is no longer willing to be with him, so she would rather choose to pretend to sleep.

He walked gently to the bed and stopped.

Seeing Chu Limo, who was pretending to be asleep, was a little annoyed, and didn't go to bed to hug her to sleep at the moment.Instead, he stopped and stood by the bed and looked at her quietly.

As soon as Chu Limo came in, Yun Qing knew it.However, Yun Qing didn't dare to wake up at this time, so she continued to pretend to be asleep.But what's going on with this guy standing by the bed and looking at her?
He stood by the bed and looked at himself, and Yun Qing suddenly felt a pressure.She was so stressed that she couldn't really fall asleep.

After another incense stick of time, Yun Qing did not fall asleep, and Chu Limo also kept the same movements just now, standing by the bed and watching her quietly.

Now, he stood there for so long without saying a word.Instead, he kept looking at himself.Yun Qing was a little furious.Does this guy not want to sleep tonight?Yun Qing stood up and glared at Chu Limo, "Are you going to sleep?"

A certain person looked at Yun Qing with resentful eyes, and said lightly, "Stop pretending to be asleep."

Yun Qing choked suddenly.This guy, something seems wrong tonight?Was it a blow?But it doesn't look like it?
"Does Qingqing still pretend to be asleep?" Someone's tone was resentful.

Yun Qing also said angrily, "You keep looking at me, how can I fall asleep."

"So Qingqing admitted that she was just pretending to be asleep."

"What's wrong with me pretending to be asleep? If you don't stand by the bed and look at me, I will really fall asleep." Yun Qing said unhappy.

"Qingqing." Chu Limo suddenly looked at Yunqing seriously, and asked softly, "Qingqing, do you hate being with me now?"

Yun Qing choked for a moment, thinking about how to answer his question.She understood what Chu Limo was asking.It was nothing more than asking her if she didn't want to have sex with him.It's not that she doesn't want to, but she just hopes that she won't be squeezed too badly.As a result, Yun Qing paused.It was during this pause that Chu Limo's eyes suddenly darkened.Then Chu Limo turned around and walked away.

Yun Qing just watched helplessly as he turned and walked away.He literally went away.

It's so unreasonable!Chu Limo actually left.

After Chu Limo left for a long time, Yun Qing also began to reflect on the bed, whether he had just said something wrong to make him unhappy.But after thinking for a long time, Yun Qing couldn't figure out what exactly he said that made him unhappy.

The only thing she did tonight was pretending to be asleep.

Pretend to sleep!

Yun Qing suddenly understood.Could it be that he was angry because he pretended to be asleep?
Why is this person so stingy, he just pretended to sleep for a while, should he get angry and leave?

It's only been a long time since we got married, and we'll leave if we don't agree with each other.Then if the two of them quarreled next time, wouldn't this guy just go find another woman?

Thinking of this possibility, Yun Qing suddenly became angry.Didn't he say that he would pamper her and treat her well for the rest of his life?What does it mean now? "Bastard, Chu Limo, you big bastard, you bastard. If you leave, you don't want to come back. You leave as soon as you disagree. Do you think that my sister's temper is easy to bully? Do you think you will Are you going to leave? I made my sister angry, so I will leave too. You bastard, you'd better not come back."

In an instant, the room was ruined by Yun Qing.The things in the room were smashed to pieces by Yun Qing.It seemed that she was still angry, thinking that everyone had left, Yun Qing got dressed, and left the Liyuan angrily.


After Chu Limo left the pear garden, he came to the study and sat down.

"My lord." Wuqing knocked on the door of the study.This is the first time I saw my prince and princess quarreling.Especially the princess, who scolded the prince just now in the room alone.How long has it been since he heard the princess scolding people like this.How long has it been since I saw the princess facing the prince with such an angry look.It seems that the princess scolded the prince like this when she was still the young lady of the Mu family.well!My lord!You finally got together with the princess, why did you annoy the princess?It's not like you don't know the temper of the princess.Ruthlessly remembered how the princess had left the palace just now, and knocked on the door to report: "My lord, my concubine is gone."

The door of the study opened instantly, and Chu Limo, dressed in white, appeared in front of Wu Qing, and asked coldly, "Where did she go?"

Ruthless was almost not scared to death by his prince's appearance.However, he had to hasten to report: "The concubine is walking towards the city gate. This subordinate... this subordinate did not catch up." He was not able to catch up with the concubine when she had no lightness kung fu, and it is even more impossible to catch up now.

Hearing that his daughter-in-law left towards the city gate, Chu Limo couldn't care less about being sullen.

"Find the concubine, if you can't find the concubine, you don't have to come back." With a cold command, Chu Limo's ghostly figure left the study.

(End of this chapter)

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