The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 806 111. Qingqing, I know I was wrong!

Chapter 806 111. Qingqing, I know I was wrong!

As a result, most of the night.A certain person went out of the city overnight to chase his wife.

It's just that Yun Qing had already run away without a trace, and when Chu Limo chased him out, there was no sign of Yun Qing on the street.

And Yun Qing originally planned to leave the city.But then think about it.It's midnight now, where is she going out of town?What's more, she just wanted to scare Chu Limo and didn't really want to run away from home.At this juncture, running away from home is simply adding to the chaos, and she won't add to the chaos.So, under the three measures, Yun Qing smiled evilly at the corner of his mouth.Went in the other direction.

After chasing all the way to the outside of the city, there is no sign of Yun Qing outside the city.

"My lord, could it be that the concubine didn't go out of the city at all. Instead, she was inside the city." Wu Qing had already searched outside the city, but there was no trace outside the city.And it doesn't look like the princess will be out of town in the middle of the night.

Chu Limo looked at the forest outside the city with his deep eyes and was silent for a while, then he glanced at Wuqing with indifferent eyes, "Go back and get twenty army sticks yourself." After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the city.

Ruthless dared to disobey, respectfully replied: "This subordinate obeys orders."

No matter how angry Qingqing is, she will not leave at this time.It was because he was too impatient when he heard the news that Qingqing had left the city ruthlessly, so he thought that Qingqing had left the city.

It was about two or three o'clock in the morning when we returned to Li Wang's Mansion.

As soon as Chu Limo walked to the gate of the Liyuan, he saw the candlelight in the room, and his heart was overjoyed and a smile appeared on his mouth.He knew that Qingqing would not leave.The steps under her feet were also extremely fast, and she pushed open the door and walked in.The room was still in a mess, and everything inside was broken by Yun Qing's momentary anger.Yun Qing didn't clean up the debris on the ground either.And Yun Qing was lying on the bed with his back to Chu Limo and fell asleep peacefully.

In fact, Yun Qing knew it from the moment Chu Limo entered the door.She wasn't asleep at all.She had been waiting for him, she just wanted to see when he would find out that he had left at all but was in the mansion.

And she, although she was really angry just now, thought about running away from home to show Chu Limo.But after walking around the city, her anger disappeared.She saw Chu Limo go out of the city to find her in person.Her anger disappeared even more.

Seeing her there, he saw a mess in the room.He could imagine how angry Qingqing was just now.Thinking about it now, he shouldn't have gone away with a clear air.If Qingqing really got angry with him and left and never came back, then it would be himself who regretted it.After thinking about it, she took off her clothes and put her shoes and socks on the bed.Gently hug Yun Qing from behind.He knew that Qingqing hadn't fallen asleep at all, so he asked in a clear voice, "When did Qingqing come back?"

"I came back when I saw you leaving the city." Yun Qing said with his back turned to him.

"Why didn't Qingqing stop me when she saw that I was leaving the city?"

Yun Qing turned around, glanced at him, and said, "I just want to see when you will find out that I haven't left the city at all. The result is..."

Before Yun Qing could finish speaking, his lips were already sealed by someone's lips, and Yun Qing's words were swallowed one by one.

This kiss carried an aura of domineering, plundering and punishment.As if on purpose, Chu Limo lightly bit Yun Qing's lips.

Although this bite didn't bleed, it also made Yun Qing groan in pain.Yun Qing pushed him away, and stared fiercely at the man who bit her, "Chu Limo, why are you crazy?"

"Punish you for not being good."

"I..." Yun Qing said just now, and then thought about it again, but why is she not behaved?Why punish her.Obviously he left in anger.Could it be that if he is allowed to be petty, can't she be petty?What's more, she didn't really leave at all.Thinking about it, Yun Qing felt a little wronged.The eyes were suddenly stained with mist, and Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo with an aggrieved and pitiful look: "Obviously your husband left in anger. Why do you say that I am not good. I will say nothing when you leave Haven't said you yet, why do you punish me, why do you bite me."

Yun Qing seemed to cry more and more sad and wronged.The whole person burst into tears in Chu Limo's arms.While crying aggrievedly, Yun Qing scolded fiercely: "Chu Limo, you bastard. Do you think you can bully me if you marry me back? What else did you tell me that you will treat me forever?" Okay. I think you are just lying to me. Now that you have cheated me, you don’t cherish it anymore. You don’t love me anymore. You bully me now, and I don’t know how you will bully me in the future. Chu Limo, you How can you be such an asshole. Are all you men such assholes?"

"Qingqing, don't cry, okay? I'm a bastard, it's my fault. I was wrong. Don't cry." Seeing Yun Qing's tears, Chu Limo panicked all of a sudden, and gently replaced Yun Qing wiped the tears from his face.

How could he be willing to bully the woman he loved the most?How could he make her cry?

However, Yun Qing was still relentless, and said aggrievedly, "Do you know that an apology is enough for a mistake? If everyone is like you, can I also run away from home at will in the future? Then I just say that I made a mistake. It's all right, isn't it? If that's the case, I'll run away from home now."

"Qingqing, what do you want me to do?" Chu Limo said sincerely.

But in Yun Qing's eyes, Chu Limo clearly has no attitude of admitting his mistakes, nor any sincerity.Yun Qing said viciously, "You are the famous His Royal Highness Li Wang, with the power of life and death in your hands, what can I ask you to do. I dare to ask you to do anything."

But as soon as the words came out, Yun Qing regretted a little.Although I began to regret saying this in my heart, I didn't show it on my face.Still looking at Chu Limo with a vicious look.This was the first time that he had said such serious words to him since they fell in love.But this time, Chu Limo suddenly walked away like a convulsion, and just bit her again, saying that he wanted to punish her.She was really angry and annoyed.She was really angry in her heart, otherwise she wouldn't have thrown all the things to vent.

"Qingqing, I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have left. I shouldn't have made you angry. You're angry, can you hit me? I'll let you hit me, don't fight back." Chu Limo spoke softly.Between husband and wife, there is always one who has to bow first.What's more, he knows Qingqing's temperament, if he is also tough at this time, then Qingqing will really leave.And will go very decisively.At that time, he will really regret it.

"Qingqing, I know I was wrong. Can you forgive me?"

"Qingqing, I was wrong. Don't ignore me. Qingqing... Qingqing... I was wrong. I really know I was wrong." Chu Limo kept talking softly.

If it was before, Yun Qing would definitely not even look at him more than once.But she is still lost in the hands of this man.Who made her love this man? "Really know it's wrong?"

"I know it's wrong."



"That's because it's the first time you made a mistake, so I won't argue with you. Next time you dare to leave and bully me for no reason, I will never forgive you easily." Yun Qing said with claws and teeth.After a pause, Yun Qing spoke again, "At the end of the day, I know that I am wrong in this matter, but I am a woman and you are a man. Regardless of whether I am wrong or not, you are the most wrong. And there is It can be seen from this incident that we will definitely quarrel over small things in the future. However, if we really quarrel in the future, you can’t just walk away without a sound like today. Of course, I also You can't make petty people run away from home. If the two of us quarrel in the future, no matter whose fault it is, one of us must bow his head and admit his mistake first."

"Yeah." Chu Limo nodded, and said softly, "I won't quarrel with Qingqing in the future. This kind of thing won't happen again." At most, if Qingqing really wants to quarrel with him in the future, he must Will make it clear.

"Okay, let's go to bed. Tomorrow we have to talk to grandpa and the others about going to the northern border, so we should go to bed early." After a whole night of tossing, Yun Qing was really tired.They don't sleep well now, in two days they will have a long period of time not to sleep in the carriage, and the inn will be the woods in the wilderness.

"Qingqing, let's do something else before going to bed."


Chu Limo Fu whispered an ambiguous word in Yun Qing's ear.Yun Qing's face flushed suddenly.

Yun Qing glared at him shamefully and angrily, "You don't want to check the time anymore. What the hell are you thinking about every day?"

"Of course I'm thinking about Qingqing all the time. Besides, it's still early, so it's a waste if I don't do something in the middle of the night." Chu Limo stuck it and said softly, "Qingqing , I’ve already taken the medicine, don’t worry, I won’t let you get pregnant now. Nangong Jin said that the medicine will be effective within a day after taking it. Let’s not waste it in vain.”

Yun Qing's face turned even redder.But before Yun Qing had the chance to say no, Chu Limo was already bullied.


the next day.

When I woke up, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

Chu Limo really did what he said, and he didn't waste the medicine he took for nothing.It was even more crazy last night, tossing her over and over again.In the morning she was really tired and fell asleep.He was willing to let her go.

When she opened her eyes, she was the only one in the room.At this time, Yun Qing also didn't want to see Chu Limo, a bastard.But he is not in the room now, he should be busy dealing with Chu Jing's affairs in the study.After all, they planned to leave for the north the day after tomorrow.

"Xiaoxiao." Yun Qing called out.

Xiaoxiao, who had been waiting outside, heard the sound and pushed open the door and walked in.Since they got married, Chu Limo did many things for Yun Qing himself, and Xiao Xiao, the close servant, has been very leisurely.All I can do every day is cook something delicious.

"Princess." When Xiaoxiao came in, Yun Qing was leaning against the bed, only wearing a coat.The material of the clothes is somewhat transparent, and traces under the skin can still be vaguely seen.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm hungry." Yun Qing said in a lazy voice.

Xiaoxiao glanced at Yun Qing, especially when she saw the ambiguous traces on Yun Qing's body, she grinned and said, "I will do it right away."

Seeing the smile in Xiaoxiao's eyes, she looked down at herself again.Then he scolded the culprit in his heart.Someone in the study even sneezed several times in a row.

Not long after, Xiaoxiao came over with the prepared food.Yun Qing has also put on and tidied up her clothes.

"Xiaoxiao, your craftsmanship is really getting better and better." Yun Qing praised Xiaoxiao while eating the food made by Xiaoxiao.Xiaoxiao even smiled on the sidelines.The princess is happy when she likes to eat what she makes.

Looking at the delicious food in front of him, Yun Qing joked with a smile, "Xiaoxiao, what will I do if I can't eat your delicious food in the future!"

"The princess likes to eat, and the slaves can make it for the princess every day."

"It's just that we're going to the northern border soon." Yun Qing didn't plan to take Xiaoxiao with him this time.She didn't know what unforeseen dangers she would encounter in the northern border this time.Apart from Chu Limo and her family, Xiaoxiao is her family.She doesn't intend to let Xiaoxiao continue to follow her on adventures.

"I will go to the north with the princess. Then I can make it for the princess."

"Xiaoxiao, this trip to the north is full of dangers. I can't take you there. You stay in Chujing to help me take care of Bai Yue. She is about to give birth in a few months. Although Nong Hua is with Bai Yue, But Nonghua has been wielding knives and swords all the time, and she is not as careful in taking care of people as you are. Only when you are here can I rest assured."

Xiaoxiao suddenly knelt down and said: "Princess, the servant is not afraid of danger, the servant only wants to serve the concubine by her side. Didn't you promise the servant that you will take the servant with you wherever you go?"

Yun Qing suddenly said with a cold face, "Xiaoxiao. Since you recognize me as the master, then you should listen to me. If you don't listen, you will leave." Xiaoxiao has been with her for many years. Keep her safe.The North was a place she didn't know.She hasn't gone to that place yet, but she already senses a dangerous atmosphere.Therefore, she can't take Xiaoxiao with her.

"The servant obeys the orders of the concubine." Xiaoxiao didn't know that her young lady was doing it for her own good.But she is really not afraid of death.But she was most afraid that Miss would not want her.

"Okay. Get up. It's not like I won't be back. When I come back from the north, I will take you with me no matter where I go in the future."

Xiaoxiao said hastily, "The princess will definitely come back. The servant girl is waiting for the princess in Chujing."

Yun Qing looked at Xiao Xiao and smiled, "Silly girl. Wipe away your tears."

(End of this chapter)

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